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Showing 24 results for Farahani

Shahram. Mohamadkhani, M.n. Farahani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study aimed at investigating the role of demographic variables and coping styles in predicting the quality of life in teachers of Tehran. Research participants included 500 teachers of Tehran schools with an average age of 41.1 and a standard deviation of 7.3, who were selected through random cluster sampling. World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire, coping with stressful situations scale and demographic questionnaire were used for collecting the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the male and female teachers in terms of the quality of life female teachers were more satisfied with their quality of life there was no significant relationship between the teachers’ age and the quality of life. Furthermore, the results revealed that the income level and emotion-oriented, problem-oriented, avoidant coping style and educational level of teachers were respectively the strongest predictors of the quality of life. Overall, these variables explained 21% of the variance of quality of life in teachers. These findings showed that the quality of life is a subjective concept which depended on the individual’s appraisal of life and expectations .Therefore, a set of Demographic, social, economic, and psychological factors are related with the quality of life
A.a. Hoseyni, M. N. Farahani, V. Farzad, E. Kameli,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study was an attempt to investigate the theoretical bases of the one of the important theories in the domain of positive psychology that is, flow experience, and it also investigated the factor structure of flow state scale in physical education students of Tehran universities. This scale contained 9 factors, and 4 questions were considered for each factor. 198 physical education students were selected out of 6 universities located in Tehran as the samples of the study. Construct validity and reliability of the flow state scale were tested through factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha Congruent validity of the flow state scale was tested through correlation coefficient with the  peak-experience questionnaire(10 items).The results indicated that 9 factor model confirmed the flow state. Finally, it should be recommended that for the subsequent research some problematic questions, research method and the samples should be reviewed
Mohammad Naghy Farahani, Shahram Mohammadkhani, Farhad Jokar,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

This research has conducted to search life satisfaction with quality of life, subjective well being in Tehranteachers.500 teachers through clustering sampling completed three questionnaires (Quality of Life Inventory ,Subjective Well Being scales)and a SES questionnaire. Results showed that the life satisfaction is predicted by subjective well being and quality of life. Although the life satisfaction is predicted by sub scales of quality of life such as life equipments, physical health, interpersonal behavior, and meaning of life, but also it is not a strong relationship. For having a strong relationship, variables such as subjective well being must be added to this relationship. In this research, quality of life, subjective well being predicted 41 percent of variance of life satisfaction.
Omid Shokri, Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Reza Kormi Nouri, Ali Reza Moradi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

The main aim of this study was to investigate the model of structural relations between neuroticism, academic stress and health behaviors among Iranian and Swedish students.199 students (100 Iranian and 99 Swedish) completed the Big Five Inventory-SV (BFI-SV, Rammstedt & John, 2007), the Academic Stress Questionnaire (ASQ, Zajacova, Lynch & Espenshade, 2005) and the Health Behavior Inventory (HBI, Broman, 1998). Relations between latent and observed variables in the conceptual Model were examined using structural equation modeling. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the global model had an acceptable fit to the data. In the global model, neuroticism and academic stress showed a significant positive relationship and the results of the global model indicated a significant negative relationship between neuroticism and academic stress with health behaviors. The results of the culture specificity of structural relations showed that structural relations were equivalent for the cultural groups. In sum, these findings through emphasizing the importance of the integration of trait and cultural psychology perspectives, retains heuristic value in designing studies, formulating hypotheses, and making theoretical refinements in the study of the structural relations between neuroticism, academic stress and health behaviors across cultures.
Ali Beygi, Mohammadnaghi Farahani‎, Shahram Mohammadkhani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

This study aimed at comparing the quality of life and stress coping styles in narcotic anonymous (NA) and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) members. In this causal-comparative study, 100 men (NA:50 and MMT:50), who aged 20 to 40 years and avoided drug at least 6 months, from Shahrood city,Iran, completed Word Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (QoLWHO) and Endler & parker coping styles inventory. The results showed that mean scores of the interpersonal relationships, physical health, and task-oriented and avoidance-oriented coping styles in NA members was significantly higher in comparison with the mean scores in MMT members. Further, results of the diagonistic analysis showed that the comparative differences in a compound of variables (considering the aspect of signifance, these variables include interpersonal relationships,physical health, task-oriented) would differentiate the two groups significantly. It seems that actively attending in NA may enhance QoL and effective Coping styles
Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Farhad Jokar,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

