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Afshin Motaghi Destenaei, Ali Karami, Milad Piri Fath Abad,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (5-2022)

The idea of creating smart machines and artificial intelligence has been around for centuries and dates back to at least the 14th century. Although the application of artificial intelligence in education is a very new field, but during the last 25 years, artificial intelligence has made achievements in some fields. Which has also affected education of course, criticisms have also been raised against excessive optimism towards contemporary artificial intelligence research. Little research has been done on the expectations of the role of artificial intelligence in education and its potential impact on education. The purpose of this study is to analyze and investigate the role of artificial intelligence in education.
Methods and Materoal
This study was done using SWOT analysis method and its data collection method is also a library
Resultss and Discussion
Text In general, artificial intelligence as a catalyst for teaching and learning with the help of computers is a field with many applications. The teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects can be enhanced with artificial intelligence-based software systems. Another potential strength is the potential of AI systems to serve learners across schools, borders, and platforms in creating ecosystems of interactive learning tools. Additionally, AI systems in education may be used to evaluate different learning models throughout the school. Without strong artificial intelligence, tutoring systems cannot provide rapid feedback to learners and enable stimulating interaction. With a realistic view, weak to moderate and strong artificial intelligence have a good ability to support teaching and learning and facilitate the daily work of teachers.
Intelligent learning systems often have less artificial intelligence than expected, especially when it comes to interacting with students. Baker (2016) in a critical position classified many of the existing education systems under stupid education systems. His concept for online learning is to enhance data-driven human intelligence rather than data-driven artificial intelligence. In order to more dynamically use AI in education, there is a need for training data, one of the problems that arise is how to ensure that the data is real and free from bias. As stated by Popenici and Kerr (2017), complex AI algorithms are designed by human programmers who are likely to include their own agendas or biases in the development of the system. An important aspect of high-level machine intelligence is that it customizes learning for each student, but in doing so it intervenes by standardizing content and what is expected of the student.
As reviewed by Lakin et al. (2016), it is hard to see a future where teachers are replaced by artificial intelligence systems or robots. A more positive and realistic scenario is that the role of the teacher evolves and transforms, freeing teachers from tedious daily tasks. In addition, AI in education has the potential to relieve the teacher of the burden of having all the knowledge and information that can be relevant to students. A possible use of artificial intelligence in education in the future is in the form of robots (collaborative robots) that help teachers in their daily work and tailor the learning experience to each student, for example in recording and analyzing the work of these students. And report to the teacher. The use of intelligent learning systems can provide customized instruction or instant feedback to students at any time of the day. But the depth of customization is one of the truly critical features, not superficial and personalized learning. Studies show that developers of intelligent instructional systems have been successful in their goal of adapting and surpassing computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and human teacher training in raising student test scores.
The negative change in the role of the teacher may be caused by the design of stereotypical courses with low-level multiple-choice questions and the use of teachers as content developers. Most school curricula and teacher training programs are not well prepared to take advantage of the benefits of artificial intelligence in education due to not providing artificial intelligence courses to their teachers. If teachers are not trained in the use of artificial intelligence, this can lead to misuse of the technology, for example in protecting privacy and using personal data for influence. According to Nicholas and Holmes (2018), an ethical framework should be established for the use of artificial intelligence in education, and even if adopted, it should be continuously discussed and updated to allow for the capabilities and scope of artificial intelligence and the potential use of reflect it. A growing concern among many education workers is the fear of unemployment as high-level machine intelligence systems completely take over the teaching profession. According to Popenici and Kerr (2017), artificial intelligence currently has the potential to replace a large number of teaching assistants and administrative staff in education, and therefore it is more important to investigate its impact on education. Studies show that widespread use of high-level AI systems may disrupt students' ability to learn independently and develop 21st century skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. Finally, the most severe threat to students may be AI. Surveillance cameras with built-in facial recognition. Along with machine learning, facial recognition is one area where AI is advancing much faster than AI ethics. By using this technology, schools may collect students' biometric information, for example, under the pretext of reducing the many working hours that employees spend on registration and attendance. Support using artificial intelligence systems in education and robotics is certainly an opportunity, but social robots are still in their infancy and have limited social skills. In the near future, a realistic opportunity lies in the development of robots that can provide personalized content and rapid feedback. As in the manufacturing industry, teachers will soon be able to reprogram the cobots using block programming code that doesn't require advanced programming skills. Of course, there are also threats, and for purely economic reasons, we will probably experience cases where teachers are replaced by artificial intelligence solutions in education. Universities with financial problems may be tempted to try solutions, such as Deakin University in Australia, which offers a service where any student who asks can expect tailored information and advice. However, since the common concern is how to submit assignments and how to pay for parking, such systems pose a threat to administrative staff rather than teachers. Finally, as with AI in general, ethics is a major and immediate challenge in the use of AI in education, even though the threats posed by AI in education may not be as dramatic as in other AI areas. Automatic will not be useful. Quality teaching is a complex and creative profession involving improvisation and spontaneity where humans are not easily replaced. In general evaluation, it can be said that there are many ways that artificial intelligence can help students. From identifying signs of effort to creating a more interactive and personalized learning program.
