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Dr Vajiheh Zohoorparvandeh, Mr Hossien Yaghobi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional empathy and family communication orientations with students' life satisfaction during coronary heart disease crisis by considering the mediating role of compassion. This study was a structural equation in terms of correlation method and its statistical population included all high school students in the fifth and sixth districts of Mashhad in the academic year 1401-1400 to 1403 of which 301 of these students by Multi-stage clusters were selected. Data collection in this study was field method using life satisfaction questionnaires of Diner and Emmons, Larsen and Griffin (1985), communication orientations of Ritchie and Fitzpatrick family (1990), empathy Davis (1983) and compassion - short form of Reese et al. (2011) and structural equations were used to analyze the data and Amos-24 and SPSS-26 software were used in all statistical analyzes of this study. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between emotional empathy with life satisfaction and family communication orientations with life satisfaction. There is also a significant relationship between emotional empathy with compassion and family communication orientations with compassion. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between compassion and students' life satisfaction during coronary heart disease crisis.

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