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Mr Loghman Khodakarami, Dr Saeid Pourmanafi, Dr Alireza Soffianian, Dr Ali Lotfi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Space-based quantification of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in an urban area using “bottom-up” method
(Case study: Isfahan Metropolitan)
Increasing consumption of fossil fuels in urban areas emits enormous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Therefore, the study of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from urban areas has become an important research topic. The main purpose of this study is space-based quantification of carbon dioxide emissions driving from fossil fuel combustion in different source sectors in Isfahan. To achieve it, in the present study, the "bottom-up" method was used to quantify the carbon dioxide gas emission based on its production sources sectors. In this method, the amount of emission was measured distinctly for different sources of energy consumption and consequently the spatial distribution map the CO2 emission was generated. The results of this study revealed that the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions driving from fossil fuels is 13855525 tons per year in Isfahan. Separately stationary sectors of power plant, housing and commercial and mobile sources including road and railroad and existing agricultural machinery were responsible for emitting 50.61, 21.78, 17.18, 4.92, 4.37, and 1.14% of CO2, respectively. In conclusion, through applying the bottom-up method and CO2 emission distribution mapping based on different source sectors, mitigation measures can be applied more efficiently in urban planning.
Key words: Greenhouse gas (GHG), Fossil fuel combustion, Mobile and stationary source of energy consumption, climate change, Mitigation strategies
Mr. Kaveh Bapirzadeh, Mr. Hesam Seyedkaboli, Miss Leila Najafi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

 A comparative study of quantitative mapping methods for bias correction of ERA5 reanalysis precipitation data

Kaveh Bapirzadeh1, Hesam Seyed kaboli*2, Leila Najafi3
1 MSc student, Department of Civil Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran.
*2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran. Corresponding Author: Email:
3 Instructor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jundi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful, Iran.
This study evaluates the ability of different quantitative mapping (QM) methods as a bias correction technique for ERA5 reanalysis precipitation data. Climate type and geographical location can affect the performance of the bias correction method due to differences in precipitation characteristics. For this purpose, ERA5 reanalysis precipitation data for the years 1989-2019 for 10 selected synoptic stations in climates with different topographic characteristics were received daily from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) website. Bias correction of these data was performed using 5 quantitative mapping methods based on observational data in R software environment. Two-part evaluation and Taylor diagram were used to compare the performance of different methods. The results showed that the performance of the quantification mapping method depends on the performance functions, set of parameters and climatic conditions. In general, non-parametric methods of multiple mapping have better performance than parametric methods, so that the best performance is related to QUANT and RQUANT methods, among which DIST method has the weakest performance.

Keywords: Quantitative mapping, Bias correction, ERA5, ECMWF
Ms Paniz Ashrafi, Dr Behnod Barmayehvar, Dr Ehsan-Allah Eshtehardian,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Considering the increase in housing construction in developing societies such as Iran, it is necessary to address the issue of reducing construction accidents, especially in metropolises, and related safety measures with the help of emerging technologies. Therefore, the main goal of the current research is to investigate the use of Internet of Things to monitor and control high-risk points in order to reduce accidents and improve safety in the spaces of construction site in Tehran.
In this applied research, first, a library study was conducted regarding the concept and application of Internet of Things in the safety field of the construction industry. Then, high risk points and activities were identified. After that, in the field study phase, this list was corrected and completed by 52 competent building safety consultants. After that, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with safety experts and knowledgebale in the field of IoT. Therefore, effective solutions based on Internet of Things were extracted to control and monitor high risk points. Also, in this regard, the current situation and required platforms were explained from the aspects of technology, organization, cost and outsourcing.
In fact, the main findings of this research, in the form of a conceptual model, show that paying attention to the stages of choosing the incident, choosing the desired point and activity, determining the appropriate solution for the determined situation (monitoring the amount of movement and health of the structure, monitoring the proximity of flammable materials with other materials, monitoring the proximity of people and machines and preventing the continuation of movement and determining the limits around the openings) and checking the required platforms (infrastructure, support, accreditation, culture, budget, employers and law), respectively, in order to design and implement IoT-based safety systems in the spaces of construction sites is vital.

Mohammad Sharifikia, Ali Mosivand, Maral Poorhamzah,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Risk assessment of Maroun gas and oil pipelines due to land sliding hazard

based on D-InSAR technique

Mohammad Sharifikia, @ Associate professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Department of Remote Sensing-


Meral Poorhamzah, postgraduate in Remote Sensing, Tarbiat Modares University

It is importance to note that Iranian oil company have to transfer this valuable enrage from one side to other side of
country passing form several ridge and valley prone with several natural hazard. This is because the natural sources
of oil and gas generally lied in south west part of Iran locally calling Manathegh Nafte Khize Jonoub (south oil field
area). This area is closed to one of most active geological zone of Iran (Zakrose) covering thousands of kilometer
from south east to north west. Supplying natural enrages to central port of country need to crossing from this zone
which is suffering with several difficulties as well as neutral hazard. Out of neutral hazards can found to excite in
this area, the landslide hazard is a main restriction for pipeline crossing over.
The present research is dale with radar interferometry techniques applying for risk assessment and mapping over the
oil and gas pipelines suffering to landslides hazard in the part of Central Zagros (Maroun-Esfahan). For this purpose,
two individual radar dataset in C (ASAR) and L (PALSAR) band with deferent time were collected. Furthermore,
the D-InSAR technique was applied for land surface movement and land displacement detection. The outcome map
was showed the maximum rate of land displacement in this region is about 7.4 cm uplifted and 3.9 cm subsidence
with duration of almost one year. this is due to shape of landslide over the area’s slop. Overlying the landslide map
with the pipeline crossing route shown at lies three active landslides over the Maroun-Esfahan gas and oil pipelines.
For investigation about this three landslide and damage estimation over the pipeline the field study has been done
for accuracy assessment and land movement rat measuring and evaluation. Which, successfully identified and
mapped 3 landslides were located across the pipeline and damage it. Furthermore, map surveying by DGPS in RTK
method over the one of landslide shown that sliding transfer 20 m with falling 10 m over the length of 45 m of gas
pipeline. moreover, the press of landslide made curvatures on straight pip hogging pipe 43 cm. continued this
landslide activation and more pressing in close further can make a fracture and pessimistic pipe expulsion. With can
a kind of disaster if the event be close to settlements are.
The outcome landslide map shown the active landslide points (small area) very well, but the main think need to
suffusion information about interred area. For this exigency have to convert points data map to area as prediction
hazard. For this proses and to understanding the amplitude of landslide hazard in area the information value model
was applied for hazard zonation and mapping. The landslide hazard map resulting from D-InSAR technique as
inventory map along with 8 data set maps namely, lito-logy, soil, land cover, lineaments, faults, roads, derange
pattern and slop, has been interred to model for zonation and hazard estimation over the area. Furthermore, this map
was reclass in 5 individual hazard and risk class from low to high risk. The hazard map analyses and calculation was
show about 20 percent of area study was marked as high and very high risk zone. This is mainly because of
morphological and lito-logical exclusivity of area resulting by active tectonics. Crooning and overlaying the
landslide hazard map with pipeline track has been shown 28.5 percent of line length crossing over the high and very
high risk zone, where the 52 percent was prone with low and very low risk zone. This mine that near 1/3 of mention
pipeline length suffering from hazardous area which can classified as high risk part of pipeline.
Interpreting the hazardous classes on the prediction map is an important concern in landslide prediction models. For
this purpose, the prediction-rate curve was generated using validation group of landslide locations to validate the
prediction map obtained. This rate curve explains how well the model and factors predict the landslide. Results from
the success-rate curve are very promising, since the 3% area predicted as the most hazardous, includes 42.35% of
the total area affected by landslides, and this value grows to 90%, when about 25% area of highest susceptibility is
considered. The prediction accuracy can be assessed qualitatively by calculation the area under cover. The total area

