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Showing 3 results for Attachment Styles

Zeinab Javanmard, Tahame Hamvatan,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2023)

The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between attitude towards delinquency and perceived stress and attachment styles of Tehran Azad University students.The present study is a cross-sectional study in terms of its practical purpose, in terms of time it is a quantitative study, and in terms of the research method, it is descriptive of the correlation type. For this purpose, the statistical population of the present study included all psychology students of Tehran Azad University in the number of 2400 people. 331 people were selected from the mentioned statistical population based on the Morgan and Karjesi formula. The mentioned sample was selected by available sampling method. The data was collected using the attitude towards delinquent behaviors questionnaire, the perceived stress questionnaire, and the attachment styles questionnaire. SPSS and LISREL statistical software were used to process and analyze the data and check the research hypotheses. The results showed that the fit of the conceptual model was confirmed. Examining the direct paths of the relationship between the investigated variables showed that perceived stress and anxious attachment have a positive relationship with negative attitude towards delinquency. Negative attitude towards delinquency has a positive relationship with secure and avoidant attachment style. Also, the positive attitude towards delinquency did not show a significant relationship with any of the research variables. The findings of the current research show the structural relationships between the variables of attitude towards delinquency, perceived stress and attachment styles and can be used by criminal psychologists, criminologists and other specialists. be related and play a role in crime prevention.

Fatemeh Saadat Bargaee, Dr Tahameh Hamvatan,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2024)

In this research, the relationship between attachment styles and difficulty in emotion regulation was investigated in a student sample. The design of this non-experimental research is correlational. The statistical population of the present study was made up of all the students of Azad Universities who were referred to the counseling centers of Tehran Azad Universities with major complaints in the field of interpersonal relationships in the academic year of 2014-2014, of which 400 were selected by voluntary sampling. The subjects were asked. Complete Hazan and Shavr (1987) attachment questionnaires and Gertz and Roemer  (2004) difficulty in emotion regulation questionnaires. The results of the research showed that there is a significant negative relationship between secure attachment styles and difficulty in emotion regulation and its components, and a significant positive relationship between avoidant and ambivalent attachment styles and difficulty in emotion regulation and its components. Based on the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that attachment styles are correlated with difficulty in emotion regulation and its components.

Hojjatollah Mohammadzadeh, Alireza Aghayousfi, Emad Yousefi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2024)

This study examined the prediction of addiction tendency based on differentiation of self, self-construal, and coping styles. The primary aim was to identify the psychological factors significantly predicting addiction tendency and to analyze the relationships among these variables. The statistical population included all undergraduate students at Payame Noor University of Qom in 2021. Using simple random sampling, 285 students from various faculties were selected as the sample. Data were collected using standardized questionnaires, including the Addiction Tendency Scale, Differentiation of Self Inventory, Self-Construal Scale, and Coping Styles Inventory. Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were applied to analyze the data.The results indicated that differentiation of self, self-construal, and coping styles significantly predicted addiction tendency. Among these variables, coping styles had the highest predictive coefficient (β = 0.50), followed by differentiation of self (β = 0.45) and self-construal (β = 0.32). The findings revealed that individuals with lower differentiation of self and less effective coping styles are more likely to exhibit addiction tendencies.This study highlights the crucial role of psychological factors in understanding addiction tendencies and has significant implications for designing preventive and therapeutic interventions. The findings can serve as a scientific basis for promoting mental health and reducing high-risk behaviors, including addiction.

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