Here are four ways that artificial intelligence can have a positive impact on student learning; Personalized learning: The ability to respond to personalized learning needs is one of the most positive benefits of artificial intelligence in education. Artificial intelligence technology can easily adapt to different learning styles. AI technology can analyze students' past performance and create tailored curricula and settings based on past performance. When it comes to personalized learning, AI can also point students in the right direction for resources and other useful data and information. Artificial intelligence has the ability to provide personalized study plans for students without having to wait for interventions from learning professionals. All while meeting the overall goal of making learning easier and helping students engage with content more effectively. Ultimately, where AI really helps personalized learning is in its ability to reach students on a massive scale. With overcrowded classrooms at the elementary school level and classrooms of hundreds at the secondary level, AI can help personalize education for all students at once, making it easier for everyone to succeed. Tutoring: Sometimes students need extra help, and AI allows you to access on-demand tutoring without an in-person or live tutoring session. Because the AI uses algorithms to adapt, it can quickly change to cover the areas where students need the most support. Just like a human tutor who adapts to a student's learning style and ability to absorb information, AI tutoring systems are very useful in their ability to focus on improving and deepening student learning as a whole. The main advantage of AI-based tutoring technology is the ability to help students understand complex concepts and terms on a mass level. Finally, with artificial intelligence, access to tutoring is no longer limited to those who can afford it. In addition, instructors can spend less time helping those who do not understand the concepts. Assessment and grading: A large part of teachers' time is spent grading assignments. Artificial intelligence technology can help speed up this process. Additionally, when it comes to grading assignments, AI technology can help analyze and get feedback from students on things like grammar, content, and vocabulary. By removing this part of teachers' duties, they can focus on other aspects of teaching that are more important, such as lesson planning and student engagement. Finally, one of the biggest benefits of automated assessment is that it eliminates human error, biases, and mistakes. It can also give each student an outline of where they went wrong and how they can improve, without taking up extra time from teachers. Improving student interaction: Artificial intelligence can engage students in educational content and make learning more interesting. One of the ways that educators and teachers can incorporate artificial intelligence into the classroom is through the use of catboats. The ability of catboats to personalize and adapt to students' learning styles creates more opportunities to keep students engaged, and the fact that catboats can be accessed anytime or anywhere means that students they can work at their own pace and continue their learning outside of traditional classroom time. The fact that AI improves engagement is exciting for course planners and administrators. This means they can deliver highly personalized and interactive learning in their courses, regardless of the subject, helping to amplify the impact on people's lives. Discussed how artificial intelligence can be useful for students. In addition there is great potential impact on coaches and teachers – particularly in ways it can save time.
The three advantages of artificial intelligence in education for teachers are: 1- Predictive analysis an interesting and emerging area of artificial intelligence in education is prediction. AI can analyze data and predict which students might fall behind due to the educational gap. Predictive analytics is exciting for educators because it means students struggling with learning challenges can be identified earlier and given the tools they need to succeed. Additionally, early intervention means that students who otherwise fail or struggle might have the opportunity to become successful students by giving them the right tools to help them succeed. 2-Advanced educational methods one of the methods of using artificial intelligence in education is to improve teaching methods. Today, due to the vast amount of content and information, teachers often have little time to organize alternative learning methods without spending more than hours of classroom time. Using artificial intelligence technology, teachers have the ability to quickly put together games and simulations that help students practice and learn the lessons being taught without spending more time on lesson planning. It saves a lot of time for teachers. 3- Facilitating evaluations and grading if you ask any teacher, they will tell you that assessment is one of the most time-consuming parts of the job. One of the exciting areas of artificial intelligence in education is the use of artificial intelligence technology to improve and speed up the assessment and grading process. For example, assessments can be done in real time instead of lengthy home marking. This not only saves time for teachers, but also improves students' understanding of the material in the moment.
The research findings show that there are both opportunities and threats regarding the role of artificial intelligence in contemporary education. In many ways, AI appears to have a promotional mode. But like other areas of advertising, it has the potential to grow with specific applications in educational and learning activities. The results of the research show that the awareness of artificial intelligence and the study of the role of artificial intelligence in education will reduce the risk of substituting artificial intelligence instead of using artificial intelligence in education