equal to one means perfect prediction accuracy. In this model ratio area was 0.633 that means the prediction
accuracy was 63.3%.
Keywords: Differential SAR Interferometry, PALSAR, ASAR, Landslide, Oil and Gas Pipeline risk
Hassan Lashkari, Fahimeh Mohammadi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Synoptic analysis of the changes trend of the share of systems due to the Sudan low
In the cold period of the Persian Gulf coast during 1976-2017

In the Ethiopian-Sudan range forms the low pressure system without front in the cold and transition seasons that is affecting the climate of the adjacent regions by crossing the Red sea. Based on the evidence in the context of Iran, studying Sudan low was first begun by Olfat in 1968. Olfat refers to low pressures which are formed in northeastern Africa and the Red Sea and then pass Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, enter Iran, and finally, cause rainfall. The most comprehensive research specifically examining Sudan low, was the work carried out by the Lashkari in 1996. While he studying the floods that occurred in southwestern of Iran, he was identified Sudan low by the most important cause of such flooding and he explained how they are formed, and how these low-pressure systems were deployed on the southwest of Iran.

 Materials and methods
The study period with long-term variations was considered from 9.5 to 11 years based on solar cycles. Precipitation data for 13 synoptic stations are considered above 5 mm in south and southwestern Iran. With three criteria were determined for the days of rainfall caused by each type of atmospheric system. The visual analysis of high and low altitude cores and geopotential height at 1000 hPa pressure level (El-Fandy, 1950a; Lashkari, 1996; 2002) were considered based on the aim of the study. Accordingly, the approximate locations of activity centers, as well as the range of the formation and displacement of the Sudan system were initially identified based on the location of the formation of low and high-pressure cores. Then, the rainy days due to the Sudan system in January were separated from the precipitation of the other atmospheric system.

 Results and discussion
According to the selected criteria in the forty-year statistical period, 507 precipitation systems were identified with different continuities that led to precipitation in the northern coast of the Persian Gulf. The pattern of independent Sudan low rainfall was responsible for 77% of the precipitation in the Persian Gulf. Decade frequency share of Sudan low was lower in the first decade (16%) compared to the next three decades. This system of rainfall was more activated during the second and third decades compared to the first decade. However, rainfall changes were not evident in the mid-decade. Independent Sudan low precipitation provide 25% and 27% of the cold season precipitation of the Persian Gulf during the second and third decades respectively. In accordance with the 24th solar cycle, at the end of the study period, the Sudan low was more effective on the Gulf coast than ever before. During this decade, 125 cases of Sudan low rainfall was recorded for the Persian Gulf. Thus, the frequency of Sudan low during the fourth decade was about 31%, which was higher than in the rest of the decade. Overall, the Sudan low rainfall was repeated 151 times for 2 days rainfall, during the statistical period studied. This Precipitation has increased over the last decades compared to other periods.

The severe variability of rainfall along the timing and location of the permanent Persian Gulf coasts can have a significant impact on the economic and agricultural behavior of the Gulf population in the three provinces of Ahwaz, Bushehr and Hormozgan.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the precipitation changes due to Sudan low in the Persian Gulf coastal region during the cold period. The results of this study showed that the role of integration patterns in influencing the precipitation of the Persian Gulf coast has decreased with the strengthening and further activation of the Sudan low system during the last two decades. That way, about 77percent of the region's rainfall is provided by independent Sudan low. At the end of the course (in accordance with 24th solar cycle activity) the Sudan low system was more active than before. Although the Sudan low activity was different at each station during the period studied, but in the historical passage incremental and decade's positive behavior of Sudan low was common to all stations. Evaluation of changes in rainfall duration shows that the pattern of precipitation with 2days duration is more frequent than the patterns of one to several days.

Keywords: Sudan low- Solar cycle- Persian Gulf.

Sorayya Ebrahimi, Abdolreza Rahmanye Fazli, Farhad Azizpour,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Factors affecting the adaptation of rural settlements to the water crisis of Lake Urmia Case study: Miandoab County

Problem statement
In recent years, Lake Urmia, the largest lake in Iran, has faced severe water shortages, which has raised concerns in terms of economic, social and environmental consequences in the surrounding communities, especially in rural areas. Livelihood dependence of rural community stakeholders, to the natural resources and agricultural products have caused the harmful effects of drying Urmia Lake to be more visible. The drying up of Lake Urmia is not limited to this lake, but human communities have also suffered a lot from their sphere of influence. Due to the human effects of the drying of Lake Urmia,  it is necessary to analyze the effects of this phenomenon from a human perspective in research. Identifying the adaptive capacity of rural community stakeholders makes it possible to adopt appropriate management strategies to reduce the damage caused by lake drying. Therefore, despite the importance of the subject of this research, it seeks to study the factors and forces affecting the adaptation capacity of rural settlements in the face of the drying crisis of Lake Urmia in the city of Miandoab and so on.

Research Methodology
In terms of methodology, strategy and design, the present study is a combination of (mixed), sequential and explanatory exploratory, respectively. In this study, for a detailed study of community mentalities, a discourse on effective factors to increase the adaptive capacity of rural settlements in the face of drying or water retreat of Lake Urmia, the combined method of (Q) was selected. The research discourse community included local managers (governorate experts, heads and employees of government departments, districts, rural districts and Islamic councils) as well as local experts in the sample villages of Miandoab city. Targeted sampling method (snowball) was used to select the statistical sample. Q statements were also compiled using first-hand sources (expert opinions, local managers, field observations, etc.) and codified sources (books, articles, publications, etc.) using the library and field methods. The Q questionnaire was also used to assess the attitude of experts. In order to analyze the data of the Q (Q) method matrices, heuristic factor analysis based on the individual method (Stanfson method) was used.

