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Showing 387 results for Type of Study: Research

Mohammad Hossein Abdollahi, Gholamreza Hosseinpour, Asadollah Rajab, Valiolah Ramezani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study investigated attention bias, depression and anxiety in adolescents with Diabetes type 1.Population of the study included all 13 to 20 years old adolescents of the Iranian Diabetics Association. Of these diabetics, 25 subjects were selected as samples of the study and a group of 25 non-diabetic adolescents also participated in the study as the control group. The measurement tools were modified Stroop colour naming task, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory. When it came to analyzing the data, multivariate analysis of variance was used. The results indicated that the diabetic group had low time reaction in diabetes related words, neutral words, positive and negative words than the  control group furthermore, depression and anxiety scores of the selected diabetics were higher than control group
Jafar Hasani, Hajar Andarkhor, Yaser Tedadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

Development of the emotional intelligence construct in psychological literature has opened a new array of research in this field .The results of the previously conducted research showed that the emotional intelligence was correlated with several psychosocial factors, and it played a major role in interpersonal problems. The goal of the present study was investigation of the relationship between the emotional intelligence and interpersonal problems. To do so, 140 students of Semnan University were selected through random cluster sampling. Their emotional intelligence and interpersonal problems were assessed by The Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory and Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (Barkham, Hardy & Startup, 1994) respectively. The results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between most of the emotional intelligence components and interpersonal problems. Furthermore, different emotional intelligence components predicted some aspects of interpersonal problems. In sum, the results indicated that the emotional intelligence led to the increase   of mental health and decrease of interpersonal problems and thus improved the quality of social and interpersonal relationships.
A Alahyari, M Heydari, M Melyani, N Hamid,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

The goal of this study was to survey the relation between the social support and depression in the martyred and non-martyred father high school girl students in Ahvaz, Iran. A sample of 175 girl students, 85 martyred father students and 90 non-martyred students, were selected to complete the social support and Beck depression questionnaire. For the analysis of the data t-test and correlation coefficient were used. The findings of the study indicated that there wasn’t a significant difference between the martyred and non-martyred father students in terms of social support however, the degree of martyred father students’ depression was significantly more in comparison with the non-martyred father students’ depression. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between the social support and depression in both groups: martyred and non-martyred father students
A.a. Hoseyni, M. N. Farahani, V. Farzad, E. Kameli,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study was an attempt to investigate the theoretical bases of the one of the important theories in the domain of positive psychology that is, flow experience, and it also investigated the factor structure of flow state scale in physical education students of Tehran universities. This scale contained 9 factors, and 4 questions were considered for each factor. 198 physical education students were selected out of 6 universities located in Tehran as the samples of the study. Construct validity and reliability of the flow state scale were tested through factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha Congruent validity of the flow state scale was tested through correlation coefficient with the  peak-experience questionnaire(10 items).The results indicated that 9 factor model confirmed the flow state. Finally, it should be recommended that for the subsequent research some problematic questions, research method and the samples should be reviewed
Shahram. Mohamadkhani, M.n. Farahani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study aimed at investigating the role of demographic variables and coping styles in predicting the quality of life in teachers of Tehran. Research participants included 500 teachers of Tehran schools with an average age of 41.1 and a standard deviation of 7.3, who were selected through random cluster sampling. World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire, coping with stressful situations scale and demographic questionnaire were used for collecting the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the male and female teachers in terms of the quality of life female teachers were more satisfied with their quality of life there was no significant relationship between the teachers’ age and the quality of life. Furthermore, the results revealed that the income level and emotion-oriented, problem-oriented, avoidant coping style and educational level of teachers were respectively the strongest predictors of the quality of life. Overall, these variables explained 21% of the variance of quality of life in teachers. These findings showed that the quality of life is a subjective concept which depended on the individual’s appraisal of life and expectations .Therefore, a set of Demographic, social, economic, and psychological factors are related with the quality of life
Maryam Abdolahi Moghadam, Alireza Moradi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This research was conducted to compare the self – definition of the healthy and HIV/AIDS infected bilingual (speaking Farsi and Kurdish) and monolingual (speaking just Farsi) people. Subjects of the study were 60 monolingual (Healthy and Patient) and 60 bilingual (Healthy and Patient) people who were selected through the available sampling method the variables including age, gender and were controlled by the analysis of covariance. Subjects of the study completed the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), the Beck depression and Anxiety Inventory ( BDAI), the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised (WAIS-R) and Twenty Statements Test ( TST). The results revealed that in general self – definition was quantitatively more in healthy group and those who were bilingual the self – definition in healthy group was independent in terms of theme, and in bilingual group was dependent. Moreover, trauma- themed self- definition was more in bilingual than monolingual patients. This preference was discussed based on the personality characteristic and growth of the cognitive processes in healthy and monolingual people. Also different self- definition could be developed due to better memory in healthy and bilingual people.
Javad Ejei, Hemin Khezri Azar, Mohsen Babaei Sangelaji, Javad Amani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This research aimed at studying the relationship between the perceived teacher autonomy support, basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and communication), intrinsic motivation and effort in Structural equation modeling method. 287 freshmen of Babol’s boys high schools were selected through stage cluster sampling method. These subjects answered to the Learning Climate Questionnaire (Black & Deci, 2000), Basic Need Psychological Scale (La Guardia et al. 2000), Intrinsic Motivation Scale (1989) and Effort Scale (Dupeyrat & Marine, 2005).Results of the study revealed that teacher autonomy support exerted a direct and significant influence upon the psychological needs satisfaction, and this would have an indirect influence upon the students’ intrinsic motivation. In addition, autonomy and competence had a positive and direct influence upon the intrinsic motivation, while the effect of communication on the intrinsic motivation was not significant. Intrinsic motivation exerted a direct and significant influence upon students’ effort. In general based on the results of the study it can be concluded that teacher autonomy support can meet the students’ basic psychological needs which can in turn influence their intrinsic motivation
Mohammad Naghy Farahani, Shahram Mohammadkhani, Farhad Jokar,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

