Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan , aminmardazadnavi@gmail.com
Abstract: (2772 Views)
Warm up method can be considered as a strategy for improving athlete’s performance. The purpose of this study was to provide a useful data as warm up to improve the performance of athletes, including volleyball players by increasing their jump height. In the present review study by using the following keywords included Post-Activation Potentiation, Squat Jump, Warm-up, Volleyball, Jump Height, Force Plate, and electromyography the search process was done in Google scholar, the Pubmed databases and Scientific Information database and Google scholar. In the identification stage, 387 English and 15 Persian articles related to the mentioned keywords were found. Finally, the number of English articles reached 42 and the number of Persian articles reached 6. The results of this review-descriptive study showed in the final stages of Post-Activation Potentiation warm-up, performing high intensity squats by creating acute changes in neuromuscular system can increase in jump height of athletes including volleyball players in match and practice.
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sport biomechanic Received: 2023/06/3 | Accepted: 2024/05/14