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:: جستجو در مقالات منتشر شده ::
3 نتیجه برای Meta-Analysis

Seyyed Ali Ostovar-Namaghi، Shiva Nakhaee،
دوره 22، شماره 2 - ( 6-1398 )

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has recently been the focus of numerous studies in language education since it aims to overcome the pitfalls of form-focused and meaning-focused instruction by systematically integrating content and language. This meta-analysis aims to synthesize the findings of 22 primary studies that tested the effect of CLIL on language skills and components. Guiding the analysis are three questions: What is the overall combined effect of CLIL on language skills and components? How do moderators condition the effect of CLIL? To what extent the overall combined effect is conditioned by publication bias? The overall effect size was found to be g=0.81, which represents a medium effect size with respect to Plonsky and Oswald’s (2014) scale. The results of moderator analysis show that CLIL has the highest effect on students’ grammar and listening proficiency and in lower levels of education, especially in elementary schools. It also has the highest effect when combined with hotel management as the subject matter. Fail-safe N test of publication bias shows that the significant positive outcome of CLIL cannot be accounted for by publication bias. The findings have clear implications for practitioners, researchers and curriculum developers.

فاظمه احمد نتاج، سید علی استوار نامقی،
دوره 23، شماره 2 - ( 6-1399 )

هدف این فرا تحلیل ترکیب  تاثیر 22 مطالعه که تاثیر روش تلفیقی بر مهارتهای زبانی را تحت شرایط آزمایشکاهی بررسی کرده اند می باشد. این  مطالعه فرا تحلیل قصد باسخ دادن بغ سه برسش را دارد: برایند  تاثیر روش تلفیقی بر مهارتهای ربانی جیست؟ تا جه حد عواملی از قبیل سطح تحصیلات زبان آموزان  و سطح تسلط ربانی آنها تاثیر روش تلفیقی را تعدیل می کند؟ میزان انحراف ناسی از نشر جقدر است؟ تحلیل داده ها نشان داد که روش تلفیقی تاثیر کلی 1.18  دارد که براساس مقیاس کهن منیون و منسون (2007) تاثیر بالایی در نظر گرفته می شود. تحلیل عوامل تعدیل گر نشان داد مه روش تلفیقی بیشترین تاثیر را در دانشجویان سطح بیشرفته  و دانشجویان در سطح دانشگاه دارد. طرح قیفی متقارن و آزمون fail-safe N نشان می دهد که انحرافیا خطای ناشی از نشر تاثیر معنی داری بر نتایج این فرا تحلیل ندارد.  نتایج این مطالعه برای دبیران زبان ساست گزاران و طراحان مطالیب درسی مفید می باشد.
Seyyedeh Ghazal Hosseini Mousavi، Seyyed Ali Ostovar-Namaghi،
دوره 25، شماره 1 - ( 1-1401 )

In this research, we carried out a meta-analysis of the effects of teacher scaffolding on EFL learners’ reading proficiency in which 28 experimental and quasi-experimental studies published from 2008 to 2022 and 39 effect sizes were reviewed and synthesized. Three questions guide this analysis: What is the overall effect of teacher scaffolding on EFL learners’ reading proficiency? To what extent moderator variables such as learners’ educational levels and proficiency levels modify the effect of the teacher scaffolding? What is the magnitude of publication bias in this analysis? The overall effect size was found to be 0.89, which represents a large effect size based on Cohen, Manion and Morrison’ (2007) scale. The effect sizes of moderator variables were calculated and it was reported that the scaffolding has the most effect in elementary learners and elementary school level. The symmetrical funnel plot together with the fail-safe N test indicates that publication bias does not have any significant effect on the effect size reported in this study. The findings of this meta-analysis have implications for EFL teachers, researchers, policy makers and curriculum developers.

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Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics
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