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:: جستجو در مقالات منتشر شده ::
54 نتیجه برای Age

Zahra Fotovatnia، Jeffery Jones، Nichole Scheerer،
دوره 22، شماره 2 - ( 6-1398 )

Finding out which lexico-semantic features of cognates are critical in cross-language studies and comparing these features with noncognates helps researchers to decide which features to control in studies with cognates. Normative databases provide necessary information for this purpose. Such resources are lacking in the Persian language. We created a dataset and determined norms for the essential lexico-semantic features of 288 cognates and noncognates and matched them across conditions. Furthermore, we examined the relationship between these features and the response time (RT) and accuracy of responses in a masked-priming lexical decision task. This task was performed in English by Persian-English speakers in conditions where the prime and target words were related or unrelated in terms of meaning and/or form. Overall, familiarity with English words and English frequency were the best predictors of RT in related and unrelated priming conditions. Pronunciation similarity also predicted RT in the related condition for cognates, while the number of phonemes in the prime predicted RT for the unrelated condition. For both related and unrelated conditions, English frequency was the best predictor for noncognates. This bilingual dataset can be used in bilingual word processing and recognition studies of cognates and noncognates.

لیلا حسن زاده، سعیده آهنگری، نسرین حدیدی تمجید،
دوره 23، شماره 1 - ( 1-1399 )

در روانشناسی آموزشی، ساختارهای فکری هر فرد به مجموعه ای از باورهای اصلی در مورد هوش و نقش آن در یادگیری موفق در یک حیطه خاص اشاره دارد (رایان و مرسر، 2012). با در نظر گرفتن نقش میانجیگری تعامل و خود-تنظیمی، مطالعه حاضر به بررسی نقش ساختارهای فکری افراد در مورد زبان و یادگیری  زبانی در پیش بینی دستاورد انگلیسی زبان آموزان در برخی از آموزشگاههای زبان در شهر تبریز، ایران، می پردازد. نخست داده ها از طریق سه پرسشنامه با نامهای پرسشنامه ساختارهای فکری زبانی لوو و نولز (2017)، پرسشنامه تعامل دانشجویان ماراکو و دیگران (2016) ، مقیاس یادگیری خود-تنظیم شدهَ آکادمیک ماگنو (2010)، و همچنین نمرات انگلیسی زبان آموزان در آخر ترم جمع آوری شد. سپس، داده ها توسط نرم افزارهای SPSS 20 و Amos 8 به صورت کمّی تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. نتایج به دست آمده نشان میدهد که ارتباط مستقیم و معناداری بین ساختارهای فکری زبانی و دستاورد انگلیسی وجود دارد. همچنین، نقش میانجیگری تعامل و خود-تنظیمی در این رابطه معنادار است. بر اساس این نتایج، لازم است معلمین بر ترویج ساختارهای فکری که بر رشد و استعداد نهانی و نه بر محدودیت و ایستایی تأکید دارند، اهتمام ورزند.
سعید نورزاده، جلیل فتحی، مجید سلطانی مقدم،
دوره 23، شماره 1 - ( 1-1399 )

هدف این مطالعه گردآوری شواهدی دال بر اعتبار سازه پرسشنامه "چه اتفاقی در این کلاس در حال رخ دادن است" در بافت آموزش زبان انگلیسی به عنوان زبان خارجه در ایران می­باشد. گرچه حوزه آموزش زبان ادعاهایی درباره نقش محیط­های یادگیری زبان (به­ویژه کلاس) در فراگیری و استفاده از زبان دوم داشته است، اما ابزاری روا و پایا به منظور بررسی درستی این ادعاها برای معلمان و پژوهشگران فراهم نیاورده است. به منظور تحقق این هدف، در مطالعه حاضر، از نمونه­ای شامل 607 فراگیر زبان انگلیسی ایرانی در هر دو بافت دانشگاه و مؤسسه درخواست شد که پرسشنامه  "چه اتفاقی در این کلاس در حال رخ دادن است" را تکمیل نمایند. سپس داده­های گردآوری شده به منظور اعتبارسنجی سازه پرسشنامه مورد تحلیل عاملی تاییدی و اکتشافی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که حذف یک عامل و چندین گویه از نسخه اصلی پرسشنامه ویژگی­های روان­سنجی آن را بهبود می­بخشد و بنابراین اعتبار پرسشنامه با شش عامل تایید گردید. علاوه بر این، نتایج نشان داد که ویژگی­های روان­سنجی پرسشنامه در بافت­های آموزش (دانشگاه و مؤسسه) تغییرناپذیر است. در ادامه اهمیت این یافته­ها برای پژوهش در محیط­های یادگیری زبان بحث و بررسی و پیشنهادهایی برای مطالعات اعتبارسنجی بیشتر ارائه شده است.
مرجان وثوقی،
دوره 23، شماره 1 - ( 1-1399 )

