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Showing 22 results for Coping

Shahram. Mohamadkhani, M.n. Farahani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study aimed at investigating the role of demographic variables and coping styles in predicting the quality of life in teachers of Tehran. Research participants included 500 teachers of Tehran schools with an average age of 41.1 and a standard deviation of 7.3, who were selected through random cluster sampling. World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire, coping with stressful situations scale and demographic questionnaire were used for collecting the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the male and female teachers in terms of the quality of life female teachers were more satisfied with their quality of life there was no significant relationship between the teachers’ age and the quality of life. Furthermore, the results revealed that the income level and emotion-oriented, problem-oriented, avoidant coping style and educational level of teachers were respectively the strongest predictors of the quality of life. Overall, these variables explained 21% of the variance of quality of life in teachers. These findings showed that the quality of life is a subjective concept which depended on the individual’s appraisal of life and expectations .Therefore, a set of Demographic, social, economic, and psychological factors are related with the quality of life
Fereshte Cheraghi, Mahdi Dasta, Roghaye Ghorbani, Afsane Abidizadegan, Mahdi Arabzade,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the direct and indirect effect of perceived self- efficacy on academic stress through cognitive coping strategies. Data were collected from 435 medical science students of Shiraz University, from seven educational groups in 2009 which were selected via cluster sampling. In this study two questionnaires were used: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski, 2001) and self- efficacy and stress Questionnaire (Zajacova, 2005). Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Measured model enjoyed adequate fit indexes. On the basis of the results, self – efficacy latent variable directly and indirectly affects academic stress through maladaptive and adaptive cognitive coping strategies. People with high perceived self- efficacy tend to use adaptive coping strategies and experience lower academic stress.
Parirokh Dadsetan, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Kazem Rasolzadeh Tabatabaye, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi- Ashtiany,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of coping cat protocol on the coping strategies of children, aged 9 to 11 years old, afflicted with internalized disorder. This study was a true experimental research including pretest, posttest and a control group. The population of the study was all the children afflicted with internalized disorder in Tehran, Iran, and the sample of the study consisted of 80 children (40 children in the experimental group and 40 children in the control group) who were randomly selected based on the parents and teacher’s reports and interviews and the subjects received 16 sessions of coping cat program. Child  Behavior check list(CBCL) , Teacher Report Form(TRF) of Achenbach system of Empirically Based Assessment(Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001), clinical  Diagnosis Interview and Frydenberg & Luise’s(1992) coping strategies Questionnaire were  used to evaluate the two groups before and after receiving treatment protocol. The factorial analysis of covariance revealed that there was significant difference between experimental and control groups in terms of adjusted, unadjusted and solicitous coping strategies after posttest stage and gender factor did not moderate the outcomes.
Farzaneh Michaeli Manee,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between social adjustment and irrational beliefs among university students. The other aim was to examine mediatory role of coping with stress styles. For those purpose, 280 subjects (141 female and 139 male) were selected randomly from Urmia University students. Joneُs irrational beliefs test (IBT) (Zolfaghari Motlag, 1377), Endler and Parker coping styles inventory (Rodger, 1993) and Bell΄s adjustment scale ) Warbah, 20007) were used. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression. The findings revealed that irrational beliefs had negative relationship with student social adjustment and its components could predict adjustment (P<001). In addition, the analysis of regression showed that avoidance coping with stress style did play meditative role between irrational beliefs and social adjustment. According to the results, it  may be concluded irrational beliefs change will help better social adjustment.
Ali Beygi, Mohammadnaghi Farahani‎, Shahram Mohammadkhani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