Description and interpretation of results
 In reviewing the findings of the exploratory factor analysis model with KMO criterion, Bartlett test confirmed the sufficient number of samples and its appropriateness for the research. To investigate the most important influencing factors, the specific value and percentage of variance were calculated and the number of factors was determined by pebble diagram and Kaiser Guttman criterion. The results showed that the most important factors and forces affecting the increase of adaptation capacity to the drying of Lake Urmia in the sample villages of Miandoab are: 1) Increasing economic capital and the use of natural resources, 2) Increasing social capital and investment, 3) Developing infrastructure facilities and improving the skills of villagers, 4) Economic diversification and improving rural management .. Among these factors, the first factor with a specific value of 5.40 and a percentage of variance of 24.55 was recognized as the most important factor and effective force in increasing the adaptation capacity of the studied villages against the drying of Lake Urmia. Thus, economic and natural factors, as the most important assets of the villagers, are endangered at any time by the drying up and retreat of the water of Lake Urmia and have a direct impact on the livelihood of the villagers.

Keywords: Adaptation capacity, Lake Harumiyeh, Miandoab County.

Rasool Nooriara, Seysd Jamalaldin Daryabari, Bohlol Alijani, Reza Borna,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Synoptic analysis of the torrential on Day 21, 1398 (Case study: Zahedan and Qeshm)

Rainfall is the most important phenomenon or feature of the environment and so far many studies have been done about its causes. In any place, rainfall occurs when humid air and climbing cause are provided. Both of these conditions are provided by the circulation pattern. The study area is affected by some severe and sudden weather phenomena such as low annual rainfall, short rainfall period and rainfall in the form of heavy showers. Thus, it is possible that the limited and pervasive precipitation of the area is due to a different synoptic pattern. Because the relationship between circulation patterns and precipitation is significant, achieving acceptable results in the field of the relationship between these patterns with the limit and total rainfall of the studying area requires the analysis of synoptic maps. Therefore, the most important purpose of the present study is the synoptic analysis of heavy cloud rainfall of the studying area on Day 1398.
Two sets of data were required for this study: A: Daily precipitation data of study stations on the day of heavy cloud rainfall on 21 Day (January 11, 2020) along with daily precipitation data in the days before the flood (96 hours before the flood) which was received from the main Meteorological Organization of the country.
B: atmosphere data levels including: sea level (SLP), 850 and 500 hPa levels, vertical atmospheric velocity and wind flow levels of 1000, 850 and 500 hPa, specific humidity of 1000 and 700 hPa levels and 250 hPa surface flow winds for study days from the US National Center for Environmental Forecasting / National Atmospheric Research Center (NCEP/NCAR) were provided in the range of 0 to 60 degrees at north latitude and 0 to 80 degrees at east longitude, and finally, maps were drawn and prepared in Gardes software to provide the ability to interpret.
The synoptic analysis of sea level showed that: on the day of the heavy cloud, a low-height closed center with a central core of 1,010 hPa in the northeast-southwest direction covered the entire study area. Then, the high-height with a central core equal to 1030 hPa is located at northwest of Iran, northwest of Europe and on Tibet. According to the location of high-pressure dams around Iran and the location of low-pressure centers on the study area and water resources in the south, a strong pressure has been created. Subsequently, with height increasing, low-height with central core equal to 1440 geopotential meters is located at northeast-southwest direction of entire study area. And the low height of northern Russia extends to the Persian Gulf and provides the conditions for severe ascent and instability in a very large area. The rear dams of Nave transferred the cold air of the high latitudes into the bottom of the Nave located on the study area and have intensified the instability. Also, the geopotential height of 500 hPa level of deep descent is located at the northeast-southwest direction of Iran and core of the Nave covers the Persian Gulf completely, that is the study area in the best condition and in front of the Nave, which is diverged by hot and humid weather. This deepening of the rotation and the penetration of the Nave to the lower latitudes caused the cold air to fall. 
The analysis of the 250-hectopascal-level flow-wind shows that the flow-wind with a core speed of 65 meters per second has covered the entire study area by crossing above the Persian Gulf, and compared to the previous days, the flow-wind is completely meridional.
Synoptic analysis of the vertical velocity at the level of 1000 hPa shows that the maximum negative omega -0.2 to -0.15 Pascal per second in the northwest-southeast direction has covered the study area. The presence of negative omega index values ​​indicates the role of convection in intensifying precipitation in mentioned area and the dynamic ascent of air. The study map shows that compared to other countries in the study map, the maximum of negative omega is located on Iran, which is reduced along to the west of Iran. With increasing altitude, the maximum negative omega has increased to -0.3 Pascal per second and the core of the maximum negative omega is completely located on the study stations (Zahedan and Qeshm). Then, at the level of 500 hPa, the maximum negative omega has reached -0.6 Pascal per second and its value has doubled compared to the level of 850 hPa, which covers the northeast-southwest direction from Zahedan to the Strait of Hormuz. Cold air fall has increased with increasing of omega levels in the middle levels of the atmosphere.In other words, in the middle levels of the atmosphere, with increasing temperature difference between the earth's surface and the level of 500 hPa, the amount of precipitation has increased.
Synoptic analysis of specific moisture level of 1000 hPa shows that the most moisture deposition was from south water sources to the study area, and the amount of moisture equal to 14 grams per kilogram has entered the study area from the Oman Sea and then its amount has been reduced crossing to other regions of Iran. Furthermore, at the level of 700 hPa, the maximum advection of hot and humid air is in front of the upper atmosphere of Nave from the Red Sea over the study area. There is a moisture strip from the southeast to the whole area under analysis. These suitable humidity conditions with the depth of the western wave have been able to cause heavy cloud rainfall. The maximum amount of moisture in the study area is equal to 7 grams per kilogram, which is a large amount compared to heavy rainfalls.

