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Showing 2 results for shohani

Nader Shohani, Farshad Shohani, Fariba Shohani, ‎ Hakim ‎ Bakrizadeh, Shamsollah Asgari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Iran and especially the West and Southwest regions of Iran are intermittently confronted with the phenomenon of dust and its problems. West of Iran Due to the natural environment and proximity to areas of dust source in West Asia, a region susceptible to the occurrence of dust phenomena is frequent. Fragments are the most important and perhaps the main threat to the health of individuals. Statistics show the destructive and negative effects of these microorganisms or The same dust is on people in the West and Southwest of Iran. Statistics and studies from the south and west of the country show that more than 100 days have been infected between the years 77 to 91, which has many health problems, and others Items have been created.Method of research In this article, a descriptive-analytical study. Then, using a questionnaire on the relationship between the phenomenon of dust and the health of citizens with the hypothesis: there is a significant relationship between the phenomenon of dust and the occurrence or exacerbation of heart disease in residents of Ilam. This study is a descriptive-analytic study in terms of post-event topic. The statistical population of this study was all patients admitted to Mustafa Khomeini Hospital in Ilam in the years 92-88.
In this paper, we try to first analyze the dust phenomenon, the frequency of its occurrence in the past and recent decades, and investigate the origin and conditions of formation of the phenomenon, and then to the effect Dusty storms on the cardiovascular health of the inhabitants of the area (with an emphasis on the city of Ilam). The results of multivariate statistical analysis including Pearson correlation coefficient, regression test, Chi-square test, ANOVA (variance analysis), and Kundal's correlation test showed that the relationship between the arrival of microorganisms in the statistical period of the study with the number of patients suffering from cardiovascular disease At the significance level, 0.05 was significant and indicates the existence of the relationship. This means that as the amount of entropy to the city of Ilam increased, the number of cases of this disease also increased.

Nader Shohani, Lotfali Kozegar Kalj, Sajad Darabi, Said Yousefi Babadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Pandemic Covid-19 (Corona); Tehran's resilience against it

Nader Shohani; Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University. Tehran Iran
Lotfali College Potter; Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Sajjad Darabi; PhD Student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Saeed Yousefi Babadi; PhD student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

One of the dangers that has caused cities to face a serious crisis is the outbreak of Covid-19 disease. The corona pandemic has taken cities out of their normal routine. Therefore, cities seek to return to their past conditions and urban resilience as soon as possible. Research Method In this descriptive-analytical study, using field survey, four economic, social, managerial-institutional and infrastructural dimensions in the form of 29 items have examined the resilience of Tehran against Corona pandemic. In research, support and advocacy for affected businesses, insurance coverage, support for affected manufacturing sectors, are in the most unfavorable situation. The results obtained from the final table of Vikor technique show that the economic index with a score of 1 is the most important component of resilience against coronavirus, which is lower than other components of resilience. After that, the managerial-institutional component with a score of 0.94 and the infrastructure component with a score of 0.92 in the next ranks are the most important components of Tehran's resilience against coronavirus. The results show that the metropolis of Tehran is not in a favorable position in relation to the corona virus and is not resilient to selected indicators and the economic index has the most impact and the social index has the least impact on the resilience of Tehran.

Keywords: Urban Resilience, Covid 19, Pandemic, Tehran

Pandemic Covid-19 (Corona);
Tehran's resilience against it


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