در تحقیق پیش رو، معلم-محقق (من از این پس) بر آن شدم تا تجربیات آموزشی و یادگیری درازمدت خود مبتنی بر بیست و پنج سال تجربه ی کاری را به ترتیب زمانی و به صورت روایت-تاریخی بر روی نقش هایم با تاکید برتضاد های نقشی گزارش بدهم. در راستای این هدف، در ابتدا بر آن شدم تا با برشمردن سه نقش متفاوت خود در دنیای حرفه ای حال و گذشته ام شامل 1) فراگیر زبان و 2) آموزشگر، و در نهایت 3) محقق در حوزه های زبانی (در اینجا زبان انگلیسی)  به روایت تجربیات آموزش/یادگیری  زبانی خود بپردازم. با استناد به طرح تحقیقی روایت پژوهی تاریخی و همگام با طرح های مردم نگاری شخصی در نهایت، در حین اجرای سه نقش خود، با ارزیابی دو نقش اول (حال و گذشته) و نقش محقق (حال و آینده) نتایج گزارش شد. یافته ها حاکی از آن بودند که برخی تنش ها شامل «عدم کارایی دانش زبان انگلیسی جز اهداف آموزشی برای معلم»، «شکاف زیاد میان نظریات و عمل»، «تاثیر گذاری افراد مهم درگیر در تدریس در تصمیم گیری های او»، «فاصله ی میان نظریه و عمل» و «تاثیر برخی افراد مهم بر تصمیم گیری ها در آینده»، «دو سویه بودن تعاملات با افرادی که در نظر محقق حاضر دارای کمترین تاثیر تا بیشترین تاثیر در او بودند» چگونه باعث آزردن روحیه ی محقق حاضر شده است؛ بنابراین و بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده در مدت زمان نسبتا طولانی، تنش های یافت شده در نتایج در دو محور شامل الف) غیر قابل پیش بینی بودن امور در حوزه ی آموزش زبان و ب) پیچیدگی های رفتار و تعاملات انسانی در جامعه ی آموزش زبان که هریک منتج شده از انگیزه های گوناگون بوده و به مسیرهای نامعلوم و غیر قابل پیش بینی منتهی می گردید، دسته بندی شدند و چگونگی تشکیل هویت آینده ی حرفه ای محقق تحت تاثیر این عوامل بررسی شدند. این مقاله دربردارنده ی مطالب ضمنی در خصوص تشکیل هویت حرفه ای معلمان زبان انگلیسی و مبتنی بر کاربرد تحقیقات جدید از جمله روایت پژوهی با رویکرد های خود روایتی می باشد.

پریناز خیاطان، احمدرضا لطفی، بهرام هادیان،
دوره 23، شماره 2 - ( 6-1399 )

