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Mohammad Noferesty, Mehdi Yazdany, Fahimeh Mohebbinia,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (12-2020)

Over the past decade, Iran's economy has undergone a major and rapid experience of currency changes. One of the most important questions during the currency changes of the last decade is to answer the important question of how much the devaluation of the Rial has led to an increase in domestic prices and the extent to which these effects affect various dimensions of the domestic economy. Measuring the range of price changes in response to currency changes can be found in the phenomenon of currency transitions. The aim of this study is to analyze the inflationary effects of foreign exchange passage on the levels of imported and producer prices at different stages of production and separately in the productive sectors of the economy and also to determine the effective factors in foreign exchange passage by resorting to supply side variables in Iran's economy. The present study presents a new approach for measuring exchange rate crossings on production chains by combining econometric tools and Input-Output table in embedding and separating the estimation of exchange rate pass coefficients in two stages on import and producer prices. Industry by using the tools of Input-Output table segmentation and considering variables based on information specific to each economic sector, such as; The import sector, the export sector, the production of each sector, provide sector linkages in estimating the exchange rate passage in the Iranian economy. These measures are based on three types of time series analysis, Input-Output analysis and Panel data analysis from 1986 to 2017. Findings of the research in stage 1 indicate the high dependence of many industrial and economic sectors of Iran on imports and low elasticity of imports to the exchange rate and no substitution by domestic products. In the second stage, the coefficients of exchange rate passage on the producer are positive and significant in almost all economic sectors, and this fact confirms the effectiveness of the producer price index in the Iranian economy from changes in the exchange rate (through imports). also; The passage of the exchange rate on producer prices varies between different years in different sectors, and in some economic sectors these changes have increased over time, which indicates the increasing dependence and increasing impact of import prices on producer prices over time. It is in the policies adopted. Also, the results in stage 3 indicate a negative and significant effect of export share coefficients and the natural logarithm of domestic production and have a positive and significant effect of share coefficients of intermediate import inputs and inter-sectoral linkages, but the share of intermediate imports among other variables. It has the highest impact on the exchange rate of economic sectors
Dr Hassan Daliri,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (3-2021)

Identifying the behavior of business cycles and factors affecting business cycles has always been one of the most important issues in macroeconomics. Importance of business cycles and the unique economic structure of OPEC member countries, so, this article identifies the behavior of business cycles in these countries. This study uses Quantile Panel Regressions Model to examine the impact of variables such as government expenditure, trade openness, liquidity growth, oil prices and two dummy variables of the global recession and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on the formation of business cycles in OPEC countries in the period 2000-2019. The results show that the values of the coefficients of each variable in different quantiles were significantly different from each other. Government expenditure and trade openness in the initial quantile has been in the agreed direction to the cycles and the End quantile opposite direction. The results of the effect of liquidity growth show that in the initial and end quantile has been agreed with direction to the cycles and in the middle quantile opposite direction to the cycles. Oil prices have also been agreed with the direction of the business cycles. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement variable in the first quantile has a significant impact on business cycles and the global financial recession has also acted against cycles.
Mohsen Tartar, Hamid Sepehrdoust, Ali Akbar Gholizadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (11-2021)

The status of income distribution is economically important because other macroeconomic variables, especially savings rates, affect the amount of investment and aggregate demand in different markets, and are politically a measure of government efficiency in attracting voters. The present study aims to investigate the macroeconomic variables affecting inequality in income distribution in the two groups of middle-income countries and high-income countries based on the International Monetary Fund classification. For this purpose, the annual data of economic complexity, scientific productivity, political risk, economic risk, and financial risk and the period 2019-2000 and the panel method have been used. The results show that in high-income countries, increasing economic complexity and scientific productivity reduces income inequality, while in middle-income countries, increasing scientific productivity reduces income inequality, but increasing economic complexity increases income inequality. Reducing political risk in both groups reduces income inequality; While reducing financial risk reduces income inequality in high-income countries, it increases income inequality in middle-income countries. The impact of economic risk on income inequality is also negligible in high-income countries, while in middle-income countries the impact of economic risk on income inequality is very strong, and reducing economic risk in this group of countries strongly reduces income inequality.

Davood Manzoor,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (12-2021)

Higher Education (HE) in Iran have been subject to a major expansion and massification in the recent years, in a way that number of students approximately tripled from 2006 to 2016. This would have possibly affected labor market or unemployment rate of the country. Considering both provincial and national level, this study investigates the relationship between HE expansion and unemployment rate in the recent era (2006-2018) empirically. In this regard, number of assignments, students, and the state budget allocated to HE institutions are taken as variables indicating HE expansion so that their relationship with unemployment rate can be explored. The empirical methodology of this study in national level is to consider trends and calculating correlations for different lags. In provincial level, Granger causality and dynamic panel data regression with systemic GMM estimators are utilized as methods of the analysis. The results show a positive significant correlation exists between the state budget of HE and unemployment rate. Moreover, in provincial level, number of students and assignments Granger cause unemployment in some lags. Dynamic panel data model with numerous specifications also approve a positive significant relationship between HE expansion in provinces and their unemployment rate, however, the effect is not the same considering different models, especially for number of students.

