Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2019)                   nbr 2019, 6(4): 391-401 | Back to browse issues page

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Maleki M, Naghshbandi M P, Hajihassan Z. Magentotactic bacteria and their applications. nbr 2019; 6 (4) :391-401
URL: http://nbr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2997-en.html
Department of Life Science Engineering, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran , hajihasan@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7062 Views)
Magentotactic bacteria are the types of bacteria capable of orientation in an external magnetic field because of the ability to produce structures called magnetosomes. Magnetosomes, nanometer-scale structures, are present in most of the magnetotactice bacteria. They are intracellular organelles composed of magnetic iron mineral crystals individually surrounded by a phospholipid layer. Because of the unique features of magnetosomes, magentotactic bacteria have become the fascinating subject of research in many research and applied fields of study, including robotics, medicine, biology, environment and geology. In this review, we have tried to introduce magentotactic bacteria, the formation of magnetosomes and their structures, in order to highlight the importance of these bacteria. Finally, some applications of these bacteria in different areas of research, e.g. targeted drug delivery, cancer treatment and removal of heavy metals from water, were described in order that a better understanding of their applications could be obtained.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: Microbiology
Received: 2017/11/22 | Revised: 2020/02/24 | Accepted: 2019/06/2 | Published: 2020/01/8 | ePublished: 2020/01/8

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