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Showing 14 results for Women

Framarz Barimani, Zahra Nikmanesh, Sohyla Khodaverdiloo,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2012)

The empowerment of rural women and their involvement in decision making process is being considered as one of the prerequisite for achieving sustainable development. Access to small credit could well facilitate the empowerment mechanism. This study tries to answer the following question: Could access to small credit be influential on economic and psychological empowerment of women? The research method of this study is based on survey technique, filling questionnaire and documentation. The sample of this study is all of the woman of Lakestan Sub-District Salmas out of which 225 were extracted through quota sampling technique. Data were analyzed through application of T test. This paper suggests that access to small amount of credits could have a great impact on rural women's empowerment. That is those who were awarded loan were more capable and possess more self-confidence comparing with the ones who did not receive it.

Farahnaz Rostami, Vahid Ali-Abadi, Sara Baghaeei,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2013)

This analytical – comparative study aims to investigate the impact of membership in rural bodies’ upon social capital level and quality of life of rural woman. Statistical community is composed of 5000 Kangavar’s rural woman out of which 380 happened to be our sample size using Bartlett’s table. Sampling technique was based on simple random sampling. Data analysis was done via application of descriptive statistics including frequency, medium and mode as well as inferential statistics mainly T test. Comparative analysis regarding social capital status was done through ISDM and Mean Whitney U test. This study suggests that the level of social capital of rural woman was moderate. Moreover, there exists a significant difference at 5 % level between membered rural woman as opposed to non-membered ones with respect to social capital level and quality of life. It further indicates that putting value on life and adoption, level regarding differences of membered women compared with the other component of social capital possesses higher average. However, none membered women work ties possess higher average among non-member rural woman.

Ahmad Yaghoubi Farani, Sara Jalilian,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (9-2015)

Nowadays, the importance of female's participation in the realization of development objectives is remarkable and in the absence of participations like this, there will be no way ahead of development. This is a matter of particular consideration in the rural and agricultural sectors which attracts attention as one of the essential factors contributing to the sustainable development of these sectors. Many countries have experienced entrepreneurship as one of the most effective procedures to decrease the rate of unemployment. As it helped developed and developing countries to survive from unemployment and then lead women to reveal their skills and abilities in different fields and step into the space of business to make massive changes in economic development of the world. Considering restrictions on investing made by governments, it is a good way to confront the intricate of women's unemployment through the entrepreneurship of domestic occupations. Statistics show that the rate of economic exposure and unemployment in Kermanshah Province is about 38% and 13%, respectively. Furthermore, limited economic participation of rural females in spite of the importance of their self-occupation to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development is of great importance to create appropriate circumstances, equipment and infrastructures that make them empowered. Since rural women of West Islam-Abad are about the 45% of the total population of the area that play a key role in the political, social and economic development of the county, together with the great impact of domestic occupations on the increase of entrepreneurship opportunities and the improvement of occupation status, we have set out the research to identify social and economic consequences of domestic occupations of rural females in West Islam-Abad.
This research has been done by the aim of investigating social and economic impacts of domestic occupations of rural women in the County of West Islam-Abad. Statistical population consists of 200 members of occupied women in rural areas of West IslamAbad among them only 140 have been accidentally chosen by Krejcie & Morgan sampling table. Required data have been collected by questionnaires whose content validity has been confirmed by professors and experts. Assessing the reliability of the questionnaires, a number of 30 questionnaires were done in the process of pretesting by rural women and the average number of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated about α = 88% for different parts of the questionnaires.
Discussion and Conclusion
According to the results of factor analysis, the most important economic impacts of domestic occupation of rural women on their life can be possibly classified into four general groups including the improvement of a family economic status, promotion of economic knowledge and awareness, making more economic independency, increase in the power of risks and innovation. Then the cumulative variance determined by these four was the extent of 64.45%. It should also be mentioned that the most important social consequences of these occupations on the life of rural women is made of five main factors of increase in their social and technical skills, tendency to get information, development of institutional communications and development of team activities which the cumulative variance of 68.44% was determined by them. Women consider a significant contrast between job and family values that sometimes the integration of job duties and home tasks cause lots of problems in their responsibility and job performances. Because, based on the rural area culture, everything related to the children and family needs is among those inevitable affairs of women. In this research, several suggestions are getting showed to help create and improve the opportunities for participating in domestic occupations and entrepreneurship by rural women regarding to the rural areas culture and circumstances. The most important suggestions are to organize training courses in rural areas that can make changes in their cultural attitudes toward women's capabilities, doing things to increase rural women's knowledge and awareness, making facilities to create and improve their participation in domestic occupations and the recognition and introduction of successful entrepreneur women as role models to motivate the owners of domestic occupations to make progress in business.

