Volume 12, Issue 43 (Spring 2023 2023)                   serd 2023, 12(43): 1-18 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirzaei K, Skakouri A, Sepahpanah M, Avatefiakmal F, Samian M. The identification of sustainable rural development scenarios in Hamadan Province emphasizing entrepreneurship and home businesses. serd 2023; 12 (43) :1-18
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3907-en.html
1- Research group manager in entrepreneurship development studies and sustainable rural employment, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Hamedan, Iran. , khalilmirzayi@yahoo.com
2- Research group member in entrepreneurship development studies and sustainable rural employment, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Hamedan, Iran.
3- Research group member in entrepreneurship development studies and sustainable rural employment, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Hamedan, Iran
Abstract:   (3680 Views)
Entrepreneurship in rural areas can create new job opportunities and increase income, leading to improved economic and living conditions for villagers. As a result, the concept of entrepreneurship has become more closely linked to the development of villages compared to the past. Encouraging rural entrepreneurship can contribute to rural communities' economic growth by recognizing the agricultural sector's strengths and weaknesses. This can be achieved through effective strategic planning, promoting creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Doing so helps prevent a policy of state-centralism, which prioritizes the convenience and obedience of villagers. Several benefits are associated with rural entrepreneurship, including the development of employment opportunities, reduction in rural migrations, increased income, and innovation. Despite these advantages, rural entrepreneurship has not yet flourished in Iran's rural communities, and entrepreneurial activity has not been institutionalized in these areas. Research conducted in various countries, including Iran, has revealed that rural entrepreneurship encounters numerous obstacles. These include limited access to skilled labor in rural regions, low levels of education, knowledge, and technical skills, and inadequate knowledge of information technology in rural areas.
Furthermore, the absence of a supportive family, societal, and support system environment does not foster rural entrepreneurship growth. It does not motivate rural individuals to pursue entrepreneurship as a career. Young and educated people often leave the villages and go to big cities hoping for a better future, more income, and easier life, and this phenomenon of brain drain causes a lack of reincarnation and matching between existing jobs and the workforce's skills. The rest is in the villages. It is important to acknowledge the significance of rural entrepreneurship in disadvantaged communities for implementing sustainable rural development programs and policies. However, there are numerous challenges that must be addressed in order to enhance this field and provide opportunities for employment. Developing strategies that can effectively reduce or eliminate these challenges and problems will help promote a better quality of life and livelihood for those living in rural areas.

This research aimed to conduct an applied, analytical, and exploratory study. The necessary data was gathered through both library research and a questionnaire. In the initial phase, an environmental survey was utilized to identify the key factors that impact rural development in Hamedan Province, specifically in relation to entrepreneurship and home-based businesses. Faculty members of the agricultural development training group and rural planning experts confirmed the validity of extracted indicators. The statistical population of this research was ten experts and specialists in rural development and planning. In the next step, the interviewees are asked to declare their agreement or disagreement and their level with each title using a Likert scale. In other words, they are quantifiable. At this stage, the components that get a score lower than the average will be removed from the research, and the remaining components will enter the next stage. In the following, to identify the drivers among the key factors obtained in the previous section, a mutual effects questionnaire was designed and returned to the interviewees, and they were asked to score. The weighting of this questionnaire was measured as a pairwise comparison, and the correlation between the variables was measured between zero and three. MIC MAC software was used for data analysis in this research and this step. Wizard software was also used to develop scenarios.

Discussion and conclusion
The findings revealed that, apart from the current connections between the indicators, there were potential forms of relationships among them. These can be utilized in the planning process. The results show that the factors with the greatest impact on the system are investing enough financial resources in villages, providing women with a legitimate presence in various areas including politics, law, society, culture, economics, and operations, and defining a participatory planning model within the legal framework of Hamadan Province.
Some indicators have a greater impact than others on the state and changes of a system. These critical indicators are considered input variables that the system cannot control. The "Improvement of rural tourism infrastructure" index is a system risk index. It has a very high capacity to become the key player of the system because, due to its unstable nature, they have the potential to become the system's breaking point. The indicators of "Strengthening, creating confidence and raising awareness among villagers to meet their basic needs, such as free education in primary levels, university education, skills, job creation" and "Approval of laws to support rural businesses during severe currency fluctuations" are effective. They rely heavily on the changes in important and dual variables and are easily affected by them. These variables represent the system's output. After analyzing indicators in the Wizard software, two scenarios were identified. The first scenario, "Paying Attention to Local Planning," was one of them. This scenario had high compatibility. The elements of this reported scenario constitute a complete set of mutually supporting assumptions. Also the second scenario was called "sectional planning". According to the results of the research, local planning can be done in each of the villages of Hamadan Province, looking at the capacity and potential of that region for sustainable rural development.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/19 | Accepted: 2023/04/30

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