This research has conducted to search life satisfaction with quality of life, subjective well being in Tehranteachers.500 teachers through clustering sampling completed three questionnaires (Quality of Life Inventory ,Subjective Well Being scales)and a SES questionnaire. Results showed that the life satisfaction is predicted by subjective well being and quality of life. Although the life satisfaction is predicted by sub scales of quality of life such as life equipments, physical health, interpersonal behavior, and meaning of life, but also it is not a strong relationship. For having a strong relationship, variables such as subjective well being must be added to this relationship. In this research, quality of life, subjective well being predicted 41 percent of variance of life satisfaction.
Fereshte Cheraghi, Mahdi Dasta, Roghaye Ghorbani, Afsane Abidizadegan, Mahdi Arabzade,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the direct and indirect effect of perceived self- efficacy on academic stress through cognitive coping strategies. Data were collected from 435 medical science students of Shiraz University, from seven educational groups in 2009 which were selected via cluster sampling. In this study two questionnaires were used: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Garnefski, 2001) and self- efficacy and stress Questionnaire (Zajacova, 2005). Data were analyzed using principal component analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Measured model enjoyed adequate fit indexes. On the basis of the results, self – efficacy latent variable directly and indirectly affects academic stress through maladaptive and adaptive cognitive coping strategies. People with high perceived self- efficacy tend to use adaptive coping strategies and experience lower academic stress.
Amir Mohammad Shahsavarani,, S. Kazem Rasoolzadé Tabatabaei, Hassan Ashayeri, Kolsoom Sattari, Mostafa Mohammadi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of stress on visual selective (focused) attention according to openness to experience. Sixty 21-36 year-old male students (M= 26.7) were selected and placed in 3 groups (Original, O & Control) using random multi-stage sampling. The Original and O groups’ subjects administered the cognitive stressor tasks and then their selective (focused) visual attention was measured in term of errors in counting and errors in classification. In control group only selective (focused) visual attention was assessed. Neuropsychological variables were also assessed as control variables. The Original group subjects showed significantly more scores in both counting and classification errors (p<0.0001) and O group showed significantly more scores in both errors than the Original (p<0.01). The results reveal that stress has negative effects on selective (focused) visual attention. These findings are not consistent with other related research that is discussed regarding to considerations of openness to experience and neuropsychological control variables.
Amir Ghamarani, Mohamad Bagher Kajbaf, Hamid Reza Oreyzi, Shole Amiri,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The aim of this research was to study  the validity and reliability of the Gratitude Questionnaire -6 (GQ-6, Emmons, McCullough & Tsang,2002) in a sample of  high school students (100 girls and 100 boys) in Birjand. The validity of the questionnaire were evaluated with content validity, item analysis (item – total correlations), convergent validity and factor analysis. The reliability of the mentioned questionnaire, studied through: test–retest, Cronbach’s Alpha, and split – half reliability. The results indicated that the scale had satisfied item analysis, convergent validity, internal consistency, test–retest and split–half reliability. Factor analysis yielded one general factor. Taken together, the results of this study indicated that the GQ-6 possesses good psychometric qualities for use in Iran.
Gholamreza Bordbar, Majid Nedjatiyan,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The main objective of this research is to obtain some basic information about the relationship between sleepiness and accidents. It also aims to quantify the effects of personal characteristics and exposure variables on the probability of falling asleep at the wheel. The population of the study is all the male car drivers in the city of Mashhad between 30/11/87 till 30/8/88 of those who have passed at least three years of the time they got their driver’s license on this period. The number of samples is 400 car drivers, by simple random sampling method and Data collected by using questionnaire. Analysis of the data by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation test (Pierson) showed that there is a significant relationship between sleeping probability and exposure variables. These variables indirectly express the level of sleepiness of an individual, as a factor in risky driving. The finding of the final results showed that sleepiness is an important factor of many accidents for some drivers. The rule of company car drivers in accidents are very clear and obvious and also, the probability of feeling close to falling asleep at the wheel of this group is high, and consequently the accident frequency rate of them is higher than the others.
Sheyda Dibaei, Masood Janbozorghi, Masood Arefnazar,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