Mirsatar Sadr Mousavi, Hossein Karimzadeh, Aghil Khaleghi,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (8-2016)

The idea of "ignoring economic labor" of rural women and their role in providing households' financial and non-financial resources is deeply ingrained in cultural fabric of our society that is hardly possible to change the notion of "men being sole breadwinners". The rate of women participation in the employment and labor market is much less than men. This is due to the presence of social, legal, and economic barriers and cultural and traditional restrictions. In Iran, the main activities of rural women can be summarized in three sectors; agriculture, rural industries and rural services. Currently, according to the information contained in the (2011-2012) 1390 Statistical Yearbook, 14987out of 37 958 people, as the population of 10 years and more in the County of Varzeghan, constitute the employed active population. It makes a portion of 13098 for rural areas. The share of female population employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing in the province has reported to be 26116 people within which the overall share of the total population of Varzeghan has been 8280.
Although rural women are not counted in agriculture sector, many women of the County are participating in this sector. While rural women try alongside men in agriculture, because of certain traditional beliefs and public imagination there are always barriers for rural women's participation in the labor market. Considering the importance of this issue, this article aims at answering the questions that "what is the main obstacle facing the employment of rural women in Varzeghan County?" and "What is the impact of other effective barriers on the employment?"
We have used mixed method approaches in the article. Since the sequence of qualitative and quantitative research methods is known as one of the features of mixed research, we have used first the qualitative and then the quantitative ones. In the first stage, in order to identify different causal conditions, as factors affecting the low participation of rural women in the workforce, a qualitative method was used in which we have interviewed with literate women. Then, to achieve the desired result in the second stage, qualitative research findings were used in developing the questionnaire, whereas obtained quantitative data were used to provide a structural model. The questionnaires were completed by literate girls and women livelihood in rural district of Sina. Using Cochran formula, sample size was calculated to be 300 people, with the confidence interval of 0.95. A simple random sampling method was used and the questionnaires were formulated by a number of 15 closing questions that their options were assessed based on rating Likert scale. Its validity was estimated based on its formal validity and its reliability was calculated 0.919 by Cronbach's alpha which indicates that the questionnaires are highly reliable. Table 3 shows the output of SPSS software.
Discussion and conclusion
Considering the development of different societies and urban areas along with the development of rural societies, rural girls and women are no longer interested in participating in agricultural sector. Instead, they are getting to the employment of nonagricultural manufacturing jobs as well as government and service ones. Casual barriers affecting the employment of rural women in the area under study can be classified in four groups of individual, family, socio-cultural, and management-structural barriers. These are multiple-effect barriers which are related to each other. Being remote as a variable for villages and individual and family factors are of the highest importance. Given the casual barriers of the phenomenon, lifestyle changes are evident in the rural community.
The main reason of most villagers' migration is to find appropriate non-agricultural jobs. Among them, there are some migrant girls that not only have they achieve their goals of employment in urban communities but also there is not enough attraction in their ancestral home of insufficient facilities to make them return. Variables such as education, marital status and income level are commonly considered as intervening obstacles facing the employment of rural women. It is certain that changes in social customs, values and traditions as well as lifestyle changes can make rural women have less or no tendency to live in rural areas and move to cities. Changes in lifestyle, family system, and social customs and values are all strategies taken by rural community to minimize the effect of barriers affecting the employment of girls and women. Of course, these strategies have their special consequences. They may cause late marriage or the rise of average marriage age which are effective in the creation of social and moral corruption in the society.
Rural to urban migration can lead to economic poverty which is by itself one of the most important factors causing corruption in the society. Changes in social customs and values can also lead to reluctance to agricultural activities which is due to familiarity with urban life. A combination of factors like these cause inappropriate behaviors b rural girls and women.

Hamed Aramesh, Atefeh Ras, Soheila Keshavarz,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

Today, the rise of the global economic system, which has created great wealth and the spread of economic contradictions such as the gap between rich and poor, has brought about wide-ranging social changes and has led to the introduction of entrepreneurial ideas in the field of social issues. In recent years, social entrepreneurship has been identified as an important source of social, economic, cultural and environmental wealth. Due to lack of resources and facilities and remarkable population growth, communities, nowadays, are facing many problems, among which is the problem of unemployment. Because the employment situation of women in Iran, like in many developing countries, is not favorable, women always have fewer job opportunities and often work in the informal sector with low wages.
Given that half of people in any society are women, women's participation in various jobs and entrepreneurship is necessary for the growth and development of society. Women's participation in various economic, social and other fields is one of the indicators of the country's production. One of the main issues in development is the proper use of the capabilities and talents of human resources in society.
In the suburban area of ​​Chabahar, there is a traditional view and disbelief in the abilities of women. Most of the women in this area are divorced or heads of households and do not have a good economic situation. Since the situation of women in each region is reflecting the social and economic improvement of the regions, and also, due to the appropriate commercial and economic situation of Chabahar region, there are many opportunities for job creation and empowerment of women in this region. It seems that one of the ways to discover these opportunities and empower women in this region is to regard and implement social entrepreneurship. So far, domestic research with a social entrepreneurship approach has not examined the empowering factors of rural women. Therefore, this study aims to provide a model of social entrepreneurship in order to empower women in the suburban region of Chabahar in a comprehensive way, to extract effective indicators and answer the research questions.
1. What factors affect the empowerment of women in Chabahar suburbs?
2. What is the impact of each of these factors on the empowerment of women in Chabahar suburbs?
3. What is the framework to implement the drivers of empowerment for women in Chabahar suburbs?
This research is mixed in terms of purpose, application and in terms of data type. The qualitative part uses the Meta synthesis method. For data analysis, the software used in the quantitative section was SmartPLS2 for the first questionnaire and Expert choice software for the second questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is all Baluch women living in Chabahar.
Discussion and conclusion
Calculation of final weight and prioritization of effective indicators on women's empowerment in Chabahar suburban areas based on AHP method shows that among the identified indicators, women's self-confidence with a final weight of 0.457 has been identified as the most important effective indicator on women's empowerment, and motivational indicators, job creation and education with the final weight of 0.423 and 0.387, are, respectively, in the second and third place. Existence of social support for female heads of households and quality of life with a final weight of 0.030 has been identified as the least effective indicator among the indicators.
By meta-synthesis method, 21 indicators, 4 components and 2 dimensions were identified. The results showed that all variables except the variable of having sufficient skills, lead to empowerment of women in the suburban area of Chabahar. Also, all environmental variables lead to the empowerment of women in this area.
The most important indicators of women's empowerment in the Chabahar suburbs is self-confidence. Furthermore, the indicators of job creation motivations, level of education, elimination of labor market discrimination, and government support policies are ranked second to fifth, respectively, with regard to the importance of empowering women in this region.

