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Mozaffari J, pooranvari M, Mohseni Movahed S A. Investigation and comparison of EPM and MPSIAC models in estimating erosion and sediment (Case study: Adineh Masjed Basin, Markazi Province). Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (1) :175-192
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3277-en.html
1- Arak University , Javad_370@yahoo.com
2- Arak University
Abstract:   (1844 Views)
Soil erosion is the process by which soil particles and components are separated from their main bed by an erosive agent and transported to another location. In the soil erosion process, there are three distinct phases: 1- separation of soil particles, 2- particle transfer and 3- sedimentation of transported materials. In water erosion, the erosive factors are rainfall and runoff. Erosion and the consequent reduction of soil fertility are among the issues that make it difficult to achieve sustainable agricultural development and environmental protection. It is important to study the quantity and quality of erosion in the country's watersheds and to prevent the loss of one of the richest and most valuable natural resources of the country, namely soil, and to fight against this process. (Tabatabai, 1392). Therefore, to calculate the rate of erosion and sediment production in most watersheds of the country that lack statistics or lack of statistics, the use of experimental models to estimate erosion and sediment is required. According to what has been said, the present study was conducted based on the following two main objectives: 1- Estimation of erosion and sediment in Adineh Masjed watershed, which is one of the main sub-basins of Kamal Saleh Dam, using EPM and MPSIAC experimental models and 2- Investigation and comparing two models and choosing a better model for similar regions and climates.

Materials and methods
Adineh Masjid watershed is one of the sub-basins of Dez and the main sub-basin of Kamal Saleh dam. Temperature, isotherm, geology of the area, slope and available information were performed and finally, by interpreting the photos, types, land units, current land use were determined and updated with field control. For a more detailed study, first, according to the condition of the main waterway and changes in the appearance of the land and vegetation and new land material, the ridges separating the basin were divided into 15 sub-basins. In EPM model, four watershed erosion coefficient (Ψ), land use coefficient (Xa), rock and soil susceptibility coefficient to erosion (Y) and average basin slope (I) and in MPSIAC model, nine geological, soil, climate factor (Climate), runoff, slope, vegetation, land use, current erosion status and waterway erosion are examined. Each model was scored according to data analysis and digital images and then placed in the relevant formula. Finally, the amount of erosion and sediment in the basin was estimated and the sedimentation class of the area was determined.
To determine the score of nine factors affecting soil erosion using MPSIAC method and the four factors of EPM model, each of the factors affecting erosion in units were analyzed. Finally, by weighting, the points of each factor in the models were calculated. The degree of R deposition from the sum of the nine factors of MPSIAC model and the degree of Z erosion was obtained by combining the four EPM factors. Then, the amount of sediment production and erosion in the field of relationships related to each model was calculated and compared and analyzed. In MPSIAC model, the amount of specific sediment (M3 / Km2 / year) was calculated as 112.713 and the specific erosion (M3 / Km2 / year) was calculated as 375.71. In the EPM model, the amount of specific sediment (M3 / Km2 / year) was calculated as 213.95 and Specific erosion (M3 / Km2 / year) was calculated to be 395.86.

Discussion and conclusion
The results of sediment and erosion estimation were estimated separately for each sub-area using two models and it was found that the two models are somewhat relatively compatible with each other. The results of MPSIAC model, have more accuracy and reliability, and therefore the results of the MPSIAC model can be used to estimate the amount of sediment entering the Kamal Saleh Dam. However, due to the small distance between the results of the two models, if we do not have access to MPSIAC model data in similar areas, the EPM model can be used with less data and more easily accessible. It was also observed that in the upper and entrance parts of the basin, where the slope is higher and the vegetation is less, the amount of sediment production and erosion is higher in these areas. So that the upper parts of the basin are in the medium erosion class and the rest of the basin is in the low erosion class.

