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Showing 1 results for Shahsavari

, A Shahsavari,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (5-2013)

During autumn and summer 2010 observed species from Amaranthus genus were studied in segetal and ruderal environments of Hamedan city. In this research, 100 plats randomly were selected and totally 6 species from Amaranthus were identified as neophyte wild elements: A. retroflexus L. A. lividus L., A. chlorostachys Willd, A. albus L., A. viridus L. and A. blitoides S. Watson. Dispersal of mentioned species in many segetal (such as farms and urban green spaces) and ruderal (such as wastelands, beside of walls and etc.) areas with remarkable dispersal, indicates suitable adaptation of this elements with antropogenic biotops. Among collected species, A. retroflexus L. with highest dispersal in farm lands and gardens, with H5 (&alpha-euhemerob) hemeroby degree as a segetal plant and A. blitoides S. Watson.with H6 (Polyhemerob) hemeroby degree in pavings and asphalts clef, as a severely ruderal plant are introduced from Hamedan city. other observed species of this genus, with H4 (b-euhemerob) hemeroby degree more grow in beside of walls, gardens, urban green spaces and et

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