Kobra Babaei, Zahed Bigdeli,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Background and Aim: The need for cognition to the extent of involvement of the individual in intellectual activities, to assess individual differences in motivation for information processing, individual differences in the tendency of people to engage in and enjoy effortful thinking and, finally, refers to the processing of sound messages. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of need for cognition on students' collaborative information behavior.

Method: This study is applied research .Among 340 students graduate from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences in Allameh Tabatabai University, 181 students were selected randomly and measures need to recognize the information behavior participatory out the questionnaires.

Results: The research findings indicate the need to recognize significant differences by gender and field of study participants were women. Students seeking a partnership relationship between need for cognition and behavior were observed. Information seeking behavior in terms of the need to know their students significant difference was found and thus the need to know the information seeking behavior of effective student participation.

Conclusion: the need for cognition is effective on Students’ collaborative information behavior (CIB).

Leila Khalili,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Background and Aim: University students due to having better media literacy are among the groups that use social networks more. Aim of this research was to study the use of social networks by university students based on demographic and educational variables.

Method: This quantitative applied research utilized survey design. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire developed by the investigator. Validity of questionnaire was evaluated by expert colleagues and samples of respondents. Reliability of tool was tested by Spilt Half reliability. Population of the study was 4524 undergraduate students of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. The sample size was 393 students. Descriptive statistics (percent, frequency and mean) and inferential nonparametric statistics (Spearman,Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis) was used in order to analysis data. SPSS17 was used to analysis the data and Excel was used to draw the charts.

Results: Majority of the students used social networks. Viber and Line was the most preferred social networks. Daily average use of social networks was 140 minutes. The most important reason of using social networks was fun. Friends of respondents in social networks were mostly the face to face visited individuals. Hand-phone was the important medium used in social networks. According to the majority of students validity of information in social networks was not valid. There was significant correlation between proportion of social network use and Grade Point Average (GPA), number of friends in social networks and features of information in social networks. There was significant difference in use of social networks between students of four studied domains.

Conclusion: Usage of social networks is usual among university students. Students almost used social networks as a medium for fun and communication. The students with higher GPA used social networks fewer.

Yazdan Mansourian, ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)


Background and Aim: These days, Internet and online databases play a significant role in peoples’ information-seeking behavior, especially for postgraduate students. The kind of behavior seen on the part of those students who get help from online databases to write their theses might be completely different from those who search library sources to get the needed information. This study investigates the information-seeking behavior of postgraduate students of Kharazmi University who are writing their theses.

Method: This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Quantitative data were gathered using an information-seeking behavior questionnaire, which was then, analyzed using statistical analysis (T-Test and Friedman-Test). Content analysis and semi-structured interviews were used to analyze qualitative data. The participants were 100 students including 50 male and 50 female students.

