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Showing 8 results for Ramezani

Mohammad Hossein Abdollahi, Gholamreza Hosseinpour, Asadollah Rajab, Valiolah Ramezani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study investigated attention bias, depression and anxiety in adolescents with Diabetes type 1.Population of the study included all 13 to 20 years old adolescents of the Iranian Diabetics Association. Of these diabetics, 25 subjects were selected as samples of the study and a group of 25 non-diabetic adolescents also participated in the study as the control group. The measurement tools were modified Stroop colour naming task, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory. When it came to analyzing the data, multivariate analysis of variance was used. The results indicated that the diabetic group had low time reaction in diabetes related words, neutral words, positive and negative words than the  control group furthermore, depression and anxiety scores of the selected diabetics were higher than control group
Alireza Moradi, Elahe Bigham, Valiolah Ramezani, Fereydoon Yaryari,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The main aim of this study was to investigate the Overgenerality of Autobiographical Memory among the adolescent boys in Kermanshah,Iran . A   sample of 76 Kemanshahian adolescents   (25 non-depressed and 50 depressed adolescent boys,25 with substance abuse disorder and 25 without substance abuse disorder) were investigated. To evaluate autobiographical memory specificity, a standard AMT (Autobiographical Memory Test), developed by Williams and Broadbent (1986), was used. To analyze the data, the Mann-Whitney U test was used.  The results indicated that depressed adolescent boys without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group and depressed adolescents without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Over generality of autobiographical memory than depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder.
Aliakbar Sheykhifini, Valiolah Ramezani, Javad Kavosian,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

This study aims at investigating risk and protective factors for substance use among the students studying in private university of Bandar Abas,Iran. Samples of   310 students were selected randomly. To collect the data,  Substance abuse questionnaire (Bolhari, Taromian and Peyravi, 1385), perceived  self-efficiency scale(Sheerer et al, 1982), life skills developmental scale (Darden and Ginter, 1996) and tendency scale(measuring students’ tendency to substance use) were used. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation, t-test, one way ANOVA and Regression. The results showed that tendency to substance use had significant negative correlation with religious attitude, self- esteem, positive attitude to the university, self-efficacy and social skills. Furthermore, tendency to substance had positive correlation with the parents’ positive view on drugs. Among the risk and protective factors, the three factors, social skills, religious attitudes and aggression, could anticipate 47% of variance of tendency to substance use. The average tendencies to substance use between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more among male and married students respectively. There is also no significant difference between age difference and tendency to substance use. possibility of tendency to drug using by almost %47 of variance.  The average tendencies to drug taking between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more from male and married students respectively. The age verity has no considerable difference in using drugs
Mohsen Ahmadi Tahoor Soltani, Mehran Farhadi, Valiollah Ramezani, Iraj Safaee Rad,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

The aim of the present study was to consider psychometric properties of Sympson's Hope Scale in a sample of Iranian university students. To do so, 457 students of Hamadan universities were selected through proportional stratified sampling method and were asked to complete Snyder's Hope Scale, Oxford Happiness scale, Hardiness Scale, Beck Hopelessness Inventory, Riff 's Psychological Well-being Scale along with Sympson's Hope Scale (changed a little).  Cronbach's coefficient Alpha (0/95), split-half (0/84), convergent validity ( Hardiness, 0/36, Happiness, 0/58, Psychological Well-being, 0/43), divergent validity (Hopelessness, -0/18) were significant (p<0/01). Second order confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the five factors had high factor loadings on one latent factor and therefore six factors model was fitted with the data (AGFI=0/91, RMSEA=0/047, NFI=0/98). Results will be present in detail in the following.
M, Sadrosadatzadeh, M. N. Farahani, A, Kiamanesh, V, Ramezani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of this research is to study the effect of nose cosmetic surgery on girls’ self-esteem and body image. Twenty two nose cosmetic surgery candidates and twenty two others as control group participated in this study. They were chosen by available sampling method. They answered to the multi-dimensional questionnaire regarding relation between self and their body and to the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire. The nose cosmetic surgery candidates and control group responded to our questionnaires at two stages, respectively. Results showed that, two ‘self-esteem’ and ‘body image’ variables did not show significant change before and after the surgery. But one of the minor scale factors (satisfaction of parts of the body) was seen to be related to the self-esteem. 
Mojgan Agah Herris, Nahid Ramezani, Iman Rafie Manzelat,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (volume12, Issue 3 2018)