Bahman Khosravi Pour, Maryam Tahmasebi, Maryam Ameri,
Volume 9, Issue 34 (2-2021)

The experience of pursuing development goals in many countries show that achieving the objectives depend on considering the position and role of women as part of the active labor force of society especially in rural areas, which will ultimately lead to economic and political development. In addition, due to the large number of unemployed population especially women in rural areas, small home businesses have been created by using their individual creativity and the capacities of rural communities, exploiting new opportunities, dissemination and strengthening of sustainable innovations. This is one of the important priorities of development strategies that can play a significant role in empowering local people, reducing poverty and improving the livelihood of rural households.
In the meantime, supporting local financial investments and guiding women in order to set up micro-credit funds, seems to be a fundamental and appropriate solution for business development and economic prosperity of local communities. This will create economic, social and institutional equality, and provide training and business opportunities.
Given the importance of women's participation in economic activities to accelerate and facilitate the process of rural development, this study aims to identify the factors affecting entrepreneurship development from the of members’ perspective of rural micro-credit funds, i.e. rural entrepreneurs in Abadan County. Businesses such as alfalfa and various vegetables cultivation, production and supply of indigenous chicken, etc., which are agricultural-oriented and form the basis of women's economic activities.

The present study seeks to identify the underlying factors affecting the development of rural women entrepreneurship, hence it is considered an applied research. The research design and data collection method is based on the non-experimental survey approach.  The statistical population of the study included 100 rural women members of micro-funds in Abadan who has started, managed and developed their businesses. A sample of 80 people was randomly selected for the query using Morgan table.   The research measurement tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The content validity of the measurement tool was verified by practitioners and leading women entrepreneurs in the region. The reliability of the measurement tool was also evaluated and confirmed by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient regarding the current and optimal status of the effective factors.
Discussion and conclusion
According to the findings of the study, the average age of sample was 34.3 years. More than half of them had primary and secondary education, and one tenth had university education. 2.5% were heads of households and their average economic activity was reported to be 4.5 years. The results showed that preparing households and citizens to encourage women to produce and work by government agencies has the highest score in the current situation. Also, the provision of inputs needed by women to produce goods and services, the land devotion for business development and the provision of insurance services to women entrepreneurs were at the lowest level. Also in the desired situation, the first three priorities were the establishment of entrepreneurship incubators in rural areas, providing financial assistance in the form of subsidies and easy access of entrepreneurs to the required information, knowledge and technology. These can be combined to the three priorities mentioned above. It is concluded that if specialized centers for entrepreneurship consulting and business development are established in rural areas in order to educate and empower women and identify their and train them in the mentioned centers. As a result, entrepreneurship development can use practical advice and credit and facility support, improve the business of rural women with a more appropriate approach.  Also, the factors affecting the business development of rural women were classified into 5 categories: technical, institutional-infrastructural, educational, cultural and social factors. Based on them it is suggested that in order to promote sustainable production activities in rural communities, a working group consisting of provincial and local managers , executive administration, CEOs of credit funds, financial institutions such as Omid Entrepreneurship Fund along with other business environment development actors (representative of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Security, representative of the development of deprived areas from presidential office, etc.).  Furthermore, it is needed to establish a city and provincial business office, and facilitate women’s progress while carefully analyzing their obstacles and problems. In addition, designing, and implementing a comprehensive business and entrepreneurship development projects that plans an activity to its development and stability is suggested. Establishment of entrepreneurship incubators in rural areas and arranging various educational-promotional programs by attracting the active participation and dynamism of rural women will increase the knowledge and experience of women entrepreneurship. Also, in order to increase the success rate of credit funds and present successful business plans among rural women, it is necessary to seriously pursue and implement entrepreneurial training and design programs with emphasis on regional potentials and based on creativity and innovation. So, courses on how to start a business and improve your business seems to be effective.

