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Adel Najafi Babadi, Mohammad Fashi, , ,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2019)

Introduction: Direct assessment of one-repetition maximum (1RM) in blind athletes presents challenges due to visual limitations and associated risks. Therefore, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) has been suggested as a safer, indirect method. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between RPE and different percentages of 1RM in the bench press exercise among blind athletes.

Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 43 elite blind athletes (mean age 27.2 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.5 ± 2.4 kg/m²) from four sports (goalball, football, athletics, and swimming) in B1, B2, and B3 categories participated. Initially, each athlete's 1RM was assessed using standard methods, and then the RPE was measured using the CR-10 scale at 40% to 90% of 1RM.

Results: The findings revealed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.89) between RPE and various percentages of 1RM. The mean RPE scores for 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of 1RM were 3.16, 4.13, 5.32, 6.85, 8.04, and 9.05, respectively.

Conclusion: These results suggest that RPE can be used as a safe and reliable tool alongside 1RM for resistance training programming in blind athletes.

Mohamad Hadi Ghasemi, Mohamad Fashi,
Volume 16, Issue 15 (9-2018)

The aim of present study was comparison of advanced physical fitness profile between Olympic soccer team members of Iran according to playing position. 29 Invited soccer players to the 17th national Olympic soccer team of Iran dispatched to 17th Asian Olympics Games, Incheon 2014 )mean age of 20.39± 2.01 yrs(, divided into five group of goalkeepers, defenders, midfield players, wingers and attackers according to playing position participated in the study. Body composition parameters (including body mass index, body fat percentage), isokinetic force (peak torque, agonist/antagonist ratio, work fatigue, total work of extension and flexion), aerobic power by analysis of respiratory gases and anaerobic power and fatigue index by Wingate test were packaged for data collection. Descriptive statistics (i.e., mean ± standard deviation) and inferential statistics (i.e., one way ANOVA with Hopkins post hoc after subtracting data  of pre- post) used for analysis data. While it was unbelievable the findings did not show any significant difference between five groups of present study. It seems that Olympic soccer team players of Iran has not prepared in a conditioning principle and based on playing position for participate in 17th Asian games. Moreover it supposed that national players spent most of the preparation periods & specific based conditioning workouts on their clubs, hence due to the short time of conditioning in the national camps trainings, players have not dispatched to the games with favorable preparation.

Amir Milan Amini, Mohamad Fashi, Rana Fayaz Milani,
Volume 18, Issue 20 (11-2020)

This study aimed to assess the effects of acute calcium lactate supplementation intake on the performance and buffering capacity of elite amateur boxing athletes. 8 elite amateur boxers (180±4.33 cm, 24.12±3.68 years, Weight categories: -75, -64, -69, +81) were assigned to acutely receive calcium lactate (0.5 g, 80 mg calcium lactate/kg body weight) and placebo in a double-blind crossover design 90 minutes before the box competition. 90 minutes before, before competition and immediately after, blood samples were taken and lactate, PH, HCO3-, and PCO2 and also, average heart rate, and number of effective hand kick were evaluated. lactate and HCO3- significantly increased and decreased at three evaluation times in calcium lactate supplementation and placebo groups respectively (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between calcium lactate supplementation and placebo groups in lactate, pH, HCO3-, PCO2, heart rate and performance at three evaluation times (P>0.05) .Calcium lactate supplementation improves performance without significant changes in the buffering system. In other words, more effort with a similar acidity to placebo could indicate the effect of calcium lactate supplementation on the performance of amateur boxing athletes.

Javid Shah Hosseini, Arezoo Eskandari, Mohamad Fashi,
Volume 21, Issue 26 (12-2023)

Using standard tests to assess maximum strength is very important where resistance training planning is based individually. This study aimed to estimate 1 repetition maximum of active women based on the Rating of Perceived and to provide a special predictive equation. 30 healthy women (20-35 years; BMI: 26.32 ± 3.34 kg/m2) performed one repetition of chest press with eyes close and then chose a number to determine the intensity by Rating of Perceived Exertion scale of 6-20. In order to evaluate the validity of the designed equation, one repetition of the maximum number of subjects was calculated by Brzycki equation, and correlation was determined by Pearson's correlation method. There was a high correlation between the present study equation and the Brzycki method (r=0.89) and also after cross validations (r=0.91). No significant difference was observed between the results of the present equation and the results of Berzyski's equation. It seems that the equation of the present study” 1RM={(20-RPE" /" 40) +1 }× weight/2 "  can provide a reliable estimate for 1 repetition maximum of chest press in healthy women.
Mohamad Fashi, Afshin Seraji,
Volume 22, Issue 28 (12-2024)

Aim: The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of regular physical activity on the amino acid profile of individuals living in the provinces affected by dust particles in Iran. Methods: There were a total of 50 inactive healthy men, with an average age of 31.64±1.5 years and a body mass index of 26.33±5.6, from three provinces in Iran: Khuzestan (n=15), Ilam (n=15), and Kermanshah (n=20) randomly assigned to two control and regular physical activity groups. Prior to the study, 48 hours prior to the occurrence of dust particles, and after the study amino acids, fat percentage, maximum oxygen consumption, were measured. Results: It was found that time (pre-test - May 12, 2023) had a significant effect on amino acids, maximum oxygen consumption, body fat percentage in the training group (p<0.05). In the control group, there was no significant difference in the amino acid, maximum oxygen consumption, body fat percentage, (p>0.05). In terms of body fat percentage, there was a significant difference between the control and exercise groups (p=0.01), as well as maximum oxygen consumption (p=0.01). Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that regular exercise training reduce dust particle damage in those exposed to dust particles.

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