این تحقیق تمرکز برروی استفاده از انگیزش ذهنی در محیطی خارج از انگلیسی زبانان دارد. انگیزش ذهنی به عنوان تمایل گوینده برای استفاده از ساختاری که قبلا شنیده یا بیان کرده است درگفتار بعدی تعریف شده است.با توجه به تعداد محدود تحقیقات درباره کاربرد انگیزش ذهنی در گرایش آموزش زبان انگلیسی و با توجه به مشکلاتی که یادگیرندگان زبان در تولید زبان با آن روبه رو هستند، این تحقیق بنا برآن داشت که به بررسی تاثییر انگیزش ذهنی بر تولید شفاهی و نوشتاری ساختار موصولی در مقابل ساختار صفت و اسم در کوتاه و بلند مدت بپردازد. شرکت کنندگان شامل 60 یادگیرنده خانم در رده سنی 18 تا 25 سال بودند. 20 نفر برای شرکت در گروه گواه و 40 نفر برای شرکت دردو گروه آزمایش گماشته شدند. یک گروه آزمایش به تولید شفاهی عبارات موصولی و گروه دیگر به تولید کتبی عبارات موصولی پس از دریافت انگیزش ذهنی پرداختند. داده ها از طریق آزمون تشخیص گرامری بودن جملات و توصیف عکس با پیاده سازی متد پیش آزمون، آموزش، پسا آزمون کوتاه مدت و پسا آزمون بلند مدت جمع آوری شدند. یافته ها نشان دادن که اگرچه بهبودی در کوتاه و بلند مدت در عملکرد یادگیرندگان اتفاق افتاد ولی این تاثیر برای یادگیرندگانی که ضمیر موصولی را به شکل نوشتاری تولید نمودند بسیار اثر بخش تر بود. این یافته ها با توجه به سطح دانش یادگیرندگان از ساختار موصولی وفرآیندهای ذهنی مرتبط با تولید زبان در حالت گفتاری و نوشتاری مورد بحث قرار گرفت.
معصومه تقی زاده، گلنار مزدایسنا، فاطمه مهدی راد،
دوره 23، شماره 2 - ( 6-1399 )

در نظام آموزشی ایران، سواد سنجش زبان به حد کافی مورد مورد بررسی قرار گرفته نشده است.تحقیق حاضر شکل گیری سواد سنجش را در میان دانشجویان زبان انگلیسی دانشگاههای دولتی که در حال گذراندن واحد آزمون سازی می باشند، بررسی می کند.سه عنصر مطرح شده برای سواد سنجش (دانش سنجش، مهارتهای سنجش و اصول سنجش)محوریت این تحقیق را شکل دادند. برای جمع آوری اطلاعات مورد نیاز، یک پرسشنامه ( شامل 83 ایتم لیکرت و تعدادی سوال باز) طراحی شد و پاسخهای 92 مدرس درس آزمون سازی گردآوری شد. فعالیتهای تدریس و سنجش دو مدرس درس مربوطه نیز از طریق مشاهده کلاسها مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. تحلیل داده ها از طریق نرم افزار(26)SPSS صورت گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که در این دوره های آموزشی، تمرکز اصلی بر روی دانش سنجش و تا حدی مهارتهای سنجش می باشد و اصول مربوط به سنجش نادیده گرفته شده اند. تکیه بر روشهای سنتی سنجش، بکارگیری منابع آموزشی نامناسب و فقدان فعالیتهای عملی مرتبط با سنجش از دیگر ویژگیهای این کلاسهای درس آزمون سازی می باشد. در پایان پیشنهاداتی برای طراحی و ارائه بهتر درس آزمون سازی جهت افزایش سطح سواد سنجش دانشجویان رشته زبان که اغلب پس از فارغ التحصیلی وارد حوزه تدریس می شوند، مطرح شده است.
Hamid Allami، Mohsen Ramezanian،
دوره 24، شماره 1 - ( 1-1400 )

، ،
دوره 24، شماره 1 - ( 1-1400 )

، ،
دوره 24، شماره 2 - ( 6-1400 )

Fatemeh Badiozaman، Ebrahim Samani، Razieh Bagheripour،
دوره 25، شماره 1 - ( 1-1401 )

