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razzaghi borkhani F, rezvanfar A, movahed mohammadi S H, hejazi S Y. Mechanisms of Reducing Natural Disasters and Risk Management to the Sustainable of Citrus Gardens in Mazandaran Province. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2017; 4 (3) :35-52
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2748-fa.html
رزاقی بورخانی فاطمه، رضوانفر احمد، موحد محمدی سید حمید، حجازی سید یوسف. راهکارهای کاهش مخاطرات طبیعی و مدیریت ریسک در توسعه پایدار باغات مرکبات استان مازندران. تحلیل فضایی مخاطرات محیطی. 1396; 4 (3) :35-52

URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2748-fa.html

1- ، razzaghi.fatemeh@gmail.com
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بخش کشاورزی و بویژه زیربخش باغبانی، به دلیل وابستگی بیشتر به شرایط آب و هوایی، بیشترین آسیب ناشی از تغییرات اقلیمی را متحمل می‌شود، باغداری پایدار بر پایه رفتار بلندمدت باغداران برای تضمین پایداری و بهره‌وری زمین در آینده پدید می‌آید و به انتظارات و نگرانی‌های جامعه موردنظر در مورد تأمین غذای سالم و به حفاظت از محیط‌زیست و کاهش مخاطرات طبیعی توجه دارد. هدف اصلی این پژوهش، بررسی راهکارهای کاهش مخاطرات طبیعی و مدیریت ریسک در توسعه پایدار باغات مرکبات استان مازندران بود. پژوهش از نوع کاربردی و جامعه آماری آن شامل 122361 باغدار مرکبات در روستاهای مربوط به 12 شهرستان استان مازندران بود.حجم نمونه بر اساس فرمول کوکران به تعداد 290 نفر تعیین گردید و نمونه‌گیری به روش طبقه‌ای تصادفی با انتساب متناسب انجام شد. ابزار پژوهش پرسشنامه‌ای بوده که روایی (صوری و محتوایی) آن بر اساس نظر جمعی از کارشناسان کشاورزی پایدار، اعضای هیأت علمی گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی و گروه مدیریت و توسعه کشاورزی دانشگاه تهران تأیید گردید و روایی تشخیصی با استفاده از شاخص میانگین واریانس استخراج شده و پایایی پرسشنامه با استفاده از محاسبه آلفای کرونباخ و نیز پایایی ترکیبی تأیید شد.برای تبیین راهکارها از روش­ تحلیل عاملی تأییدی در مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری با نرم افزار لیزرل نسخه 8.80 استفاده گردیده است. با توجه به نتایج تحقیق در رتبه‌بندی سازه‌های مربوط به بعد سازوکارها در مدل تحلیل عاملی مرتبه دوم، "عوامل حمایتی- اعتباری"، " عوامل محیطی- فضایی" ، " عوامل اجتماعی-مشارکتی"، " عوامل دانش و آگاهی"، " عوامل زیرساختی- نهادی" ، "عوامل آموزشی- اطلاعاتی" و " عوامل اقتصادی" به ترتیب بیشترین نقش را به واسطه بار عاملی در ساختار عاملی مرتبه دوم دارند.
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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: تخصصي
دریافت: 1396/10/1 | پذیرش: 1396/10/1 | انتشار: 1396/10/1

فهرست منابع
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16. Bryan, E., Ringler, C., Okoba, B., Roncoli, C., Silvestri, S. & Herrero, M., 2011. Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in Kenya: Household and community strategies and determinants, In International Conference on May, Vol. 18.
17. Deressa, T.T., Hassan, R.M., Ringler, C., Alemu, T. & Yesuf, M. 2009. Determinants of Farmers’ Choice of Adaptation Methods to Climate Change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia, Global Environmental Change, 19(2):248-255.
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20. Ifeanyi-obi C.C., Etuk U.R. & Jike-wai O. 2012. Climate Change, Effects and Adaptation Strategies; Implication for Agricultural Extension System in Nigeria, Greener.Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (2):053-060.
21. Leblois, A & Quirion, P. 2010, Agricultural insurances based on meteorological indices: realizations, methods and research agenda, viewed 2 May 2012 .http://www.feem.it.
22. Mata-Lima,H., Alvino-Borba,A., Pinheiro, A., Mata-Lima,A., Almeida, J.A. 2013. Impacts of Natural Disasters on Environmental and Socio-Economic Systems: what Makes the difference. Ambiente & Sociedade, 16(3): 45-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1414-753X2013000300004.
23. Meuwissen, M.P. 2001. Insurance as a Risk Management tool for European Agriculture Washington.D.C; World Bank.
24. Miranda, MJ & Vedenov, D.V. 2001. Rainfall insurance for Midwest crop production, Selected Paper for AAEA Annual Meetings 2001.
