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Showing 4 results for Psychometric Properties

Mohsen Ahmadi Tahoor Soltani, Mehran Farhadi, Valiollah Ramezani, Iraj Safaee Rad,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

The aim of the present study was to consider psychometric properties of Sympson's Hope Scale in a sample of Iranian university students. To do so, 457 students of Hamadan universities were selected through proportional stratified sampling method and were asked to complete Snyder's Hope Scale, Oxford Happiness scale, Hardiness Scale, Beck Hopelessness Inventory, Riff 's Psychological Well-being Scale along with Sympson's Hope Scale (changed a little).  Cronbach's coefficient Alpha (0/95), split-half (0/84), convergent validity ( Hardiness, 0/36, Happiness, 0/58, Psychological Well-being, 0/43), divergent validity (Hopelessness, -0/18) were significant (p<0/01). Second order confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the five factors had high factor loadings on one latent factor and therefore six factors model was fitted with the data (AGFI=0/91, RMSEA=0/047, NFI=0/98). Results will be present in detail in the following.
Mohsen Saaidian Asl, Mostafa Khanzadeh, Jaafar Hasani, F Edrisi,,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2012)

The aim of this research was to investigate the Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Persian version of State Adult Attachment Scale (SAAS). Using stratified random sampling method, 321 students (148 male and 173 female students) from Shiraz University were selected. Participants completed Persian version of State Adult Attachment Scale (SAAS), revised version of the adult attachment scale (RAAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI–II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). The construct validity of the Persian version of State Adult Attachment Scale (SAAS) was assessed via factor analysis and internal correlations. Also, Concurrent validity coefficients of this scale were calculated based on the correlations of this scale with the revised version of the adult attachment scale (RAAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI–II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scores. Moreover, using Cronbach’s Alpha the reliability of the Persian version of State Adult Attachment Scale (SAAS) was assessed. Principal component analysis with Varimax-rotation showed the three factors including Secure, anxious and avoidant attachments which were in accordance with factor structure of SAAM in major population. Result of internal correlations and correlations with BAI, BDI-II and RASS, revealed good construct and Convergent validity. Finally, reliability of these subscales were reached between 0/72 - 0/84 according to the Cronbach’s Alpha. According to the results of this study, SAAM can be used for the Iranian population in clinical and research fields as a reliable and valid scale.
Sajjad Basharpoor, Masomeh Shafie,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (11-2015)

There has been an increasing interest to study the dark three dark personality traits during the current years. Then, this research was conducted in order to investigate psychometric properties of Persian version of short form scale of Dark Triad personality traits in university students. The all students of University of mohaghegh ardabili in 2014-2015 educational years comprised the statistic population of this study. three hundred and ten students (115 male and 194 female) were selected by random multistage sampling method and participated in this study. The subjects responded individually to the questionnaires of three dark personality traits, big five personality and general health at classrooms. The gathers data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation using SPSS and LISREL softwares. The results of the explorative factor analyze showed the 3 factors with eigenevalue higher than 1, this 3 factor were explaining 53/61 % of variance together. Confirmatory factor analysis indicators also implied to the optimal fitness of three-factor model of this questionnaire. The results of the Pearson correlation showed that three dark personality traits have significant correlations with factores of big five questionnaire and mental health indexes. The alpha cronbach coefficients for the subscales were obtain ranging 0/68 -0/75. Basing the results of this study, it can be conclude that short form of three dark personality triats scale has well validly and reliability for uses in Iranian populations.
Mozhgan Patou, Alireza Moradi, Abbas Ali Allahyari, Mehrdad Payandeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (11-2015)

Mental adjustment to cancer is known a psychological, physical and psychological health variable in cancer patients. The present study examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Mini - Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MA)in a sample of Iranian adults.The sample consisted of 320 cancer patients selected through non-random convenient sampling procedure from the hospitals and clinics in Kermanshah and Shiraz, and was conducted Mini - Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale, among of them 100 was also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Statistical methods for analysing the data exploratory, discriminate validity and for internal consistency Cronbach alpha coefficients were used. Alpha coefficients for the subscales helplessness/hopelessness, 0.94, cognitive avoidance 0.76, anxious preoccupation, 0.90, Fatalism, 0.77, the fighting spirit 0.80 and the total scale as well as 0.84, respectively. Factor analysis confirmed that the five factors in the Mini-MAC. Significant correlations between subscales of Mini-MAC and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale also show that this scale has discriminate validity. The results confirm the five-factor structure of the Mini-MAC scale and also a reliable and valid scale, shows this scale has power to measure aspects of mental adjustment with cancer.

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