This study examined the role of emotional ambivalence and control of mothersin anxiety of children and adolescents with cancer. The population of this study was 8 to 17 years old children and adolescents with cancer under active treatment who were in pediatric hospital (inpatient or outpatient) in Tehran. The sample is 102 children and adolescents with cancer (56 boys and 46 girls) and their mothers. Emotional Control Questionnaire (ECQ) and Ambivalence over Emotional Expression (AEQ) for mothers and Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) for sick children were used. Data analyses revealed that children whose mothers were high in emotional ambivalence reported higher level of anxiety. But significant relation between emotional control of mothers and children’s anxiety were not found. Also, result of hierarchical regression analysis showed that mother’s emotional ambivalence and control do not account any changes in children’s anxiety. However, child’s gender modifies the relationship between mother’s emotional ambivalence and control. It seems child’s sex in the relationship between mother’s emotional ambivalence and control, and child’s anxiety, may contribute to perceived social support which can lead type of adjustment with cancer and high or low anxiety
Masoud Asadi, Ali Mohamad Nazari, Bagher Sanai,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the Satir Brief Family Therapy On The Couple Communication Patterns.The research procedure was quasi-experimental with mixed design. The population of the study was volunteer couples in Gazvin city. The sample group consisted of 16 couples (8 couples in control group and 8 couples in te experimental group) that were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. After drop out 6 couples took part as the experimental and 6 couples as the control group. The experimental group participated in 6 session of Satir Brief family therapy, while the control group was not received any treatment. "Christensen and Sullaway (1984) Communication Pattern Questionnaire (CPQ)" used as pretest, posttest and follow up measure. The Factorial Analysis of Covariance revealed that there is no significant difference between groups in Mutual Constructive of communication pattern and Mutual avoidance of communication pattern (P>0/05) , but there is a significant difference between groups Withdrawal /demand of communication pattern and demand male/withdrawal female of communication pattern  (P<0/05).
Bita Bemani Yazdi, Parviz Azadfallah, Fariborz Bagheri,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This study attempts to investigate the effect of emotional experiences on cardiovascular reactions and facial electromyogram (EMG) among the subjects classified as type D personality. To do so, in the first stage, according to the extreme scores in DS14 questionnaire, two groups including high type D personality and low type D personality participants (each with 15Ss) were selected among 405 female students of the Islamic Azad University. In the second stage, electrodes were put on the selected participants’ faces and hands and then the baseline measures of the variables of EMG, PULSE and BVP were first recorded and then the measures of these variables were recorded during two negative and positive emotional states caused by sad and happy music, for 150 seconds. The findings showed that the participants with high type D personality had a higher activity in the corrugator muscle in the negative emotional state and the participants with low type D personality had a higher activity in the zeugmatic muscle in the positive emotional state. There were also no significant differences between the cardiovascular reactivity in these two groups with different states. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that type D personality is an important risk factor that increases the experience of negative emotions. Furthermore, inhibition of the negative emotional expression may lead to adverse health outcomes. So, considering type D personality as a risk factor for the physical health is recommended.
Alireza Moradi, Elahe Bigham, Valiolah Ramezani, Fereydoon Yaryari,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The main aim of this study was to investigate the Overgenerality of Autobiographical Memory among the adolescent boys in Kermanshah,Iran . A   sample of 76 Kemanshahian adolescents   (25 non-depressed and 50 depressed adolescent boys,25 with substance abuse disorder and 25 without substance abuse disorder) were investigated. To evaluate autobiographical memory specificity, a standard AMT (Autobiographical Memory Test), developed by Williams and Broadbent (1986), was used. To analyze the data, the Mann-Whitney U test was used.  The results indicated that depressed adolescent boys without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group and depressed adolescents without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Over generality of autobiographical memory than depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder.
Mohsen Golparvar, Hamid Reza Oreizi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This research was conducted with the purpose of studying the simple and interactive relationship between teacher well-being (Positive and negative affect and life and job satisfaction) with the belief in a just world and the student’s violence against teachers in Esfahan, Iran.   Population of the study included all male and female teachers, teaching in the high schools in Esfahan in spring 2008.A sample of 240 male and female teachers were selected through multi-stage random sampling. Research instruments were: a 47-item job satisfaction questionnaire, 20-item positive and negative affection scale ,5-item life satisfaction scale,4-item questionnaire on student’s violence against teachers and  7-item questionnaire on the belief in a just world . Data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the interaction between students’ violence against teachers and just world beliefs had not the predictive power for the prediction of positive affect, job and life satisfaction. But the interaction between students’ violence against teachers and just world belief had the predictive power for the prediction of negative affect. Posterior analysis also showed that only among teachers who were lower in just world beliefs , student’s violence against teachers has  the predictive power for the prediction of negative affect
Aliakbar Sheykhifini, Valiolah Ramezani, Javad Kavosian,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This study aims at investigating risk and protective factors for substance use among the students studying in private university of Bandar Abas,Iran. Samples of   310 students were selected randomly. To collect the data,  Substance abuse questionnaire (Bolhari, Taromian and Peyravi, 1385), perceived  self-efficiency scale(Sheerer et al, 1982), life skills developmental scale (Darden and Ginter, 1996) and tendency scale(measuring students’ tendency to substance use) were used. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation, t-test, one way ANOVA and Regression. The results showed that tendency to substance use had significant negative correlation with religious attitude, self- esteem, positive attitude to the university, self-efficacy and social skills. Furthermore, tendency to substance had positive correlation with the parents’ positive view on drugs. Among the risk and protective factors, the three factors, social skills, religious attitudes and aggression, could anticipate 47% of variance of tendency to substance use. The average tendencies to substance use between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more among male and married students respectively. There is also no significant difference between age difference and tendency to substance use. possibility of tendency to drug using by almost %47 of variance.  The average tendencies to drug taking between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more from male and married students respectively. The age verity has no considerable difference in using drugs
Zohre Abareshi, Karineh Tahmasian, Mohamad Ali Mazaheri, Leili Panaghi,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