This study aimed to prepare a personality profile of Gardoon personality questionnaire in which developed by Farahani in 2009, in tree groups of jobs: teachers, workers, and  nurses. For this purpose, 506 individuals out of the teachers, workers and nurses were selected randomly, so that the Gardoon personality questionnaire could be performed on them. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the workers, teachers and nurses in terms of agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and neuroticism, but considering their sex, there was a significance difference between them in extraversion. Female teachers and male nurses were more extravert than male teachers and female nurse, and this characteristic, having an extravert personality, was also existed among the workers. As far as the subjects’ sex was concerned, the results showed that women were more agreeable than men. Based on the results of the previous studies and this study, it can be said that there are some differences between them in which has been discussed
Maryam Foladvand, Hojatollah Farahani, Friborz Bagheri, Mahsa Fouladvand,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2012)

The main purpose of the article is to determine the effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral therapy in the treatment of high school girls afflicted with obesity. This study, as a type of multiple baseline design, was carried out in two phases (losing weight and keeping weight) on four female high school students afflicted with obesity. Before the treatment sessions started, special tools such as evolutionary checking list and eating disorder questionnaire were used. At the beginning of each treatment session, sick people were weighed and their data were shown through data visual analysis, charting and calculation of the recovery rate. The results showed that cognitive - behavioral therapy of obesity was effective in losing and keeping the weight of the obese adolescents.
M, Sadrosadatzadeh, M. N. Farahani, A, Kiamanesh, V, Ramezani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of this research is to study the effect of nose cosmetic surgery on girls’ self-esteem and body image. Twenty two nose cosmetic surgery candidates and twenty two others as control group participated in this study. They were chosen by available sampling method. They answered to the multi-dimensional questionnaire regarding relation between self and their body and to the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire. The nose cosmetic surgery candidates and control group responded to our questionnaires at two stages, respectively. Results showed that, two ‘self-esteem’ and ‘body image’ variables did not show significant change before and after the surgery. But one of the minor scale factors (satisfaction of parts of the body) was seen to be related to the self-esteem. 
S, Hosseini, M. N. Farahani, B, Rashidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and contribution of infertility stress, coping styles with stress, personality traits and social support in the marital adjustment of infertile women. In this study,causal comparative or "exposit facto" research ‎method was used. Population of the study included 201 women who were selected through availability sampling method from those visiting VALI-e-ASR Reproductive Health Research Center. Research tools of the study included the Gadroon's Big Five Factor, The Fertility Problem Inventory, Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. In order to analyze the data, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Regression analysis were used. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between the variables of this study. It was also revealed that social concern, important others, extroversion, emotional coping style, need for parenthood and sexual concern were suitable predictors of the marital adjustment. In sum, the results of the study put an emphasis on the importance of the psychological-Social factors in marital adjustment. 
Pouran, Sourati, Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Alireza, Moradi,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2014)

The present study was conducted in order to study the mediating role of financial behavior management in the relation between the personality traits and subjective well-being. Therefore, a sample consisted of 479 staffs of universities located in Gilan province have answered to the Iranian Big Five (GARDON), financial behavior management and Subjective Well-being Questionnaires, after being selected by the clustered sampling. The data was collected and analyzed by the structural equation modeling method. The results of the analysis showed that the personality traits in total explained 14% of the financial behavior management variance and the personality traits and financial behavior management explained 32% of the subjective well-being variance. Also, this study showed that, on one hand, the path coefficient of three factors of neuroticism / emotional stability, extraversion / happiness and conscience / humility were significantly associated with the subjective well-being and on the other hand, the path coefficient of three factors of conscience / humility, openness/competence and agreeableness/conservativeness were significantly associated with the financial behavior management. Finally, the results of the analysis showed that the path coefficient between the financial behavior management and subjective well-being was significant, and the financial behavior management mediated the relationship between the three factors of conscience / humility, openness/competence and agreeableness/conservativeness and subjective well-being. Totally, considering the results of the present study it can be concluded that probably, by financial behavior management skills training, we can increase the positive effect of personality traits on the subjective well-being and can decrease its negative effects.
Omid Shokri, Mohammad Naghi Farahani, Reza Kormi Nouri, Alireza Moradi‎,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The purpose of this study was to provide a structure- oriented cross-cultural comparison of the within-group relationships between the negative life events, academic stress and subjective well-being among the Iranian and Swedish undergraduate students. On a sample consisting of 205 students (100 Iranian, 105 Swedish) the negative Event Scale, Academic Stress Questionnaire, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and Satisfaction with Life Scale were administrated. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to assess the relationships between the multiple factors in both groups. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the Iranian and Swedish students in terms of the structure –oriented relations of the negative life events, academic stress and subjective wellbeing. However, the results of within-group comparisons showed that among the Iranian students, in comparison to the Swedish students, the negative life events had a high ability in predicting the academic stress and the emotional and cognitive components and that the academic stress had a high ability in predicting the subjective wellbeing. Results of the present study put an emphasis on the similarity of applied features of negative life events and academic stress among the Iranian and Swedish students in predicting the subjective wellbeing.
Maryam Babaeefard, Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hadi Hashemi Razini,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)