Results: Results of analyzing the T-Test for male and female groups showed that there is not any significant difference of girls' and boys' information-seeking behavior. Results of analyzing the Friedman-Test however showed difference in average ratings of information-seeking behavior dimensions. With regard to results obtained from this analysis: pre-existing knowledge confirmation, relevancy judgments, bringing up new thoughts, time and effort for searching information contain maximum to minimum rates in a respective manner. Results of the qualitative data also showed that: most of the students’ problems lie in: seeking for and using the collaborative behavior and collaborative searching, difficulty in finding the related information, language limitations, diversity of goals, limitations the forms of the sources, unfamiliarity with the specific sources, lack of information literacy, and spending so much time to search.

Conclusion: Findings obtained in this study showed that postgraduate students do not have the skills and knowledge needed for using online data. This also indicates their deficiency and lack of information seeking and information literacy skills. So, recognizing the obstacles on the way of knowing and using these online databases and training students for purposeful searching seem to be essential.

Zahra Salehnejad, Mohammad Javad Hashemzadeh, Mohammad Reza Kiani,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: Personal Information Management (PIM) process consists of four activities; acquisition, organization, maintenance and retrieval. Obviously this process is due to human limitations and expanding scope of personal space of information which has become an exhausting and difficult process. Use of technology and tools related to PIM could facilitate this procedure.

This survey study aims to investigate PIM behavior and its four activities among graduate students in the University of Birjand and was performed on the basis of digital environment.

Method: Population of this study was all graduate students at the University of Birjand in the 2013-2014 academic year. Self assessment questionnaire was used to collect information.

Results and Conclusion: The results show that the overall PIM and all four activities among graduate students at the University of Birjand were less than estimated desired rate and there were significant differences between PIM in various course studies, also among master's and doctoral students. Computer and laptop was most used tools for storage of personal collection, the most widely used method for organizing based on content and finally the most common method for retrieval of information was based on the explanatory notes.

Originality: personal information management filed is a relatively new area of research and yet little research was performed in PIM area in Iran. Meanwhile the studies perform, have less focused on the behavioral aspects of PIM and have been more observing PIM tools and affecting factors

Hasan Mahmoudi, Abolfazl Taheri,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: This research aims to explore relation between health literacy and information literacy of post-graduate students in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad.

Method: This research is descriptive-correlational survey research. Population included post-graduate students of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad that 368 of them were selected via stratified sampling. Two Questionnaires were used for data collection. First one was Health Literacy for Iranian Adults (HELIA) that was a reliable and valid instrument for measuring health literacy in Iran and include the following constructs: ability to read, ability and skills to access, understand, and appraise health information, make decisions, and practice in order to maintain or improve health. The second one was designed by the researchers in order to measure information literacy skills including four dimensions: identifying information needs, locating, organizing, and evaluating information.

Results: Finding showed that 25% of students have inadequate health literacy, 38.31% of them have moderate literacy and others have normal high-quality health literacy. Also, their information literacy level is higher than average. Also the results show significant and positive correlation between information literacy and health literacy. Level of health literacy in female students is higher than males and level of this variable in Ph. D. Students is more than Master students. Findings showed that post graduate students search the internet and communicate with friends in order to acquire health information.

Conclusion: Since, Impact of Information literacy on information skills from the access to evaluation and use of information. So, Enhancement of information literacy skills in students could improve their health literacy. Accordingly, libraries can increase level of students’ health literacy by learning information literacy skills. Some libraries’ programs are noticed in order to enhance level of students’ health literacy and information literacy

Zahed Bigdeli, Shabnam Shahini, Narges Shahkarami, Zahra Chalik,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Background and Aim: This study attempted to investigate the information-seeking process of Shahid Chamran University postgraduate students, and how they use various information sources. The research also investigated he role of demographic characteristics in students' information-seeking process, as well as the problems and barriers they encounter in the process.

Method: The population of the study consisted of 5000 postgraduate students among whom 298 students were randomly selected through classified ratio sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was developed and after measuring its validity and reliability, distributed among the sample in person. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics including Friedman Rank Test and MANOVA were applied.