Ameneh Savari Mombeni, , Moslem Savari,
Volume 10, Issue 36 (8-2021)

Climate change is one of the most important economic, social and environmental threats to human life and to sustainable development. Although climate change affects the living conditions of all people, the poor and marginalized groups, especially rural women, are at greater risk. There is undeniable evidence around the world that women are particularly vulnerable during and after sever weather events. Although women are more vulnerable to climate change, they are seen as active actors in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change. Therefore, gender can be an important component for understanding the effects of climate change and responding to it, so there is a need to examine the perceived risks and adaptation to climate change from a gender perspective. This study examines perceptions and adaptation to climate change among male and female farmers through a qualitative approach. While protection motivation theory known as accepted framework for guiding campaigns on climate change, as well as an effective model for explaining and understanding the factors influencing climate change adaptation behavior. Therefore, in this study, the protection motivation theory applied as a framework for examining perceptions and adaptive responses. protection motivation theory involves two main evaluation processes. Threat assessment and response assessment. Threat assessment includes perceived vulnerability and perceived severity, and coping assessment consists of response effectiveness, self-efficacy, and perceived cost.

This qualitative study (case study) was conducted to better and more deeply understand the perception and behavior of farmers through in-depth interviews with farmers (male and female). The study population in this study were farmers in the central part of Baghmalek county and the samples included 33 farmers including 18 male farmers and 15 female farmers. Sampling was purposeful. Therefore, informant farmers were purposefully selected and interviewed. This process continued until the data was saturated and no new data was available. Data were collected using semi-structured questions. People's conversations were recorded on an audio file and then transcribed on paper. Data analysis started from the time of the first interview and in parallel with the interviews (simultaneous analysis). In this study, in order to analyze farmers' perception on climate change and adaptation, all interviews were translated into text and after reviewing the interviews line by line, key concepts were extracted from it.

Discussion and Conclusion
The results showed that all farmers confirmed the occurrence of climate change in the region. Male and female farmers did not differ significantly in their knowledge and perception of climate change, but there was a gender difference in their acceptance of adaptation measures to climate change. The main measures for adaptation of farmers included changing the type of crop and cultivation and using green and animal fertilizers, which were done by both male and female farmers, but behaviors such as using modern irrigation were done only by male farmers. Therefore, male farmers are more likely to adopt new technologies to protect water and increase investment in agricultural infrastructure. They also had the opportunity to work on other owners' farms or have other nonfarm jobs when their land fell. The main challenges for women seem to be limited access to credit and lack of access to technical knowledge. Comparing the two groups, the results showed that women were subjected to high costs such as stress to themselves and their families, and men spent more material costs on adaptation activities. Women are often the ones who have the least investment in supporting agricultural products. As a result, they require more money, time and effort than men to recover from natural disaster losses. It is suggested that the necessary training be provided to increase knowledge and empower women to change their position in society as a key to reducing harm and vulnerability to climate change. To increase women's influence in climate change policy and gender awareness, gender-sensitive education on climate change and climate change policy at the local, regional and national levels is also recommended. The information obtained from this study can applied as an important step in developing policies and formulating appropriate interventions to adapt to climate change in the agricultural sector.

Haniyeh Haghpanah, Tahereh Sadeghloo ,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (3-2022)

One of the ways to empowering rural women is to provide them with the opportunity to participate in economic activities, especially the sale of agricultural products and handicrafts, which requires the provision of favorable conditions, including the creation of suitable markets for these products. Women's empowerment is a way to increase women's individual and social capacity through their political, social, educational or economic power, and a way to promote the status of women is one of the most neglected conditions in society. One of the ways to improve the level of empowerment of rural women is to provide the conditions for their presence in economic activities and the sale of agricultural products and handicrafts. It is necessary to create suitable markets for these products. In recent years, structural changes in societies and changes in the lives of individuals and communities have led housewives to show great interest in working outside the home. Increasing income through job creation has positive effects on their material life, promoting self-esteem, improving basic and essential needs and creating independence among them.
So that having job opportunities increases their role in economic, family and social decisions. In this regard, local markets play an important role in local economic and social developments and fundamental changes in the physical situation, production, employment and economic activity of villages. Local markets are places where, in addition to selling goods, villages will be exchanged with cities. Many small-scale producers (especially rural women) bring very few products to these markets during the month, and by offering these products at a price, they generate income for the household, which is very important for the rural household economy. The present study seeks to examine the conditions of these local markets and their role in empowering rural seller women in these markets.

