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Showing 56 results for Stress

Fereshte Cheraghi, Mahdi Dasta, Roghaye Ghorbani, Afsane Abidizadegan, Mahdi Arabzade,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the direct and indirect effect of perceived self- efficacy on academic stress through cognitive coping strategies. Data were collected from 435 medical science students of Shiraz University, from seven educational groups in 2009 which were selected via cluster sampling. In this study two questionnaires were used: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski, 2001) and self- efficacy and stress Questionnaire (Zajacova, 2005). Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Measured model enjoyed adequate fit indexes. On the basis of the results, self – efficacy latent variable directly and indirectly affects academic stress through maladaptive and adaptive cognitive coping strategies. People with high perceived self- efficacy tend to use adaptive coping strategies and experience lower academic stress.
Amir Mohammad Shahsavarani,, S. Kazem Rasoolzadé Tabatabaei, Hassan Ashayeri, Kolsoom Sattari, Mostafa Mohammadi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of stress on visual selective (focused) attention according to openness to experience. Sixty 21-36 year-old male students (M= 26.7) were selected and placed in 3 groups (Original, O & Control) using random multi-stage sampling. The Original and O groups’ subjects administered the cognitive stressor tasks and then their selective (focused) visual attention was measured in term of errors in counting and errors in classification. In control group only selective (focused) visual attention was assessed. Neuropsychological variables were also assessed as control variables. The Original group subjects showed significantly more scores in both counting and classification errors (p<0.0001) and O group showed significantly more scores in both errors than the Original (p<0.01). The results reveal that stress has negative effects on selective (focused) visual attention. These findings are not consistent with other related research that is discussed regarding to considerations of openness to experience and neuropsychological control variables.
Farzaneh Michaeli Manee,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (2-2010)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between social adjustment and irrational beliefs among university students. The other aim was to examine mediatory role of coping with stress styles. For those purpose, 280 subjects (141 female and 139 male) were selected randomly from Urmia University students. Joneُs irrational beliefs test (IBT) (Zolfaghari Motlag, 1377), Endler and Parker coping styles inventory (Rodger, 1993) and Bell΄s adjustment scale ) Warbah, 20007) were used. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression. The findings revealed that irrational beliefs had negative relationship with student social adjustment and its components could predict adjustment (P<001). In addition, the analysis of regression showed that avoidance coping with stress style did play meditative role between irrational beliefs and social adjustment. According to the results, it  may be concluded irrational beliefs change will help better social adjustment.
Maryam Esmaeili, Mehrdad Kalantery, Karim Askari, Hossein Molavi, Saeideh Mahdavi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2010)

The purpose of the present research was to investigate the efficacy of stress inoculation training, in comparison with group social skills training, on psychological well-being of veterans’ daughters suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The sample of the study included 45 veterans’ daughters  with post-traumatic stress disorder, who were selected through cluster random sampling from among the girls aged 14 to 18. The subjects were also randomly assigned to two experimental, groups undergoing group social skills training and stress inoculation training, and control groups, 15 adolescent girls in each group. This study was a comparative experimental one and pretest post-posttest, control group design was used. Following the two experimental groups underwent the intervention, Burumand Psychological Well-being Questionnaire, Ryff's Psychological well-being scale and researcher-made Demographical Information Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Then the data were analyzed by multivariate ANOVA. Results of the study indicated that stress inoculation training and group social skills training had a significant effect on psychological well-being of veterans’ daughters suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, the results showed that stress inoculation training is more effective and influential than social skills group training.
Mehdi Reza Sarafraz, Hadi Bahrami Ehsan, Ali Reza Zarandi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

The aim of present study was to investigate the relationship between two holistic constructs of self-awareness, mindfulness and integrative self-knowledge, and their associations with physical, psychological, social and spiritual health problem. To do so, 249 Iranian university students,170 women and 79men,completed following scales: Mindfulness Attention Awareness (Brown & Ryan, 2003), Integrative Self-Knowledge (Ghorbani, Watson & Hargis, 2008), Biopsychosociospiritual inventory (Katerndahl& Oyiriaru, 2007), and Depression Anxiety Stress (Lovibond&Lovibond, 1995). The data showed that these two constructs of self-awareness are negatively associated with all aspects of health. The integrative self-knowledge also predicted all measures of health that are beyond the mindfulness. These results point toward the integrative and temporal nature of self- awareness processes and suggest a need for studying the direction and nature of relation between Self-awareness and health.
Omid Shokri, Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Reza Kormi Nouri, Ali Reza Moradi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

