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Showing 7 results for Saei

Ali Saei, Seyed Ali Badri, Nasrin Kazemi, Fayezh Tajik,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Various community groups can play important role in disaster management. Countries with different segments of people directly participate in activities to reduce the risk. Therefore, regarding the role of women's participation in disaster management process and as a part of human society will have an important role in this process, identify and analyze the factors affecting women's presence is essential. However, the central role of women in families and communities remains unknown in most parts of the world specially in planning and managing the disaster. The purpose of this study is to identify and understand the different capabilities of women to participate actively in the cycle of disaster management and providing strategies for increasing women's participation in the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of probable disasters.    This study is an original and practical research. According to the theoretical research, a questionnaire was designed in four parts and it was completed through sampling. The sample population is women living in 22 districts of Tehran. This study implies that there is the low participation rate of women in disaster management among citizens of Tehran. To complete the data, proportional sampling was used and data were analyzed using factor analysis. Using this method, the data and the variables were summarized and the most effective factors were set in the partnership. These factors include disaster management, cultural factors and gender, fatalism, a feeling of power and confidence that the results of the factor analysis was performed using four dimensions. Based on tradition of social research and the findings of previous empirical research on women's participation in disaster management and the factors influencing voluntary participation, contextual condition of social variables (including socio-economic condition, occupation, marital status, number of children and age), as well as religious and fatalistic attitude would studied and evaluated the factors influencing the motivation and willingness to participate as a volunteer in the field of disaster management.    The findings show that KMO value was equivalent to 0.74 in four factors of disaster management and the total values of the sector were defined 67.42% of total variance of  the variables. KMO value in the sense of power and confidence variables was 0.72 and 65.27% of this segment can be explained by four factors the variability of the variables. In fatalism variable the KMO value was 0.599 and 59.56% of the four factors could explain the variability of variables. Finally, the KMO of socio-cultural norms was 0.71 and 70.52% of the variability of the variables was explained by five factors in this sector. Women cooperation alongside men play a major role in the use and implementation of policies and programs related to accidents. Thus, participation as one of the arguments in crisis management requires people involved in all processes related to the crisis management cycle. Since public participation opportunities and fields are different in societies and in different groups, so, to attract the participation in each group, identifying effective components is essential.    Finally, after using factor analysis and extracting four factors, including knowledge of effective crisis management, cultural factors and gender, fatalism, a sense of power and self-confidence were classified. In general, most people do not do any activities in disaster management and their awareness and knowledge does not lead to disaster management needs. Thus, organizational barriers, structural, administrative and educational activities to promote social and cultural constraints are considering strategies promoting women's participation in disaster management cycle.

Saeid Hamzeh, Zahra Farahani, Shahriar Mahdavi, Omid Chatrobgoun, Mehdi Gholamnia,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2017)

As a result of climate change and reduction in rainfall during the last decade, drought has become big problem in the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas such as Iran. Therefore drought monitoring and management is great of important. In contrast with the traditional methods which are based on the ground stations measurements and meteorological drought monitoring, using the remote sensing techniques and satellite imagery have become a useful tool for spatio-temporal monitoring of agricultural drought. But using of this technique and its results still need to be evaluated and calibrated for different areas.
The aim of this survey is to study the spatial and temporal patterns of drought using remote sensing and the regional meteorological data in the Markazi province. For this purpose, the MODIS satellite data between the years of 2000-2013 have been used to monitor and derived vegetation indices. Drought indices based on satellite data including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI), and Soil Water Index (SWI) were obtained from the MODIS satellite data for the period of study for different temporal scales (seasonal, biannual and annul).Then, correlation between obtained results from satellite data and standardized precipitation index (SPI) have been analyzed in all time periods.
Results show that study area has a low to medium vegetation cover. According to the results, the climate situation of the study area is more compatible with the seasonal results of the VCI, and VCI was selected as the best indicator for agricultural drought monitoring in the study are. The obtained results from the applying of VCI over the area show the drought condition in 2000 and 2008 and the wetness in 2009 and 2010 during the study period.

Saeid Jahanbakhsh Asl, Behruz Sari Sarraf, Hosein Asakereh, Soheila Shirmohamadi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2020)

