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Dadkhah M H, Barmayehvar B. Investigating the factors affecting the enhancement of resilience in building projects in order to reduce damages caused by accidents. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (2) :187-202
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3411-en.html
1- MSc, Project and Construction Management, University of Art, Tehran, Iran.
2- Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Technology (Project and Construction Management), Faulty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Art, Tehran, Iran. , b.barmayehvar@art.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1625 Views)
In recent years, with the significant increase in the number of various unfortunate events such as financial crises, natural and unnatural disasters, etc., the ability to survive has been a vital issue for projects, especially in infrastructure industries such as the building industry. In fact, projects like temporary systems need to endure in order to prevent and reduce the impact of damages. Therefore, the main goal of the current research is to investigate the factors affecting the enhancement of resilience in building projects in order to reduce damages and failures caused by accidents and disruptions. In this regard, in this combined research, effective factors were first introduced by using library studies. Next, the collected data through field studies and interviews with ten research experts, were analyzed (thematic qualitative). Based on this, the main and secondary effective factors were identified, modified and finalized in three time periods before, during and after construction. After that, the main factors were prioritized using a questionnaire distributed among sixty-one people, SPSS quantitative software, and the Friedman test; which are respectively: in the pre-construction stage - laws and macro policies and feasibility studies; In the construction phase - safety, project team, monitoring and controling, construction technology, agile management, education, stakeholder management, cost management, communication management, schedule management and lessons learned, and in the post-construction phase - crisis management, repair and maintenance and culturalization. Finally, the findings of the research show that adopting a management approach based on resilience in projects, especially in the field of building, can minimize damages and failures caused by accidents and disruptions.
It should be mentioned that, in the context of project management, especially in project-oriented organizations, this need is felt that new methods should be used to control incidents and disruptions, so that the destructive effect created can be reduced. In fact, around the implementation of modern and resilient project management, especially in the field of building, it is essential to conceptualize and operationalize resilience in projects in order to know how to achieve project recovery for better management of accidents and disruptions.
In this direction, although many scientific efforts have been made to achieve the goals of the projects and also to prevent their failure in the face of various incidents and risks, but there are less complete and desirable research papers to investigate these factors in the form of the concept of resilience and its use in the context. Project management, especially in the building industry (with regard to inclusiveness as well as micro and macro impact and all-round participation of the building field in development), especially in the country. Meanwhile, the concept of resilience has been used competently in other scientific fields; Therefore, the present research was formed to help improve the professional knowledge of project management from the perspective of resilience.
In thid regard, it should be noted that each research subject has its own unique characteristics; However, all research projects, regardless of the phenomenon under investigation, generally have stages such as: implementation plan (background, statistical population, experts, etc.), research questions, data collection (interview, questionnaire, etc.) and analysis and interpretation of data, both quantitative and qualitative (thematic, statistical analysis, etc.). In this research, first the required data were identified from the background of the research, and then with the help of interviews with experts, the collected data were verified and completed, and then these data were prioritized through a quantitative survey and questionnaire. In fact, the main objective of this research is to investigate the solutions to increase the resilience of the project. Therefore, the current research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the method of gathering information. Also, in this research, while focusing on the research philosophy of pragmatism and to some extent interpretation, as well as emphasizing the inductive and to some extent deductive approach, the exploratory mixed research plan has been used to provide a model to represent the phenomenon under study. In a way, the mixed or combined research method, consisting of two parts, qualitative and quantitative, has been used in order to increase the validity of the processes and findings and validate the outputs of the current research. Of course, it is worth noting that the general nature of this research is qualitative, and therefore, the qualitative part, both in terms of breadth and depth, is much more and more important than the quantitative part, and in fact, the quantitative part has a complementary state.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/12/21 | Accepted: 2023/09/1 | Published: 2023/09/1

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