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Showing 2 results for Ameri

Mis Fateme Malekshahi Beiranvand, Mis Roshanak Khodabaksh Pirkalani, Mis Zohreh Khosravi, Mis Farideh Ameri,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (volume, Issue 4 2020)

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impact of adding death-based intervention to cognitive-behavioral therapy on symptoms of panic and death anxiety among patients with panic disorder. It is also  compared with cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorder as usual treatment. The research population comprised  female patients with panic disorder referred to one of the psychiatric and counseling centers to treat in Qom city in 2019. Due to the limitation of the statistical population, the samples were selected through available sampling technique. The clients were interviewed by the researcher in addition to the psychiatrist's diagnosis. The total number of patients had cooperated in the research were 10, 11 and 9 in the first experimental group , second experimental group and control group, respectively. Templar Death Anxiety Scale, Anxiety Sensitivity Questionnaire were used for gathering information. The collected data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA.The results showed that the mean score of death anxiety and panic symptoms for both groups of the post-test and follow-up in death awareness-based intervention were significantly lower in comparison with the cognitive-behavioral and the control groups. According to the research findings, it seems that treatment of panic disorder would be more effective by reducing or eliminating death anxiety simultaneously. In addition, it would be reduced the risk of recurrence.

Mehrnaz Safarzaei, Farideh Ameri, Seyed Abolghasem Mehrinejad, Roshanak Khodabakhsh, Mehrangiz Peivastegar,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (volume14, Issue 1 2020)

Psychological flexibility is a multidimensional trait that plays an important role in many areas of life, including mental health. Given the role of psychological flexibility, researchers have been interested in examining this feature, but do not have the tools to specifically measure psychological flexibility. The purpose of this research is to analyse the reliability and validity of the Persian version of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire so that in the absence of a short and specific scale for measuring psychological flexibility, it can help measure this feature in psychological research. For this purpose, 400 male and female students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad participated in this study in the academic year of 2019-2020 using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to evaluate the construct’s validity and calculate the reliability of Cronbach's alpha. Factor analysis showed that this questionnaire has 5 factors, which are: positive interpretation of change, defining oneself as a flexible person, identifying oneself as an open and creative person, interpreting reality as dynamic and changeable, and interpreting reality as multidimensional. Agents together accounted for 59.83% of the variance of the entire questionnaire. The internal consistency of the items of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire was 0.89, which indicates the desired reliability of this questionnaire. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis in this study, the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire has acceptable validity and reliability regarding students.

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