The study of temporal - spatial changes of high extreme rainfalls in west of Iran (1965-2016)
 Extended Abstract
Rainfall is one of the appropriate weather parameters not only in describing weather condition in one specific area but also is in estimating potential impacts of climate change in the environment and in many economic and social systems. Some studies show that during half a century weather patterns by more and severe raining events and by changes in scheduling and rain status has been changed. From 1960s with its much slope, the abundance and severity of extreme rainfalls throughout the world has increased and it is expected to continue the increase until the end of the current century. So understanding the behavior of extreme events is one of the main aspects of climate change and the increase of information about heavy rains has utmost importance for society, especially for the population who lives in areas with increased flood risk.
According to above mentioned cases and abnormal behavior and irregular rainfalls in Iran and its high variability from one hand and Iran's west region ability to heaviness and extension of rainfalls on the other hand, the necessity of understanding and study of temporal and spatial dangerous rainfalls is recognized. Among extreme rainfall characteristics, the portion of such rainfalls in total rain production is studied less.   Due to the experiments carried out, the increase of annual rainfall in Iran happens through heavy rainfalls. Therefore heavy rainfall portions out of total annual rainfalls can be defined as an index of crisis. The increase of this index implies the heavy floods in rainy years and severe drought and drought years.
Data and Method
Iran's west region including East and West Azerbaijan provinces, Zanjan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Hamadan, Lorestan, and Ilam consists of about 14 percent of Iran's total area. The height of this region includes a domain of 100 to about 4000 meters. Zagros mountain ranges are the most important characteristic of west of Iran, which are drawn from north-west to south-east.
In this research, we used network data from interpolation daily rainfall observation of 823 meteorology stations from January 1st up to December 31st, 2016 by using Kriging interpolation method and by separating 6×6 km spatial. The results formed matrix interpolation process by dimension of 18993×6410. This matrix has the rain status of 6410 points of west of Iran for every day rainfall (18993). Extreme rain falls are identified in terms of threshold of 95 percentile in each point and each day of year. The rainfall of each day and each pixel is compared to that related pixel and corresponding to that day and those days which their rainfalls rates were equal to or larger than threshold were identified for studying extreme rain fall portion in total yearly rainfall, the total of equal rainfalls and more than 95 percentile is calculated for each year and each of pixel and, it is divided to total of the same pixel rainfalls in that year.
We used the least squarely error for understanding temporal- spatial behavior of regression.
Results and Discussion
The average extreme rain falls in west of Iran is under the influence of their roughness and placement and also synoptic rainfall. The proof of this claim identifies through placement of average extreme rainfall over altitudes of region. By increasing geographical latitude in Iran's western provinces, it is decreased both of total extreme rainfalls and portion of such rainfall out of total yearly rainfall. Total extreme rainfall trend shows a frequency in a domain with 16 mm in each year. The negative trend of total rainfall with the area of 74.72 percent consists of three quarters of Iran's west.
The narrow strip of the west of Kurdistan and south-west of west Azerbaijan have the highest amount of positive trend which is meaningful in certainty level of 95 percent.
The study of process showed the ratio of extreme rainfalls portion to total yearly rainfall, which is increasing about 60.7 percent of west area of this country extreme rainfalls in total yearly rainfall and the greatest part of this area is located in southern half of the studied area.
The negative trend also is located in northern half and they have consisted of 39.29 percent of studied area of these, only in 29.81 percent of region, the trend ratio of extreme rainfalls to total yearly rainfalls are meaningful in certainty level of 95 percent.
Keywords: Extreme Rainfalls, Trend, 95 Percentile, Rainfall Portion, west of Iran.
Mr Mohamad Saeid Hamidi, Dr Abbas Alipuor, Mr Ehsan Alipuori,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2020)