The purpose of this study was to determine the factors and facets of Five Factor Model in people with
borderline and schizotypal personality traits.190 Kharazmi university students completed three
questionnaires: Goldberg Inventory, Borderline personality Inventory (BPI) and Schizotypal Personality
Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B). Participants, according to cut off points of Borderline personality Inventory and
Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief, were classified into four groups: high borderline trait, low
borderline trait, high schizotypal trait and low schizotypal trait. When the results of discriminant function for borderline and schizotypal groups were obtained, people who were determined as real borderline and real schizotypal were classified into
two groups named typical borderline and typical schizotypal. Data were analyzed using discriminant
analysis.SPSS.22 was used in order to analyze data. Findings showed that both factors and facets of Five
Factor Model could determine people with borderline and schizotypal personality traits in all six groups. In
the factor level, openness to experience and extraversion and in the facet level, gregariousness, orderliness, tranquility and organization were the best discriminants in typical borderline and typical schizotypal groups respectively.

Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (Volume 10, Issue 4, March ۲۰۱۷ 2017)

Resource congruent model of stress emphasized on the role of cultural schemas and also heterogeneity of coping styles. The aime of this study was to investigate factor structure of coping schema inventory (CSI) which was created based on resourch congruent model. We selected 1۰۴۶ Iranian student who speak in Persian, Kurdish, Lurish and gilaki languages by multistage cluster method. Confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis have been used for assessing psychometric properties. Finding showd that a six factor solution was the best fitted by the pattern in data. These six factor model explained 38% variance of coping schemas inventory. Coping schemas which was identified by factor analysis were religious, situational, passive emotional, acceptance, social support and active emotional. Internal consistency (cronbaches alpha) were calculated 0/65-0/84 for subscales of CSI.It seemed in Iranian culrure coping schemas including situational, religious, passive emotions, social support, acceptance and active emotion was more available and also more usable than other coping schema including self-restructuring, meaning, and tensition reduction. This pattern of results was consisted with predictions of resource congruent model of coping with stress. 

Khadije Alavi, Dr Mohammad Ali Asghari Moghadam, Abbas Rahiminezhad, Hojatolah Farahani,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (volume 11, issue 1, June 2017 2017)

 The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Persian language version of the ambivalence over emotional expression questionnaire (AEQ). Translation-back translation was used to prepare the Persian version of AEQ. A convenience sample of 521 students from three universities in Tehran in 2015-2016 was examined.  We assessed validity of the questionnaire by  construct validity (via exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis) and convergent validity. Cronbach alpha, split half reliability, test-retest reliability coefficients were used for assessing reliablity. Exploratory factor analysis of AEQ’s items showed two factors named ambivalence over expression of positive emotions and ambivalence over expression of negative emotions. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the factor structure resulted from exploratory factor analysis which was different from the proposed factors in original questionaire. For total questionnaire and two extracted factors, Cronbach alphas were between 0.77 and 0.86, the SpearmanBrown coefficients were between 0.77 and 0.88 and the test- retest reliability coefficients were between 0.72 and 0.79. The results of this study indicated that this questionnaire have  appropriate psychometric properties among Iranian Population.

