Volume 18, Issue 3 (Autumn 2024)                   2024, 18(3): 365-381 | Back to browse issues page

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Hajiradkouchak E, Rahnama B, Nasrollahzadeh H, Shahbazi A, Raeiji R, Babaei K. Water quality assessment of Qarasu River using IRWQIsc index. Journal of Engineering Geology 2024; 18 (3) :365-381
URL: http://jeg.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3132-en.html
1- Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center
2- Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center , rahnama.behzad@gmail.com
3- university of Tehran
4- Golestan Institute of Higher Education
Abstract:   (1049 Views)
Many researchers believe that providing safe water, sanitary disposal and optimal management are the three axes of health, and in all these cases, while paying attention to the process of doing work, continuous control should also be done. This study was designed and implemented with the aim of seasonally investigating the physicochemical and microbial water quality of Qarasu River in Golestan province using the IRWQIsc index. 6 sampling stations were identified for Qarasu River and sampling was done once every month in four seasons of 1400. The measured parameters include pH, BOD, COD, dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC), ammonium (NH4), nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), total hardness (TH), turbidity and total suspended solids. It was a stool form. According to the measured parameters, Iran's surface water quality index IRWQISC was calculated. The results of the study based on the index showed that the quality of this index for all stations in all seasons was between 70.5 and 14.7 and according to the IRWQISC index, it was in five good categories (70-1.85), relatively good. (55-1/70), relatively bad (30-44-9), bad (15-29-9) and very bad (less than 15). The influencing parameters were total suspended solids, turbidity, nitrate, temperature and fecal coliform. It can be concluded that the amount of 70.5 with good quality is related to (Tuskestan village) in winter and the amount of 7.14 with very bad quality is related to (Pol Qara Tepe) in summer that the quality of the river water in The Gorgan to Aqqla road bridge station (Qorban Abad) is in bad condition in all seasons due to the entry of urban and industrial pollutants into this station, and Tuskestan village station has good and relatively good quality in most seasons because Tuskestan is in It is located in high altitudeand the entrance of clean running water  into thisarea is more and it is far from industrial and urban pollutants.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: En. Ecosystem
Received: 2024/09/23 | Accepted: 2024/11/12 | Published: 2024/12/15

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