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Showing 2 results for Paivastegar

Fatemeh Mahmoudi, Zohre Khosravi, ژ Mehrangiz Paivastegar, Roshanak Khodabakhsh Pirkalani,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (volume, Issue 4 2020)

Recovery is a process by which one promotes health, lives meaningfully, and participates in a community outside the mental health system. Focusing on biotherapeutics and drug therapy has neglected to consider the non-biological factors affecting recovery and planning for its correction. The present study aimed to develop a comprehensive and integrated model for facilitators of recovery in bipolar disorder. This research was a qualitative and grounded theory study. Participants were 31 individuals with ameliorated bipolar disorder who were selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data were collected using triangulation method (semi-structured interview, narrative interview and interview with family member). Systematic method of Strauss and Corbin was used for data analysis. The model extracted includes causal conditions, mediators, strategies, and recovery outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. The categories extracted include individual (low sensitivity to stigma disorder, positive attitude, active lifestyle, balanced spirituality, intimacy perception, internal control locus), family (positive family atmosphere and family awareness and participation), and social (social support, Positive image of community, perception of justice, low social stigma, employment and social networks). This finding could be a step towards multidimensional treatment of bipolar disorder and focus on its non-biological aspects.
Samira Lotfi, Mehrangiz Paivastegar, Zohreh Khosravi, Roshanak Khodabakhsh, Abolghasem Mehrinejad,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2021)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural model of explaining non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors based on perfectionism and traumatic experiences with the mediating role of psychological hardiness. The design of the present study was applied and correlational by structural equation modeling. Among all undergraduate students in Tehran universities, 529 (411 girls and 118 boys) were selected by cluster random sampling. They all completed questionnaires on self-injury, moral perfectionism, traumatic experiences, and psychological hardiness. Pearson correlation methods and structural equation modeling using SPSSV19 and AMOSV18 softwares were used to analyze the data. The results showed that both the variables of moral perfectionism and traumatic experiences, had direct and significant effects on psychological toughness and self-injurious behaviors. Psychological hardiness also had a direct and significant effect on self-injurious behaviors. In addition, the results showed that the two variables of moral perfectionism and traumatic experiences have an indirect and significant effect on self-injurious behaviors (P<0.01). Finally, the results of this study showed that moral perfectionism and harmful experiences have a significant effect on self-injurious behaviors due to stubbornness, and therefore the knowledge of psychologists, counselors and other experts about this model, to improve self-injurious behaviors, can be helpful.

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