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Showing 2 results for Agriculture

Dr Manouchehr Farajzadeh, Miss Zahra Kazemnezhad, Dr Reza Borna,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2019)


Climate change in one area has severe impacts on water resources and, consequently, agriculture in that area. Therefore, studying the extent of the vulnerability of regions to adopting policies to reduce or adapt to new conditions is of particular importance. One of the methods for assessing the extent of damage to agricultural activities is the calculation of the vulnerability index. In this study, with the aim of assessing agricultural vulnerability to climate change, The CVI index was calculated for 16 cities in Guilan province.

The results showed that the cities of Rasht (61.58) and Talesh (55.21) had the highest vulnerability and, accordingly, had the least adaptive power to climate change compared to other cities. And Langrood County (29.51) has the lowest number of vulnerabilities. The average value of the calculated index is 40.42 in Guilan province. In component R, the most vulnerable were Talesh (99.66) and lowest for Lahijan (2.27), In component M, the highest vulnerability was for Rudbar (97.21) and the lowest for Talesh (24.30), In component A, the most vulnerable were Rasht (89.99) and the lowest for Anzali (2.21), In component C, the most vulnerable were Shaft (66.66) and lowest for Anzali (1.89), In component U, the most vulnerable were Rasht (67.55) and the lowest for Astara (28.92), In component E, the highest vulnerability was for Talesh (76.49) and lowest for Lahijan (22.69), In component G, the most vulnerable was reported to Rasht (53.05) and the lowest vulnerability was reported for Sunnelk (23.24).

Seyyed Mohammad Khademi Nosh Abadi, Dr Maryam Omidi Najaf Abadi, Dr Seyyed Mehdi Mirdamadi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Industrial and agricultural activities in the world have led to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxide and have caused the earth's climate to become warmer. This phenomenon has caused climate change and has changed the thermal and rainfall patterns. Climate change in Iran in recent years has caused a decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperature and continuous droughts. Agricultural production in Iran has been affected by climate change and has faced a decrease in the production of crops such as wheat. Therefore, according to the government's policy of self-sufficiency in wheat production and the establishment of sustainable food security in the country, it is necessary to use climate smart agricultural technologies to sustainably increase agricultural productivity, Adapting and resilience of agriculture to climate change and reduction greenhouse gases emission from agriculture. The purpose of this study was to design a behavioral model for the use of climate smart agricultural technologies with an emphasis on motivation. The research method was quantitative, in terms of practical purpose, and research data was collected through a cross-sectional survey.The conceptual model was designed using the theory of planned behavior and the theory of norm activation. Bayesian structural equation modeling was used to test the model and hypotheses. The statistical population of this research was 800 wheat farmers of Nazarabad city, Alborz province. The sample size was calculated using Cochran formula 260 people, and stratified random sampling method with proportional assignment was determined as the sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect research data. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through agricultural extension and education experts, and its reliability was also confirmed through the pre-test and calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The findings of the research show that subjective norms, personal norms and perceived behavioral control related to the use of climate smart agricultural technologies have a significant effect on the intention to use these technologies. While the attitude towards the use of climate smart agricultural technologies do not have a significant effect on the intention to use these technologies. The variable of intention to use climate smart agricultural technologies also has a significant effect on the behavior of using these technologies.

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