The main aim of this study was to investigate the model of structural relations between neuroticism, academic stress and health behaviors among Iranian and Swedish students.199 students (100 Iranian and 99 Swedish) completed the Big Five Inventory-SV (BFI-SV, Rammstedt & John, 2007), the Academic Stress Questionnaire (ASQ, Zajacova, Lynch & Espenshade, 2005) and the Health Behavior Inventory (HBI, Broman, 1998). Relations between latent and observed variables in the conceptual Model were examined using structural equation modeling. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the global model had an acceptable fit to the data. In the global model, neuroticism and academic stress showed a significant positive relationship and the results of the global model indicated a significant negative relationship between neuroticism and academic stress with health behaviors. The results of the culture specificity of structural relations showed that structural relations were equivalent for the cultural groups. In sum, these findings through emphasizing the importance of the integration of trait and cultural psychology perspectives, retains heuristic value in designing studies, formulating hypotheses, and making theoretical refinements in the study of the structural relations between neuroticism, academic stress and health behaviors across cultures.
Mojgan Nciknam, Abbasali Allahiary, Kazem Rasoulzadeh Tabatabaei, Elaheh Hejazi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

The purpose of this research was to study the effect of stress inoculation training on the psychological satisfaction of individuals considering their identity style. Population of the study incorporated female undergraduate students these students’ identity style was determined. Of these students, 67 subjects having normative and diffuse/avoidant identity style were selected through simple random sampling and empirical method, and were put into two groups: experimental and control group. The experimental group received 12 sessions of treatment(90-minute sessions), and the control group received no treatment. To analyze the data, two way multivariate analysis of covariance was used. Results of the analysis revealed that the psychological satisfaction of the experimental group increased significantly in comparison with the experimental group. Furthermore, according to the findings of the study, identity styles had no effect on the psychological satisfaction however, they had significant effect on the efficacy of stress inoculation training. It should be mentioned that these changes(changes related to the psychological satisfaction) were stable. Therefore, it seems necessary to change the system of beliefs and to develop effective, consistent coping strategies in individuals with different identity style and processing strategy.
Isaac Rahimian Boogar‎, Manijeh ‎ Firoozi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

components of Metacognitive beliefs. In a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive design, 224 college students, 116 female and 108 male students, in Semnan University were selected through simple random sampling, and completed the Demographical Information Questionnaire, Mental Health Inventory (MHI-38), and Metacognitions Questionnaire(MCQ-30). The data were analyzed through correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. Results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between positive beliefs about worry, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, beliefs about the need in controlling the Thoughts, cognitive self-consciousness and psychological well-being. Furthermore, there was a significant positive relationship between the above mentioned variables and psychological distress. Beliefs about the need in controlling the thoughts, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness are capable of predicting psychological well-being in college students they, in total, account for 32% of psychological well-being. Cognitive self-consciousness, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, and positive beliefs about worry are capable of predicting psychological distress in college students they, in total, account for 36% of psychological distress. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that positive beliefs about worry, beliefs about Uncontrollability and danger of thoughts, beliefs about the need in controlling the thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness are important factors in decreasing psychological well-being and in increasing psychological distress in college students.
Sima Alemi, Alireza Moradi, Arash Jonabian,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2012)

According to the last edition of APA (DSM-IV-TR), the cancer has been known as a traumatic stress that can affect on Psychological and cognitive health in spouses as a caregiver and might show the signs of PTSD. Attention to this aspect is very important for treatment in cancer patients. This study examined the effect of cancer (during treatment and after treatment) on the emotional performance (anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder) and cognitive performance (autobiographical memory) on their spouses. 120 individuals in 3 groups (spouses of cancer patients (during treatment), spouses of cancer patients (after treatment) and the healthy group), that have been matched in sex age and intelligence attend to the research. The instruments of the research include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R), the Persian versions of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) and the Autobiographical Memory Inventory (AMI). Results indicated that no significant difference in depression was found between all three groups but the target group (during treatment) showed more psychological distress than the control group. Both of target groups indicated no significant difference in PTSD at all and control group showed higher levels of episodic specificity, episodic memory and autobiographical memory scores than the other groups. The findings are discussed in terms of the proposed theory about interaction of emotion and cognition, especially PTSD
Hossein Zare, Zahra Solgi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The present study investigated the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depression, anxiety and stress in students through using descriptive correlational research method. To do so , throughrandom cluster sampling, 235 students(102 boys and 133 girls) of Payame Noor University with the average age of 23/31 and a standard deviation of  2/53 were selected and then completed cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) and depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21). Data was analyzed by using multivariate analysis of variance and correlation matrix. Results indicated a negative relationship between depression and positive refocusing, between planning and positive reappraisal. Moreover, there was a positive relationship between depression, anxiety, stress and all of the maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies (other blame, self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing and acceptance). Among the components of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, there was no significant difference between male and female students, except rumination. There was also no difference between male and female students in depression, anxiety and stress. Considering the above mentioned results, it seems that cognitive emotion regulation training focused on positive refocusing, planning and positive reappraisal is very essential to enhance the physical, mental and social health of students
Fereshte Haghighat, Ata Tehranchi, Parisa Dehkordian, Seyed Kazem Rasoolzade Tabatabaei,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2013)

