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10. Alimissis, A.; k. Philippopoulos, C. Gtzanis, and D. Deligiorgi. 2018. Spatial estimation of urban air pollution with the use of artificial neural network models. Atmospheric Environment. 191: 205-213.
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31. Belkhiri L.; A. Tiri, and L. Mouni. 2020. Spatial distribution of the groundwater quality using kriging and Co-kriging interpolations. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 11: 100-73.
32. Chai, T.; And R. Draxler. 2004. root mean square (RMSE) or mean absolute error (MAE) Arguments against avoiding RMSE in the literature. Geosci model Dev. 7: 1247-1250.
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34. Ding, Q.; Y. Wang, and D. Zhuang. 2018. Comparison of the common spatial interpolation methods used to analyze potentially toxic elements surrounding mining regions. Journal of Environmental Management. 212: 23-31.
35. García-Santos, G.; M. Scheiber, and J. Pilz. 2020. Spatial interpolation methods to predict airborne pesticide drift deposits on soils using knapsack sprayers. Chemosphere. 258: 127-231.
36. Falivene, O.; R. Cabrera, R. Tolosana-Delgado, and A. Saez. 2010. Interpolation algorithm ranking Using cross-validation and the role of a smoothing effect:A coal zone example Comput.Geosci, 36: 512-519.
37. Fekete, B.; C. Vörösmarty, J. Roads, and C. Willmott .2004. Uncertainties in precipitation and their impacts on runoff estimates. Journal of Clim. 17: 294–304
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41. Li, J.; H. Wan, and S. Shang. 2020. Comparison of interpolation methods for mapping layered soil particle-size fractions and texture in an arid oasis. Catena. 190: 104-1014.
42. Jacovides, C.; G. Papaioannou, and P. Kerkides. 1994. Micro and large-scale parameters evaluation of evaporation from a lake. Agricultural Water Management. 13: 263-27
43. Kazemi, S.; and S. Hosseini. 2011. Comparison of spatial interpolation methods for estimating heavy metals in sediments of Caspian Sea. Expert Systems with Applications. 38: 1632-1649.
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46. Nekoamal, M.; and R. Mirabbasi. 2017. Assessment of interpolation methods in estimation of groundwater level (case study: Sarkhon plain). Journal of hydrogeology, online publishing. 2: 84-95.
47. Nash, J.; and E. Sutcliffe. 1970. River Flow forecasting through conceptual models, part 1-A discussion of principles. Journal of Hydrology, 10: 282-290.
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51. Xin, Y.; and G, Xiao 2009. Linear regression analysis: theory and computing. world Scientific Publishing. 348.
52. Yuval-Levy, I.; and D, Broday. 2017. Improving modeled air pollution concentration maps by residual interpolation. Science of The Total Environment. 598: 780-788.
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