Keywords: heavy rainfall, flood, synoptic, Zahedan, Qeshm

Reza Doostn,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Onset and End of Natural Seasons in Iran

 Season is the natural pattern of change in nature, which is related to the movement of the sun, the temperature cycle, the life cycle of the earth (phenology) and human culture. In astronomical and climatic seasons, a year divided into four seasons, spring, and summer, autumn and winter (Alsop, 2005), (Trenberth, 1983). Season is a period of the year with a homogeneous climate (Alsop, 1989), that is difficult to determine exactly when to start and end. The methods of determining of the seasons are: change in the face of the earth (Cayan et al, 2001), (Wang et al., 2021), constant temperature threshold, (Jaagus et al, 2003; Kitowski et al, 2019; Ruosteenoja et al, 2019; Alijani,1998), Air Masses, (Lamb, 1950; Cheng et al, 1997; Pielke et al, 1987; Kalinicky,1987; Alpert et al, 2004). What is a natural constant sign is the key to determining change and starting a new season. Organisms react to the onset and end of natural seasons by changing their behavior. Naturally, plants and animals adjust and adapt their phonological stages to temperature changes and jumps (Sparks et al, 2002), Plants germinate and flower in spring,fruit in summer, reduced activity and leaf in autumn and in winter fall asleep (Menzel et al, 1999 Animals are also adapted to reproduction, nesting and childbirth, And their phonological period is also related to vegetation conditions. In other words, the life stages of living organisms are adapted and dependent on these natural changes (Schwartz et al, 2000). Some organisms also migrate in order to adapt (Smith et al, 2012). The genetic response of organisms to rapid climate change and seasons associated with winter warming across the north, the early onset of spring and a long growing season is a factor in impairing the physiological response (reproduction, dormancy or migration time) of species(Bradshaw et al, 2008). On the other hand, the sensible temperature of organisms is affected by radiation, wind, air temperature and humidity. As appearance temperature is an important heat factor (heat and cold) in nature, to which animals, plants and humans react. Ruosteenoja et al (2019), showed the length and onset seasons of European with thresholds of 0 and 10 ° C focusing on the scenario of a 2 ° increase in temperature, an increase in summer length and a decrease in winter compared to pre-industrialization. The length of summer increases by 1 degree, increases by 10 days, and the length of winters decreases by 10 to 24 days. Kitowski et al, (2019), showed the onset of summer earlier, the shorter autumn, the longer summer and the shorter winter in Poland with zero-, 5- and 15-degree temperature thresholds. Wang et al, (2021) change the onset time and length of natural and summer seasons from 78 days to 95 days, and spring, autumn and winter, 124 to 115, 87 to 82, and 76 to 73 days, respectively. Also, summer is halfway through the year and winter is less than two months to 2100 in the middle of the Northern Hemisphere. Dong (2009) showed that in most parts of China since 1950, summers have been longer and winters shorter, with the onset of summer 5.8 days earlier and the length of the season 9 days longer and the winter 5.6 days later and the length of the season 11 days. Changes in transition seasons are less. Season start, end and season length changes studied in Oregon and Washington (Alsop, 1989), in the United States (Barry and Perry, 1973), Europe (Jaagus et al, 2003), Estonia (Jaagus et al, 2000), South Korea (Choi et al, 2006), China (Ma et al, 2020), Xinjiang in northwestern China (Jiang et al, 2011; Cheng et al, 1997), Eastern Mediterranean (Alpert et al, 2004), Iran (Alijani ,1377). Therefore, with the increasing trend of temperature in different regions of Iran (Alijani et al, 2012), study of change of the start and end dates of natural seasons in connection with life in nature is necessary (Penuelas et al, 2002). The aim of this study is determine the time of onset, end and length of natural and significant seasons and its difference with astronomical and climatic seasons in Iran with highlands, inland and coastal lowlands in the north and south with a new approach based on biological physiology.
Material and methods:
To determine the onset and end of natural seasons, daily data of relative humidity, water vapor pressure, and wind speed and air temperature over a 60-year period for 32 synoptic stations in Iran from 1959 to 2018 were used. Selected stations cover all areas of Iran (coastal, low and highlands). In the first step, the apparent daily temperature of each station was calculated (Formula 1). In the second stage, with the knowledge of the direct effect of atmospheric circulation factors in the occurrence of natural phenomena (Alijani, 2011) And rapid changes in temperature (season), the 4-day moving averages of apparent temperature (average life of cyclone and anticyclone) at each station were calculated and was the basis of study. The onset and end of the season are with a natural and biological approach related to the stages of bio phenology and the natural part's reaction to temperature changes. Therefore, the apparent temperature of zero and below zero with the reduction or cessation of biological activity in nature, is the onset of winter. On the other hand, the time required by nature to adapt to new temperature conditions, is at least 10 days (Joy, 2017). Therefore, the temperature of zero degrees and non-return to zero Up to at least the next 10 days, is the basis for the onset of winter. In fact, with the continuation of sub-zero temperatures for 10 days, the living part of nature receives the signal of change. If after that, for a period of less than 10 days, the temperature goes above zero, the situation will not return to the previous state (nature did not react and adaptation occurred). On the other hand, the best temperature for the growth period is from at least zero degrees to a maximum of 30 degrees in nature (Abrami, 1972). The second key indicator is the temperature of the onset of summer and the warm period. For the onset of the summer season, the temperature of 20 degrees was base with the previous conditions. Because at this temperature, the reproductive period in plants and animals has started, most animals and plants have children and humans also feel warm. As plants begin to fill grain at this temperature, including wheat (Jenner, 1991 and Dupont et al, 2003) as the world's oldest grain. Here, the same condiction as before, don’t return to 20 degrees for at least the next 10 days was the basis. So at the onset of both seasons, if the temperature returns to zero and 20 in the 10-day period, the season has not begun, and in that year the station does not have winter and summer, respectively. Then, the temperature of 19 degrees and less with the above conditions, the onset of autumn and the temperature of 1 degree and more with the above conditions, are the basis for the onset of spring.
Formula 1: Calculate the apparent temperature                      AT = T + 0.33 PV - 0.7 WS – 4
T = air temperature in Celsius, PV = water vapor pressure in hPa, WS = wind speed in meters per second, AT = apparent temperature in Celsius