Aim of present study was to study the role of psychological factors and pain-related variables in the prediction of the emotional distress in MS patients. Sample of the study was consisted of 249 patients with Multiple Sclerosis visiting M.S society of Isfahan and was selected through convenience sampling. Of this sample, 12 patients were not included because they didn’t meet the inclusion criteria. Participants answered to the questionnaires of pain-related self-efficacy, ego strength and multidimensional pain inventory. To analyze the data, Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis were used. Results indicated that ego strength and pain related self-efficacy could significantly and negatively predict the emotional distress in M.S patients. Social support also predicted the emotional distress significantly and positively. Findings of present research were consistent with the results of the previous studies that demonstrated the role of self-conceptions in predicting the emotional distress. Given the positive correlation between social support and emotional distress in this study that is consistent with some studies and that is different with some other studies, it is recommended to study the relationship between perceived and real social support and emotional distress in the future studies.
M. S. Sajadinjad, Sh, Haghjoy Javanmard, H, Molavi, K, Asgari, P, Adibi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of this study was the comparison of the effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management, optimism training and medical therapy on the UC patients’ psychological and somatic symptoms, and immunological markers. 30 female patients were selected through the availability sampling method, and were randomly put in the three groups of cognitive-behavioral stress management, optimism training and medical therapy. All patients completed Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Lichtiger Colitis Activity Index in the pretest stage and blood samples were taken from them. Then, the two experimental groups participated in 9 sessions of the group intervention of cognitive-behavioral stress management and optimism training following that the three groups completed the scales again and again blood samples were taken from them and this was repeated in a 6-months follow-up. To analyze the data, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used. The findings of the study indicated that the effects of the two interventions on depression, anxiety, cortisol and TNF&alpha were significant however, these interventions had no significant effects on the somatic symptoms, IL6 and IL4. As a whole, it can be said that the psychological interventions including stress management and optimism training could be effective in improving the psychological symptoms, regulating the immunological performance and curing of UC patients. 
S, Hosseini, M. N. Farahani, B, Rashidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and contribution of infertility stress, coping styles with stress, personality traits and social support in the marital adjustment of infertile women. In this study,causal comparative or "exposit facto" research ‎method was used. Population of the study included 201 women who were selected through availability sampling method from those visiting VALI-e-ASR Reproductive Health Research Center. Research tools of the study included the Gadroon's Big Five Factor, The Fertility Problem Inventory, Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. In order to analyze the data, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Regression analysis were used. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between the variables of this study. It was also revealed that social concern, important others, extroversion, emotional coping style, need for parenthood and sexual concern were suitable predictors of the marital adjustment. In sum, the results of the study put an emphasis on the importance of the psychological-Social factors in marital adjustment. 
Mahboobeh, Esmaili, Alireza Moradi, Abbas, Tavallai,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The present research has been conducted to study the diagnostic role of autobiographical memory, attachment and identity in the patients with the post-traumatic stress and generalized anxiety disorders. The selected samples in this causal-comparative study included 24 patients suffering from the post-traumatic stress disorder, 20 suffering from the generalized anxiety disorder and 32 normal people in similar ages and social conditions. They were tested and interviewed during two sessions after the researcher has explained them the necessary details and have got their consent. Beck’s depression inventory, Beck’s anxiety inventory, the revised event-effect scale, the attachment scale, the identity assessment scale, the autobiographical memory interview and the autobiographical memory test were used to achieve the goal of this research. The results revealed that healthy people’s performance was better than the performance of those suffering from PTSD in all the subscales of autobiographical memory in the three different periods of childhood, adulthood and the recent past and both in the semantic and episodic sections. Furthermore, the results of the autobiographical memory test indicated a reduction in PTSD suffering patients’ specific memory in comparison to the people in the normal group. Also GAD suffering people’s performance was better than that of PTSD suffering ones only in the subscale of adulthood events. The coupled comparison of the groups showed that the average secure attachment style in the healthy group was significantly higher than that of the people in the GAD group however, the average score is lower in this group than the other two patient ones in terms of insecure anxiety. The analytical-diagnostic results also showed that 69.7 percent of people in these three groups have been accurately placed in their groups.
Karineh Tahmassian, Hajar Bahrami, Hajar Bahrami,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Depression is a common psychological disorder among the mothers of newborn children and it correlates with the social and psychological adjustment of children and parents. The aim of the present research was to examine the factors affecting the depression in the mothers with the children under the age of two. The sample of this descriptive-correlation study included 220 mothers having the children under the age of two of women of Tehran, who were at Tehran’s Parks, these subjects were selected by purposeful and accessible sampling method. Also, the tools used to collect the data included Beck Depression Inventory, Parenting Stress Index, Sources of Social Support Scale, Maternal efficacy Questionnaire, Maternal separation anxiety scale and Child temperament questionnaire. Stepwise regression analysis showed that parenting stress and parenting self- efficacy in two steps could explain 29% of variance in maternal depression. Therefore, educational programs relevant to the mentioned factors can reduce the maternal depression and can prevent from children’s psychological problems.
Omid Shokri, Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Reza Kormi Nouri, Alireza Moradi‎,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The purpose of this study was to provide a structure- oriented cross-cultural comparison of the within-group relationships between the negative life events, academic stress and subjective well-being among the Iranian and Swedish undergraduate students. On a sample consisting of 205 students (100 Iranian, 105 Swedish) the negative Event Scale, Academic Stress Questionnaire, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and Satisfaction with Life Scale were administrated. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to assess the relationships between the multiple factors in both groups. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the Iranian and Swedish students in terms of the structure –oriented relations of the negative life events, academic stress and subjective wellbeing. However, the results of within-group comparisons showed that among the Iranian students, in comparison to the Swedish students, the negative life events had a high ability in predicting the academic stress and the emotional and cognitive components and that the academic stress had a high ability in predicting the subjective wellbeing. Results of the present study put an emphasis on the similarity of applied features of negative life events and academic stress among the Iranian and Swedish students in predicting the subjective wellbeing.
Vahideh Salehmirhasani, Nima Ghorbani, Ahmad Alipour, Valiallah Farzad,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of five factors personality in regulating of relationship between perceived and objective stress and anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms . 390 bank managers responded five factors personality ( NEO ) , perceived stress , objective stress , anxiety and depression scals and symptoms check list . The results showed the interaction between Neurotism , Extraversion , conscientiousness mediated the relationship of perceived stress with anxiety, depression and physical symptoms . Objective stress influenced by perceived stress that emphasized on importance of subjectivity of stress. Findings showed simultaneous interaction these factors (low Neurotism , high Extraversion , high conscientiousness ) leads to a reduction in the effects of stress .
Omid Shokri, Raheme Salehi, Maryam Safaie, Masomeh Abdalkhaleghi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

