Showing 13 results for Zare
H. Zare, P. Nahravanian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2013)
The goal of the present study was to investigate the impact of the attention training on the visual search in normal adults and children. In this study, using purposive random sampling, 60 subjects (30 adults and 30 children) were selected. The tools used in this study were concentrated attention test, mini mental state examination and researcher made questionnaire which was used to control the variables. First, the pre-test (concentrated attention) was performed and then the adults has underwent five 35 minutes sessions of training for three weeks and the children has underwent ten 45 minutes sessions of training for five weeks, and finally post-test was performed for the two groups. Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. Analysis of the data showed the significant impactof the attention trainingon the rate of correct responding and the reaction time of visual search. Given the impact of the attention training on the visual search, the importance of these trainings in process shaping, correct cognitive processes, paying attention to the target stimuli and quick, accurate responding become more and more clear.
D. Hezaree, K. Rasulzadeh, A. R. Moradi, M. J. Asgari,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (12-2013)
The present research aims at comparing the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Behavioral Activation Therapy (BAT) in the improvement of cognitive functions (working memory and simple reaction time) in the heroin abusers in Afghanistan.
To this end, through a semi-experimental design including two groups with pre test and post test, 30 heroine abusers referring to the abstinence center of Universal Kabul Physicians were selected by the availability sampling and were then divided into the two groups of experimental 1 (CBT) and expeerimental2 (BAT). Both groups were first administered the Working Memory Inventory, one of the subscales of Wexler Memory Test (the third edition) and the Stroop software to be evaluated on the working memory and the reaction time. Then the experimental group1 was administered cognitive behavioral therapy and the experimental group2 was administered behavioral activation therapy within 10 sessions of group therapy.
The analysis of the findings indicates that there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of working memory and simple reaction time. The findings indicate that behavioral –cognitive therapy is more effective in the improvement of working memory and the behavioral activation therapy is more effective in the decrease of the reaction time of heroine abusers. Therefore, both therapy methods are applicable in the improvement of cognitive functions for heroine abusers.
Hossein Zare, Sheyda Sharifi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2014)
Purpose of this research was the effect of meta-cognitive treatment in group method onthought control strategies in addict man under methadone treatment. Among patients treated with methadone during methadone treatment center in Tarighat no of Tehran city on date Bahman to Ordibehesht 1393 ,30 persons were recruited and randomly assigned to two groups an experiment (n = 15) and group controls (n = 15) were assigned. The participants fill the questionnaires for thought control strategies Wells and Davies before training in method of meta-cognitive and after it. To examin the effect of Metacognitive training method, pre-test was subtracted from pos-testand the means of two experimental and control groups were compared using t-test. The results showed that there was significant differences in thought control strategies between two groups and he mean of the experimental group was lower According to the results about the difference between the control and experimental groups in receiving cognitive training intervention on the Addicts' mind control, it seems, this teaching can be effective in meta-cognitive of the addicts and as a result modify their thought control strategies.
Dr Hossein Zare, Dr Aliakbar Sharifi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the CNS that due to cognitive impairment, can reduce the quality of life in these patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate effect of computerized cognitive rehabilitation on prospective & working memory function in Multiple Sclerosis patients. 46 MS patients aged 20–40 who have the inclusion criteria, were randomly assigned to experimental and waiting-list control groups. Experimental group trained for 12 session with a Memory rehabilitation software and waiting-list control group did not receive any intervention and training of this group was postponed after conducting research. Daneman and Carpenter's capacity working memory and Retrospective-Prospective Memory Scale was applied at pretest, posttest, and follow-up. The results of repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between the means of working memory in experimental and waiting-list control groups. Also, the results of the present study indicate that a significant difference between the means of prospective memory in experimental and waiting-list control groups. Moreover, the post-test and follow-up scores in the experimental group was not statistically different. So Computerized cognitive rehabilitation have significant effect on prospective and working memory performance in patients with Multiple sclerosis and it can be used as an effective and helpful method to improve memory performance of these patients.
Doctor Hossein Zare, Masomeh Esmaeili,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2017)
The present study attemps to investigate overgeneral autobiographical memory and relationship with problem- solving deficits in depressive and anxious individuals. For this reason, 15 depressive, 15 anxious and 15 normal individuals were chosen from the students of estahban payam noor university, that were the clients of the counceling clinic. In this study, after completing the Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI) and Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Autobiographical Memory Test And Means- ends Problem- solving task was used. To compare the overgeneral and problem- solving in 3 group of depressive, anxious and normal individual, data were analyzed with Analysis of Varience(ANOVA) And the Tukeys test was used to compare the pair groups. The results revealed that overgeneral in autobiographical memory depressive individuals is more than anxious and normal ones. Depressive individual are more inefficient problem solving solution to distressed and healthy people.So, according to Williams models depressed people because negative mood and bias in processing information not only in retrieving autobiographical memories are exclusively trouble but this was a problem retrieving, problem solving and also affect their problems and makes solutions less effective to produse.
