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Showing 1 results for Actinomycete

Ensieh Salehghamari, Marzieh Hosseini, Fatemeh Taheri,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Saline soils are widely spread in Iran. These intact soils are a great source for the isolation of new bacteria with highly functional metabolites in biotechnology. Actinomycete strains were isolated on starch casein agar and ISP2 with different concentrations of sodium chloride (0, 5 and 10%) from treated soil samples. Pure colonies were cultured on a casein glycerol medium. After complete growth, the plates were covered with a thin layer of Muller Hinton Agar (1%) containing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Active metabolites of selected strains were extracted and their antibacterial activities analyzed by agar well diffusion method. 38% of isolates produced antibiotics against the pathogen. The metabolites produced by act-2 and act-5 isolates, which had a more effective inhibition zone against MRSA, were extracted and anti MRSA activity of act-5 extract was shown. The antimicrobial activity of act-5 against other bacteria was also investigated and the bacterium was identified. In this study halophilic actinomycetes producing bioactive compounds were isolated from the saline soils of Qom and the anti-MRSA potential of their metabolites was investigated for the first time. The results of this study show the potential of saline soil actinomycetes for the production of useful metabolites.


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