Results: The results show that students were statistically different in some variables. On average, students use the Internet 25.11 hours per week. They also prefer to use electronic, print, and human information sources, respectively, both to meet their information needs and to update their information. Students believe that information and communication technologies have reduced their visits to libraries. Students seek help from librarians primarily to locate books and other documents and to search for information. Students encounter a range of problems and barriers in their information-seeking process; the most important being the scattered information. Females face more problems than males. While students refer to specialists to meet their information needs at the first stage, they refer to their classmates and friends at the first stage to update their information.

Conclusion: Despite the effects of new technologies on students’ presence in academic libraries, all types of information resources are still consulted by them. Various purposes for information-seeking determine the information resource being consulted, and students consider their information needs as well as the context in which they seek information, when decide to choose the information resources

Marziye Sadat Mousavi, Nosrat Riahinia, Javad Kavousiyan,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Gaining appropriate information service primarily depends on the information needs and users' information seeking conducts. Students' mental health requires gratification in their information needs. Present study makes an attempt to investigate the information conduct of student clienteles at counseling center.

Method: Current study employs a quantitative descriptive method.  The population of the current study is composed of  all student clienteles at Kharazmi University counseling center. Available sampling method was used. Researcher's made questionnaire was applied for collecting the data and questionnaires were distributed amongst 145 student clienteles.

Results: Findings identified students: information needs, motivation for searching information, required information sources for searching students mental health, first source of reference to counseling centers, and  assessment and viewpoints on the quality of services at counseling centers.

Conclusion: the findings of this study confirms the vital role of investigating the information seeking behavior of students coming to counseling centers as a suitable source for identifying  students mental health which could lead to better planning and services in counseling centers.

Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Reza Hassanzadeh, Zahra Safaei, Omran Ghorbani, Ali Akbar Dastjedrdi, Somayeh Parvin,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2016)


Background and Aim: Research was carried out as a survey utilizing a researcher made questionnaire. 1149 postgraduate students were selected to fill in the research questionnaire, and 837 questionnaires were sent back. Along with descriptive statistics, independent samples t test was used to examine the difference between groups and Pearson co-efficient  to measure correlations of variables.

Findings: More than 60 percent of students evaluated electronic information resources as most valuable and responsiveness to their information needs. More than half of students were only after free search engines, databases and  simple searches.  Sixtey   percent   did not formulate their search languages and relied  on trial and error to obtain pertinent information.  Less than 40 percent of students prefer the databases subscribed by their university.  Among different types of electronic documents, electronic papers were most popular amongst students. Most of retrieved documents   were used for writing research papers. Seventy percent of students believed that in the case of cessation  of  electronic resources, their research activities will be hampered. Only 18 percent of students were intended to pay per access to electronic resources and most of them indicated that in the case of disconnection, they will try to find an alternative way of access.

Conclusion: Vis-à-vis the favored situation in science production of the country, in order to fulfill national scientific development strategies, secure access to electronic resources should be guaranteed.

, , ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Aim: The utilization of technology acceptance model is one of the ways for perceiving the users' attitudes, and this research utilizes it to investigate the factors affecting the students' encouragement to use the social network sites in order to determine which factors encourage the students to use the social network sites as a virtual learning network.

Methods: This research is applied in terms of objective and is among the structural equation modeling-partial least square studies. A questionnaire is designed based on conceptual model after investigating the relevant articles and extracting the possible components, and it is then distributed among students, and finally the analysis is done on collected questionnaires.

Results: The data analysis results indicate the indirect impact of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived complementarity, and the direct impact of attitude towards using the online social network sites and perceived enjoyment on the students' intention to use the social network sites.

Conclusion: The results of this research provide the useful insight for university authorities in local education industry to utilize the social network sites in order to enhance the students' learning effectiveness by perceiving these factors. This study identifies the variables which can affect the development of educational space and investigates the conducted studies on determinates of students' encouragement to use of social networks as e-learning networks, and finally provides an applied comprehensive model by combination of these collected factors. Furthermore, a new research can be conducted on factors affecting the users' encouragement to use social networks for education.

