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Yahya Soleimanimagham, Younes Nademi, Mehdi Chegeni,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (12-2020)

Crime is a phenomenon that exists in all societies and affects the useful functioning of different parts of a country. Also, Iranian society is not safe from the harms of this phenomenon. Given the destructive effects of crime in society, recognizing the factors affecting it makes it possible to fight it more effectively. For this purpose, this study has investigated the effect of misery index on the rate of theft in 30 provinces of the country during the years 2008-2018. In order to achieve this goal, the Panel generalized method of moment (GMM) has been used. The findings of this study have shown that the misery index has an increasing effect on the crime of theft. In other words, the misery index through the two channels of inflation and unemployment has destructive effects on people's living standards and puts them on the path of committing crimes such as theft.

Adel Hanifi, Farhad Khodadadkashi, Yeganeh Mousavi Jahromi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (3-2021)

The main purpose of this paper is to measure the multidimensional inequality index. To achieve this goal and answer of what trend inequality has gone through during the study period, using the data of the household expenditure income plan of the statistical center of Iran and also using the Bourguignon index, inequality was measured in several dimensions for the period 1984-2018. In addition, it should be noted that in this study, household expenditures were initially adjusted based on age composition and number of household members by calculating the equivalence scale. This adjustment was made possible by estimating the share of expenditures of different commodity groups by considering its functional form in the the quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS). Then, using data mining techniques and Principal Component Analysis(PCA), the weight of the studied dimensions in the analysis (income, education and health) was calculated and when measuring inequality, the degree of social aversion of inequality was considered in the form of two scenarios, zero and one. the results of this study indicate that the magnitude of multidimensional inequality per zero value for both the degree of social aversion of inequality parameter and the degree of substitution parameter based on the Bourguignon, index is between 0.28 and 0.41 in urban areas and between 0.26 and 0.41 in rural areas. fluctuations in the Bourguignon index and the Gini index of income have not necessarily been similar. The findings of this study also showed that the size of multidimensional inequality in rural areas is lower than urban areas in most of the years studied. There is an approximate similarity between its trend in urban and rural areas. Inequality in the 1980s was higher than in other periods (despite higher oil revenues than in the previous and subsequent periods and more government shares transferred than in previous periods), in the early 1390s, declined, and then increased again. Finally, the research findings indicate the failure of the egalitarian goals of development programs and thus emphasize the need for a fundamental review of the forthcoming programs with more attention to distribution by the market institution rather than the government.

Marzieh Rassaf, Dr Parviz Rostamzadeh, Dr Karim Eslamlueian, Dr Ebrahim Hadian,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (3-2021)

After the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the capture of the spy nest, the West, and especially the United States, in addition to pursuing other tools, has also used the tools of sanctions and has implemented many sanctions against Iran. One type of sanctions is oil sanctions, which were imposed to force Iran to join the international community. The US and its allies' embargo on Iranian oil affects the variables of the Iranian and world economies. For this reason, a computable five-zone global trade model (GTAP) is used to calculate the implications of the game tree between the three independent actors of the United States, the European Union, and Iran. The closing of the GTAP model has been changed according to the assumptions used. The results show that the US, Iran and major oil buyers from Iran are damaged by the sanctions. This damage is exacerbated by increasing oil restrictions. With the escalation of sanctions, the European Union is also gaining negative welfare. In the Nash equilibrium, the United States and the European Union will choose weak sanctions, and Iran will try to circumvent the sanctions. Due to the economic costs of oil sanctions against Iran, the lack of full understanding between the United States and Europe, and Iran's efforts to circumvent sanctions, it seems that the United States will not be able to reduce Iran's oil exports to zero.
Mohamad Noferesti, Mohamadreza Sezavar,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (7-2021)

In the Iranian economy, which has experienced various sanctions, it was necessary to anticipate macroeconomic variables when imposing new sanctions. On the other hand, in the context of sanctions, it is possible to make a more accurate assessment of economic policies in order to be able to respond in a timely manner to these shocks and the need for appropriate planning and security against them. Therefore, in the present study, a macroeconomic model with Mixed-frequency data sampling  has been used,While having a high accuracy in prediction, it is possible that when new information about multivariate variables is obtained, based on it, the previous prediction for the dependent variable of the pattern is revised. The model consists of 27 behavioral equations, 8 communication equations and 33 definitional and union relations and the parameters of the model are estimated using time series data in the period 1338 to 1396. Predictive results show that the use of new observations in high frequency variables in the model has led to improved accuracy in predicting the endogenous variables of the model.

Shayesteh Kazemi, Amir Hortamani, Mehdi Fadaei,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (7-2021)

In recent decade in developing countries, lack of government budget or lack of access to modern technology, persuade governments to attract private sector participation in the economy. One of the most common methods is Public-Private Partnership agreements. The real implementation of this type of partnership needs to set contracts that satisfies preferences of both parties. This research aims to solve this problem using the solutions available in the Contracts Therory Knowledge. Theoretical modeling with analyzing public-private partnership model, provide an optimal model for BOT contract. We use library method to explain the basic contract and mathematical modeling  by MATLAB software with Particle Swarm Optimization to specify the parameters of utility functions and to provide optimal contract. 
The simulation results for an optimal contract were calculated using the supposed parameters (life time, incom, costs, future incoms discount rate, salvage value of project costs) 38 years (project utilization time), 78% (principal participation after transfer time), 45% (principal participation during the operation), 7% (riskes to the principal).
The results showed that  these parameters are fully matched with the theoretical properties of the model and the principals utility is maximum beside the agent participation.

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