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Prof. Fazel Asadi Amjad
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Dr. Hossein Talebzadeh
جستجو در پایگاه

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:: جستجو در مقالات منتشر شده ::
2 نتیجه برای Bagheri

Fatemeh Badiozaman، Ebrahim Samani، Razieh Bagheripour،
دوره 25، شماره 1 - ( 1-1401 )

Translated texts have an in-between existence commonly referred to as hybridity; they belong to both source and target cultures, which indicates that hybridity is an inherent characteristic of translation. However, it is not only translated texts that contain hybridity, original texts do too, especially in the case of linguistic hybridity that is caused by non-standard language. All forms of non-standard language have their own sociolinguistic implications; their mere presence in a literary production conveys certain messages, which makes this presence a prominent one. It is equally important to find out what becomes of such language in the process of translation. Therefore, the current qualitative research picked four literary novels that featured at least one-character parading non-standard speech patterns, along with two Persian translations for each novel so that translators' styles could be compared. The target texts were inspected to observe cases of either neutralization or reproduction of non-standard language. The findings proved that most translators gravitate towards normalization, meaning that their readers would not be able to perceive the existence of different speech patterns in the story. Nevertheless, by employing diverse structures and terms, two translators managed to demonstrate that linguistic hybridity existed in their texts. Considering how dissimilar English and Persian dialects are, having transferred non-standard language through the translation process is an impressive accomplishment.

Faezeh Nemati، Bahram Bagheri، Gholamreza Abbasian،
دوره 26، شماره 1 - ( 1-1402 )

Research has highlighted the essential role of teachers in facilitating effective learning, yet there remains a critical need to enhance understanding of assessment literacy, particularly within the context of learning-oriented assessment. To address this gap, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature review to identify relevant theoretical constructs related to teachers' assessment literacy. Following this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with EFL teachers to gather insights into their perceptions of key components, including designing learning tasks, involving students in assessment, and providing effective feedback. The qualitative data from the interviews were analyzed thematically, leading to the development of the Teachers' Assessment Literacy Questionnaire (TALQ), which was then subjected to rigorous reliability and validity testing. In a subsequent phase, the TALQ was administered to a larger sample of 230 EFL teachers, in addition to being piloted with a group of 30 teachers. The questionnaire yielded a strong Cronbach's alpha of 0.791, indicating good reliability. Factor analysis revealed three primary components of assessment literacy: Involving Students in Assessment, Designing Learning Tasks, and Effectiveness of Feedback. The findings indicate that while many teachers feel they possess adequate assessment literacy, there are no significant differences across various academic backgrounds. This underscores the need for targeted professional development to enhance assessment practices among Iranian EFL teachers. Ultimately, this study contributes valuable insights into the concept of assessment literacy, equipping teachers with the necessary tools to foster more effective learning environments.

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Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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