This study aimed at comparing the quality of life and stress coping styles in narcotic anonymous (NA) and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) members. In this causal-comparative study, 100 men (NA:50 and MMT:50), who aged 20 to 40 years and avoided drug at least 6 months, from Shahrood city,Iran, completed Word Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (QoLWHO) and Endler & parker coping styles inventory. The results showed that mean scores of the interpersonal relationships, physical health, and task-oriented and avoidance-oriented coping styles in NA members was significantly higher in comparison with the mean scores in MMT members. Further, results of the diagonistic analysis showed that the comparative differences in a compound of variables (considering the aspect of signifance, these variables include interpersonal relationships,physical health, task-oriented) would differentiate the two groups significantly. It seems that actively attending in NA may enhance QoL and effective Coping styles
Keivan Kakabaraee‎, Gholam Ali Afrooz, Haidar Ali Hooman, Alireza Moradi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

The purpose of this study was to compare the mental wellbeing, Coping Styles and perceived social support in parents having more than one exceptional and normal child. In the present study, which is an ex post facto research, 800 parents (400 parents having exceptional children and 400 parents having normal children) were selected by simple random sampling and multi-stage sampling. They completed Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations: Short Form (CISS-SF), multidimensional scale of the Social Support (MSPSS), and the mental wellbeing scales including the satisfaction with the life scale (SWLS) and the positive and negative affect. Data analyzed with the multivariate Analysis of Variance showed that there was a significant difference between these two groups of parents in terms of mental wellbeing. As far as the life satisfaction and positive affect are concerned, the parents having normal children got higher scores in comparison with the parents having normal children. The results also showed that there was a difference between the two groups in terms of the problem-focused and emotion-focused coping styles no difference was seen in terms of the avoidance coping style The results also showed that parents having exceptional children got lower grades in three dimensions of social support(family, friends and others) in comparison with the parents having normal children. According to the findings of the study, having an exceptional child , especially having more than one, would  affect the psychological health of the family and the immediate relatives.
Rashin, Sabri Nazarzadeh, . Mohammad Saeid, Abdkhodaei, . Zahra, Tabibi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2012)

The current study investigated the causal relationship between the sense of coherence (SOC) and psychological hardiness, coping strategies and mental health. 405 women from Ahvaz City, with ages ranged between 25-55 years participated in the study. Flensborg-Madsen et al.'s sense of coherence scale, Najarian et al.'s hardiness scale, Moss and Billings stress coping strategies, and Godberg's mental health scale were administered. The results of path analysis indicated that the proposed model which linked sense of coherence, psychological hardiness, coping strategies and mental health fitted the data. Direct and non-direct path coefficients of the sense of coherence and mental health were also significant. Furthermore, path coefficients of the direct effect of hardiness on emotion-centered coping strategies, SOC on emotion-centered coping strategies and emotion-centered coping strategies on mental health were also significant. Findings indicated that the SOC and psychological hardiness had a determining role in mental health. Also, causal modeling path analysis demonstrated that some variables made their relationship complicated
Fahimeh Ghahvehchi., Ali Fathi-Ashtiani, Parviz Azadfallah,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