Results and discussion:
 The onset and end of natural seasons are different in the geographical and topographical location of Iran. Southern regions and the northern coasts are two seasons with a warm summer season and a transitional season (cool). Other parts of Iran, like the temperate regions of the globe, have four seasons, but the start, end and length varies. The longest winter in the northwest and the western heights and the length of winter to the east and south is short and vice versa, the longest summer in the south and center of Iran. Spring season in below 29 degrees orbit, Khuzestan and the shores of the Caspian Sea is not a separate season, but with the absence of winter, it merges with autumn. In other regions, spring begins in the south and northwest, respectively, from 31 January to 8 March. In most parts of Iran, the onset of spring coincides with the traditional date of Nowruz, after small chelleh of winter. This month coincides with the rise in temperature and the revival of nature and the introduction of the New Year. The end of spring in the central regions, 10 May and in the northwest, 18 June, and its length varies from 103 to 96 days in the northwest and northeast, respectively. In the temperate regions of Iran, it is about three months with a 10-day spatial fluctuation (Table 1). The onset of summer is with a new stage of phenology in nature. The onset of summer is from 15 April on the southern coasts with high tropical arrival and the latest onset of summer in the northwestern part is 19 June (Table 1). In the south of the orbit of 29 degrees and the region of Khuzestan, until 8 May, in the central and northeastern regions of Iran from 22 May to 29 May and the west and northwest region, from mid-June to the end of June. The end of summer, as opposed to the onset, is the earliest time of 17 September in the northwest, and in the southern regions of Iran, the end of 8 October is in the 29 degree orbit. The southern regions of Iran, the longest summer that shows the role of latitude and slower exit of the tropical system (Alijani, 1390). The length of the summer season in temperate regions varies from 90 to 139 days, approximately three to five months, respectively in the northwest and the 29-degree geographical orbit, respectively. Therefore, the spatial trend of summer length from east and south of Iran to north and northwest is decreasing and there are the shortest summers in northwest of Iran. Naturally, this spatial trend is related to the high-altitude inbound and outbound routes of the subcontinent and the western systems from the south and northwest, respectively. The month of October and November is the onset of autumn in Iran, in the northwest and northeast, with the arrival of cold atmospheric circulation from above, the angle of radiation and altitude, is 18 September. The latest start of autumn in Hormozgan is 12 November (Table 1). The end of autumn is the first of April to the first of June in the south and north coasts, respectively. In the northeast of Iran, 24 to 28 December, and in the central regions, 28 to 31 December, is the end of the autumn season. The earliest end in the northwestern regions of Iran at the end of December is 10-17 December. The length of the autumn season in temperate regions is 83 to 97 days, respectively, in the northwest and northeast, that’s an average of nearly three months. With the onset of winter, decreases in temperature (frost) and winter during the year below the 29 degree orbit are rare, but on the northern coast, with the influence of atmospheric systems, it is a coincidence. In other regions of Iran, northwest, west and east of Zagros and south of Alborz, above 29 degree orbit, from 11 December to 1 January, is the time of winter. Respectively, the earliest onset of winter is in the northwest, and the latest onset in the central regions (Table 1). As the westerly winds of the extraterrestrial latitudes with cyclones and anticyclones dominate the Iranian atmosphere, also, the angle of radiation and the amount of radiation received at the earth's surface at this time, reaches a minimum during the year. The end of winter in temperate regions is from 30 January in the 29 degree orbit to 7 March in the northwestern regions. Winter length reaches 86 days in northwestern Iran, 29 days in central regions (above 29 degree orbit) and 58 days in northeastern Iran, Therefore, there are only three winter months in northwestern Iran and in other parts of Iran, it is the shortest season during the year. Spatial trend of winter length from northwest of Iran to east and south is decreasing.
Figure1: Date of onset, end and duration of natural seasons in different regions of Iran
Fall Summer Spring Winter Season
Length End onset Length End onset Length End onset Length End onset
83 10 Dec 18 Sep 227 17 Sep 15 Apr 100 10 may 31 Jan 86 30 Jan 11 Dec Earlier
160 21 Apr 13 Nov 90 12 Nov 19 Jun 103 18 Jun 8 Mar 29 7 Mar 1 Jan Later
77 133 56 137 55 65 3 39 36 57 36 21 Fluctuation

The time of the onset, end and length of natural seasons in Iran are different from astronomical and calendar seasons. The slow decreasing and increasing trend of temperature at the onset and end of the seasons is initially a function of the angle of radiation and the length of day and night, but the real onset of a season with temperature jumps associated with the migratory atmospheric system (cyclone and anticyclone), Siberian hypertension, It is from the north and high in the subtropics from the south. Areas below 29 degree orbit in the south of Iran and Khuzestan and the northern coasts, have only two seasons of autumn (cool) and summer (warm) and the temperature decreases to zero and less (occurrence of winter), in the southern regions, rare and on the northern coasts is accidental and short. The apparent temperature in these areas has been decreasing since late summer and in the middle of the cold period, it is decreasing to the maximum (lowest temperature during the year) and increasing again until the onset of summer. Therefore, the above areas are two periods, with a cool season and a hot and hot season. The southern coasts of Iran and Khuzestan have short cooling seasons and long hot and hot summers, and the northern coasts, on the contrary, have shorter summers and longer and cooler autumns, that The influence of water temperature, latitude, topography and atmospheric systems are effective in these differences. In other regions of Iran, except the mentioned regions, four natural seasons occur (spring, summer, autumn and winter). In connection with the role of latitude, altitude, the arrival of migratory and high pressure Siberian atmospheric systems, the time of onset, end and length of the season has a change of location. As the length of summer is more in the southern, eastern and central regions of Iran and decreases in the northwest and west of Iran, and the length of winter is the opposite. The length of the transitional seasons (autumn and spring) in the temperate regions of Iran is not different and the three months in the season are similar to the astronomical and calendar seasons. The most important spatial difference is during winter and summer. Winter decreases from three months in the northwest of Iran to the south and east of Iran and reaches a month in the 29 degree orbit. On the other hand, the length of summer, on the contrary, varies from five and three months from east and south of Iran to northwest of Iran. Therefore, in temperate regions of Iran, the length of natural seasons from the south and east of Iran to the west and northwest of Iran is more regular and approaches to three months in each season. This spatial trend indicates the climatic similarity of western and northwestern Iran with temperate regions of the globe in higher latitudes and but to the center, south and east of Iran, this similarity decreases and to hot and cold dry desert climate in the Middle East and central Asia region is similar, respectively. This indicates regularity and order in nature, which is related to the geographical principle of Tobler’s law, the spatial correlation of climates and the onset, end and length of their seasons. Therefore, if we consider three months in a season as a natural feature of the temperate regions of the earth and two seasons (climatic period) as a feature of the subtropical regions, Iran is in the transition zone of these two climates. As from three months, the length of each season in the northwest to less than a month in the range of orbit 29 degrees, and then the subtropical conditions with two seasons (warm and cool) appear. Therefore, from northwest to east and south of Iran, the climatic moderation decreases and its tropical sub-characteristic (longer summer and shorter winter) heat and dryness to heat and humidity in southern Iran is added. Naturally, in this spatial process, primarily large-scale atmospheric rotations and secondly, geographical phenomena (their shape and position) play a pivotal role. The Caspian Sea coast is an exception to this rule due to its higher latitude and complexity of geographical phenomena and the role of water, because the climate systems related to the Caspian climate are different from other regions of Iran.

Key words: Natural Seasons, Apparent Temperature, Plant and Animal Phenology, Iran.