Ahmad Karimkhani, Professor Narges Neshat,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Aim: To determine the relationship between big five personality factors on the behavior of saving information graduate students in Tehran.

Methods: The Correlation method work that was using the 30 a questionnaire and inform behavior questionnaire, a NEO-saving 60 Costa and Mac Carey was required for data collection. The research community, the number of doctoral and master's students 343 formed using a multi-stage cluster sampling method and from Tehran University, tarbiat modares University, Amir Kabir University and universities science research. Karyotype analysis for the results of the statistical test, Pearson and multiple step by step regressions was used.

Results: causes of low neuroticism trait in students getting the time spent for research students; and conversely, to be fitted out attribute increases the information needed to attempt to reach the students cause. Students interested in openness to experience, attribute to the new threads in it increases, and the two new adjectives to be conscientious and agreement as well as in increasing the effective relevance judgment later.

Conclusion. Psychological factors play a role as a character in the information-seeking behavior so that in accordance with the findings of the present study, 31 percent of students based on saving behavior of the notice five factors personality fitted shape. Therefore, academic libraries and information centers in the design of databases and user interfaces it is better to have a special focus on these factors.

Ogholbebe Sheikh, Nosrat Riahinia, Yazdan Mansourian,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: The present study has been done in order to survey contextualized information retrieval behavior by the students of Kharazmi University.
Methods: This is descriptive applied research. Statistical population includes all the students currently studying at the Kharazmi University in the time of research. Sample of research includes 196 students selected by convenience sampling method. In order to collect information a researcher-designed questionnaire was used. The questionnaire’s reliability was 6.82 and its validity was confirmed some university professors. For analyzing data, One- sample T- test and independent samples T test were used.
Results: Results showed that the main efficient factor in information retrieval behavior of students was computer sites of the university. Students obtained their required scientific information through Internet resources via search engines. Their main aim in seeking scientific information was doing their assignments. Students primary aim of seeking scientific information was to collect educational information followed by research information.
Conclusion: The main impediment and problem on the way of information seeking at the university was low internet speed. Also, there was no significant differences between demographic factors (gender, marital status and resident’s status) and information retrieval behavior of students. Only in some research variables we found significant differences.
Keywords: Information retrieval behavior, Context, Students, Kharazmi University.

Leila Khalili, Aziz Hedayati Khoshemehr, Samad Rasoulzadeh Aghdam, Behnaz Sheibany,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: Information literacy is a key element in the development of an independent and effective learning in higher education in the 21st century. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between information literacy and learning motivation in undergraduate students. In addition, the mean score of information literacy was measured based on educational and demographic variables.
Methods: This applied research carried out with a quantitative approach and survey method. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. The study population was undergraduate students at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University and 379 samples were selected using stratified random sampling. Descriptive and inferential statistics analyses (Pearson correlation, independent T and ANOVA) were performed using SPSS software.
Results: Students' information literacy based on five standards was 2.48. Based on the findings of the Pearson correlation coefficient with 99 percent confident there was positive and significant relationship between information literacy and learning motivation. In addition there was positive and significant relationship between information literacy and Grade Point Average (GPA)  of students with 99 percent confident. Based on independent T-test was not observed a significant difference in male and female students' information literacy. ANOVA test showed a significant difference with 99 percent confident between information literacy and entrance year of students. Based on ANOVA test there was no significant differences on students' information literacy based on field of study.
Conclusion: Students' information literacy unsatisfactory. Information literacy had a positive relationship with learning motivation. Also there was a positive relationship between information literacy and academic performance (GPA). Information literacy of senior students was more than freshmen. Information literacy of students in four areas of study (Humanities, Engineering, Agriculture and Science) was almost similar.