Dr. Shahryar Zaroki, Dr. Mani Motameni, Mis. Niloofar Gorgani Firoozjah,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (9-2022)

The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of commodity group expenditures on the probability of urban and rural household poverty in Iran. First, using household expenditure-income data in 1399, the poverty line was calculated based on the method of 66% of the average per capita expenditure, which is higher than urban households than rural households. In the following, the research model is limited by a dependent variable and is estimated based on pseudo-panel data in logistic regression by random effects method. The results showed that the expenditures of the communication group have the greatest impact on the probability of household poverty in urban and rural areas and the impact of this group of goods in urban areas is greater than rural areas. In contrast, hotel and restaurant costs in urban areas have a greater positive effect on reducing the likelihood of household poverty than in rural areas. But the cost of durable goods in urban areas, transportation in rural areas, and the cost of recreation and cultural affairs do not have a significant effect on the likelihood of household poverty. There is also no significant difference between the impact of furniture and household appliances, clothing and footwear and health care in urban and rural areas. Between social characteristics of the household, variables of gender and education have a negative effect on the probability of poverty and variables of household dimension and marital status have a direct effect on the probability of poverty of urban households, but these variables have no significant effect on the probability of poverty of rural households.
Mehdi Shirafkan Lamsoo,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (9-2022)

'space economy' It is the general theory of locating all economic activities in which the geographical distribution of inputs (Intermediate or production factors) and geographical distribution of output (intermediate and final consumption markets), Along with spatial changes, prices and costs are considered. In this concept, the general equilibrium approach in terms of transportation costs and distance is suggested for economic analysis.. Due to the fact that in this approach, several factors influence the creation of balance. The aim of the current research is to model the factors affecting the economy of space in Iranian metropolises (Tehran, Karaj, Qom, Isfahan, Mashhad, Shiraz, Tabriz and Ahvaz) using the Markov switching panel approach. Based on the results of provincial added value; public investment; Higher education as a representative of the knowledge economy in the province and the share of the urban population, which indicates the degree of industrialization of the examined cities had a positive effect on investment in space, and the variables of the share of old age in the total population of the province and inflation had a negative effect on investment in this variable; Also, based on the results of the major research on investment in the field of space in the big cities of Iran except Tehran and Karaj in recent years, which coincides with the boom years in the estimation model; It has been done.

Dr. Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Mrs Mina Barghinejad,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (9-2022)

Government investment and public debt are two important tools of financial policy affecting macroeconomic performance, which can be considered as one of the few remaining policy instruments to support growth. In the current study, the panel smooth transition regression model (PSTR) has been used to identify the threshold levels of government investment and public debt in 23 oil exporting countries during 2000 to 2021. Considering investment and public debt in separate models as transmission variables, the estimated results indicate the existence of a two-regime non-linear relationship. The estimation results show that in this group of countries, the positive effects of government investment on economic growth increase with the increase in the level of investment. During the first regime, public debt has a negative effect on economic growth. If public debt surpasses the threshold level, its negative impact on economic growth decreases.
Dr Samira Motaghi, Dr Yegane Mosavi Jahromi, Mr Mohammad Amin Taheri Gorgani,
Volume 14, Issue 51 (5-2023)

Purpose: The insurance penetration rate is one of the most important indicators used to evaluate the insurance industry of a country. This ratio is also a measure to compare the performance of the insurance industry between developed and developing countries. The aim of this research is to compare the insurance penetration rate and the factors affecting it in high and low income countries.

Methodology: The current research examines the effect of variables such as inflation rate, education, labor productivity, dependency ratio and income on the insurance penetration rate in the period 2011-2021 and using PMG and ARDL methods to derive short-term and long-term equations in 18 countries with income High and low income and the country of Iran pays.

Findings: The results obtained from the estimation of long-term PMG models in high-income countries indicate a positive effect of dependency ratio, income level and fertility level on the insurance penetration rate, as well as a negative effect of inflation rate and labor productivity on the dependent variable, also in selected countries with high income. All the variables, except for education and dependency ratio, which had a positive and significant effect on the insurance penetration rate, are statistically meaningless.   On the other hand, the findings from the estimation of the long-term ARDL model in Kesho Iran show the negative impact of the inflation rate on the insurance penetration rate and the positive impact of the education level, income level and dependency ratio on the insurance penetration rate.

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