This study examined the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. On a sample consisting of 155 cancer patients were administrated the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Pargament, Koenig & Perez, 2000), the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) and the positive affect and negative affect schedule (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. Results indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive affect and a significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative affect. Results also indicated that the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being by positive and negative religious coping strategies is mediated. All of the regression weights in the proposed model were statistically significant and model' predictors accounted for 80 and 60% of the variance in positive and negative affect, respectively. These findings show that in cancer patients when encountering to stressful experiences, difference in scores of positive and negative affect among patients, accounted for by difference in degree of positive and negative religious coping strategies.
Fatemeh Ghassem Boroujerdi, Mitra Safa, Samira Karamlou, Mohammad Reza Masjedi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Psychiatric disorders exhist in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases. Psychotherapy of these patients, is less considered and the goal of this study was trying to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy based on mindfulness (which includes facilitation of the experience of stressful physical diseases) on reducing of dysfunctional attitudes and distress tolerance in sample patients.
This applied study conducted on 30 chronic pulmonary patients (control and experimental group) hospitalized in Massih Daneshvari Hospital in the year 2013-2014. Just the experimental group received the psychological intervention of mindfulness based on cognitive therapy in 13 sessions of two hours. Members of both groups responded to questionnaires of demographic information, distress tolerance and dysfunctional attitudes before and after the intervention. Data analyzed by SPSS-21 statistical software and co-variance analysis.
Dysfunctional attitudes, tolerability and aversiveness, tendency to attract the attention, evaluation and potentiality of acceptance changed more in experimental group. Emotion regulation and avoidance changed more in control group.
Considering the effectiveness of mindfulness based on cognitive therapy, it is important to pay attention to psychological problems
of chronic physical patients. Medical treatment does not provide mental and physical readiness in patients to confront with such difficult situations, alone. Thus, overall attention of treatment team to patients is necessary.
, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (11-2015)

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of psychosocial skills training package on stress and burnout among drivers. This study was a semi-experimental research with a pre-test and post-test design. The sample group was selected utilizing available sampling procedure and included 196 drivers of the Tehran city bus company. The participants were randomly divided into five groups. These drivers participated in psychosocial training for nine sessions twice a week. All the participants completed both the Job Stress Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) as the pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measure.The Results showed that participating in psychosocial skills training increased the mean of the sample group in most job stress’ subscales (p<0.001) and decreased the mean of burnout (p<0.003).
Stress and anger management, as well as healthy relationships are all effective components in creating well-being and reducing the destructive effects of tension and job burnout. Hence, due to the importance of some jobs such as driving which requires accuracy and concentration, applying the results of this study and other similar studies in order to reduce the effects of drivers’ tiredness and tension and increasing their accuracy, concentration and ability is needed.

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