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Showing 5 results for Culture

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Volume 9, Issue 4 (2-2016)

Although in the literature of the study the concepts of health and disease have been considered deeply dependent on each other, it seems that to differentiate them , indexes are needed which make clear both similar cultural characteristics and different cultural characteristics .In this study, an attempt was made to provide a new description of the classification of the mental health and disease and to investigate the role of different feelings in differentiating health from disease in Iranian collectivistic culture and Swedish individualistic culture. In this study, of a group of Iranian students (n=296) and of a group of Swedish students (n=310), a sample of students were selected. Results of the study showed that in the Iranian society there was a relationship between the mental health and balance affect while in the Swedish society there was a more significant relationship between the mental health and positive affect. It seems that in the typology of healthy and sick people there are four flourishing, languishing, trouble and symptomatic groups and that the positive and balance affects can differentiate these groups.

Elham Fathi, Masoomeh Esmaeily, Kiumars Farahbakhsh, Manijeh Daneshpour,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Marital satisfaction is an effective factor in physical and Psychological health of community. The purpose of this study was to present an Iranian satisfied marriage Model.  This study was done with qualitative research and grounded theory method. Purposeful sampling was used to collect the data. Sampling continued until theoretical saturation was obtained. Totally 20 participants (10 couples) with high marital satisfaction were interviewed in semi structured and in-depth method and analyzed using the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin.  Findings indicated that progress toward maintaining and validating relationship is the core category of the study. The causal condition of the study was congruent spouse selection based upon well knowing of each other. The intervening condition of the study was categorized and explained in four categories of personal, couples, families, and parental levels. The strategies couples used in conflicts between themselves and families were explained. Finally the outcome of the core category was marital satisfaction that is explained more in detail. Marital satisfaction is related to culture and therefore studies should be done in the context of the culture and society
Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)

Resource congruent model of stress emphasized on the role of cultural schemas and also heterogeneity of coping styles. The aime of this study was to investigate factor structure of coping schema inventory (CSI) which was created based on resourch congruent model. We selected 1۰۴۶ Iranian student who speak in Persian, Kurdish, Lurish and gilaki languages by multistage cluster method. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis have been used for assessing psychometric properties. Finding showd that a six factor solution was the best fitted by the pattern in data. These six factor model explained 38% variance of coping schemas inventory. Coping schemas which was identified by factor analysis were religious, situational, passive emotional, acceptance, social support and active emotional. Internal consistency (cronbaches alpha) were calculated 0/65-0/84 for subscales of CSI.It seemed in Iranian culrure coping schemas including situational, religious, passive emotions, social support, acceptance and active emotion was more available and also more usable than other coping schema including self-restructuring, meaning, and tensition reduction. This pattern of results was consisted with predictions of resource congruent model of coping with stress. 

Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Culture influence psychological phenomena in different ways. In this article, we introduce a framework for studying relationship between culture and psychological phenomena and we presented findings from some cross-cultural studies in this framework. It seems the definition and classification of personality traits, the experience of stress and mental health moderated by culture. The associations between positive and negative affects and mental health was different among Iranian and Swedish culture. In Iranian culture, both kind of affects was associated with mental health, whereas in Swedish culture, only positive affect was associated with mental health. Iranian students more used primary process against stress, whereas Swedish students more used secondary process. In addition, academic stress among Iranian students was less than Swedish students. It could conclude that there were some similarities and differences between Iranian and Swedish culture in personality traits, experience of anxiety, and coping with stress. Therefore, any policy making in global level and designing behavioral change strategies in national level should be influenced by these cultural similarities and differences
Azadeh Saffarzadeh, Abbas Rahiminezhad, Hadi Bahrami Ehsan, Azam Noferesti, Nazila Shahmansouri,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Fear of death is a global and cultural issue. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate a scale for afterlife fears in the Iranian sample. This study was an exploratory sequential mixed method design. The Qualitative phase included semi-structured interviews with 12 acute cardiac patients. The content of patients answers about afterlife fears rearranged as 14 items for quantitative phase. At the quantitative phase, 313 subjects (230 women and 83 men) were selected from Tehran city and carried out the questionnaires online. For studying construct validity of Afterlife Fear Scale, the responses of normal sample analyzed by exploratory factor analysis method. For assessing the concurrent validity of new Afterlife Fears Scale, its correlation with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II, 1996) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES, 1965) were calculated. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, principal component extraction method and parallel analysis. Three factors were extracted which were named as "fear of punishment and grave torment", "loneliness and abandonment" and "longing and confidence in God", respectively. The internal consistency method was used to determine the reliability of the scale. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the subscales ranged from .63 to .88, which indicated the appropriate internal consistency of the scale and its components. The Afterlife Fears Scale has good reliability and validity in the Iranian Muslim sample and can be used to identify the underpinning fears of cardiovascular patients and anxiety reduction interventions, as well as cross-cultural comparisons.   

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