The present research is of applied type with descriptive and analytical methodology. Library and field methods based on the researcher-made questionnaire were used to collect information. The sample size of this study includes 80 rural women from 21 villages of Ghaen Township who were present in the local markets as a seller during the field studies.
After determining the samples, data were collected in the field through a researcher-made questionnaire. To evaluate the validity of the research variables, two methods were used using the study background as well as the specialized panel of university professors and experts. Cronbach's alpha test was also used to evaluate the reliability of the data, which the results indicate a high level of data reliability for the study. To analyze data from descriptive and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, multivariate regression and one-way analysis of variance) in SPSS software and to rank villages in terms of market role variables in women's empowerment, from the multi-criteria decision model of Cocoso (Weighting used is entropy) and GIS software was used to display the obtained rank.
Ghaen Township is one of the areas where the villagers sell their products during the week in the form of weekly markets that are temporarily or permanently formed in Ghaen city and the villages of Afriz, Tighab, Chahak and Mousavieh. These markets, regardless of size (small and large), have a significant impact on the economic situation of the family, especially rural families. Some rural female vendors in these markets, which have more than 600 mobile units, have a good opportunity to supply their products, which are mainly agricultural products and vegetables and dried vegetables. In the present study, the role of the weekly markets of this city on the empowerment of women active in these markets has been investigated.

Discussions and Results
The present study examines and analyzes the role of local markets in empowering rural women in economic, social, personal and psychological dimensions (at the level of indicators such as income and savings, finance, employment, product supply, participation and cooperation, improving welfare and awareness, trust Self and voluntary decision making).
The highest average in assessing the market impact on women's empowerment belongs to the employment index with an average of 3.41 and the lowest average belongs to the optional decision index with an average of 2.90. The independent variable in this study is market conditions, which is measured by three indicators: infrastructure-space conditions, supply and demand, competition and social market conditions. Among the market conditions indices, the highest average belongs to the market social conditions index with an average of 3.44 and the lowest average belongs to the infrastructure-spatial index with an average of 2.96. The results show that in the studied villages, the situation of supply and demand and competition and the social conditions of the market and infrastructure-space are in a good situation, which has caused the market to play a positive role in changing and improving empowerment indicators.
The case study women, have received the most impact from market conditions from the individual dimension. Local markets also had the greatest impact on the empowerment of women living in the villages of Qomanjan, Tightar and Rome.

Kobra Hassanpour, Yaser Mohammadi, Zeinab Asadi,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (3-2022)

 According to the United Nations, women make up 49% of the rural population and 65% of agricultural activities; The rate of this participation in the agricultural sector of Iran is 60%. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported in 2010 that with the increase in male migration, the role of women in agriculture has increased and women have found a key role in food production to support the family; About 50% of the world's food production is produced by women. Due to the prevalence of coronary heart disease and the increasing need of communities for healthy and accessible food, the importance of women's activities in the agricultural sector, whose first and most important role is to ensure food security of communities, has doubled. The rapid spread of the disease and the lack of an accurate timeline for how long the disease will last or when the virus can be controlled have raised many international concerns. The FAO (2020) report states that the full effects of coronary heart disease (Covid-19) on food security and food and agricultural systems are still becoming apparent, and that its prevalence could have significant negative effects on all those involved throughout the world. Have a food supply chain. Therefore, the epidemic caused by the Corona virus has had a significant impact on agriculture, and most of this impact has been on the vulnerable population of farmers. In addition to the decisive role in food production, rural women with sufficient knowledge and experience in various agricultural activities. They have also played a role in activities such as food processing, household chores, and trade in the handicraft market, and are among the most important pillars of maintaining economic prosperity and achieving a sustainable rural community. Women in all sectors, including agriculture, like other economic sectors of society, follow in the footsteps of men, to maintain the dynamic life of social structures and to promote the effective functions of production-service processes, and to provide a significant share of the labor force. Self-allocate. However, since the cultural values ​​that govern the village consider all women's activities as a natural thing and part of their daily duties, as a result, despite all their efforts, their activities in the agricultural sector Is ignored. However, without the active participation of women, the rural economy and its households will undoubtedly face new challenges if they do not face closure, and achieving sustainable development goals will not be possible without their participation.

Research Methods
The present study is considered as an applied research according to the research objectives and results. According to the method of data collection and implementation method, the research is a descriptive correlation with the survey strategy. In order to express the reasons for changes in social phenomena, in terms of numerical analysis of data, little research has been done. The statistical population in this study is women farmers in Delfan city. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 200 samples and stratified sampling. Based on this, first 5 villages were randomly selected from 10 villages of the statistical population, then 19 villages were randomly selected from the selected villages to fill in the questionnaire. The statistical sample size of this study includes 200 women farmers. In order to collect information about the opinions of women farmers about the factors affecting agricultural activities in this study, two methods of documentary study (library) and survey have been used. To collect information by referring to books, documents and scientific articles, valid statistics of organizations and institutions related to the library method. According to the main objectives and questions of the research, the required information has been collected using a questionnaire.