The geographical location of Yazd province has greatly influenced the creation of spatial and climatic diversity and the provision of appropriate facilities for the formation of various natural and cultural attractions. Nevertheless, these areas need more attention in terms of the potential of tourism development for social sustainability. This research is done with the aim of spatial analysis of tourism capacity of desert areas and its role in social sustainability, and according to its nature, it is an applied type. The research method is descriptive-analytic. Documentary and field data are used to collect data. The data were analyzed quantitatively (one-sample T-test, Pearson test and AHP and Barda methods). The findings show that according to the experts' opinion, the effective indicators in identifying tourism capacities are distance from roads, distance from historical attractions, distance from residential centers, distance from natural attractions, type and soil suitability, distance from water resources , Elevation, direction of gradient, slope, land use and precipitation. The results show that 24 percent of the total area of the area has relatively good capacity and is located in the central, eastern and northeastern parts of the province. The most important criteria that have made these areas selected as optimal areas are the density of natural-ecological elements such as the existence of diverse deserts and deserts, geotops, glacier cirques, and historical-cultural elements such as traditional water reservoirs, markets, shrines and temples And so on. Also, 26% of the area has average power, which is mostly located in the east and northeast of the province. Finally, areas with inappropriate and relatively inappropriate power are found in parts of the eastern province of Karshra that occupy 51% of the total area of the zone. The results of measuring the social sustainability status of desert and desert areas based on indicators (population distribution, transport infrastructure, immigration status and deprivation rate) show that Yazd city has the highest ranking and Ardakan, Bafgh, Mehriz , Taft Meybod and Abarkuhh moderate sustainability, and finally Khatam, Saduj and Bahabad are among the unstable and less developed cities of Yazd province. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is a significant relationship between tourism development and social sustainability in different regions of Yazd province at 99% level. This means that areas with demographic, demographic, and low levels of social sustainability have lower attraction and tourism capabilities than other Yazd province cities.
Mr Seyed Kamyar Mortazavi-Asl, Dr. Navidsaeidirezvani Saeidirezvani, Dr. Mahmud Rezaei,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Evaluation of the effect of particulate matter and vegetation on the formation of heat and cold islands in Tehran
Seyed Kamyar Mortazavi Asl: PhD Student in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, UAE
Dr. Navid Saeedi Rezvani: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Dr. Mahmud Rezaei:  Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Global warming and the heat islands of cities are one of the biggest challenges in the world today. Cold islands is a word that stands in front of heat islands and refers to areas of the city that have lower temperatures than the surrounding areas. In this study, in order to investigate the factors affecting the formation of cool and heat islands of the city, it was first obtained by using Landsat image processing and using the single-channel surface temperature algorithm. Then to investigate the parameters affecting the land surface temperature changes; Criteria for changes in particulate matter and changes in vegetation were considered. The NDVI index was used for vegetation and the algorithm proposed by Saraswat et al. was used for the amount of particulate matter. According to the results, the highest-ranking neighborhood for heat islands were in Bustan, Shahid Bagheri township and the airport, respectively, and the lowest amount of cool islands were in Baharan, Niavaran and Darband, respectively. Pearson coefficient obtained from the relationship between surface temperature and vegetation was -21.29%, which indicates the inverse relationship between temperature and vegetation, as well as the amount of vegetation index in hot and cold regions. Regarding the relationship between land surface temperature and air pollution, the correlation between these two parameters was equal to 19.31% and comparing the pollution index in areas with cold and warm islands showed that there is a significant relationship between reducing air pollutants and cold islands but the opposite is not true.

Keywords: Cool Islands, Tehran, LST, Air Pollution

Mr Loghman Khodakarami, Dr Saeid Pourmanafi, Dr Alireza Soffianian, Dr Ali Lotfi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Space-based quantification of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in an urban area using “bottom-up” method
(Case study: Isfahan Metropolitan)
Increasing consumption of fossil fuels in urban areas emits enormous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Therefore, the study of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from urban areas has become an important research topic. The main purpose of this study is space-based quantification of carbon dioxide emissions driving from fossil fuel combustion in different source sectors in Isfahan. To achieve it, in the present study, the "bottom-up" method was used to quantify the carbon dioxide gas emission based on its production sources sectors. In this method, the amount of emission was measured distinctly for different sources of energy consumption and consequently the spatial distribution map the CO2 emission was generated. The results of this study revealed that the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions driving from fossil fuels is 13855525 tons per year in Isfahan. Separately stationary sectors of power plant, housing and commercial and mobile sources including road and railroad and existing agricultural machinery were responsible for emitting 50.61, 21.78, 17.18, 4.92, 4.37, and 1.14% of CO2, respectively. In conclusion, through applying the bottom-up method and CO2 emission distribution mapping based on different source sectors, mitigation measures can be applied more efficiently in urban planning.
Key words: Greenhouse gas (GHG), Fossil fuel combustion, Mobile and stationary source of energy consumption, climate change, Mitigation strategies
Negar Hamedi, Ali Esmaeily, Hassan Faramarzi, Saeid Shabani, Behrooz Mohseni,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Forest fire in many ecosystems is a natural phenomenon, but also a serious and dangerous threat with environmental, ecological, and physical effects. Therefore, this research investigated the risk areas of fire in Zagros forests identification to evaluate the changes in the time series of deals with a potential fire hazard. To achieve this goal fuzzy layers of analysis network process and order weighted average method were used regularly. For this purpose, fire Zagros forests using satellite images Landsat and MODIS Lordegan city in the period between 2000, 2007, and 2014 and the factors affecting fire are examined. The high-risk areas based on classification utility area and the number of zones were identified as fire-prone areas. In the analytical network process procedure, the largest weighs were assigned to the distance from residential areas and roads, GVMI index, and maximum daily air temperature factors which were 0.209, 0.198, 0.09, and 0.0716, respectively. Time series analysis map showing the extent of critical areas from 2000 to 2014 decreased by investigating the factors affecting fire occurrence in critical areas, distance for roads and residential areas, slope, aspect, GVMI index, and NDVI and maximum temperatures have the greatest impact were on fire. The low-risk scenario and a small amount of compensation with the ROC higher than 0.7 as the best model was the estimated risk of forest fires. The preparation of a map of areas susceptible to fire, as well as analyzing and analyzing the time series of factors affecting the fire in different years, is an effective step in helping forest managers to plan and implement preventive operations in high-risk areas.

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