study was conducted to examine the relationship between meta cognitive beliefs
and female students’ test anxiety coping styles by considering the role of ambivalent attachment. In a correlative study, 202 female students in the third grade of Yazd’s
middle school were selected by random cluster sampling and then completed the
Spielberger Anxiety questionnaire, Meta cognitive Beliefs
Questionnaire and Collins and Raid attachment questionnaire. Pearson's correlation test and regression
analysis were used to analyze the data. The present study showed that there was a positive relationship between
test anxiety and cognitive beliefs, avoidant coping style, emotional-based coping style and ambivalent attachment. Also there was direct and significant relationship between meta cognitive beliefs and
avoidant coping style, issue-oriented
copying style, emotional-based coping style and ambivalent
attachment. Emotional coping styles were also
positively and significantly oriented with ambivalent attachment. Results of the step by step regression analysis
showed that meta cognitive beliefs explained   27% of the variance the test anxiety by
themselves, while the coping style along with meta cognitive
beliefs explained approximately 32% of the variance of test anxiety and if
ambivalent attachment added to meta cognitive beliefs and
coping style, 34% of the variance of test anxiety can be explained
approximately. Due to the effectiveness of the proper use of coping styles in dealing with the test anxiety, the
necessary trainings in this area can prevent
the students from being challenged by the test anxiety which could have many
negative effects on their performance. Also parents as
those having a role in the formation of their children’s attachment should
undergo necessary training.
M, Firoozi, A, Mehri, A, Kamari, M, Shahgholian,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The purpose of this study was examination of emotional problems and coping styles in children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and compared with healthy children. Fifty-five children hospitalized at Children's Hospital in the Cancer and Blood Ward and frothy-five healthy children who referred to vaccination were participated in this study. Participants were compared to each other in the “Evaluation of the Child Drawing: Hospital Manual” and “Koppitz’s Emotional Indicators” in the drawing injection picture. Results showed a significant difference between cancer and healthy children in all subscales of Evaluation of the Child Drawing: Hospital Manual. Furthermore, participants in both groups were compared in Koppitz’s Emotional Indicators. Differences between the groups in the use of black color, small paint, shaded face, body, hands and unusual images were significant. Results showed that children with Leukemia were more use of avoidance strategies while healthy children applied approaching strategies. In addition, based on Koppitz’s indicators, children with Leukemia were demonstrated more emotional problems. These findings help to health providers to design clinical interventions for children with cancer
S, Hosseini, M. N. Farahani, B, Rashidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and contribution of infertility stress, coping styles with stress, personality traits and social support in the marital adjustment of infertile women. In this study,causal comparative or "exposit facto" research ‎method was used. Population of the study included 201 women who were selected through availability sampling method from those visiting VALI-e-ASR Reproductive Health Research Center. Research tools of the study included the Gadroon's Big Five Factor, The Fertility Problem Inventory, Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. In order to analyze the data, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Regression analysis were used. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between the variables of this study. It was also revealed that social concern, important others, extroversion, emotional coping style, need for parenthood and sexual concern were suitable predictors of the marital adjustment. In sum, the results of the study put an emphasis on the importance of the psychological-Social factors in marital adjustment. 
Mohammad, Ebrahimi, Mohammad Sajjad, Sayadi, Fatemeh, Bagherian,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The purpose of this research was to study the role of spirituality in coping strategies and the mediating role of family communication in the relationship between the spiritually and copying strategies among the families. In order to examine the mediating role, 375 parents of the students in Kermanshah participated in the study. They were selected through multi cluster sampling method. Measurement tools of the study included Family Communication Scale (FCS), Sanctification of Marriage Scale, Sanctification of Parenting Scale, and Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES). To analyze the data, one way analysis of variance, correlation analysis and simultaneous regression analysis were used. Results showed that the families with high spirituality used the coping strategies including cognitive reframing, spiritual social support, and mobilizing the Family to acquire help more and the Passive Appraisal less than the families with low spirituality. Furthermore, through the mediating role of family communication, spirituality was directly or indirectly in relationship with the copying strategies. Finally, it can be conclude that through having appropriate communication and also through other effective factors the families with high spirituality can effectively cope with the internal and external family tensions.
Hamid, Asadi, Mohammad Bagher Kajbaf, S. Ali, Kolahdouzan, Saaid, Godarzi, Sorya, Hoseinirazi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

        This study aimed to design a predictive model to identification of protective and risk factors in college student at the risk of mental disorders. This research was designed according to the correlation analysis, and the sample society (560 students) was selected from 4564 students of ShahidBeheshti University using Stratified Random Sampling Method. The collected data was based on the General Health Factors Goldberg, Social Support Bakhshipoor, Piravi and Abediian, Coping Strategies Endler and Parker, the Suicide Risk Scale of Northwest Behavioral Health Research Center, and Mentor Research Institute Scale. The data was then analyzed using logistic regression.The results showed that religious beliefs, social support, and problem-focused coping strategies effectively decrease and emotion-focused coping strategies and record of mental disorders effectively increase the risk of mental disorder. The benefit of having a more-developed religious belief can decrease the odds the risk of mental disorder to than 0/34 sized (-0/66), social support to than 0/64 sized (-0/36) and problem-focused coping strategies to than 0/77 sized (-0/23), While having a record of mental disorder and emotion-focused coping strategies can respectively increase the odds the risk of mental disorder to 4.35 and 1.95. By designing a predictive model, we can reinforce the protective factors and control the risk factors in order to use them for primary preventive models.        
Omid Shokri, Raheme Salehi, Maryam Safaie, Masomeh Abdalkhaleghi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