Discussion and conclusion
 From the first stages of agriculture, women have been very active in agriculture, especially in rural areas of Iran, which is the predominant form of family exploitation. According to the results obtained in the study population, the majority of exploiters (81%) are in the same way. The activities of women in the agricultural sector of Delfan city are very diverse, including these activities such as plant cultivation, harvesting, weeding, harvesting, pruning trees, threshing and cleaning And measuring the crop as well as giving forage and animal care, on the other hand, according to the custom and culture of rural society, women do not appear outside the farm and more to produce products and products from agriculture and They take care of domestic animals. The participation of women in developing countries is higher than other countries due to the lack of mechanized farms and lack of access to some agricultural equipment. However, in some areas the working time for women is less than the working time for men. Given the above and the major role of women farmers in agricultural and livestock production, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to their use and access to development resources and to identify the main and effective factors in this regard and to address the problem and knots. And provide the necessary support to women farmers to be more active in the agricultural sector, because with more and more women in the agricultural sector, in addition to creating food security, this will also lead to economic growth and also improve livelihoods. Villagers and farmers will also be.

Hossein Karimzadeh, Sima Saadi,
Volume 11, Issue 39 (5-2022)

Despite the fact that the number of female entrepreneurs is growing, data shows that they grow at a slower rate than male entrepreneurs due to the difficulties and challenges they face. There have always been several obstacles and challenges in founding and growing enterprises, whether in urban or rural settings. On the other hand, the resources and contexts available for entrepreneurship can help to mitigate some of the barriers and challenges; in other words, the right geographical location and easy access to resources can help to foster entrepreneurship development, which is the foundation for regional development. Additionally, urban and rural women entrepreneurs play essential roles in the economic growth, particularly in developing and underprivileged countries. The World Bank claims that investing more in female entrepreneurship will result in a nation's development. The reasons are women's empowerment in society (whether urban or rural) eliminates inequality and poverty, and women are the first hope for family development and country development in underdeveloped countries. Female entrepreneurs' success in these societies benefits not only the economy but also the social and cultural structure. Nonetheless, women entrepreneurs confront numerous challenges, just like other groups of entrepreneurs.

The study's statistical population is made up of women aged 15 to 65 who live in Marivan City and its surrounding villages. According to the statistical population of 65081 women between the ages of 15 and 65 in Marivan, 189 samples were chosen using Cochran's formula. In addition, 9 villages were chosen from a total of 93 villages in Marivan County based on their distance from the city: 3 villages within 0-5 km of the city (close), 3 villages within 5-10 km of the city (medium), and 3 villages at a distance of 10-15 km from the city (far). According to the statistical population (827), there are 113 questionnaires distributed in the villages indicated. For statistical analysis of the research, the one-sample t-test and ANOVA have used in SPSS 22 software, and for spatial analysis of the research ArcGIS software was used.

Discussion and conclusion
According to the research findings in the economic and political dimensions, women entrepreneurship growth in the both study area's settlements, namely rural areas and Marivan City, are not at the required level. The reasons are the lack of private investment in the region to build enterprises, the lack of banks and institutions offering loans and financial credits in rural regions, the existence of extreme poverty in the region, particularly in rural areas, lack risk-taking, lack of government assistance, lack of action in villages or municipalities to build and promote women's entrepreneurship, lack of public sector cooperation in investing in new firms, and so on. It should be mentioned that the status are considerably better in urban regions than rural ones. These findings are congruent with Sivanesan's 2014 study comparing rural and urban female entrepreneurship in India, as well as Robinson et al. (2004) and Rasekhi et al (2018). Marivan City has a better social and infrastructural status than rural areas in both social and infrastructural terms. Lack of participation of women in business organizations, unions, and guilds, lack of educational fields related to entrepreneurship in rural areas, lack of social security for women in the marketplace, lack of cooperation of rural managers with women, lack of a class or organization of women entrepreneurs, lack of appropriate technology infrastructure in rural areas are some of the reasons for this. These findings are in line with a 2011 study by Angela Davis comparing the priorities of urban and rural entrepreneurs' service demands, as well as studies by Asitik (2015) and Anthopoulou (2016). (2010). Both towns are in good shape in terms of individual dimensions, but when comparing the averages of the two, Marivan is in a better position than rural areas (cities with an average of 3.96 and villages with an average of 3.04). Individual qualities and backgrounds of entrepreneurship in the inhabitants of the research area, such as readiness to confront challenges and difficulties, not escaping unpleasant situations, people's level of responsibility, self-reliance, and acceptability, could be the cause for this. These findings are in line with those of a 2013 study in Kentucky by Hyunjeong Joo, which compared rural and urban entrepreneurs. There is a substantial difference in the mean of the desired dimensions, according to the analysis of the variance test. In addition, according to the post hoc test, the city of Marivan has the biggest differences from other groups, i.e. rural groups, in all of the analyzed characteristics. The city of Marivan has a better situation in the field of female entrepreneurship development than the rural areas analyzed, according to the findings of a spatial analysis of research in ArcGIS software. Due to the fact that the rural areas studied had an unfavorable situation in this regard, we have measured these areas by distance from the city. According to GIS maps, the villages near the city of Marivan, especially Bileh and Tazehabad, are in a more favorable situation than other rural areas. The reason for this can be considered the proximity of these villages to the city of Marivan.