Ali Mostafaie, Hosein Zare, Ahmad Alipour, Valiahhah Farzad,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)
The main purpose of this study is to determine the Effectiveness of Decisional and Self-Efficacy Therapy Transtheoretical model (TTM) on Cognitive-Emotional regulation , Mind control and pain Patients with chronic pain. This study was a semiexperimental study with a pretest, post-test and follow-up. Subjects were first screened using the inclusion and exclusion criteria.Therefore 70 hypertensive patients who referred to the chronic pain Hospital in bukan city were selected and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The TTM group was treated in 8 sessions, Results showed that there were significant differences between two groups in Cognitive-Emotional regulation , Mind control and pain. so, TTM is an effective intervention in essential chronic pain patients.
Zahra Jafaripanji, Mahdieh Rahmanian, Hossein Zare,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching critical thinking based on the Powell-Elder model on improving the cognitive and self-efficacy of teens in Tehran.
Method: The research method was an applied and experimental type (post-test pre-test with control group). The statistical population consisted of all adolescents aged 13 to 16 years old in District 2 of Tehran. Data were analyzed by using a sampling method for 40 primary school students in Spring school as a sample group. A randomized trial was performed on 20 subjects in the experimental group and 20 in the control group. The data gathering tool was a Cognitive Distortion Questionnaire (Abdollahzadeh and Salar, 2010), Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (SEQ-C) (2001). The experimental group was placed under the teaching of Powell-Alder Critical Thinking for 9 consecutive 90-minute sessions. Data were analyzed by multivariate covariance statistical tests using SPSS software.
Results: The results showed that there was a significant (P> 0.05) critical thinking education on reduction of cognitive distortions and increasing self-efficacy in adolescents in Tehran.
Conclusion: Considering the importance of the role of critical thinking on self-efficacy and cognitive distortions, school curricula should be organized in such a way as to rethink curriculum planning and curriculum in order to find ways to develop adolescents themselves and plan to prevent cognitive impairment.
Hossein Zare, Azadeh Najafi, Ali Akbar Sharifi, Mahdi Sharif-Alhoseini,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2019)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation on the attention and problem solving of children with traumatic brain injury. The Method was A semi-experimental pre-test post-test study was performedwith a one month follow-up period. 30 children from 9 to 15 years old (12 girls and 18 boys) were selected by random sampling from all children with traumatic brain injury in the academic year of 2017-18 in Tehran, and divided into two groups of 15 subjects and control were distributed.To measure dependent variables, namely selective attention, sustained attention, and problem solving, Stroop software tests, continuous performance, and Tower of London have been used. The experimental group after the implementation of the cognitive empowerment (12 sessions 45 minutes) and dropping to 13 and the control group eventually decreased to 13 people. Data were analyzed by mixed analysis of variance (2×3) model with using SPSS-22 software.
The results of mixed analysis of variance (2×3) showed a significant difference between the means of namely selective attention, sustained attention, and problem solving in experimental and waiting- list control groups.
Moreover, the post-test and follow-up scores in the experimental group was not satistically different. So cognitive rehabilitation have significant effect on selective attention, sustained attention, and problem solving in children with traumatic brain injury and it can be used as an effective and helpful method to improve attention and problem solving of these patients.
Dr Susan Alizadeh Fard, Mis Azita Kharaman, Dr Hossein Zare,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Human has always been interested in thinking about nature of self, and knowing its dimensions. In fact, different information is forming psychological and embodied representations through cognitive processes. The result of these representations is two types of mental sense of self: body self-awareness, and psychological self-awareness. Sometimes, the real representation makes mistake and, under certain circumstances, experiences an artificial hand as a real one. This study was designed and conducted to predicting rubber hand illusion based on embodied and psychological self-awareness. The statistical population consisted of all male and female students living in Tehran. A sample of 167 people (96 females and 71 males) were selected by convenience sampling method. Research instruments included the self-consciousness scale (Fenigstein et al., 1975), and embodied sense of self scale (Asai et al., 2016) as well as performing Rubber hand illusion testing. Data were analyzed by using SPSS and AMOS software. The results of path analysis showed that the dimensions of psychological and embodied self-awareness have a negative and significant direct relationship with rubber hand illusion. Also private self-awareness mediated by embodied ownership and agency awareness; and public self-awareness mediated by embodied ownership awareness are negatively and indirectly related to rubber hand illusion. These results indicate the role of different dimensions of consciousness in body representations and have created new insights into the boundaries of knowledge related to these concepts.