This study examined the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. On a sample consisting of 155 cancer patients were administrated the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Pargament, Koenig & Perez, 2000), the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) and the positive affect and negative affect schedule (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. Results indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive affect and a significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative affect. Results also indicated that the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being by positive and negative religious coping strategies is mediated. All of the regression weights in the proposed model were statistically significant and model' predictors accounted for 80 and 60% of the variance in positive and negative affect, respectively. These findings show that in cancer patients when encountering to stressful experiences, difference in scores of positive and negative affect among patients, accounted for by difference in degree of positive and negative religious coping strategies.
, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2015)

The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on coping styles (avoidant behavior, cognition, emotion and problem-focused) for patient who had cancer. 40 cancer patients in this study were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (each group, n = 20), that experimental group was trained for 12 sessions. The tool used in this research was “coping styles Billings and mouse questionnaire”. Pre-test and post-test was conducted.
In order to analyze the data ANCOVA and Kolmogorov - Smirnov was used. The results showed that cognitive behavior therapy had desired effect on coping style (emotion-focused coping style and avoidance coping style decreased behavioral, cognitive and problem-oriented increase). Also follow-up showed after one month that this effect was stable.(P > 0.05, P > 0.01).

Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)

Resource congruent model of stress emphasized on the role of cultural schemas and also heterogeneity of coping styles. The aime of this study was to investigate factor structure of coping schema inventory (CSI) which was created based on resourch congruent model. We selected 1۰۴۶ Iranian student who speak in Persian, Kurdish, Lurish and gilaki languages by multistage cluster method. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis have been used for assessing psychometric properties. Finding showd that a six factor solution was the best fitted by the pattern in data. These six factor model explained 38% variance of coping schemas inventory. Coping schemas which was identified by factor analysis were religious, situational, passive emotional, acceptance, social support and active emotional. Internal consistency (cronbaches alpha) were calculated 0/65-0/84 for subscales of CSI.It seemed in Iranian culrure coping schemas including situational, religious, passive emotions, social support, acceptance and active emotion was more available and also more usable than other coping schema including self-restructuring, meaning, and tensition reduction. This pattern of results was consisted with predictions of resource congruent model of coping with stress. 

Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Culture influence psychological phenomena in different ways. In this article, we introduce a framework for studying relationship between culture and psychological phenomena and we presented findings from some cross-cultural studies in this framework. It seems the definition and classification of personality traits, the experience of stress and mental health moderated by culture. The associations between positive and negative affects and mental health was different among Iranian and Swedish culture. In Iranian culture, both kind of affects was associated with mental health, whereas in Swedish culture, only positive affect was associated with mental health. Iranian students more used primary process against stress, whereas Swedish students more used secondary process. In addition, academic stress among Iranian students was less than Swedish students. It could conclude that there were some similarities and differences between Iranian and Swedish culture in personality traits, experience of anxiety, and coping with stress. Therefore, any policy making in global level and designing behavioral change strategies in national level should be influenced by these cultural similarities and differences
Azam Mansourinik, Iran Davoudi, Abdolkazem Neisi, Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh Honarmand, Mohammad Reza Tamannaeifar,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Understanding the actual - ideal body discrepancy in individuals makes them use coping strategies to manage the distracting experiences of their body image. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of body discrepancy with body image maladaptive coping strategies (experiential avoidance and appearance fixation) with the mediating role of self-compassion and body shame. Sample consisted of 300 female undergraduate students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz who were selected by multi -stage random sampling. In order to collect information, we used the body-image ideals questionnaire, objectified body cnsciousness scale, body image coping strategies inventory, self-compassion scale (short form). The conceptual model of the present study was analyzed using path analysis method. The results indicated that the path coefficient of body discrepancy to experiential avoidance was not significant, but the path coefficient of body discrepancy to appearance fixation was significant. Furthermore, the path coefficient of self -compassion to body shame was significant. Also, indirect path of body discrepancy to body image maladaptive coping strategies through self-compassion and body shame was significant. Finding of this study is consistent with compassion focused therapy showed the role of shame and compassion as emotional aspect of body image disturbance.

