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Amir Karam, Amir Safari , Shila. Hajehforosh Nia,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (7-2015)

With the development of economy and social services, increased need to reduce risks, control risks and other important measures in order to provide program management and follow-up plans vulnerability, Having the right information and understanding the current situation in the field is essential for  prevention and planning measures, Therefore, research on risk reduction and knowledge of threats in the Arangeh region is essential, as one of the areas tourist attraction regions in Karaj's catchment area.

Geomorphology of River studies landforms and processes of river and predict changes using models and field studies and laboratory. And new analytical tools and techniques, growing and expanding with the help of river engineering.

    This eventually leads to gain new capabilities in the field of river management, landscape restoration, risks and geomorphological studies ancient river.

     In most cases geomorphological processes that are created by river systems, are causing environmental hazards of natural and human environments. In this paper, we have investigated the risks of geomorphic processes, especially risks of flooding and river flooding and is calculated for the maximum flood discharge for subarea also. In this article, it has been found that most of the flood will be calculated based on the map of the geomorphology of the area and the discharge sub basin. The purpose of this study, is  assessing damages caused by the flood risks in the area. It is obvious that the results of this study will enable the pre-crisis phase of the crisis management system and can help to tourism and physical planning in the area.

     Arangeh basin is an area of 10,090 hectares and a maximum height of 3665, at least 1637 m and average height of 2689 m. Arangeh area have an  annual precipitation about 785 mm. Arangeh watershed is located within the northern city of Karaj, 15 km Karaj Branch, Karaj Dam east side of the river and inferiors (Amir Kabir).

     In this study, to analyze the flood in the basin,  a variety of sources are used including surveys of library data and documents, topographic base map scale of 1: 25,000 geological map of 1: 100000 taken from the ground geological, climatic data obtained from meteorological Organization, hydrological data obtained from regional water Alborz Landsat satellite image.Also field visits, the use of GPS and GIS software Arc GIS Version 10 was main parts of the survey.

      The calculated concentration time by Krpych method to estimate the flood of data base, then estimate is based on a regional analysis of runoff and peak discharge of flood.

     According to Hydrogeomorphic properties basin unit (sub-21) has the maximum flood discharge which is mostly covered by alluvium and located on the ground impermeable siltstone, waterways due to morphological features steep, mountainous dominant morphology, concentration time low basin, poverty and lack of vegetation (about 15 and 50 cubic meters per second in the 50 and 100-year return period). Other sub-basin with high flood discharge of sub No. 3, 5,7,9,12,14 and 16 are in Central, East, North, East and South of the basin villages.

      Many parts of the Arangeh basin has slopes of more than 60%, which is an important factor in the effect of runoff, reducing the time of concentration, poor soil and vegetation and is an important factor aggravating flood risk and erosion. The presence of vegetation in these areas can have an important effect in obstructing runoff, reduce the rate of runoff, reducing flooding and consequently the reduction of soil erosion. We can largely control the flood basin watershed management practices and proper management range in the above units.