25. Newly, P. D. & N. L. Treverrow. 2006. Sustainable Horticulture. Prime Fact 144. New South Wales Department of Primary Industry. Available: http://dpi.nsw.gov.au./primefacts.
26. Nguyen Tuan Anh .2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper No. 2 July 2016.
27. Richard, F. & Johan, R. 2001. Conservation Tillage for Sustainable Agriculture; An agrarian revolution gathers momentum in Africa. Soil & Tillage Research, 61(2001): 93-107.
28. Roberts, D.A &Shears, R. 2008. Assistance to Improve Local Agricultural Emergency Preparedness in Caribbean Countries Highly Prone to Hurricane Related Disasters. Good Agricultural Practices for Climate Risk Management in Grenada. Summary Report. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Agricultural Extension Service Ministry of Agriculture, Grenada. April 2008.
29. Sumner, D.A. 2003. Implications of the USA Farm Bill of 2002 for Agricultural Trade and Trade Negotiations. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(1): 117-140.
30. Tuan Anh, N. 2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper. (2): July 2016.
31. Washington State University. 2006. What is Risk Management? Available at: www. Westrme.wsu.edu/pdf/WhatisRiskManagement.pdf.
32. Willet Gayle. 2000. Pacific Assessing Your Farm’s Risk-Bearing Capacity: The Foundation of Effective Risk Management.
33. WORLD BANK. 2014. Reducing the Impact of Natural Disasters in Malawi: Empowering Citizens and Taking Charge. January 29, 2014. http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2014/01/29/reducing-the-impact-of-natural-disasters-in-malawi-empowering-citizens-and-taking-charge.
34. Anderson, J. R. & Dillon, J. L. 1992. Risk Analysis in Dry Land Farming System. Rome: FAO. Text site.
35. Asante, S.K. 2011. Empowering Farming Communities in Northern Ghana with Strategic Innovations and Productive Resources in Dry Land Farming, Project Number 6, CPWF Project Report, Savanna Agricultural Research Institute.
36. Bryan, E., Ringler, C., Okoba, B., Roncoli, C., Silvestri, S. & Herrero, M., 2011. Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in Kenya: Household and community strategies and determinants, In International Conference on May, Vol. 18.
37. Deressa, T.T., Hassan, R.M., Ringler, C., Alemu, T. & Yesuf, M. 2009. Determinants of Farmers’ Choice of Adaptation Methods to Climate Change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia, Global Environmental Change, 19(2):248-255.
38. Gangadharappa, H.V, Pramod, K.T.M. & Shiva, K.H.G. 2007. Gastric Floating Drug Delivery Systems: A Review. Journal of Indian. Pharm. Ed. Res. 41: 295–305.
39. Hulme, M. 2016. Concept of Climate Change, in: The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Wiley-Blackwell/Association of American Geographers (AAG). Retrieved 16 May 2016.
40. Ifeanyi-obi C.C., Etuk U.R. & Jike-wai O. 2012. Climate Change, Effects and Adaptation Strategies; Implication for Agricultural Extension System in Nigeria, Greener.Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (2):053-060.
41. Leblois, A & Quirion, P. 2010, Agricultural insurances based on meteorological indices: realizations, methods and research agenda, viewed 2 May 2012 .http://www.feem.it.
42. Mata-Lima,H., Alvino-Borba,A., Pinheiro, A., Mata-Lima,A., Almeida, J.A. 2013. Impacts of Natural Disasters on Environmental and Socio-Economic Systems: what Makes the difference. Ambiente & Sociedade, 16(3): 45-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1414-753X2013000300004.
43. Meuwissen, M.P. 2001. Insurance as a Risk Management tool for European Agriculture Washington.D.C; World Bank.
44. Miranda, MJ & Vedenov, D.V. 2001. Rainfall insurance for Midwest crop production, Selected Paper for AAEA Annual Meetings 2001.
45. Newly, P. D. & N. L. Treverrow. 2006. Sustainable Horticulture. Prime Fact 144. New South Wales Department of Primary Industry. Available: http://dpi.nsw.gov.au./primefacts.
46. Nguyen Tuan Anh .2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper No. 2 July 2016.
47. Richard, F. & Johan, R. 2001. Conservation Tillage for Sustainable Agriculture; An agrarian revolution gathers momentum in Africa. Soil & Tillage Research, 61(2001): 93-107.
48. Roberts, D.A &Shears, R. 2008. Assistance to Improve Local Agricultural Emergency Preparedness in Caribbean Countries Highly Prone to Hurricane Related Disasters. Good Agricultural Practices for Climate Risk Management in Grenada. Summary Report. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Agricultural Extension Service Ministry of Agriculture, Grenada. April 2008.
49. Sumner, D.A. 2003. Implications of the USA Farm Bill of 2002 for Agricultural Trade and Trade Negotiations. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(1): 117-140.