Shirin Rezvani, Ali Akbar Sharifi, Hossein Zare,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (volume9, Issue 2 2021)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation on improving working memory of adolescents with traumatic brain injury. The method of this research was quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test with control and follow-up groups. To conduct this study, 20 adolescents aged 9-18 years with traumatic brain injury referred to medical centers in Sadaf Shahriar (Parandmehr Clinic) were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two groups of 10 experimental and control. To measure the dependent variable of working memory, Wechsler scale 4 subtests (auditory measurement of working memory) and Benton test (visual-spatial measurement of working memory) were used. The experimental group underwent cognitive rehabilitation intervention (12 sessions of 45 minutes). Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in pre-test, post-test and follow-up of working memory performance. The results showed a significant difference between the mean scores of working memory (auditory and visual-spatial measurements) of the experimental group and the control group in the post-test. In addition, there was no significant difference between post-test scores and follow-up in the experimental group, which showed the effect of cognitive rehabilitative perstability on working memory performance in adolescents with brain injury. Therefore, cognitive rehabilitation has a significant effect on improving working memory performance in patients with brain injury and can be used as an effective and useful method to improve working memory performance in adolescents with brain damage.
Mrs Azita Kharaman, Dr Hossein Zare, Dr Soosan Alizadehfard, Dr Majid Saffarinia,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (volume10, Issue 1 2022)
Mental representations are to be considered as the most advanced aspects of human cognition and in addition to their own physical representations, representations of social cognition of others can also affect the mental experience of each person's ownership of their body. Accordingly, the present research as a quasi-experimental study based on repeated measures, was conducted in order to investigate the effect of social cognitive representation on the mental property of the body. The population of the study consisted of all Students of Payame Noor University of Tehran from which 61 females and 47 males were selected by convenience sampling. The research instruments included Cohen and Botvinick's (1998) Rubber Hand Illusion Test, and Longo, et al.'s (2008) Rubber Hand Ownership Experience Mental Report Questionnaire. Induction of representations of social cognition was based on the three-dimensional mental model of social cognition by Tamir and Thornton (2020). The collected data were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance using SPSS-22 software. According to the findings, the error score of the rubber hand was higher than the rubber hand with the color close to the body and green, which was defined in terms of the factors of the levels of the three-dimensional model of social cognition at the extreme level, and lower than the blue rubber hand, which was at extremely low levels of the mental three-dimensional model. The results indicated that in social relations, the identification of individuals with those who have gained a higher social status in mental evaluations can be more than those who have gained a lower social status in mental representations.
Zahra Zare, Farhad Balash, Batul Shiralizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (volume10, Issue 2 2022)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the "Brain-Based Learning" teaching method on the level of learning biology in students' cognitive, skill and emotional domains. The method of this research is quasi-experimental with two groups of control and experimental. The statistical population includes 11th-grade female students in Tehran's 13th district in the 2019-2020 academic year. A total of 52 individuals from the statistical population were selected by the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups. The instruments for measuring the variables were the researcher-made cognitive-skill test and the researcher-made attitude questionnaire. The validity of the researcher-made instrument was determined using the opinions of expert teachers and their reliability was determined by retesting. Statistical tests (t-test, Mann-Whitney, and Chi-square index) were used by SPSS26 to evaluate and analyze the hypotheses. The results showed that teaching in a "brain - based learning" method compared to the usual method increased students' scores in cognitive and skill areas and improved their attitudes in emotional domain in Biology lesson at a statistical level of 5% (P>0.05). These results demonstrate the role and importance of brain-compatible teaching methods in learning. |
Mrs Azita Kharaman, Dr Hossein Zare, Dr Soosan Alizadeh Fard, Dr Majid Saffarinia,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (Volume11, Issue 1 2023)
Mental representations are one of the most advanced aspects of human cognition and can affect the mental experience of ownership of each person's body. Based on this, the present study, which is a two-stage mixed research, after inducing three levels of social-cognitive factors (equivalent to the individual, higher level, lower level), explained and predicted the mental ownership of the body. Is. The statistical population of the research included the students of Payam Noor University in Tehran, from which 61 women and 47 men were selected by convenience sampling. The research tools included the artificial hand error test of Cohen and Botvinik (1998), the subjective report questionnaire of the experience of owning an artificial hand by Longo et al. (2008) and the 12-block computer program of Tamir and Thornton's three-dimensional mental model for implicit and explicit association of social cognition representations. Data analysis with Pearson's correlation test showed that only the correlation of hand error scores and social cognition components at the third (lower) level was significant. Also, the standard multiple regression analysis showed that in explaining hand error at the third (lower) level, based on obvious association; Disgust only (Beta = -1.52), and based on implicit association; Friendship (Beta = 0.63), disgust (Beta = -0.55), and satisfaction (Beta = 0.26) were able to predict artificial hand error, respectively. The obtained results indicate that the identification of people with those who get a lower social status in the subjective evaluations of the person can occur less often.