Mr Vahid Safarian Zengir, Dr Batol Zenali, Mr Yusuf Jafari Hasi Kennedy, Miss Leyla Jafarzadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Investigation and evaluation of dust and microstrip phenomena is one of the important values ​​in the management of climate and environmental hazards in the Middle East, especially in the arid, western, southern and central parts of Iran. Methods and plans for studying this phenomenon and its management are of great importance and great value. According to studies on dust phenomena based on predictive methods with low error, contradictory and low, the evaluation of the characteristics of dust and its prediction will reduce the irreparable damage that results from it. To do this, in this research, dust monitoring and assessment of its prediction in Ardebil province was performed using the ANFIS model. The data used in this study is the amount of dust in the relevant statistical period to each station from its inception until 2016. The dust phenomenon was used in the observed and predicted time intervals to assess the dust and the ANFIS model for predicting dust phenomena. According to the findings of this study, in the monitoring and prediction of dust situation, the frequency of occurrence in observed years in the maximum amount of dust in Ardabil station with 74% and the lowest in Mashgin is 8%. In the years to come, the maximum amount of dust at Khalkhal Station was 61.67% and the lowest was 10% in Mashgin. In terms of amount of dust, the Ardebil station is more intense than the rest of the stations. In terms of the severity of drought that has been studied, each of the 5 stations studied has a dust concentration of more than 74%. For the 5 stations studied for the next 18 years using manually generated codes, the stations were divided in time series, with the highest average error of training at Pars-Abad Moghan Station with 0.091% and less The highest value was obtained at the Grammy station with a value of 0.001%.
Sir Vahid Safarian Zengir, Sir Behroz Sobhani,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Changes, although low in temperature, change the occurrence of extreme phenomena such as droughts, heavy rainfall and storms (Varshavian et al., 2011: 169). Reducing the daily temperature variation has led to a reduction in the frequency of occurrence of temperature minima, especially in winter (Schiffinger et al., 2003, p. 51-41).
Material and method
The purpose of the present study was to investigate and predict the risk of monthly rainfed temperatures on horticultural and agricultural products in northern Iran. For this purpose, first, the data of the temperature of the whole station were obtained at a time interval of 30 years. Then, using Anfis's adaptive neural network model, data were collected for prediction and prediction for the next 6 years. Then, to measure the land suitability of the northern strip Iran was used for cultivating according to the predicted data using two models of Vikor and Topsis.
In recent years, damage to agricultural and horticultural products has been increased due to temperature fluctuations. Accordingly, in this research, the prediction of the risk of monthly rainfed temperatures on horticultural and agricultural products in northern Iran has been investigated. Based on the predicted data, the minimum temperature of the Gorgan station was the lowest educational error with a value of 0.10 and at the maximum temperature, the lowest error was 0.015. Finally, in Golestan province, the maximum temperature And at least both are weak in the incremental state. Minimum and maximum temperature of Bandar Anzali station was the lowest educational error with the value (0.013, 0.10). In Gilan province, the maximum temperature peaks and at least both are in incremental conditions and the maximum temperature has a higher intensity. Be The minimum temperature of the Babolsar station was the lowest educational error with the value of 0.019 and at Ramsar maximum temperature, the lowest error was 0.016, and Mazandaran province exhibited maximum and minimum temperatures at both incremental and minimum levels Temperature showed greater intensity.
According to the findings of the study, with respect to the friction frain modeling, the maximum temperature showed the lowest defect compared to the minimum temperature. In Golestan province, the maximum temperature peaks and at least both are in weak increment, but in Gilan province, the maximum temperature peaks and at least both the maximum and maximum temperatures are higher. Mazandaran province showed maximum temperature and minimum temperature in both incremental and minimum temperature conditions.
Dr Raoof Mostafazadeh, Vahid Safariyan-Zengir, Khadijeh Haji,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Road accidents is the outcome of driver behavior, road condition, vehicle status, and environmental factors. Therefore, identification and assessment of effective parameters on road accidents can be considered as an appropriate way to reduce the accident events, driving violations and increase the road safety. Determining the effects of meteorological factors on the road accident events has gained more attention in recent years.
  The The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the number of road accidents and the meteorological variables in the intercity road of Grmi-Ardabil in the Barzand route.
In this regard, the effects of climatic factors (including rainfall amount, the minimum absolute temperature, and the number of frost days) on the frequency of perilous events were analyzed. The data of accident events (in recent 4 years) were obtained from the trooper department of Ardabil Province along with the meteorological parameters of Germi station through a 11-year period. The statistical tests were performed using R programming software through statistical analysis.
Findings and Discussion:
The results showed that the majority of accidents were occurred in winter season which is in consistent with the frequency of frost days and also corresponded to the absolute minimum temperature. According to the results, the highest significant positive correlation at (R2= 0.43) was observed between the number of injured people and frost days. In addition, the relationship between the absolute minimum temperature and the number of were identified as significant negative correlation.
As a concluding remark, the poor road conditions caused by climate element can be considered increasing the frequency of accident events. Accordingly, the proper strategies related to behavior change could be
considered in setting the rules and regulations to reduce the accidents and the number of injuries.

Keywords: Climatic hazards, Correlation analysis, Frost days, Minimum absolute temperature, Germi-Ardabil road

Fateme Emadoddin, Dr Amir Safari,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

 Vulnerability assessment of karst aquifer using COP and PI model (Case study: Bisotun and Paraw aquifers)

Drinking karst water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, like Iran, are considered as valuable and strategic water resources. A sharp decrease in rainfall reduces the quality and quantity of karst water sources (Christensen et al., 2007). On the other hand, urban and industrial development, which is accompanied by the increase in population growth, increases the risk of underground water pollution caused by the dumping of chemicals, waste and change of use (McDonald et al., 2011). Protection of karst aquifer is one of the most important measures in the management of karst water resources due to its vulnerability and high sensitivity to pollution (Khoshakhlagh et al., 2014, Afrasiabian, 2007). Therefore, With the advancement of geographic information system technology, rapid progress was made in the ability to identify and model groundwater pollution, as well as the vulnerability of water sources from these pollutants (Babiker et al., 2004, Rahman, 2008). The pollution potential decreases from the center to the periphery (Saffari et al., 2021).

