Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)                   2011, 5(1): 1077-1088 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (10752 Views)
Schmidt hammer is used for calculation of joint compressive strength and elasticity modulus of rocks. Today, application of Schmidt hammer is a common method in evaluation of properties of rocks. This method is quick, inexpensive and non-destructive which are benefits of this method. In this regard, different experimental equations proposed by Barton & Choubey (1977), Deere (1960), Keadbinski (1980), Aufmuth (1973) and ISRM (1981) can be employed in order to calculate the Joint Compressive Strength (JCS) of rocks. Due to the importance of this research, new experimental equations are introduced. Using this equations show a very good results in comparison with the results of other researchers. It should be noted that this equations are achieved from 827 records of Schmidt Hammer results from different types of hard rocks such as granite, diorite and hornfels from the Ganjnameh-Shahrestaneh road in Hamedan province, west of Iran.
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Type of Study: Case-Study | Subject: En. Geology
Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5

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