Nasrin Jalilian, Yaser Mohammadi,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (12-2022)

Currently, the issue of employment is one of the most critical social challenges in the country to deal with unemployment, or at least to prevent the spread of anomalies and social damages. Nowadays, rural communities, especially poor rural households, are mainly faced with information poverty, low skills, weak entrepreneurial culture and ethnic and tribal inequalities that distinguish them from other communities. The people of the rural community, especially those of the low-income groups and households that government institutions support, are involved with more issues and problems. Among these groups, women are exposed to poverty and gender discrimination more than men, and they are more vulnerable to unemployment than men. One way to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, especially among rural women heads of households, is to provide them with microfinance in the form of providing self-sufficiency facilities and job creation through institutions such as the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation.

This research has been conducted to study the role of employment loans on the sustainable livelihood of rural women heads of households. The research is a quantitative and applied study of nature and purpose. Also, in terms of the data collection method, it is survey research, and in terms of the data analysis method, it is descriptive-correlation research. The statistical population of this research was the rural women who were the heads of the household, whom the relief committee covered in Harsam village, Islamabad Gharb city in Kermanshah province, and 100 of these women were selected and examined by the census. The data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was confirmed by experts' opinions and its reliability by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was done in the IBMSPSS software environment.

Discussion and conclusion
The results of the study showed that the two groups of female heads of households who benefited and did not benefit from the aid committee's job creation loans had a significant difference in terms of sustainable rural livelihoods, and the beneficiary women had better livelihoods, especially in terms of financial capital and physical capital. Also, among the women benefiting from good-quality loans, those who were satisfied with the number of loans received and their repayment period and also participated in skill training courses to create jobs had a higher level of sustainable livelihood.


Ali Akbar Taghipour, Fatemeh Motalebi Nejad, Parsa Ahmadi Dehrashid,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2023)

Nowadays, systems of society, including social and economic systems, change so fast that they require appropriate actions and strategies to satisfy their needs. Entrepreneurship is one of the strategies proposed in response to new needs. Rural settlements play an essential role in all aspects of society. These settlements contain a significant percentage of the population and are essential to national development. However, these places are known to have problems such as unemployment, low income, and lack of diversity in occupation. According to many researchers, entrepreneurship is an essential tool for rural development and can be a suitable stimulus for the stagnant situation of three sectors of agriculture, services and industry. However, the fact that entrepreneurship programs are male-oriented is a big problem that has caused human resources and society's capacity not to be used properly. As half of the society's population, women have a prominent role in various elements of society, but the existing policies and plans prevent their presence and development. Gender analysis is a way to achieve gender balance in all aspects of society, and it examines and compares the attitudes and views of men and women on various issues. In the present research, an attempt is made to evaluate the views of women and men of Amirabad District of Damghan County regarding the effect of five components: individual, family, economic, cultural-social and institutional infrastructure in the success of entrepreneurship.

The current research is an applied study, which in terms of its nature, is in the category of descriptive-analytical research. The method of collecting documentary information is a survey; In the first step, with library studies, an effort was made to extract the components needed for the questionnaire while developing the theoretical framework of the research. The questionnaire was prepared in 17 indicators and 41 items among 379 residents of Ghahab Rastaq, Ghahab Sarsar and Toyeh Darwar districts in Amirabad District of Damghan County, which was calculated using the Cochran method with a confidence coefficient of 95%. It was distributed in the spring of 1401. After completing the questionnaires, they were collected and analyzed using SPSS software; Pearson's correlation test and independent T-test are two statistical tests that were used to measure the correlation between variables and gender analysis of entrepreneurship development indicators, respectively.

