Jafar Hasani, Hasan Rezaee,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-2014)
Emotionand cognitionconstructs constitute twobasic dimensions ofhuman psychologicalstructureandtheexplanation of performanceis onlypossibledue to theinteractionof thesetwo dimensions.The aimofthis study wasto investigate student’s information processingspeed based ontrait/stateanxiety.From large population ofNajaf Abadcityhighschoolstudentsaccording to inclusion criteria and extreme scores of distribution of Spielberger Trait and State AnxietyScale (EPQ-R)fourgroups(highstatanxiety, lowstatanxiety, hightraitanxiety&lowtraitanxiety N=15) wereselected and assessed by Speed-of-processing tests (Zahlen-Verbindungs-TestOswald & Roth, 1978) and Sitzwohl’s Coding Test (KDT)(1995). Theresultsofmultivariate analysis of varianceand Bonferenipost hoctestsshowed thatthere aresignificant differences between fourgroups in speed-of-processing andcoding .Theresults alsoshowed thatspeed-of-processinginstudents with low trait and low state anxietyis faster thanstudentswithhightrait and high stateanxiety. Based on the findingsof this studycan be said thatanxiety plays an important role incognitive functionsandinformationprocessing speedofandhigh anxiety(trait /state) causes interferenceininformation processingspeed, and ultimately cognitive functions.