Farmahiny Farahani V R, Ahadiyat A, Joharchi O, Saboori A, Seddigh S. Partial faunistic study of beetles (Arthropoda: Coleoptera) in Taleqan region (Iran) and their mite associates . NBR 2022; 9 (1) : 1
Department of Plant Protection, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (3454 Views)
The faunistic investigation of beetles has been of a great importance in Iran due to the impresive diversity of species, which is highly promoted by the climatic variation of the Country. Therefore, detection of the ingenious regions, such as Taleqan, is important. In this study, mite-related beetles which were sampled from different areas of Taleqan were investigated and 14 species belonging to 13 genera and 9 families, including Buprestidae, Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Cicindellidae, Lucanidae, Malachidae, Meloidae, Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae, were identified. In addition, mite specimens were found to be from different groups, including Mesostigmata, Heterostigmata, Trombidiformes and Sarcoptiformes. New records of mites and their corresponding hosts in Iran were as follows: Alliphis kargi on Scarabaeus pius and S. typhon (Scarabaeidae), Antennoseius sp. on Pterostichus sp. (Carabidae), Parasitengona species on Julodis andreae (Buprestidae) and Mylabris syrica (Meloidae), Prostigmata species on Aegosoma sabricorne and Cerambyx dux (Cerambycidae), Hypoaspis maryame on Pentodon idiota and Oryctes sp. (Scarabaeidae), and H. phyllognathi on Dorcus parallelipipedus (Lucanidae).
Article number: 1
Type of Study:
Original Article |
Animal Biology Received: 2021/12/4 | Revised: 2022/03/16 | Accepted: 2022/01/12 | Published: 2022/03/16 | ePublished: 2022/03/16