Translated texts have an in-between existence commonly referred to as hybridity; they belong to both source and target cultures, which indicates that hybridity is an inherent characteristic of translation. However, it is not only translated texts that contain hybridity, original texts do too, especially in the case of linguistic hybridity that is caused by non-standard language. All forms of non-standard language have their own sociolinguistic implications; their mere presence in a literary production conveys certain messages, which makes this presence a prominent one. It is equally important to find out what becomes of such language in the process of translation. Therefore, the current qualitative research picked four literary novels that featured at least one-character parading non-standard speech patterns, along with two Persian translations for each novel so that translators' styles could be compared. The target texts were inspected to observe cases of either neutralization or reproduction of non-standard language. The findings proved that most translators gravitate towards normalization, meaning that their readers would not be able to perceive the existence of different speech patterns in the story. Nevertheless, by employing diverse structures and terms, two translators managed to demonstrate that linguistic hybridity existed in their texts. Considering how dissimilar English and Persian dialects are, having transferred non-standard language through the translation process is an impressive accomplishment.

Mehdi Bazyar،
دوره 25، شماره 1 - ( 1-1401 )

Metaphor shapes our language as well as our thoughts by grounding the concepts related to our body within an experiential framework in which we can accommodate abstract concepts. Being aware of their underlying structure and mastering them are believed to be integral in developing metaphoric competence and communicative competence in a second language. Body-related metaphors are among the prevalent, yet under-researched metaphors of Persian that can pose substantial challenges for foreign learners of Persian. This study explores the body-related metaphor constructions utilizing Lakoff and Johnson’s conceptualizations in Persian language that can be problematic for learners of Persian. It was found that the Persian body metaphors are relatively rich and pervasive. In many cases, Persian speakers tend to use different metaphors as a kind of hyperbole to show the repetition and/or significance of a phenomenon or concept (both negatively and positively). It was also suggested that the primary function of metaphors in Persian could be explained based on the narrowing and expanding of meaning. The findings suggested that while systematicity is universal, there are also differences among the metaphor structures cross-linguistically and cross-culturally. The results could also provide another evidence for cognitivists’ claim that the conceptual system by which we understand and communicate (about/with) the world around us is mostly metaphorical. Finally, the significance and implications of studies of this nature for the learning and teaching of Persian as a second/foreign language were discussed. 

Masoumeh Ghamoushi، Zohre Mohamadi Zenouzagh، Mohammad Hashamdar،
دوره 25، شماره 2 - ( 6-1401 )

The growing literature on teacher professional development emphasizes the positive contribution of teacher engagement to the professional development of teachers. However, scant attention was given to the relationship between this concept and teacher ecological agency as one of the potential factors influencing teacher engagement and in turn professional development. To fill this research gap, a sample of 369 EFL teachers from different institutes in Iran selected through convenience sampling participated in this study. The required data was collected by administering two questionnaires: The teacher ecological agency questionnaire and the teacher engagement questionnaire. The relationship between teachers’ ecological agency and teachers’ engagement and their underlying components were investigated through structural equation modeling (SEM) and Pearson correlation. The outcomes of SEM revealed a significant association between teachers’ ecological agency and engagement. The Pearson correlation results indicated that all three components of teacher ecological agency are correlated significantly with all five components of teacher engagement. The highest degree of correlation was found between emotional engagement and practical-evaluative agency (.711), agentic engagement, and practical-evaluative agency (.705) and cognitive engagement and practical-evaluative agency (.692). The pedagogical implications of this study enhance the efficiency of the educational system and teachers’ professional development.

Askarpoor، Mansoor Ganji، Ali Beikian،
دوره 25، شماره 2 - ( 6-1401 )

Teacher professional development plays a critical role in enhancing educational outcomes, with Teacher Training Courses (TTCs) serving as a primary avenue for improving teaching quality. This study evaluates the effectiveness of an English TTC conducted at the Iran Language Institute (ILI) by employing a concurrent mixed-methods approach. Data were gathered from TTC candidates, attendees, and ILI teachers to assess their expectations, immediate evaluation, and delayed evaluation of the TTC. Seven interviews with TTC candidates were conducted to capture expectations, while 69 questionnaires from attendees and 85 from ILI teachers provided immediate and delayed evaluations respectively. Both interviews and questionnaires were structured around the five standards of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), and the data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistics. The findings indicate that candidates expected the TTC to focus on modern teaching techniques, syllabus design, classroom management, and supporting diverse learners. Besides, satisfaction levels were higher among female teachers and TTC attendees compared to male teachers and ILI teachers respectively. All in all, areas such as supporting diverse learners and professional development emerged with the lowest levels of satisfaction. These findings underscore the importance of tailoring TTCs to address specific needs, particularly in areas where satisfaction levels are suboptimal, to ensure the continued improvement of teaching quality and student outcomes.

