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Showing 5 results for Corrective Exercise

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Volume 12, Issue 7 (4-2014)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks comprehensive corrective exercises
on upper Crossed syndrome. 40 female college students with forward head, forward shoulder, and kyphosis
voluntarily participated in this study and randomly divided to two experimental group (with mean age
21.60±1.70 years, height 159.78±5.11 cm, and weight 59.04±4.6 kg) and control group (with mean age
21.85±1.87 years, height 160.15±4.32 cm, and weight 58.42±5.76 kg). The experimental groups performed
comprehensive corrective exercises included eight weeks and three times per week. The angles of forward
head and forward shoulder were assessed using photographic taken from lateral view and Kyphosis angle
was assessed using flexible ruler (r=0.93) before and after eight weeks corrective exercises program. The
data was analyzed by SPSS (p≤0.05). On the base of findings, we suggest that experts in order to obtain
better results in their training programs, pay attention to correct abnormalities simultaneously, as a new

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Volume 12, Issue 8 (10-2014)

Back ground: component of time on effectiveness and maintenance of corrective exercise has been always in the center of researchers’ attention. This study aimed to investigate the effect of 8 weeks corrective exercise on lumbar lordosis angle and the changes of the lumbar lordosis angle after a 4 months period in the hyper-lordotic pre pubertal and pubertal school girls .
Methods: The 64 lumbar lordotic schoolgirl (10 and 17 years old)were included that randomly divided into two groups: experimental (n=32) and control (n=32) The experimental groups performed corrective exercise for 8 weeks,3 session a week whereas control groups continued their usual physical and dietary activities. Lumbar lordosis angle values were measured before, after and then 4 months post training period by flexible ruler. Data were analyzed by using the variance analysis with repeated measure and α was 0.05.
Result: The result showed lumbar lordosis decreased in pre pubertal and pubertal girls (p>0.05). The means of lumbar lordosis increased in 2th post test(p>0.05) in experimental groups wheares There were no significant differences between means of lumbar lordosis in these time points in control group (P>0.05(
Conclusion: the result showed corrective exercise effect on lumbar lordosis angle in pre pubertal and pubertal students However, the effectiveness of training in pubertal has been much more effective than pre puberty .Also follow up findings showed the subject are required to participate in continual corrective exercise program and should not abandon training programe with desired result.

A Golchini, N Rahnama,
Volume 18, Issue 19 (7-2020)

Pronation distortion syndrome is one of the most common abnormalities in the body that causes distortions in the structures of the skeletal structures of the lower extremities and increases postural sways. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 12-week corrective exercises on postural sways in male students with pronation distortion syndrome. In this semi experimental research, 30 volunteers had pronation distortion syndrome, were selected and then randomly and equal divided into two groups of control and experimental (n=15). The experimental group performed corrective exercise consisting of inhibitory, stretching, strengthening, and integrated exercises for three months, but the control group carried out their routine exercise. The postural sways conterol were evaluated before and after of the three month of performing corrective exercises. Independent and dependent t-test were used to analyze the results (P≤0/05). The showed significant improvement in postural sways control and ground reaction force (P≤0/001), effect size 0.8 and 95% confidence interval after three months of corrective exercise, but in control group there was no significant difference (P≥0/05). In addition, after intervention, the experimental group were significantly lower in postural sways conterol and ground reaction force than the conterol group (P≤0/001), but this difference was not  significant in the pre-test (P≥0/05). It seems that systematic corrective exercise led to improve the activity of the muscles responsible for body sways conterol, which also reduces postural sways and ground reaction force in people with pronation distortion syndrome, so it is recommended that researchers, trainers, and specialists consider systematic corrective exercise in order to improve posture sways conterol and ground reaction force in people with pronation distortion syndrome.
Reza Khazaei, Dr Mansour Sahebozamani, Dr Abdolhamid Daneshjoo,
Volume 20, Issue 24 (3-2023)

 Postural disorders disrupt muscle activity and lead to joint dysfunction. Maintaining the function of the shoulder joint requires precise coordination and on-time action of muscles, and its dysfunction lead to change in the level of muscle activity, movement disorder. This study aimed to measure the effects of corrective exercise program with kinesiotaping and physio-ball and durability of these effects after 4 weeks on EMG of serratus anterior, middle trapezius and rhomboids major muscles among male young with upper crossed syndrome. Forty-five male young with upper crossed syndrome (control group: age:17.00±0.75, height 163.93±2.01, weight 65.20±6.51، BMI 25.10±2.76, corrective exercise with physio-ball: age 16.93±0.88, height 161.66±6.85 ,weight 63.40±10.09، BMI 26.84±3/04, corrective exercise with kinesiotaping: age 17.00± 0.92, height 161.53±7.25, weight 62.86±6/81, BMI 27.88±3/84) objectively selected and participated in this study. The training program designed based on the previous studies and conducted during 8 weeks, three sessions per week (each session 40 to 60 minutes) under the supervision of the examiner. EMG device was used to measure of the MVIC electrical activity of trapezius, rhomboids and serratus anterior muscle during external and internal rotation and extension of shoulder. After 4 weeks of the training, the post-tests were repeated.The one way ANCOVA was showed that the amount of electrical activity of the selected shoulder girdle muscles after eight weeks of testing in both experimental groups in the post-test and after one month inactivity test were significantly improved than the pre-test Group corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p= 0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,15.79%  and rhomboids major p=0.001,14.81%), corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001,17.14%, middle trapezius p=0.001,21.62% and rhomboids major p=0.001,20%) and durability in group of corrective exercise with physioball (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%،, middle trapezius p=0.001, 7.9% and rhomboids major p=0.001, 7.4%) durability in group corrective exercise with kinesiotaping (serratus anterior p=0.001, 8.6%, middle trapezius p=0.001،16.2 % and rhomboids major p=0.001, 8%).  Considering the results of the present research, it can be stated that corrective exercise programs with kinesio taping and physioball have an effect on the electrical activity and durability of selected shoulder girdle muscles and And these effects are lasting even after 4 weeks. It is suggested to use this program of corrective exercises for male students with upper crossed syndrome to improve their shoulder girdle muscles strength.

Reza Khazaei, Mansour Sahebozamani, Ehsanolla Habibi, Khosro Jalali Dehkordi, Nafise Pishgooie, Banafsheh Parvaresh,
Volume 22, Issue 28 (12-2024)

Background and Aims:The necessity and importance of such research, especially among the young is quite tangible. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of 8 weeks of corrective selected exercise and combination kinesiotaping and tera band training on the kyphosis angle of adolescent boys with kyphosis. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, spinal deformity information of 36 boy students in gym of Esfahan city, 15-18year participated in this study. Then boy student’s participated in an 8-week corrective selected exercise and Combination of Kinesiotaping and Teraband، the end their deformity were evaluated again.For data analysis descriptive statistics ، T tests and SPSS Software was used.The angleof kyphosis in pre-test (48/8± 0/9) after using corrective selected exercise have had a significant reduction (46/9±0/8). Angle of kyphosis in pre-test (49. 1 ± 0.7) after using Combination of Kinesiotaping and Teraband have had a significant reduction (46/97±0/8). Conclusion:corrective exercises alone or in combination with new methods of training, the subjects had a positive impact on improving the kyphosis. But according to the results of this study, no significant difference was found between the corrective exercises with the combined method.

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