50. Tuan Anh, N. 2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper. (2): July 2016.
51. Washington State University. 2006. What is Risk Management? Available at: www. Westrme.wsu.edu/pdf/WhatisRiskManagement.pdf.
52. Willet Gayle. 2000. Pacific Assessing Your Farm’s Risk-Bearing Capacity: The Foundation of Effective Risk Management.
53. WORLD BANK. 2014. Reducing the Impact of Natural Disasters in Malawi: Empowering Citizens and Taking Charge. January 29, 2014. http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2014/01/29/reducing-the-impact-of-natural-disasters-in-malawi-empowering-citizens-and-taking-charge.
54. Anderson, J. R. & Dillon, J. L. 1992. Risk Analysis in Dry Land Farming System. Rome: FAO. Text site.
55. Asante, S.K. 2011. Empowering Farming Communities in Northern Ghana with Strategic Innovations and Productive Resources in Dry Land Farming, Project Number 6, CPWF Project Report, Savanna Agricultural Research Institute.
56. Bryan, E., Ringler, C., Okoba, B., Roncoli, C., Silvestri, S. & Herrero, M., 2011. Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in Kenya: Household and community strategies and determinants, In International Conference on May, Vol. 18.
57. Deressa, T.T., Hassan, R.M., Ringler, C., Alemu, T. & Yesuf, M. 2009. Determinants of Farmers’ Choice of Adaptation Methods to Climate Change in the Nile Basin of Ethiopia, Global Environmental Change, 19(2):248-255.
58. Gangadharappa, H.V, Pramod, K.T.M. & Shiva, K.H.G. 2007. Gastric Floating Drug Delivery Systems: A Review. Journal of Indian. Pharm. Ed. Res. 41: 295–305.
59. Hulme, M. 2016. Concept of Climate Change, in: The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Wiley-Blackwell/Association of American Geographers (AAG). Retrieved 16 May 2016.
60. Ifeanyi-obi C.C., Etuk U.R. & Jike-wai O. 2012. Climate Change, Effects and Adaptation Strategies; Implication for Agricultural Extension System in Nigeria, Greener.Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (2):053-060.
61. Leblois, A & Quirion, P. 2010, Agricultural insurances based on meteorological indices: realizations, methods and research agenda, viewed 2 May 2012 .http://www.feem.it.
62. Mata-Lima,H., Alvino-Borba,A., Pinheiro, A., Mata-Lima,A., Almeida, J.A. 2013. Impacts of Natural Disasters on Environmental and Socio-Economic Systems: what Makes the difference. Ambiente & Sociedade, 16(3): 45-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1414-753X2013000300004.
63. Meuwissen, M.P. 2001. Insurance as a Risk Management tool for European Agriculture Washington.D.C; World Bank.
64. Miranda, MJ & Vedenov, D.V. 2001. Rainfall insurance for Midwest crop production, Selected Paper for AAEA Annual Meetings 2001.
65. Newly, P. D. & N. L. Treverrow. 2006. Sustainable Horticulture. Prime Fact 144. New South Wales Department of Primary Industry. Available: http://dpi.nsw.gov.au./primefacts.
66. Nguyen Tuan Anh .2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper No. 2 July 2016.
67. Richard, F. & Johan, R. 2001. Conservation Tillage for Sustainable Agriculture; An agrarian revolution gathers momentum in Africa. Soil & Tillage Research, 61(2001): 93-107.
68. Roberts, D.A &Shears, R. 2008. Assistance to Improve Local Agricultural Emergency Preparedness in Caribbean Countries Highly Prone to Hurricane Related Disasters. Good Agricultural Practices for Climate Risk Management in Grenada. Summary Report. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Agricultural Extension Service Ministry of Agriculture, Grenada. April 2008.
69. Sumner, D.A. 2003. Implications of the USA Farm Bill of 2002 for Agricultural Trade and Trade Negotiations. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(1): 117-140.
70. Tuan Anh, N. 2016. Effects of Natural Disasters on Agricultural Production Activities in the Cambodia-Laos- Vietnam Development Triangle Area: Case Studies of Ratanakiri (Cambodia), Attapeu (Laos) and Kon Tum (Vietnam) Provinces. ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership Working Paper Series Working Paper. (2): July 2016.
71. Washington State University. 2006. What is Risk Management? Available at: www. Westrme.wsu.edu/pdf/WhatisRiskManagement.pdf.
72. Willet Gayle. 2000. Pacific Assessing Your Farm’s Risk-Bearing Capacity: The Foundation of Effective Risk Management.
73. WORLD BANK. 2014. Reducing the Impact of Natural Disasters in Malawi: Empowering Citizens and Taking Charge. January 29, 2014. http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2014/01/29/reducing-the-impact-of-natural-disasters-in-malawi-empowering-citizens-and-taking-charge.

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