Fahimeh Hokmabadi، Omid Mazandarani، Behzad Ghonsooly، Ghasem Barani،
دوره 25، شماره 2 - ( 6-1401 )

Despite the fact that there exists a considerable amount of literature on pedagogically-oriented stylistics, a significant number of the often-cited articles turns out to be based on trust and intuition. This is what has been accentuated by prominent figures as Hall (2007), Carter (2007, 2010), Zyngier and Fialho (2010), among others, while calling for more robust empirically-based studies. The present study is undertaken to review 13 studies published from 2015 to 2022. In doing so, an adaptation of a coding framework was employed to serve as guideline for this review study. In this vein, three overarching themes were detected: 1) stylistics as accessible toolkit for teacher training, 2) stylistics' significance in curriculum and syllabus development and 3) stylistics as an opportunity for cooperation between higher education and language teachers. By detecting these emergent themes some uncharted areas of stylistics-inspired pedagogies as well as some rectified issues were revealed. Despite this, there still remains the issue of underreporting which is indeed undermining to the credibility of pedagogical stylistics. Thus, a set of recommendations were accordingly provided for further advancement in studies concerning pedagogical stylistics.

Zahra Naderifarjad، Yousofi Nourodin،
دوره 25، شماره 2 - ( 6-1401 )

An intervention study was conducted to investigate whether individuals with Down syndrome would benefit from teaching alphabetic skill and single word reading in foreign /second language despite their phonological, cognitive, memory, and intellectual disabilities. This study is a part of a longitudinal case study focusing on developing a program for reading English done at three stages which comprised teaching English alphabet, vocabulary, and reading. The study focused on a Persian speaking girl with Down syndrome who demonstrated phonological deficit prior to intervention. Data were collected by video recording, documentation, and keeping diaries. Assessments of progress were made at the beginning of a new session following the last teaching session and maintenance of gains was held three months after the last teaching session. The result showed significant gains in reading monosyllabic words. The findings demonstrated that Down syndrome individuals can learn basic reading skill in second / foreign language using "combined approach of phonics and reading" along with multisensory language learning approach (MSL).  

Naser Rashidi، Mehrnoosh Dehbozorgi،
دوره 26، شماره 1 - ( 1-1402 )

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in understanding how cognitive skills influence second language acquisition. Cognitive control, a set of mental processes that include attention, inhibition, and working memory, has been shown to play a significant role in language learning. This study examines the impact of cognitive control skills on language development among adult Iranian English learners, comparing it both in online and in person settings. Forty adult EFL learners were divided into two groups and underwent a 9-week instructional period, with cognitive control skills assessed using the Attention Network Task (ANT), working memory tasks, and a Raven’s IQ test. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, regression, and ANCOVA to determine relationships between variables. The results of the study revealed that while aspects of cognitive control like orienting and altering do not have a significant impact on language development, the more complex, controlling aspect exhibits a positive relationship (F=4.937, p=0.033). This relationship was contingent upon controlling for differences between post-examination and primary examination of ANT results, indicating that controlling attention is a stronger predictor of language outcomes. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the mode of instruction—online or in-person—has no significant impact on this relationship (F=0.009, p=0.925), suggesting that cognitive control operates independently of teaching mode. The study’s findings suggest that educators and curriculum developers should emphasize activities targeting the controlling component of cognitive control in language learning, as this is linked to better language development. Additionally, since the mode of instruction does not significantly impact this relationship, effective language instruction can be delivered in both online and in-person settings, providing flexibility in course design.