Discussion and conclusion
Using the Pearson correlation test to measure the degree of correlation between the variables indicates a significant relationship between the indicators of entrepreneurship development and the success resulting from it, based on the respondents' opinions. However, the low weighted average of them causes the significance of the relationship to be moderate. The obtained results show that the highest correlation rate among men is the individual index, with a correlation rate of 0.552, and the family indices (r=0.519), cultural-social (r=0.495), and economic indices (r=0.476), respectively. Moreover, infrastructural-institutional (r=0.471) is in the following ranks. Among women, the highest correlation value, like men, is related to the "individual" index with a value of 0.473, and infrastructure-institutional (r= 0.469), economic (r= 0.453), family (r= 0.440), and social indicators. - Cultural (r= 0.393) is in the next rank. Therefore, according to the obtained results, the first hypothesis of the research is rejected; In the first hypothesis, it was stated that "it seems that among the effective factors in the development of entrepreneurship, economic factors have more influence from the point of view of women", the results of the Pearson test indicated that the economic index with the value of r=0.453 It is in the third place of indicators in terms of women. On the other hand, according to the above results, the second hypothesis of the research is confirmed because the factors of the five indicators of the research do not have the same priority from the point of view of men and women, and each of the gender groups has a different point of view towards Indicators are essential.
The results of the independent T-test indicate that in the "individual" index, the most important item for women's success in entrepreneurship is "having commitment" and for men, "risk tolerance". In the "family" index, women's "family attitude" and men's "having freedom of action on behalf of the family" were evaluated as the most critical items. In the "economic" index, in terms of both sex groups, "income from entrepreneurship"; In the "social-cultural" index, from the point of view of women, "the type of culture in the place of residence" and from the point of view of men, "women's participation"; In the institutional-infrastructural index, "giving land to entrepreneurs" was evaluated as the most important issue for both sex groups.
This research attempted to measure the difference between men's and women's views on success factors in entrepreneurship. The obtained results indicated that women and men have completely different views on success factors in entrepreneurship; Although men and women considered the "individual" factor to be the most important factor, there was no consensus among them regarding the order of the components of this factor. According to women, "having a commitment" is the most important feature that must exist in the personality of an entrepreneur in order to provide the basis for his success; On the other hand, men consider "risk-taking" to be the most important characteristic of a successful entrepreneur. In general, women believed that individual, infrastructural-institutional, economic, family, and socio-cultural factors have the greatest impact on entrepreneurial success; Men also considered individual, family, cultural-social, economic, infrastructural-institutional as important. The research results indicate a significant difference between the attitudes of women and men; This requires that this difference be taken into account in relevant decisions and planning so that proper improvement and development in entrepreneurship can occur among all social groups.

Kulthum Tahmasabi, Bijan Rezaee, Nader Naderi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2023)

Villagers and their entrepreneurial skills are important social and economic factors in society and undoubtedly important solutions for rural development, which is also part of the country's sustainable development. In the new theories of rural development, entrepreneurship is a suitable solution for empowerment and capacity building in rural areas to change the current life pattern, reduce the gap between the city and the countryside, and create economic, environmental and institutional economic equality. Many researchers believe that entrepreneurial activities by women have a prominent role in the health of the national economy. In a short time, women were able to create considerable changes in the economic development of countries after being entrepreneurs. However, there are some issues in woman’s empowerment, including the lack of participation of women as half of the country's population (49% of the total population) in social and economic activities, the existence of a large number of women in Iranian society below the poverty line, the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem among them to participate in various social activities, their lack of awareness and knowledge of labor market information, technical and professional training courses, working environment conditions, labor law and most importantly cultural specificities.
Nahavand County is in a good position for integrated development because of its strategic position and abundant resources. However, despite having capabilities, their optimal usage has yet to be made for this county. The rural people of Nahavand County, located south of Hamadan Province, have a very high migration rate due to unemployment and a lack of facilities. For this reason, the problem in the study area is the low level of women's entrepreneurship, personal abilities such as self-confidence and self-esteem, support from the government support and behavioral environment. Therefore, the main issue in this research is analysing factors affecting rural women's entrepreneurship in Nahavand County.

This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlative in terms of method, so the study follows the positivism paradigm. The statistical population of the research consists of women entrepreneurs in the villages of Nahavand County, and a total of 110 people were surveyed as a sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Analysis of the obtained data was done using SmartPLS3 software.

Discussion and conclusion
The research findings indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between individual factors, family factors, economic factors, sociocultural factors and entrepreneurship of rural women, based on the results of path analysis, the influence of individual factors (0.556); family factors (0.125); economic factors (0.398); cultural-social factors (0.349), which shows the impact of all identified factors on rural women's entrepreneurship. Also, individual and economic criteria had the greatest impact on rural women's entrepreneurship.


Mohammad Sadeq Zare, Nasrullah Moulaiheshjin, Mohammad Basit Qureshi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2024)

Objective: Rural entrepreneurship is a concept that has been examined from different perspectives and it is believed that it is necessary as an efficient strategy for the social development of the village. Women's entrepreneurship in the village is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. In today's Iranian society, women have played a significant and expanding role in the field of business. The present study was conducted to explain the role of women entrepreneurs in the social development of the villages of Soumesara. 
Methods: The research method is applied and based on library, documentary, and field studies. To analyze the data, SPSS software and integrated models (FARAS+FCOPRAS) and WASTPAS fuzzy model were used. The results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the social development of Soumesara villages and women entrepreneurs.
Results: Also, the findings of the research showed that the social participation index with a score of 71.44, improving the quality of life a score of 71.31, demographic transformation of the village with a score of 71.20, and education and awareness with a score of 15.1 71, strengthening communication and social trust with a score of 71.11, they have assigned the highest and lowest effectiveness of the role of women entrepreneurs in the villages of Soumesara. Also, the results of the research findings showed the central districts with a weight value of 3.891, Tolem district with a weight value of 3.775, and Mirza Kochuk district with a weight value of 3.678, respectively, have the highest and lowest amount of social development with an emphasis on the role of women. The entrepreneur is dedicated to himself.
Conclusions: Based on this, according to the results of the research, rural women entrepreneurs, as creative, innovative, and thoughtful forces in their field of activity, have been able to create a transformation in the social development of the rural areas of Soumesara and contribute to the dynamism of the villages of this county.

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