Majid Saffarinia, Soheila Dehkhodaei,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2020)

The aim of this study was to present an exploratory model to express the relationships between a set of factors including personality factors, attachment styles, control source, coping strategies and perceived stress and disease perception in patients with hemophilia, emphasizing the mediating role of social exchange styles. The present study is a correlational study based on path analysis. In order to conduct the study, 450 patients from the Hemophilia Support Centre in Isfahan were randomly selected. The instruments used in this study included the Neo Five Personality Factor Questionnaire, the Hazen and Shaver Attachment Styles Scale, the Rutter Control Scale, the Andler and Parker Stress Coping Questionnaire, the Cohen Perceived Stress Questionnaire, the Disease Perception Questionnaire and the Libman Social Learning Exchange Questionnaire. The results indicated a linear relationship between a group of factors such as neurotic personality traits, responsibility, extraversion and flexibility, two coping styles (emotion-oriented, problem-oriented and avoidance) and a secure attachment style and disease perception. The results also showed personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, pleasantness, flexibility and responsibility), coping styles (avoidance and emotion-oriented), attachment style (safe and unsafe ambivalent) and source of control are related to the perception of disease through the mediating role of social exchange style fairness. Therefore, in order to provide measures to improve the perception of patients with hemophilia, it is necessary to pay special attention to personality traits, coping styles, attachment style, source of control and perceived stress in addition to fair social exchange styles.

Dr Shaghayegh Modaberi, Dr Hasan Pourrazi, Mrs Rahele Kabiri,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Aim: Quarantine is a condition that many societies forced for controlling the COVID pandemic. Quarantine threatens many mental and physical health aspects of human beings. Physical activity play a main role in improving health and quality of life. The current study was assessing the eating disorder and coping strategies in active and inactive people duringCOVID-19lockdown. Method: The present study was done by three online questionnaires was included: physical activity (16 questions), coping styles (48 questions), and eating attitude(26 questions) questionnaires, and these questionnaires completed by anybody who was > 18 years old in Iran in summer of 2020. Questionnaires included demographic information and main questions that were completed by 705 persons. Results: results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between physical activity and eating disorder attitude (p= 0.04), especially in active females(p= 0.0001). In order to, results identified there was a negative significant relationship between eating disorder attitude and coping strategies in active(p= 0.02) and inactive (p= 0.03)males. Conclusion: according to the findings of this study, the eating disorder attitude has increased in active females and they preferred to follow the problem-focused style for coping with crisis conditions. Furthermore, active males had showed more likely for eating disorder.

Ms Arefeh Ranjbar, Ms Maryam Janfada,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2022)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of early maladaptive schemas and Stress Coping Strategies of mothers on the quality of life of children 1 to 6 years old during the COVID-19 Epidemic. The method of this study is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study included all mothers with children aged 1 to 6 yearsThe sample consisted of 325 mothers who completed the questionnaires online. Data were collected using Early Maladaptive Scheme (YSQ- SF), Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (Ciss), TNO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life Questionnaire (TAPQOL). Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of multiple regression. Results showed 32% of quality of life of children variance during COVID-19 Epidemic can be explained by early maladaptive schemas and Stress Coping Strategies of mothers.The results of regression analyses revealed that maladaptive schemas of Emotional deprivation, Abandonment, Social Isolation, Defectiveness / Shame, Dependence, Vulnerability to harm or illness, Enmeshment/underdeveloped self and  Unrelenting standards of mothers predicts on the quality of life of children during the COVID-19 Epidemic.Thus , training of appropriate strategies for mothers to reduce the maladaptive schemas and to teach proper coping strategies For increase quality of life of children is essential.

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