Gholamhossein Shahini، Mohammad Hakani،
دوره 26، شماره 1 - ( 1-1402 )

Given the link between parental involvement and childrens academic outcomes, the current research set out to redress the imbalance created by the almost nonexistence of research evidence on the impacts of simultaneous presence of mothers beside their children in an EFL class. To this end, following a mixed-method approach (a quasi-experimental design and semi-structured interviews), 35 starter-level female children, aged 4-6, selected via convenience sampling were randomly assigned into an experimental group (N=18) in which mothers attended the class with their children, and a control group (N= 17) in which mothers did not. Findings unraveled that mothers’ in-class presence enhanced children’s English language vocabulary, increased their class attendance, provided a feeling of affection and safety to help them relax and get motivated, caused their in-class behaviors to be closely monitored, and created rapport and solidarity between home and school. Mothers’ in-class presence also provided a unique opportunity for mothers to co-teach with the teacher the new vocabularies to their children. The findings also suggested that teaching English to mothers prior to their children’s course of instruction assisted them in scaffolding their children in classes. The implication is that as a result of their ongoing in-class presence, mothers may become more vigilant influential agents in educational meetings and school board decision-makings. Also, stakeholders need to be encouraged to devise plans allowing them to harness more efficiently the positive impacts of mothers’ in-class presence and provoke parents’ active participation in classrooms.

Katayoon Mansouri، Jaleh Hassaskhah، Esmaeel Ali Salimi،
دوره 26، شماره 2 - ( 6-1402 )

Working memory plays a fundamental role in multiple facets of our cognitive life (Baddeley, 2017) like learning and processing first and second language. Thus, this study investigated the effect of multimodal input enhancement on working memory capacity and collocation learning across different age groups. The participants were 117 adolescents and adults randomly assigned into two experimental and two control groups. The experimental groups received textual and aural enhanced input, while the control groups received non-enhanced input. The data were collected through Preliminary English Test, n-back test, immediate and delayed posttest of collocations. The results showed that multimodal input enhancement had a positive effect on working memory capacity and recall and retention of collocations in both adolescents and adults. However, adolescents outperformed adults in immediate and delayed tests of collocations and also adolescents adjusted their working memory capacity more than adults in multimodal context. The results also indicated that there was an interaction effect between age and working memory on recall and retention of collocations. Generally, the findings highlight the role of learnersmemory resources and cognitive functioning in processing multimedia input and learning language components. The study has several implications for teachers, teacher training courses, course designers, and curriculum developers.

Sharareh Sadat Sarsarabi، Zeynab Sazegar،
دوره 26، شماره 2 - ( 6-1402 )

In a world with globalization and communication development as its main features, arriving at a common understanding and correct transition of meaning is an unavoidable necessity. Here the responsibility and duty of the people who hold the task of translation is of great importance and one of the issues that should be considered in translation is using euphemism. The current research seeks to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, and age and their use of euphemisms in translation. The study consists of four hypotheses, this is descriptive research and a questionnaire is used to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, age, and their use of euphemisms in translation. It has been distributed among the research population which consists of translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. The results show that euphemism exists at a suitable level in the translation of the translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. Moreover, the translators’ gender affects their use of euphemisms in translation. There is a direct relationship between translators’ age and their use of euphemisms in translation. Finally, the translators’ level of education does not influence their use of euphemisms in translation.

دوره 26، شماره 2 - ( 6-1402 )

In a world with globalization and communication development as its main features, arriving at a common understanding and correct transition of meaning is an unavoidable necessity. Here the responsibility and duty of the people who hold the task of translation is of great importance and one of the issues that should be considered in translation is using euphemism. The current research seeks to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, and age and their use of euphemisms in translation. The study consists of four hypotheses, this is descriptive research and a questionnaire is used to find the relationship between translators’ gender, education, age, and their use of euphemisms in translation. It has been distributed among the research population which consists of translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. The results show that euphemism exists at a suitable level in the translation of the translators who are members of the Iran Translation Association. Moreover, the translators’ gender affects their use of euphemisms in translation. There is a direct relationship between translators’ age and their use of euphemisms in translation. Finally, the translators’ level of education does not influence their use of euphemisms in translation.

صفحه 2 از 3     

Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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