Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)                   jgs 2025, 25(78): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari M, Karkehbadi Z, Arghan A. (2025). Explaining the role of women in the good governance of Semnan in the corona and post-corona era. jgs. 25(78), doi:10.61186/jgs.25.78.6
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4205-en.html
1- , Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran, PhD student of geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Semnan branch, Iran
2- , Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran , Z.karkehabadi1@semnaniau.ac.ir
3- , Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Iran
Abstract:   (5954 Views)

. All the interested and influential forces are in the administration of the cities and also respond to all the needs of these groups. On the other hand, women, as one of the main and most influential groups and social forces in the civil life of cities, today have a prominent role in the categories related to city administration. Therefore, the purpose of this article is the role of good urban governance in the corona and post-corona period, considering the position of women in Semnan. From the point of view of the goal, the present research is practical and according to the method of data collection, it is descriptive-survey. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and information of this research. The statistical population of the current research is the citizens of Semnan with a population of 185,129 people, and the sample size is calculated using Cochran's formula to be equal to 383 people. To analyze the data, single-sample t-tests and multivariate linear regression were used, and finally, to generalize the results from the sample to the statistical population, the structural equation modeling method was used by Lisrel software. The results of the one-sample t-test have shown that the t-values for each of the research variables with averages lower than the theoretical mean have been obtained as a negative number, which has determined the state of the dimensions of good urban governance in the city. Semnan and the position of women in it is not in a good position. Also, the results of structural equations in Lisrel software have shown that the justice variable has the highest and strongest relationship with good urban governance. Finally, the results of the surveys show; It is not possible to hope for the realization of good urban governance without defining and explaining the practical role of women as half of the city's citizens and one of the most important and influential groups in the administration of city affairs.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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