Ebrahim Aryani Ghizghapan, Adel Zahed Bablan, Parvaneh Rahimi, Mahdi Moeinikia,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to explain the mediating role of social capital in the relationship between the application of virtual social network and knowledge sharing practices in cyberspace.
Methods: The research in terms of the main strategy, was quantitative, in terms of the strategy, was field, and in terms of analytical, was descriptive-post-event technique. The statistical population consisted of postgraduate students users of telegrams social network at Mohaghegh Ardabili University in the academic year of 2016-2017. The sampling method was random. The sample size according to the Kregci-Morgan model and with error α = 0.05, was considered 210 persons. To collect data, virtual social networking questionnaire (with reliability α= 0.70), Social Capital Questionnaire of Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) (with reliability α= 0.93) and Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire of Bohlool (1392) (with reliability α= 0.93) was used. Validity of the tools was confirmed by the professors of education and psychology. Data were analyzed using two software’s SPSS v. 22 and Lisrel 8.50 and analyzed by structural equation modeling.
Results: The results showed that the proposed model had suitable fit (x2/df=2.96, GFI=0.93, AGFI=0.92, CFI=0.91, NFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.81) and the component of virtual social networking has a direct and indirect effect through the component of social capital on knowledge sharing in cyberspace (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The social network of Telegram, based on its hyperactivity capacity in shaped relationships, has been developing the behavior of user knowledge sharing in the cyberspace. Therefore, educating and developing and continuously monitoring the space of these networks and planning for the future can be a major proposition for virtual domain managers.
Mohsen Nowkarizi, Soodeh Shoaei, Hassan Behzadi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Purpose: the aim was to identify users' search strategies and the rate of using search strategies on the web.

Method: It is a practical survey. The statistical population included all the postgraduate students in the first semester at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. 95 students were selected by stratified random sampling method. To gather the data, log files were used.

Findings: 12 search strategies were identified which was divided into 5 general categories. Iterative evaluation strategy in another tab was a new form of evaluation strategy of results. Among all, starting search strategies were the most commonly used category which were repeated 397 times, and the search results evaluation strategies were ranked afterward, with 321 replications. The category of Simultaneous multiple resource access strategies, with 77 repetitions, were also the least used strategies, but in particular, the recurring exploration strategy, with 21 repetitions, was the least applicable strategy. Conducting correlation test between strategies showed that some of Pearson's correlation coefficients were significant. The strongest relationship was between the starting search strategies and the search result evaluation strategies with a 0.591 correlation coefficient.

Discussion: The results showed that the majority of students used traditional and simple strategies, such as the formulation of search terms strategy and the iterative result evaluation strategy, and they used more complex strategies in few cases. These results showed that the students need to be trained in using strategies.