Keywords: watershed, erosion and sediment, modeling

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2021/12/20 | Accepted: 2023/06/19 | Published: 2023/10/4

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12. فتح الله زاده، طاهره و محمد رضا ثروتی. 1391. مطالعه و برآورد کیفی فرسایش در رخساره های ژئومرفولوژی با روش FAO در حوزه آبخیز ناورود. فصلنامه جغرافیایی سرزمین، 34: 65-74.
13. مخدوم، مجید. 1381. شالوده آمایش سرزمین انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
14. مومی پور، مهدی؛ مجید هاشمی تنگستانی.1384. برآورد فرسایش خاک حوزه اوجان چای با استفاده از تکنیک‌های دورسنجی و GIS، همایش ژئوماتیک، سازمان نقشه برداری کشور.
15. نیکنام، ابوذر؛ حسین محسنی زاده و عماد فهیم، ع. 1393. مقایسه دو مدل EPMوMPSIAC در براورد فرسایش و رسوب در حوزه آبخیز ماشنگی(رودان،استان هرمزگان). دومین همایش سراسری کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی پایدار. تهران، موسسه آموزش عالی مهر اروند.
16. Bagherzadeh A.; and M. R.Daneshvar. 2011. Sediment yield assessment by EPM and PSIAC models using GIS data in semiarid region. Front. Earth Science. 5: 207– 216.
17. Jhonson, C. W. and A. C. Gembhart. 1982. Predicting sediment yield from sagerbrush range lands. USDA - SEA - ARM Western series. 26: 44-52.
18. Kidane M.; A. Bezie, N. Kesete and T. Tolessa. 019). The impact of land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics on soil erosion and sediment yield in Ethiopia. Heliyon, 12: e02981.
19. Pourkarimi M.; S. Mahmoudi, M. Masihabadi., E. Pazira and A. Moeini. 2017. Use of MPSIAC and EPM to estimate sediment yield and erosion-a case study of a watershed of the second urban phase, Mashhad, Khorasan Province. Agri. Forest. 63: 201-21.
20. Rajbanshi J. and S.Bhattacharya.2020. Assessment of soil erosion, sediment yield and basin specific controlling factors using RUSLE-SDR and PLSR approach in Konar river basin, India. Journal of Hydrology. 587:124935.
21. Singh G. and R. K. Panda. 2017. Grid-cell based assessment of soil erosion potential for identification of critical erosion prone areas using USLE, GIS and remote sensing: A case study in the Kapgari watershed, India. Int. Soil Water Conservation Resources. 3: 202–211.
22. احمدی، حسن. 1385. ژئومورفولوژی کاربردی، جلد 1، فرسایش آبی. چاپ چهارم. انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
23. بیات، رضا؛ محمود عرب خدری و نجمه بهنام. 1399. بررسی کارآیی مدل‌های MPSIAC و EPM در تعیین وضعیت فرسایش حوزه آبخیز شهریار. نشریه تحلیل فضایی مخاطرات محیطی. 3:1-16.
24. تابش مقدم، محمدتقی؛ لله گانی، بختیار. ۱۳۹۳. بررسی تناسب مدل‌های EPM و MPSIAC در برآورد فرسایش و رسوب در سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی مطالعه موردی حوزه زاخرد استان فارس. اولین همایش ملی توسعه پایدار منابع طبیعی تجدید شونده. همدان.
25. تاجگردان، تکتم؛ شمس ا... ایوبی و شعبان جویباری. 1387. برآورد فرسایش و رسوب به کمک داده‌های ماهواره‌ای سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی با استفاده از مدل MPSIAC (مطالعه موردی حوزه آبخیز زیارت). پژوهش و سازندگی. 21: 37-45.
26. ذاکری حسینی، فاطمه؛ رضایی، خلیل و محمود شفاعی بجستان. 1395. ارزیابی کارایی روش MPSIAC در مقایسه با روش‌های هیدرولوژیکی و هیدروگرافی برای محاسبه حجم آورد رسوبی سد مسجد سلیمان. مجله زمین شناسی کاربردی پیشرفته 95: 51-61.