Nasrin Nikandish,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Mr. Hamidreza Parastesh, Dr. Khosro Ashrafi, Dr. Mohammad Ali Zahed,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

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Estimation of methane gas leakage from Mashhad urban landfills and evaluation of economic and environmental effects
This study, which was conducted in 8 urban gas areas of Mashhad; At first, descriptive statistics of the state of Mashhad urban gas regulators and different leakage modes were presented; In order to analyze the collected data and investigate the causes of leakage, the relationship between 5 variables and the amount of leakage from gas regulators was tested with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) V.26 software; These 5 variables are: regulator equipment/connections, regulator operation age, regulator service type (domestic, industrial and commercial), urban area and different seasons of the year.
The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the type of equipment/connections and leakage. (P-Value = 0.0001). Also, a significant difference was observed among other variables of the research (the operation age of the regulator, the type of regulator service (domestic, industrial and commercial), the urban area and different seasons of the year) with the leakage rate (P-Value=0.0001); The pressure drop due to the greater demand of gas consumption in the winter season has reduced the amount of leakage compared to other seasons; The influence of the age of distribution network equipment/connections due to wear and tear and longer life will aggravate the amount of methane gas leakage; Also, the amount of leakage in commercial places had a significant difference with other types of uses; Being in an urban area has also increased the amount of methane gas leakage compared to other areas; The type and quality of equipment and connections as the main and influential factor in methane gas leakage should be considered by managers and officials in this field of work.
Keyword: Methane, Riser, Urban area, Environmental effects, Economy Effects, Gas, Emission

Mr Sayyed Mahmoud Hosseini Seddigh, Mr Masoud Jalali, Mr Hossein Asakereh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

The expansion of the pole toward the tropical belt is thought to be due to climate change caused by human activities, in particular the increase in greenhouse gases and land use change. The variability of the tropical belt width to higher latitudes indicates the expansion of the subtropical arid region, which indicates an increase in the frequency of drought in each hemisphere. In order to change the width of the tropical belt of the Northern Hemisphere in the middle offerings, indices of  precipitation minus evaporation, wind vector orbital component, stream function, tropopause surface temperature, OLR, and SLP have been used. Findings showed that the expansion of tropical belt latitude with stream function to higher latitudes with 1° to 3° latitude and the effect of Hadley circulation subsidence has increased the amplitude of evaporation minus precipitation has shown that the fraction of precipitation minus evaporation 1° to 3° latitude geographically increased. The subtropical jet has increased the movement of the upper branches of troposphere from the Hadley circulation by 2° to 4° latitude, which can have a negative effect on transient humidification systems as well as on the amount of precipitation. The extension of the pole towards the tropical belt, which is a consequence of climate change and hazards, will lead to the displacement of the pole towards the tropical side of the river, thus providing dry tropical belts to the pole; Also, the long-wave radiation of the earth's output has increased by 1° to 2° latitude and has caused an increase in heat in the upper troposphere, which has increased the dryness and slightly reduced the clouds in the upper troposphere and also caused the tropical belt to expand to higher latitudes. Has been. In general, the research findings showed that most tropical belt indicators have been increasing since 1979.
Tofigh Jasem Mohammad, Mohammad Rahmani, Komeil Abdi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Changes in ground surface temperature in the city of Halle and its relationship with changes in the NDVI index
The temperature of the urban environment is one of the parameters that citizens are in contact with at any moment. Studies show that the global temperature is constantly increasing due to environmental changes. One of these parameters that affect the increase in temperature; The physical growth of the city and its consequent destruction and loss of vegetation. In this study, using Landsat satellite images for the years 2001, 2011 and 2021; and the implementation of the single-channel algorithm, the surface temperature of the ground in the Iraqi city of Halla was calculated and its changes were investigated and analyzed. On the other hand, the NDVI index was calculated as a vegetation index on the mentioned dates and its changes were analyzed with the temperature changes of the earth's surface. The general results of this research showed that the area of the city of Halle has doubled during the study period, and this has caused a decrease in the amount of vegetation and an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface. In the end, the correlation between the surface temperature and the NDVI index was calculated, which was equal to 46.92, 44.35 and 52.98% for the years 2001, 2011 and 2021, respectively. This issue shows the strong relationship between these two parameters and the effect of the reduction of vegetation on the increase in the temperature of the earth's surface.

Key words: Earth surface temperature, vegetation, NDVI, city growth, Halle city
Dr Alireza Mohammadi, Dr Lotfollah Maleki, Mr Ghasem Fathi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Spatial analysis models provide a single model and solution to solve various problems in the field of study, one of the applications of these models is in measuring urban risks. In recent years, with the occurrence of various crises in urban communities, the urban management system and development plans are seeking access to models of prevention and dealing with these crises. The purpose of this research is to review the literature about the use of spatial analysis models in measuring urban risks in a meta-analytical way, so this research is conducted by reviewing and summarizing foreign articles (research statistical community) in relation to this issue in order to identify, analyze and Analyzing and summarizing the solutions of the investigated backgrounds.
The statistical population is discussed with four standard criteria of spatial analysis, including description and identification of hazard dispersion, hazard dispersion argument, interpolation, and spatial planning. The statistical population is research, studies, and articles indexed in Sciencdirect, Willey, Web of Science databases in the period 2021-2000. Out of 99 articles, 78 articles have been selected and analyzed by screening method according to research objectives and indicators. The analysis was performed in two ways: descriptive statistics in SPSS software and inferential statistics in CMA2 comprehensive meta-analysis software.
The results indicate that in the component of hazard dispersion descriptions, most of the researches in their used models have not been able to provide a tangible and appropriate general description, but in the three components of hazard dispersion, interpolation, and spatial planning of urban hazards based on score The average effect size, the applied models used in the research, have been able to provide a proper justification and tangible results with the applied model of spatial analysis in their studies.

Ms. Sousan Heidari, Dr. Mostafa Karimi, Dr. Ghasem Azizi, Dr. Aliakbar Shamsipour,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Explaining the spatial patterns of drought intensities in Iran