Psoriasis is a chronic and inflammatory disease that psychological factors could cause or maintain it. The objective of this study was to compare personality traits and perceived anxiety control among individuals with and without psoriasis. Applying a causal-comparative research design, and using convenient sampling method, 260 participants were selected and assigned into two groups (with and without psoriasis). All of them completed the demographic information and NEO Personality Inventory and perceived anxiety control questionnaire. Findings revealed that individuals with psoriasis get the lower score in openness to experiences in comparison to individuals without psoriasis (p<0.05).But, there were no significant differences between two groups in regard to four other personality characteristics. In addition, Individuals without psoriasis got higher scores in the perceived anxiety control and it subscales in comparison to the control group. In according to these findings, having biases in perceiving anxiety control and openness to experience can be a crucial factor in the formation or maintenance of psoriasis.
Valiollah Ramezani, Mohammad Saeed Abd Khodaee, Zahra Tabibi, Hamid Reza Aghamohammadian,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (volume 13, issue 1 2019)

The aim of this study was to investigate the healthy and pathological aspects of parenting among Iranian’s families. This study had a qualitative design and the method used is Grounded Theory. The population consisted of all Muslim parents with children over 10 years of age, living in Tehran and Karaj during the summer of 2016 to the summer of 2017. The sample consisted of 44 Muslim parents who were investigated through semi-structured interviews. The interviews' data were analyzed on the basis of grounded theory coding (coding paradigm or Strauss and Corbine method). Final codings consisted of 216 initial codes, 9 clusteres and 3 themes. In the axial analysis of the initial codes, 9 main clusters were extracted: rejection; kindness/support; over protection; inflexibility; optimum structure; chaos; coercion; assertiveness; autonomy support; negligence/passivity. Althought Theses clusters can be conceptually distinguished, but they have common features. In the selective coding, 9 clusters were integrated around 3 major themes : Intimacy (rejection; kindness/support; over protection); structure/rule (inflexibility; optimum structure; chaos); autonomy/freedom of action (coercion; assertiveness; autonomy support; negligence/passivity). Among these three themes, the medium cluster draws a balanced and healthy situation and two other clusters represent the pathological aspects of parenting. The results of this study showed that most of the parents involved in the study used a kind of authoritarian parenting style(the combination of over protection, inflexibility and coercion) and Healthy parenting (the combination of kindness/support, optimum structure and autonomy support) is located in the second rank.

Maryam Ramezani, Shahram Mohammadkhani, Jafar Hasani, Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Hatami,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (volume14, Issue 1 2020)

Over the years, weight loss motivation has been introduced as an important factor in weight loss and its stability. The purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the Motivation for Weight Loss Questionnaire (WLM-Q) among overweight and obese Individuals. In this study, the Persian version of the WLM-Q prepared using back-translation was administrated to 453 individuals referring to diet therapy centres in Tehran. The internal consistency of the Persian version of the WLM-Q was assessed via Cronbach’s alpha. Moreover, the factor structure of the scale was assessed using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The results of Cronbach's alpha for the whole scale was 0.82 and for the three extracted factors of health, appearance in relation to others, and appearance in relation to oneself, were 0.86, 0.85 and 0.74 respectively. The results indicated the desirable internal consistency of the scale and its components. The outcome of confirmatory factor analysis supported the factor structure obtained from exploratory factor analysis and the fit indices demonstrated a good model fit. In general, it can be concluded that the Persian version of the WLM-Q has desirable psychometric properties and is a reliable instrument for research and clinical settings.

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