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The Prioritization of Rural Development Problems with Emphasis on Peasants Viewpoint (17035 Downloads)
اهمیت بخش کشاورزی در حفظ تعادل اقتصادی‌ - ‌اجتماعی ساختار شهری و روستایی ایران (17021 Downloads)
Challenges of Iran's Rural Cooperative Networks (11662 Downloads)
The evaluation and assessment of deprivation level in rural areas Case: central part of Javanrood (11339 Downloads)
Study of Barriers toward Development of Organic Farming (11041 Downloads)
Variation in rural economy as a means of achievement of sustainable development Case: northern Marhamat Abad in Miandoab (10635 Downloads)
Endogenous Approach Regarding the Architecture of Iranian Villages (9461 Downloads)
Shiraz Urban Sprawl and Its Structural-Functional Changes of Rural Neighborhood Case: Goyom village (9017 Downloads)
Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Hegmatan Cement Company in Shahanjari Village (8884 Downloads)
The Role of Participation in Rural development in Khoshk-e bijar District, Rasht County (8403 Downloads)
Structural-Functional Dynamism: An Alternative Approach to Spatial (7978 Downloads)
اثرات روابط شهر و روستا بر تحولات اقتصادی و اجتماعی روستاهای شهرستان آزادشهر (7930 Downloads)
The role of tourism in economic rural development in Behshar County (7902 Downloads)
The Analysis of the Impacts of New Irrigation Systems on Agriculture Exploitation in Khodabandeh County (7562 Downloads)
Ranking of livelihood Capitals in Mountain Tourism Villages Case: Bala- Taloqan Rural District in Taloqan County (7456 Downloads)
The limitations and potentials of sustainable development regarding village of Eastern borders of Iran Case: Bandan district in Nehbandan County (7348 Downloads)
Feasibility Studies Regarding Tourism Development Using Systematic Approach in Margin of Rural Areas of Mighan Desert of Arak (7344 Downloads)
Space Economy and Rural Development (7283 Downloads)
Analysis of Environmental Hazards and Rural Waste Managerial Strategies Case Study: Central Ojarood, Germy County (7253 Downloads)
Influence of rural socio-cultural changes on rural housing Case: Neka County (7149 Downloads)
The explanation of spatial pattern of social capital with respect to sustainable rural development - case: villages of Razavi Khorasan (7082 Downloads)
Spatial organizational arrangement of tourism destinations (rural-urban) at regional level Case: Torgabeh shandiz (7027 Downloads)
Assessing eco environmental effects of mining extractive industries on the sustainability of rural areas Case: villages surrounding Zanjan cement factory (6858 Downloads)
تحلیل موانع و مشکلات مدیریت آب کشاورزی در دستیابی به توسعه پایدار مورد: شهرستان های کنگاور و صحنه در استان کرمانشاه (6839 Downloads)
The assessment of Entrepreneurship status in rural areas - Case: southern Astarabad in Goragan (6732 Downloads)
Assessment Pattern of Rural Environmental Sustainability Case: Shervineh Village in Javanrud County (6708 Downloads)
تحلیل ساختاری شاخص‌‌های توسعه‌ی پایدار روستایی مورد: دهستان‌های شهرستان صومعه‌سرا  (6649 Downloads)
Barriers to social and economic empowerment of rural households Case: patients protected by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Sistan Region (6644 Downloads)
The Analysis and Explanation of the Influential Factors Regarding Milk Marketing Network in Rural Areas Case Study: Khodabandeh Villages, Zanjan Province (6622 Downloads)
نقش اقامتگاه‌های بوم گردی در توسعه گردشگری روستایی در نواحی روستایی شهرستان خور و بیابانک (6583 Downloads)
The Factors of effective on growth of entrepreneurship in rural areas Case: Jaber Ansar District Abdanan (6525 Downloads)
Evaluating the performance of institutions and organizations related to rural sustainability Case: Dehdez district in Izeh County (6517 Downloads)
Role of small size -Credits Regarding Empowerment of Rural Women Case Study: Lakestan Sub- District Salmas of County (6497 Downloads)
Social and Economic Consequences of Domestic Occupations of Rural Women in the County of West Islam-Abad (6345 Downloads)
Impacts of Drought on Rural District's Economy in Sirvan and Chardavol Counties (6300 Downloads)
Spatial analysis regarding agricultural development in Khuzestan’s counties (6248 Downloads)
تحلیل موانع توسعه کسب وکارهای خرد در نواحی روستایی شهرستان میاندوآب (6142 Downloads)
The location analysis of rural waste sanitary Case: Vill of Qaleh Dareh-C in Makoo County (5979 Downloads)
The Analysis of Social – Economic Sustainablity of Safrans Production and Its Impact on Rural Development, Case: Bala Velayat, Torbat Heydareeyeh (5918 Downloads)
The role of border markets in socio-economic development of rural areas Case: Khaw and Mirabad rural areas, Marivan County (5907 Downloads)
شناسایی راهکارهای توسعه روستایی با استفاده از چارچوب مشارکتی SOAR مورد: روستای میغان (5847 Downloads)
Economic and social consequences of agricultural mechanization in rural settlements Case: rural district of South Astarābād in Gorgan County (5847 Downloads)
Effective Factors Contributing to the Non-Repayment of Keshavarzi bank Facilities by Farmers Case: Ilam County (5727 Downloads)
Analyzing Physical and Economic Impacts of Rural Guide Plans Case: Villages of Kermanshah County (5668 Downloads)
تحلیل عوامل مؤثر بر ایجاد و توسعه شرکت های کوچک و متوسط کارآفرینی در نواحی روستایی استان ایلام (5658 Downloads)
The political economy of space and Iran's regional balance (5520 Downloads)
The Analysis of Non-Farm Entrepreneurship in Improving the Quality of Life in the Villages Case: Villages Located in Shandiz Area, Binaloud County (5484 Downloads)
Influential factors related to practicality of entrepreneurial ideas Case: internships practitioners involved in rural education bases in Isfahan Province (5433 Downloads)
The impact of urban-rural economic relation upon social economic status of rural settlements Case: Chehelcha district, Minoodasht (5349 Downloads)
An analysis of the effects of religious tourism in rural areas Case: Oji Abad village, Amol County (5342 Downloads)
Total Sum: 1348755

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