Recognition of spatial patterns of drought plays an important role in monitoring, predicting, confronting, reducing vulnerability, and increasing adaptation to this hazard. This study aims to identify the spatial distribution and analyze the spatial patterns of annual, seasonal, and monthly drought intensities in Iran. For this purpose, the European center Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) data for the period 1979-2021 and the ZSI index were used to extract the drought intensities. To achieve the research goal and explain the spatial pattern of the frequency of drought intensities (Extreme, severe, moderate, and weak), spatial statistical methods such as global Moran’s I, Anselin local Moran’s Index, and hot spots were used. The results of the global Moran’s I showed that with increasing intensity, the spatial distribution of drought events has become clustered. The spatial distribution of the local Moran’s Index and hot spots also confirms this. Very clear contrast was observed in the local clusters of high (low) occurrence as well as hot (cold) spots of severe (Extreme) yearly droughts in the south, southeast, and east. In autumn, weak to Extreme droughts show a southeast-northwest pattern. But in spring and winter, the spatial pattern of drought is very strong as opposed to severe and moderate drought. Despite the relatively high variability of maximum positive spatial Autocorrelation of severe and Extreme monthly droughts, their spatial pattern is almost similar. The spatial clusters of severe and very severe droughts in the northwest, northeast, and especially on the Caspian coast, are a serious warning for the management of water resources, especially for precipitation-based activities, such as agriculture.
Drought or lack of precipitation over some time is the most widespread natural hazard on the earth compared to its long-term average. This risk negatively affects various sectors such as hydropower generation, health, industry, tourism, agriculture, livestock, environment, and economy. To reduce these negative or destructive effects, it must be determined how often drought occurs during the period and in which areas it is most severe. Doing so requires determining the characteristics of the drought. These characteristics include area, intensity, duration, and frequency of drought. Discovering the geographical focus, recognizing the pattern governing the frequency of occurrence and temporal-spatial distribution as well as changes in the dynamics of this hazard facilitate an important role in drought monitoring, early warning, forecasting, and dealing with these potential hazards; this information can be used to create a drought plan by providing analysts and decision-makers with ideas about drought, helping to reduce the negative and vulnerable effects and ultimately make it easier to protect or replace for greater adaptation. Many researchers have been led by these approaches to the use of statistical analysis. Numerous studies have been conducted in the study of climatic phenomena such as drought with space statistics techniques in various regions, including China, India, South Korea, and even Iran. Part of the domestic research on spatial patterns of drought is without the use of spatial statistics and a limited number of others who have used these analyzes have only studied the overall intensity of drought and have not studied the spatial patterns of different drought intensities. The main purpose of this study is to identify the distribution and spatial patterns of drought intensities in Iran using spatial analysis functions of spatial statistics based on the frequency of drought intensities (Extreme, severe, moderate, and weak) with yearly, seasonal and monthly multi-scale approach. Therefore, this study will answer the questions: a) What is the spatial distribution of drought intensity data in Iran? And b) What is the variability of spatial patterns of Iranian droughts at different time scales?
Material &Method
ERA5 monthly precipitation data for a period of 43 years from 1979 to 2021 were used for this study. an array of dimensions of 78×59×504 of data were formed in MATLAB software in which 78×59 is the number of nodes with a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees and 504 represents the month. After creating the database, the ZSI index was used to calculate the severity of drought in annual, seasonal, and monthly comparisons. Finally, to achieve the research goal and explain the spatial pattern governing the frequency of drought intensities (Extreme, severe, moderate, and weak), spatial statistical methods such as global Moran’s I, Anselin local Moran I and hot spots was used.
Discussion of Results
Due to its ecological conditions, geographical location, and location in an arid and semi-arid region of the world, Iran is among the most vulnerable countries due to natural hazards, including drought. It has experienced many severe droughts in the last century. The occurrence of drought and its effects is one of the major challenges of water resources management in this century. The results of the Global Moran’s Index for all three annual, seasonal, and monthly scales showed a highly clustered pattern of drought events in the country. Spatial clustering of the occurrence of severe and Extreme yearly droughts in the eastern, southeastern, and southern regions is also an interesting result. These conditions are due to low precipitation and high spatial variation coefficient in these areas. This contrast of spatial clusters of drought intensities indicates the relationship between drought and temporal-spatial anomalies of precipitation so that with increasing precipitation, spatial variability of precipitation decreases, and consequently spatial homogeneity of precipitation increases. severe and moderate-intensity spots in the south-southeast in autumn and spring can be affected by fluctuations in the beginning and end of the monsoon season in South Asia due to the high variability of atmospheric circulation at the beginning and end of precipitation in these areas. Some studies have also shown the relationship between precipitation in these areas and the monsoon behavior of South Asia. Extreme drought events in winter and spring have had a positive spatial correlation pattern in the southwest, west, and northwest. However, precipitation at this time of year is concentrated in these areas. Warm clusters or concentrations of very severe drought events in the northern strip of the country, especially in the Caspian region, can be due to the high variability of precipitation at the beginning of the annual precipitation season (late summer and early autumn).  Observations of these conditions in the northern strip indicate that an event with a high frequency of severe droughts, even in rainy areas, should not be unexpected. Spatial clusters of Extreme, severe, moderate, and weak drought every month using both local Moran and hot spots statistics show the fact that in Iran, the most severe droughts have occurred in the western, northwestern, and coastal areas of the Caspian Sea. However, the absence of severe droughts or spatial clusters has been the occurrence of low drought in the southeast and to some extent in the south. On a yearly scale, the south, southeast, and east have played a significant role in the spatial cluster of severe and extreme droughts. So that these areas of the country have had positive spatial solidarity. However, in these areas, negative spatial correlation prevailed in the autumn for severe drought. This may indicate an anomaly and a tendency to concentrate more precipitation in Iran, as well as many changes in seasonal and local precipitation regimes. According to the research results, a high incidence of severe and extreme drought on all three scales (monthly, seasonal and annual) even in the wettest climate of the country (northern Iran, especially the southern shores of the Caspian Sea) shows that High-intensity droughts can occur in all parts of the country, regardless of the weather conditions.
Keywords: Natural hazards, spatial patterns, Moran statistics, spatial autocorrelation, hot spots

Roya Poorkarim, Hossein Asakereh, Abdollah Faraji, Mahmood Khosravi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

In the present study, the data of the ECMWF for a period of 1979 to 2018 was adopted to analyze the long term changes (trends) of the number of cyclones centers of the Mediterranean Sea.There are many methods (e.g. parametric and non- parametric)  for examining changes and trends in a given dataset. The linear regression method is of parametric category and the most common nonparametric method is Mann-Kendall test. By fitting the Mann-kendall model and the linear regression model, the frequency of the cyclone centers of the Mediterranean basin was evaluated in seasonal and annual time scales. Analyzing the trend of changes of the number of cyclone centers on a seasonal scale showed that the five-day duration have had a significant trend in spring, autumn and summer. Whilest on an annual scale, there was no significant trend in any of the duration. By fitting the regression model on seasonal and annual scale, one- and two-day duration have a positive regression line slop.
Fateme Emadoddin, Dr Amir Safari,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

 Vulnerability assessment of karst aquifer using COP and PI model (Case study: Bisotun and Paraw aquifers)

Drinking karst water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, like Iran, are considered as valuable and strategic water resources. A sharp decrease in rainfall reduces the quality and quantity of karst water sources (Christensen et al., 2007). On the other hand, urban and industrial development, which is accompanied by the increase in population growth, increases the risk of underground water pollution caused by the dumping of chemicals, waste and change of use (McDonald et al., 2011). Protection of karst aquifer is one of the most important measures in the management of karst water resources due to its vulnerability and high sensitivity to pollution (Khoshakhlagh et al., 2014, Afrasiabian, 2007). Therefore, With the advancement of geographic information system technology, rapid progress was made in the ability to identify and model groundwater pollution, as well as the vulnerability of water sources from these pollutants (Babiker et al., 2004, Rahman, 2008). The pollution potential decreases from the center to the periphery (Saffari et al., 2021).

