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Showing 2 results for Sajjadi

Masoumeh Sadat Sajjadi, M.hossein Mousavi-Nasab,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate direct and indirect role of big five personality factors in predicting mindfulness and Subjective well-being. Sample of 300 participants (165females, 135males) with cluster random sampling method were selected through graduate and post graduate scholar of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Research tools were include NEO-FFI, Five Facets of Mindfulness, Positive and Negative affect and Life Satisfaction Scale. Data were analyzed with path analysis method via Spss22 and Mplus5 softwares. Results indicated that Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness have relationship with mindfulness. Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience and Conscientiousness have relationship with positive affect Neuroticism and Extraversion have relationship with negative affect and Neuroticism,­ Extraversion and Conscientiousness have relationship with life satisfaction. Also mindfulness could not predict any subscales of Subjective well-being, as result, it could not play mediator role between personality factors and Subjective well-being. Results indicate that personality factors have primary role in predicting mindfulness and Subjective well-being
Marziyeh Noorifard, Hamid Taher Neshat Doost, Ilnaz Sajjadian,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (volume13, Issue 2 2019)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness combined with memory specificity training (MeST) and comparing it with mindfulness therapy and memory specificity training (MeST) on anxiety in hemodialysis patients. The research method is semi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of the present study was hemodialysis patients referring to hemodialysis centers of Tehran and Alborz hospitals in 2017. A total of 48 people were selected through purposeful sampling. Beck Anxiety measurement questionnaire.The interventive methods were included mindfulness protocol, memory specificity training (MeST), and mindfulness protocol were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using multivariate covariance.The results show that there is a significant difference between the anxiety of the groups of mindfulness therapy combined with memory specificity training (MeST), mindfulness, memory specificity training (MeST) and control group in the post-test phase of hemodialysis patients. The results also showed that in the follow up phase, there was a difference between the groups in favor of the integrated intervention group, But in the mindfulness group, the anxiety returned to a low level. In explaining the findings, it can be stated that the conscientious mind with the teaching of memory specificity is the relationship between the past and the solution of the incomplete problems of the past in the first step and in the second step, is entering into the present and improving the acceptance and awareness. Since the type of treatment used in this research has a clear structure and home-based homework, it increases the ability of follow-up referrals and has significantly influenced the relevant techniques in changing the mental state of individuals.

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