Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2023)                   Human Information Interaction 2023, 10(2): 93-117 | Back to browse issues page

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Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Innovation, Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani University, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (1265 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of the current research is the participation of customers in the creation of value, an important issue in the tourism industry, which can be used to increase the quality of services. There are several factors in creating this shared value between the organization and the customer, among which we can mention factors related to the customer and factors related to information technology, both of which will be effective in creating this type of value. Factors related to information technology, tools and technology based on artificial intelligence of the chatbot and factors related to the customer can also be referred to the pleasure-seeking motivation and the customer's understanding of the chatbot technology and the usefulness based on the benefits of using the chatbot. They help to create value, especially the anthropomorphic role of chatbots, which will influence the customer's created values through chatbots. Today, the tourist needs to collect the information he needs based on personal pleasure and benefit more quickly, therefore conversation robots with human-like behavior that will create a sense of trust in the tourist will be the best option for preparing a travel package in a short time. was to create a common value between tourists and tourism. Paying attention to and identifying the factors influencing the creation of shared value in the tourism industry and the intensification of the competitive environment in this area after the Corona era in the form of non-personal and online shopping has been of great importance, hence the main purpose of the research is the anthropomorphic role of chatbots on the creation of shared value. It is from the point of view of pleasure-seeking and useful motives of tourists. Therefore, the sub-objectives of this research are to investigate the effect of customer's hedonistic motives on the creation of shared value in tourism, to investigate the effect of the utility motive on the creation of shared value in tourism, to investigate the use of chatbot technology in the relationship between hedonistic motives and value creation. common in tourism, investigating the use of chatbot technology in the relationship between the motive of usefulness and creating shared value in tourism and investigating the anthropomorphic role of using chatbot technology and creating shared value in tourism.
Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. In this research, after theoretical studies and a review of previous researches, the theoretical concepts of the research were formulated, and then using the data obtained from the questionnaire, the relationships between the variables, and the extraction of the results of the hypotheses, the path diagrams will be drawn. After defining the equations, modeling will be done in Smartpls 3 software. Thematically, the scope of this research is related to the application of chatbots in tourism businesses. The geographical area of this research is Mehrgan Travel Services Company, Pardis Gesht, Isfahan. The time domain of this research was the summer of 1402. The statistical population in this research are tourists and corporate customers of Mehrgan Travel Services Company, Fardis Gesht, Isfahan City. In the studies related to structural equations, the relationship q < 15 q < n < 5 was usually used to calculate the sample size. Therefore, the sample size was determined based on the number of questions and 14 times the number of questions from the statistical sample and based on available sampling was considered. In this sampling of the statistical population, 300 people were distributed as the sample size of the questionnaire, and after receiving the answer letters, some were unanswered and some were defective, and 280 respondents answered completely and were subjected to statistical analysis. Data collection tools in this research are two library methods including library studies and questionnaire field method. In the required data section, a questionnaire will be used to check the research hypotheses. According to the research variables, the structure of the questionnaire will include questions to evaluate the research variables. In the general questions, it has been tried to collect general and demographic information about the respondents, which includes questions about gender, age, marriage, and history of using the company's services. Specialized questions from the 5-part questionnaire include examining the factors of creating shared value, hedonic motives, utility motives, the use of chatbots, and their humanistic role. In this research, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, combined reliability (CR), and factor loading coefficients were used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. Data analysis will be done in two descriptive and inferential parts. In the descriptive part, the demographic variables of the respondents to the questionnaire as well as the mean and standard deviation of the research variables will be presented. In the inferential part, the structural equation method will be used to check research hypotheses. Structural equation modeling is a member of the family of statistical models that seeks to describe the relationships between multiple variables. To do this, the SEM structure between the relationships that exist in the set of equations. These equations indicate all the relationships between the structures (dependent and independent variables) involved in the analysis. The data analysis tool will be Smartpls3 software. To examine the conceptual model in the current research, the SEM structural equation modeling method was used. To check the research hypotheses and model analysis, the quality of the model has been checked first. This stage includes measurement models, structural model fitting, and overall model fitting. In the PLS-SEM method, three criteria of reliability, convergent validity, and divergent validity are used to check the fit of measurement models. AVE or average variance criterion was used to check convergent validity. The method used to check divergent validity is the Fornell-Larker method.
