Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2024)                   Human Information Interaction 2024, 11(3): 71-92 | Back to browse issues page

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Fathi F, Fathi Vagargah K, Jafari E, Vahidi Asl M. Designing a Workplace Digital Curriculum Based on Artificial Intelligence Components. Human Information Interaction 2024; 11 (3)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3183-en.html
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract:   (1376 Views)
Businesses affected by digital transformations are facing new employee management and development needs. Employees in these companies not only need to acquire the right technical skills, but also have the mindset to help them cope with the new challenges of the digital workforce in the modern world. These changes and needs that are subsequently created in the development path lead to a digital transformation in the training of managers, as trainers and training professionals need to transition to new work forms to find, create and use digital tools to help future managers, companies and employees. The evolving literature of electronic human resource management expresses its challenges and potential. Stone et al. (2015) found that data-driven decision-making environments in the field of human interactions have a high ability to evaluate recruitment volunteers, improve staff levels, as well as provide digital tools for employee training and development. However, most studies in electronic Human Resource Management have concluded that more innovation is needed to improve the efficiency and performance of these digital tools.
In 2010, ifenthaler stated that in the not-too-distant future, when learners become active builders of their learning environments, setting individual goals and creating content structures for the knowledge and content they want to master, we may see the emergence of the true meaning of Constructivism (Ifenthaler, 2010) and that is now when eifenthaler mentioned it 12 years ago, and on this basis, the fundamental issue of research can be seen as the mismatch of the current situation.education and human resource development with new technologies. The digital age requires digital transformation in the most important context of humanity, the platform of teaching and learning. On the other hand, although the severity of the covid-19 pandemic has decreased and training has been resumed from the virtual platform, in the digital world and the volume of available data and the moment-to-moment updating of information, it is never possible to transfer them through face-to-face training. On the other hand, a person does not have the capacity to learn all the information and data available, so it is desirable that what he learns is based on his personal development, interests and expertise to make learning deeper and more effective. So this research seeks to address or adjust these issues to take a step towards improving the education and Human Resource Development situation in the country, and this will be achieved by designing a model of AI-based digital curriculum. To this end, the current research questions include:
1. What are the components of AI from the point of view of commentators?
2. What is the concept of digital curriculum from the point of view of commentators?
3. What are the coordinates of the AI-based digital curriculum model?
Methods and Materoal
Based on the purpose, the present research is applied, and in terms of data collection, it is a qualitative design. Among the various qualitative methods, the grounded theory method of the foundation was used with the constructivist approach of Charmaz. The current research community is all specialists in the field of curriculum, educational technology, educational technology and artificial intelligence, and the samples included 23 specialists. In order to collect information, semi-structured interview, observation and study of documents were used. In order to analyze the data in this research, the three-step method of Susanne Friese including noticing, collecting and thinking was done with the help of Atlas t.i software.
Resultss and Discussion
  1. What are the components of AI from the point of view of commentators?
The components of artificial intelligence consisted of 5 Main and 19 sub-categories. These include charting systems (algorithm, phase logic, classification), learning systems (supervised learning ,unsupervised learning, hybrid knowledge - based systems, reinforcement learning, learning from incomplete data), semantic systems (self-learning, semantic similarity, natural language understanding, prediction), control of complex systems (dealing with nonlinear problems, expert system), neural network model (problem solving, optimization, flexibility, reasoning).
2. What is the concept of digital curriculum from the point of view of commentators?
The concept of digital curriculum has 6 Main and 33 sub-categories. These categories include digital curriculum objectives (increasing the capacity of program design by teachers, developing cognitive skills, meaningful learning experiences, participatory learning opportunities, educational dynamics, research-oriented, educational justice, self-learning), digital curriculum features (stable yet flexible, transforming learning into a lifelong process, balancing the learner and learning environment, using technology in the classroom, digital teaching culture, high compliance capacity), digital curriculum tools (educational games, digital laboratories, electronic libraries, simulators, environmental features of the digital curriculum (interactive, flexible, classroom Networking lessons, personalization of the learning environment), digital curriculum resources (Smart Textbooks,personalization of learning resources, web-based resources, open educational resources, textbooks), evaluation methods in the digital curriculum (online tests, video dialogue, video recorded by the learner, online critical texts, digital evaluation tools, quizzes).
3. What are the coordinates of the AI-based digital curriculum model?
phase curriculum model includes phase1 curriculum (learning based on specific pattern, classification and organization of content, linear learning, learning under external supervision, reinforcement learning and mutual understanding of language), phase2 curriculum (combined knowledge in learning, optimal building learning, learning from incomplete data, reasoning-based learning, predicting the learning process and facing learning problems) and phase3 curriculum (facing non-linear problems, deep learning, unsupervised learning, expertise in learning, semantic parallelism, self-directed learning and flexibility in learning).
Digital transformations have significantly changed teaching and learning practices. The present study examines the new needs of employee development and empowerment in the digital age, identifying the components of artificial intelligence and digital curriculum. The main objective of the present study is to define the components of artificial intelligence and then apply them in the form of digital curriculum elements. In other words, the digital curriculum in the workplace is defined by the components and functions of artificial intelligence.This model is designed based on the phase logic of artificial intelligence and can help to improve the design of the digital workplace curriculum. Based on the background studies, no research was found that could organize the digital workplace curriculum in this way, and therefore, the findings of the current research and the final output were completely unique.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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