One of the most effective factors on child psychosocial development is the relationship between mother and child which is affected by parental self-efficacy. The aim of study was to investigate whether Psychosocial Child Development training program can increase positive mother-child relationship and parental self-efficacy. The method of this study was semi-trail with control group. primary samples were 43 mothers of children under three that were selected voluntarily from Imam reza, Qa’em and Razavi Kindergartens in Mashhad, Iran.and then they were voluntarily  put in the experimental and control group. In the posttest stage, the samples of the study decreased to 30 subjects. Mothers filled out child-parent relationship and parental self-efficacy questionnaires in pretest, posttest and follow-up stages. Then the Data was analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance. Results showed that Intervention increased parental self-efficacy significantly, but Positive mother-child relationship didn’t increase. In the domains of relationship, dependency increased but other domains such as conflict and closeness didn’t increase significantly. It seems that in spite of increasing of knowledge and parental self-efficacy, mother-child relationship was affected by other factors such as shortage of time for affecting, insufficient exercises, small sample and other uncontrolled factors.
Parirokh Dadsetan, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Kazem Rasolzadeh Tabatabaye, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi- Ashtiany,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of coping cat protocol on the coping strategies of children, aged 9 to 11 years old, afflicted with internalized disorder. This study was a true experimental research including pretest, posttest and a control group. The population of the study was all the children afflicted with internalized disorder in Tehran, Iran, and the sample of the study consisted of 80 children (40 children in the experimental group and 40 children in the control group) who were randomly selected based on the parents and teacher’s reports and interviews and the subjects received 16 sessions of coping cat program. Child  Behavior check list(CBCL) , Teacher Report Form(TRF) of Achenbach system of Empirically Based Assessment(Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001), clinical  Diagnosis Interview and Frydenberg & Luise’s(1992) coping strategies Questionnaire were  used to evaluate the two groups before and after receiving treatment protocol. The factorial analysis of covariance revealed that there was significant difference between experimental and control groups in terms of adjusted, unadjusted and solicitous coping strategies after posttest stage and gender factor did not moderate the outcomes.

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