In this research, three methods of Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and Rho_A reliability were used. To check the significance value of each path, the significance coefficient of T or Z has been used, considering that the confidence coefficient in this research is considered 95%, and the significance value of T for any path that is greater than 1.96 is that path or hypothesis. It is meaningful. In examining the fit of the structural model of this research, the criterion of R2 coefficients known as "determination coefficient" related to endogenous (dependent) hidden variables of the research model was used, and the value of the determination coefficient is that the endogenous variables of the model have a strong influence on their exogenous variables. are acceptable and it indicates the appropriateness of the fit of the structural model. The Q2 criterion shows the predictive power of the research model, and in this research, the Q2 values of the two endogenous variables of the model are around and above the value of 0.35, and they have a strong predictive power of the model.
Conclusion: After examining the hypotheses of the research, in the first hypothesis, hedonistic motivation has a positive and significant effect on the creation of shared value in tourism. In the second hypothesis, the motive of usefulness has a positive and meaningful effect on the creation of common value in tourism. The third hypothesis is the use of chatbots has a mediating role in the relationship between hedonistic motives and the creation of shared value in tourism. The fourth hypothesis is that the use of chatbot technology plays a mediating role in the relationship between motivation-utility and the creation of common value in tourism. The fifth hypothesis of anthropomorphism plays a moderating role in the relationship between the use of chatbots and the creation of shared value in tourism. According to the results obtained from the t-test of the fifth hypothesis, which shows proof of the moderating role of anthropomorphism in the relationship between the use of chatbots and the creation of shared value in tourism, and the lack of research similar to this hypothesis, the innovation of research on the role of anthropomorphism Chatbots were proven to create shared value from the point of view of tourists' hedonistic and useful motives. The use of chatbots in tourism services as a pre-trip consultant, the interaction interface between tourism companies and tourists and customers in this field in booking flights, hotels, visas and preparing travel packages and guiding travelers during the trip, collecting post-trip feedback through a variety of methods. The communication media related to the field of tourism accelerates the quick response to the tourist and reduces additional costs for the company and the tourist. The chatbot creates a pleasant and beneficial travel experience for the tourist and with the valuable information that it transmits to the experts in this field to improve the tourism business, it leads to the creation of common value in tourism and creates a competitive advantage in the tourism industry. The most important factor for the desire of customers to use services and to move towards brands. Considering the importance of motivations and providing conditions to make the services and purchase process look attractive, customers can be encouraged to cooperate and participate with the brand and create value for the company in this way. The motivation is sometimes influenced by the psychological stress caused by the unmet needs of consumers and only to enjoy the service or purchase the product, but sometimes it refers to economic factors such as earning profit or economic benefit. Most of the consumers and customers consider the criteria of price against quality when buying goods or services. In fact, customers give importance to economic benefits when purchasing, and one of the most important motivations for their purchase is the motivation to obtain benefits and profits. This type of motivation can encourage customers to interact with the company and create value. Therefore, it can be said that the motive of usefulness can lead to the increase in the creation of the common value of customers. Value can be created by the company and customers and all stakeholders. Meanwhile, information technology can help in creating this common value. Factors related to information technology are tools and technologies that help create value mainly based on artificial intelligence, such as GPT Chat. Service robots or conversational robots are designed to support and provide services to humans through physical and social interactions. Chatbots can increase the customer's enjoyment of shopping or interacting with the company. The possibilities of artificial intelligence and professional application in the chatbot can provide a pleasant environment and an entertaining process for customers when interacting or using the company's services, and this issue can increase the motivation of customers' pleasure. The use of artificial intelligence technology and chatbots can intelligently personalize the behavior and needs of customers and based on that provide appropriate material benefits and benefits such as discount packages or special offers for customers. These types of benefits can encourage customers to offer suggestions or buy and participate or even promote the brand and create value for the company
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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