Saeed Malekmohammadi, Mohsen Zainolabedini,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: This study attempted to investigate Khouzestan Institute for Higher Education students' viewpoints on librarians' nonverbal communication skills and their roles to attract the audience.
Methods: This is an analytical survey which used a researcher-made questionnaire to measure librarians’ communication skills in five dimensions by 39 statements. It also measured students’ satisfaction of librarians’ performance through one question. The population consisted of 3500 bachelor students enrolled in second semester of 2016-2017 academic year. According to Krejcie and Morgan Table, 346 students were determined as the sample. Using SPSS v.20 software, descriptive and inferential statistics were applied.
Results: From the students point of view the total score of nonverbal communication skills of librarians was 4.58±0.71. The highest means belonged to “facial expression” (4.70±.30) and “their situations and hints (4.64±.468). The score of students’ satisfaction with librarians was 4.68±0.47, accordingly.   
Conclusion: There are a lot of research on non-verbal communications skills in general; however, there was no sufficient research on librarian's non-verbal communication skills. Library in academic institutions, where librarians interact with the youth, non-verbal communication skills may prevent many unnecessary encounters.
Mansour Torkiantabar, Zahra Arzani,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: This study aimed to evaluate cognitive skills, composition and use of information among graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod Branch.
Methods: The research is descriptive. The study sample included 1105 persons of Doruod Islamic Azad University graduate students, which is based on the sample of 286 subjects were selected. To gather data for these study questionnaires were used. The questionnaires were distributed and 276 questionnaires were received that the number of Inventory data extraction and analysis using statistical software was SPSS20. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics t test was used.
Results: The results showed that the cognitive, composition and use of information among graduate students of Islamic Azad University Doruod higher than average.
Conclusion: The results of this study and other research related to information literacy of students  It can be concluded that universities and higher education institutions should pay special attention to students' information literacy and provide grounds for its upgrade.
Dr. Ali Jalali Dizaji, Mr. Arafat Lotfi, Dr. Golnessa Galyani Moghaddam,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background and Aim: This article studies the information literacy skills of Kurdistan University graduate students and its relationship with their information grounds.  
Methods: The research used descriptive-correlation survey methodology. The statistical population consisted of 1977 Master degree students at University of Kurdistan and 321 members thereof selected by stratified random method for research sample. Data collected by a questionnaire including two sections for identification of the students’ information grounds and information literacy skills. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used for data analysis.
Results: Kurdistan University graduate students overall information literacy was above average and desirable in five literacy skills. Results on the relationship between research variables showed that there is a positive and strong correlation between academic information grounds and information literacy competencies. Correlation between scientific information grounds and information literacy competencies is positive and suitable where it is positive and moderate between public information grounds and information literacy competencies. There is a negative correlation between first and second information literacy competencies and information grounds; straight and positive correlation between third and fourth information literacy competencies with grounds and fifth information literacy competency and information grounds correlation is insignificant but negative. It is concluded that priorities among three dimensions is for academic and scientific information needs but public information needs is less concerned and deficiency should be improved.
Conclusion: Article is valuable for information literacy competencies recognition and its advantages for correlation indication between information literacy and information grounds and policy making on research population.
, Dr Nahid Ojaghi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (8-2019)

Background and aim: New technologies, particularly the Internet, have changed the means of information searching and retrieval in innumerable research methods, as well as qualitative research.  Therefore, researchers awareness of search skills is imperative.  Search skills allows   pursuit of higher self-efficacy. So, the purpose is to investigate the  Role of Online Searching Skills in Predicting Qualitative Research self-efficacy of Payamnoor University Postgraduate students.
Methodology: The research method was correlational descriptive - analytical study.  Population was 277 Postgraduate Students of Payamnoor University and sample of 159 students were selected randomly. For  data collection,   Online Searching skills and Qualitative Research Self efficacy questionnaires were applied. Regression analysis was used to analyze the data.  
Results: The results indicate that there is a relation of Online Searching skills and Research Self efficacy. Also, regression coefficient indicates that Online searching skills could predict research self-efficacy factors of Payamnoor University postgraduate students.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, emphasizing on online search skills and training might lead to an upsurge of self-efficacy of Postgraduate students at this University in qualitative research.
Miss Soheila Khoeini, Dr Nader Naghshineh,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Background and Aim: E-learning is an important topic  in the educational settings and students are  significant prerequisites of it,  who have an essential role for the acceptance and effective use of e-learning management systems so that knowing their attitudes and mental models is essential for the successful implementation of such a method. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the Adoption Rate of students' mental model with the structure of the learning management system of the University of Tehran using the card sorting method.   
Methodology: Research had qualitative approach with card sorting and interview tools. Usabilitest software, descriptive statistics, distance matrix, and hierarchical clustering were used to analyze the data. Sample consisted of 15 postgraduate students at Tehran  University (second semester of the academic year 2019-2020) that were interacting with the learning management system (Moodle).
Findings: Findings indicate that out of 42 cards examined, the status and classification of 36 cards (85%) in the learning management system were fully consistent with the participants' mental model and only in some cases such as "Help" and" Recent lessons referred" according to their mental model, users expected these sections to be placed in other categories. As well as labeling; 66% of users found the "settings" tag more appropriate than their "preferences" and the function of some, such as "medal management", "medal preferences" was unclear to them. Also, the categories presented in the three sections: "User Profile", "Quick Access" and "My Lessons" were approved by users.
Conclusion: The results show that the degree of adaptation of students' mental model to the structure of the learning management system of the University of Tehran is at a desirable level.

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