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Showing 2 results for Tamannaeifar

Mohammad Reza Tamannaeifar, ‎azam Mansourinik,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

The study on body image has grown steadily over the recent few decades. Since many studies investigated the relationship between body image and psychosocial functions, this study aimed at investigating the relationship between body image and adjustment. The subjects of the study included 400 male and female high school student who were selected through cluster sampling. The data were collected by using Physical Self-Description Questionnaire and Bell Adjustment Inventory, and the obtained data were then analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between body image and adjustment. The results were representative of the fact there was a significant difference in body image of male and female students, but there was no significant difference in adjustment of both male and female students. In general, the findings demonstrated that positive body image would lead to more adjustment behaviors through developing the sense of higher self worth.
Azam Mansourinik, Iran Davoudi, Abdolkazem Neisi, Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand, Mohammad Reza Tamannaeifar,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (volume12, Issue 4 2019)

Understanding the actual - ideal body discrepancy in individuals makes them use coping strategies to manage the distracting experiences of their body image. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of body discrepancy with body image maladaptive coping strategies (experiential avoidance and appearance fixation) with the mediating role of self-compassion and body shame. Sample consisted of 300 female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz who were selected by multi -stage random sampling. In order to collect information, we used the body-image ideals questionnaire, objectified body cnsciousness scale, body image coping strategies inventory, self-compassion scale (short form). The conceptual model of the present study was analyzed using path analysis method. The results indicated that the path coefficient of body discrepancy to experiential avoidance was not significant, but the path coefficient of body discrepancy to appearance fixation was significant. Furthermore, the path coefficient of self -compassion to body shame was significant. Also, indirect path of body discrepancy to body image maladaptive coping strategies through self-compassion and body shame was significant. Finding of this study is consistent with compassion focused therapy showed the role of shame and compassion as emotional aspect of body image disturbance.

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