Prof. in Human Geography, Earth Sciences Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract: (10795 Views)
Spatial planning approaches along with complication of societies are being changed. These changes and transformations have reflected themselves in increasing diversification of economic patterns, people, group, organization, and institution’s mobility. While in less developed network societies some of the concepts including “distance” and “movement “are relatively losing their importance , some fairly new ones such as “time “ and “timespace convergence “ are gaining ground .As a matter of fact, problems associated with spatial planning in less developing economies possess different nature. Appropriate response to these problems require application of compatible strategic planning as well as changes in planning style .Structuralfunctional approaches as a strategic planning tool regarding organization of space at different levels and scales within new social geography framework tries to explain complex aspects of spatial organization in less developed societies as well as to find solutions with respect to rooted functional-structural relation problems. The major objective of this paper is to compile the needed materials regarding such a unique strategic spatial planning.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2012/03/4 | Accepted: 2012/07/25