Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)                   jgs 2025, 25(76): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Soltanmaleki R, Elahi M, Davodpour Z. Presenting the model of realizing the right to the city based on the network analysis process (ANP) in the raw-towns of West Mazandaran. jgs 2025; 25 (76)
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4200-en.html
1- Qazvin Azad University
2- Qazvin Azad University , m_elahi@qiau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4685 Views)
Idealism for living in the city requires the creation of an infrastructure and platform that takes into account all the stakeholders of the city, including managers, planners and citizens. This is objectified in the form of the idea of ​​the right to the city in cities. However, this issue can be realized in small cities with more difficult conditions. Based on this, this research seeks to present a model of the realization of the right to the city based on the network analysis process in the raw-towns of the west of Mazandaran. The current research is considered as applied research. The statistical population in this research was formed by urban experts (selecting 25 samples). In order to collect information, in addition to field observations, the basic maps of the country's mapping organization and the collection of studies on the three cities of Baldeh, Kojur and Pol have been used. Analytical Network Process method has been used to process and analyze the data and finally it has led to the extraction of balanced supermatrix from Super Decision software, which after performing various steps, the final priority of indicators and options to realize the right He has won the city. The results of the network analysis of the dimensions of the realization of the right to the city in the western cities of Mazandaran province show that among the dimensions of the realization of the right to the city in the western cities of Mazandaran province, the physical-biological dimension with a weight of (0.1970) It has the most weight and importance. At the same time, economic (0.1725) and social and cultural dimensions with final weight (0.0847) are in the next ranks. At the same time, among the criteria for the realization of the right to the city in the western cities of Mazandaran province, the criterion of the right to assign the city to itself with weight (0.1461), the criterion of environmental rights with weight (0.0943), and the criterion of the right to livelihood and sustainability The economy of the city with a weight of (0.0840) has the most importance.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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