 Materials and methods
In this study to evaluate the vulnerability of Bisotun and Paraw aquifer which is karstically developed and has, crack and fissure and various landforms; COP and PI vulnerability models have been used to identify areas at risk of contamination. The COP model includes three main factors including concentration of flow (C), overlaying layers (O) and precipitation (P). Factor C, which indicates surface features (Sf), slope and vegetation (Sv). It was obtained between 0.8-0.0 in 5 classes. From the overlap of the subfactores soil, layer index and lithology, the O factor map was prepared in three classes, including class 2 with low protection value, 2-4 with medium protection value and 4-8 with high protection value.  The P factor, which is the temporal distribution of precipitation along with the intensity and duration of precipitation, can show the ability of precipitation to transfer pollutants from the surface to the underground water. P factor was 0.8 in 2 layers in the northwest of the study area and 0.8-0.9 with low protection value. Furthermore, top Soil, precipitation, net recharge, fracture density, bedrock and lithology maps were used for the protective cover factor (P) in the PI model. The zoning of the P factor showed 2 classes such as very low and low most of the study area is in the low class. The infiltration condition factor (I) using the characteristics of the soil, the slope layer, and the land use in four layers showed high, aamedium, low, very low, which due to the high slope of the area of ​​the high layer has the highest dispersion, which causes the reduction of the protective cover.

 Results and discussion
Consequently, COP vulnerability map in 5 classes with very high vulnerability (0-0.5) equal to 38774.74 hectares (41.4%) and very low vulnerability (4-9-4) with 57.86 hectares (0.06%) of the largest and smallest area respectively. Also, the PI vulnerability map of the combination of these two factors showed very high vulnerability with the largest area of ​​about 68,783 hectares and 72.9% scattered throughout the study area and the high vulnerability class with an area of ​​about 25,526 hectares and 27%.

The results of this research showed that the simulation performance of each COP and PI vulnerability model is closely related to the amount of pollution in the environment. It seems that the COP vulnerability model can better and more accurately showed the level of vulnerability in the karst aquifers of Bisotun and Paraw.

Keywords: karst aquifer, Bisotun and Paraw, COP model, PI model, vulnerability.


Dr Mehdi Safari Namivandi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2024)

Geotourism is one of the important pillars of tourism, which plays an important role in the economic and social development of regions, and this issue is doubly important in border regions. Considering that one of the ways to create security in the border zone is the economic development of the region, therefore, the development of geotourism in the border zone of the country is important. Considering the importance of the issue, in this research, the effects of geotourism development in creating sustainable security in Marivan city have been analyzed. In this research, the 30-meter height digital model of SRTM, the results of interviews and library studies have been used as research data. The most important research tools are ArcGIS, Expert Choice and SPSS. Also, in this research, Comanescu models, AHP and SWOT model were used. According to the intended goals, this research has been carried out in several stages, in the first stage to identify and evaluate geosites, in the second stage to analyze the effects of geotourism development on the goals of sustainable development and regional security, and in the third stage to identify effective factors. The development of geotourism has been discussed. The evaluation results of the identified geosites based on the Comanescu model have shown that the geosites of Marivan city have a high potential for the development of geotourism, which can be paid attention to with economic development, environmental development, infrastructure development and finally, it should be associated with the stable security of the region. Also, the results of the SWOT model have shown that the existence of rare geosites with a weight of 0.08, the lack of long-term development plans with a weight of 0.08, the creation of stable security in the region with a weight of 0.091, and the seasonality of employment with Weight 0.058, respectively, are considered as the most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of geotourism development in Marivan city.

Mrs Samaneh Riahi, Dr Amir Safari, Dr Seyed Musa Hisseini, Dr Ali Ahmadabadi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

In order to plan, manage and exploit water and land resources, awareness of the spatial variability of resources, as well as understanding the response behavior of the watershed in order to model physical processes, has an identical significant role. Due to its location in arid and semi-arid areas, special climatic and geomorphological conditions, Qom-Roud basin is prone to flash floods. Due to the lack of hydrometric and topographical data with high accuracy in the basin, the use of hydraulic models does not lead to accurate results of the hydraulic characteristics of floods. In such a situation, the methods based on the geomorphological features of the basin can be advantageous. In this article, Variable flood stage method (VFS) method is used, which combines the hydraulic characteristics of the river with the geomorphic characteristics of the basin in order to estimate the water depth in the river caused by floods with different return periods. The water depth was investigated for different return periods of two, five, ten, twenty-five, fifty and hundred years. In each period, the highest water depth was in the parts near the outlet and the lowest water depth was in the upstream parts of the river. The research illustrations there is a direct relationship between the depth of water and the area of the sub-basin. The results of this research can be used for basins without hydrometric and topographic statistics with high accuracy in order to estimate the peak speed and flood depth.

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