27. رفاهی، حسینقلی. 1391. فرسایش آبی و کنترل آن. چاپ هفتم. انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
28. رمضانی، بهمن؛ هدی ابراهیمی و لیلا حق پرست مژدهی. 1396. نقش پارامترهای محیط طبیعی در میزان فرسایش و تولید رسوب به دو روش MPSIAC و EPM (مطالعه موردی حوزه آبخیز سد برنجستانک). مجله مهندسی جغرافیایی سرزمین. 2: 49-59.
29. طباطبایی، محمودرضا؛ کاکا شاهدی و کریم سلیمانی. 1392. مدل شبکه عصبی مصنوعی برآورد غلظت رسوب معلق رودخانه ای به کمک تصاویر سنجنده مودیس. نشریه آب و خاک (علوم و صنایع کشاورزی). 27: 193-204.
30. عفیفی، محمدابراهیم. 1395. ارزیابی فرسایش خاک و درجه رسوب دهی در حوزه ی آبریز نمدان با استفاده از مدل MPSIAC و GIS. فصلنامه جغرافیایی سرزمین. 55: 56-58.
31. علیزاده، امین. اصول هیدرولوژی کاربردی. 1390. چاپ سی و دوم. انتشارات دانشگاه امام رضا.
32. عینی، خدیجه. 1390. ارزیابی مدل های EPM , MPSIAC و FAO در برآورد میزان فرسایش و تولید رسوب حوزه آبریز رود زرد با استفاده از GIS. پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد. دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز.
33. فتح الله زاده، طاهره و محمد رضا ثروتی. 1391. مطالعه و برآورد کیفی فرسایش در رخساره های ژئومرفولوژی با روش FAO در حوزه آبخیز ناورود. فصلنامه جغرافیایی سرزمین، 34: 65-74.
34. مخدوم، مجید. 1381. شالوده آمایش سرزمین انتشارات دانشگاه تهران.
35. مومی پور، مهدی؛ مجید هاشمی تنگستانی.1384. برآورد فرسایش خاک حوزه اوجان چای با استفاده از تکنیک‌های دورسنجی و GIS، همایش ژئوماتیک، سازمان نقشه برداری کشور.
36. نیکنام، ابوذر؛ حسین محسنی زاده و عماد فهیم، ع. 1393. مقایسه دو مدل EPMوMPSIAC در براورد فرسایش و رسوب در حوزه آبخیز ماشنگی(رودان،استان هرمزگان). دومین همایش سراسری کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی پایدار. تهران، موسسه آموزش عالی مهر اروند.
37. Bagherzadeh A.; and M. R.Daneshvar. 2011. Sediment yield assessment by EPM and PSIAC models using GIS data in semiarid region. Front. Earth Science. 5: 207– 216.
38. Jhonson, C. W. and A. C. Gembhart. 1982. Predicting sediment yield from sagerbrush range lands. USDA - SEA - ARM Western series. 26: 44-52.
39. Kidane M.; A. Bezie, N. Kesete and T. Tolessa. 019). The impact of land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics on soil erosion and sediment yield in Ethiopia. Heliyon, 12: e02981.
40. Pourkarimi M.; S. Mahmoudi, M. Masihabadi., E. Pazira and A. Moeini. 2017. Use of MPSIAC and EPM to estimate sediment yield and erosion-a case study of a watershed of the second urban phase, Mashhad, Khorasan Province. Agri. Forest. 63: 201-21.
41. Rajbanshi J. and S.Bhattacharya.2020. Assessment of soil erosion, sediment yield and basin specific controlling factors using RUSLE-SDR and PLSR approach in Konar river basin, India. Journal of Hydrology. 587:124935.
42. Singh G. and R. K. Panda. 2017. Grid-cell based assessment of soil erosion potential for identification of critical erosion prone areas using USLE, GIS and remote sensing: A case study in the Kapgari watershed, India. Int. Soil Water Conservation Resources. 3: 202–211.

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