 Materials and methods
In this study to evaluate the vulnerability of Bisotun and Paraw aquifer which is karstically developed and has, crack and fissure and various landforms; COP and PI vulnerability models have been used to identify areas at risk of contamination. The COP model includes three main factors including concentration of flow (C), overlaying layers (O) and precipitation (P). Factor C, which indicates surface features (Sf), slope and vegetation (Sv). It was obtained between 0.8-0.0 in 5 classes. From the overlap of the subfactores soil, layer index and lithology, the O factor map was prepared in three classes, including class 2 with low protection value, 2-4 with medium protection value and 4-8 with high protection value.  The P factor, which is the temporal distribution of precipitation along with the intensity and duration of precipitation, can show the ability of precipitation to transfer pollutants from the surface to the underground water. P factor was 0.8 in 2 layers in the northwest of the study area and 0.8-0.9 with low protection value. Furthermore, top Soil, precipitation, net recharge, fracture density, bedrock and lithology maps were used for the protective cover factor (P) in the PI model. The zoning of the P factor showed 2 classes such as very low and low most of the study area is in the low class. The infiltration condition factor (I) using the characteristics of the soil, the slope layer, and the land use in four layers showed high, aamedium, low, very low, which due to the high slope of the area of ​​the high layer has the highest dispersion, which causes the reduction of the protective cover.

 Results and discussion
Consequently, COP vulnerability map in 5 classes with very high vulnerability (0-0.5) equal to 38774.74 hectares (41.4%) and very low vulnerability (4-9-4) with 57.86 hectares (0.06%) of the largest and smallest area respectively. Also, the PI vulnerability map of the combination of these two factors showed very high vulnerability with the largest area of ​​about 68,783 hectares and 72.9% scattered throughout the study area and the high vulnerability class with an area of ​​about 25,526 hectares and 27%.

The results of this research showed that the simulation performance of each COP and PI vulnerability model is closely related to the amount of pollution in the environment. It seems that the COP vulnerability model can better and more accurately showed the level of vulnerability in the karst aquifers of Bisotun and Paraw.

Keywords: karst aquifer, Bisotun and Paraw, COP model, PI model, vulnerability.


Dr Moslem Savari,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

This regard, this research was conducted with the general purpose of designing a proposed sustainable food security model in drought conditions. The statistical population consisted of a number of food safety experts and agricultural experts. Therefore, for selecting the samples, targeted snowball sampling (chain referencing) was used. Sampling continued until data saturation, in the end, the number of participants in the study reached 31 . The research method was of qualitative type based on the data theory method of the foundation. The research data were collected using a deep interview and group discussion and analyzed with three open, axial and selective coding methods.
The results of the review of the requirements of sustainable food security in the form of data approach of the foundation consisted of 68 initial codes. Finally, in order to design a safety improvement model, the improvement of food security in drought conditions was subject to 8 requirements (managerial, technological, policy and supportive, infrastructure, cultural and empowerment requirements, Diversification, conservation, stabilization) and were inserted into the Strauss and Corbin model.
Access to adequate nutrition and nutritional health is one of the main pillars of development and is the basis for the future development of the country. According to studies on the role of nutrition in health, its efficiency and its relation with economic development has been confirmed. Also, access to adequate and desirable food is one of the earliest human rights, but various studies show that rural communities, which themselves are responsible for food security, face food insecurity, which is in a drought condition much more inferior to the situation. Because rural households are always at the forefront of drought vulnerability and, in the absence of risk mitigation systems, they quickly lose their resilience and go out of the agricultural sector. Therefore, measures must be taken to enable them to continue to operate in agriculture in drought conditions and to maintain the backbone of food security in the country.
Dr Ebrahim Yousefi Mobarhan, Dr Mansor Ghodrati, Dr Mohamad Khosroshahi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

In the study of the trend of dust storm index, the results showed that the study period of 2003-2007 in Semnan province has an increasing trend and has shown significant changes in the 95% confidence range, but the lack of significant changes in the last decade shows the effects of various events. In cross-cutting decisions in the field of dust in the region. The zoning of the DSI index changes in different regions of the province in a 15-year statistical period indicates that from the west to the east of the province due to the increase in the frequency of stormy days with moderate dust (MDS), dust has increased. The correlation between drought and DSI index in Semnan province showed that although DSI index increased during the period under analysis with increasing drought intensity and its correlation with drought during the 15-year period was not significant, but the pattern of DSI index is consistent with It is the pattern of the drought process. According to the results, it can be acknowledged that the dust situation has always been affected by climate, but the relationship between drought and the DSI index has always fluctuated with respect to droughts and wetlands. However, different climatic parameters are different and their impact is different. In addition to human activities, the main role of wind in the amount of dust or the existence of another source of dust should be considered.
Dr Kiomars Maleki, Dr Mostafa Taleshi, Dr Mehdi , Dr Mohammad Raoof Heidari Far,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

The results of pathological evaluation of seismic zones in the terrestrial space indicate a significant concentration of residential spaces, especially cities. It has been economic and human. Therefore, one of the desirable models in identifying, analyzing and reducing damage in urban spaces is to use the structural and functional framework of passive defense. In many recent studies, the subject of reducing earthquake damage in the territory of the physical-spatial field has been to increase the building's resistance to earthquakes. While this study by recognizing environmental components, physical-spatial, social, economic and effective indicators in each component (45 indicators) to determine the pathology and risk areas of earthquakes in a comprehensive and desirable and based on that reduction strategies Redefines risk. In other words, by recognizing and analyzing the basic concept of threat network and risk ring with passive defense approach in earthquake assessment and vulnerability in Kermanshah metropolis to form the required database structure in appropriate software environment, appropriate policy and urban crisis management measures It is designed in proportion to the earthquake risk.
Dr Bromand Salahi, Mrs Mahnaz Saber, Dr Abbas Mofidi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

evapotranspiration is one of the most important components in water balance and management. In this research, to evaluate the effects of climate change on the amount of potential evapotranspiration in the southern part of the Aras River Basin using the downscaled data of the GFDL-ESM2M model in the CORDEX dynamic downscale under the RCP8.5 scenario during the period of 2021-2050 and its comparison. It is treated with the values ​​of the base period (1985-2005). Data with a horizontal resolution of 22 x 22 km from the GFDL-ESM2M model were used in this research. The findings of the research showed that the minimum and maximum temperature and, accordingly, the ETp of the future period will increase compared to the base period in all six studied stations of Aras Basin (Ardebil, Ahar, Jolfa, Khoi, Mako and Pars-Abad). The value of this minimum temperature increase is estimated between 1.4 and 3.8 ºC and for the maximum temperature between 1.7 and 2.2ºC. The range of annual ETp increase varies from 133 mm to 189 mm. In the monthly ETp scale of all stations from January to July with an increase between 3.9 and 1.64 mm and from August to December with a decrease of 0.7 to 38.2 mm. Estimating the increase of ETp in the future period in the basin, especially in the months of spring, which is very important in terms of water demand, requires special attention to the possibility of this estimated increase in the planning of the water and energy sector.

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