Somayeh Alinasab, Mahnaz Shahgholian, Mohammad Naghi Farahani,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (volume 11, issue 1, June 2017 2017)

The aim of this research was study the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between extraversion/neuroticism with mental well being. In the descriptive (corelational) study, 152 Kharazmi university students (61 male, 91 female) were randomly selected and they answered the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQR-S) and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Also, for assessment of mental well being used the Five-item Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS). Results showed the positive relationship between extraversion with mental well being and mindfulness and the negative relationship between neuroticism with mental well being and mindfulness. Hierarchical regression analysis showed mindfulness have mediating role in the relationship between extraversion and positive affect. Also, mindfulness is mediate role in the relationship between neuroticism and negative affect and in the relationship between neuroticism and life satisfaction

Narges Jalali Farahani, Ahmad Aliopor,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (December 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3 2017)

This research is aimed to examine reliability and validity of the questionnaire which was about individuals' viewpoints on medical help-seeking. The method used in this study was test-type standardization; therefore, a descriptive, survey-type method has been applied. The statistical population includes 1100 students majoring in Psychology, studying at Payam-e- Noor University, South Tehran Branch, in 2016. A convenience-sampling method was used in this study, and 220 students were chosen out of the population mentioned. Cronbach 's Alpha Coefficient method was applied for data analysis; test-duplication was administered to assess validity. In order to examine the questionnaire’s reliability, both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and correlation coefficient were used. The amount obtained for Cronbach’s Alpha was 85%, and the amounts for re-examination and test duplication were .85 and .75respectively, thus it could be concluded that the questionnaire has an acceptable reliability. Both construct validity and concurrent validity were used to examine the questionnaire’s reliability. it can be said that the questionnaire has an appropriate validity based on variance scale. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the obtained factors make a significant model with their own elements and are properly acceptable. In this study, both construct and concurrent reliability were used to investigate the correlation between medical help-seeking and help-seeking behavior in general. According to the results obtained from The Pearson Correlation Coefficient, there has been a significant relationship between help-seeking and help-seeking behavior.
Khadije Alavi, Mohammad Ali Asghari Moghadam, Abbas Rahiminezhad, Hojatolah Farahani,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (volume12, Issuel1 2018)

The objective of this study were to investigate Lynch’s theory of psychopathology with regard to depression. students from three universities in Tehran (n= 521) was selected by convenience sampling method. The measures used in this study were negative temperament scale of Schedule of Non-adaptive and Adaptive Personality, Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale, maladaptive perfectionism subscales of Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire, Personal Need for Structure Scale, Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale and Beck Depression Inventory. The results showed that the model has good fit with data. Bootstrap analysis also confirmed the mediating role of over-controlling and social disconnectedness. Accordingly, the interaction of sensitivity to threats, sensitivity to rewards and parental perfectionism leads to development of an over-controlling coping style; this coping style leads to disturbance in social connectedness and subsequently to depression. Therefore, the results of this study support the Lynch’s model of psychopathology for depression.
Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (volume12, Issue 3 2018)

Culture influence psychological phenomena in different ways. In this article, we introduce a framework for studying relationship between culture and psychological phenomena and we presented findings from some cross-cultural studies in this framework. It seems the definition and classification of personality traits, the experience of stress and mental health moderated by culture. The associations between positive and negative affects and mental health was different among Iranian and Swedish culture. In Iranian culture, both kind of affects was associated with mental health, whereas in Swedish culture, only positive affect was associated with mental health. Iranian students more used primary process against stress, whereas Swedish students more used secondary process. In addition, academic stress among Iranian students was less than Swedish students. It could conclude that there were some similarities and differences between Iranian and Swedish culture in personality traits, experience of anxiety, and coping with stress. Therefore, any policy making in global level and designing behavioral change strategies in national level should be influenced by these cultural similarities and differences
Mohammd Naghi Farahani,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (volume14, Issue 1(COVID-19 and Mental health) 2020)

The COVID-19 virus pandemic, beginning from late 2019 and its continues presence in 2020 has influenced the entire 8 billion populations of human society, governmental structures and health care systems throughout the world. The highest impact of this virus is on humans, despite their  sex, race and cultural background. As a result of its extensive effects, contagious nature and its effect on human's psychological conditions, the term Corona-phobia was introduced. In some countries, the exaggeration and derivatives of this fear have led to public anxiety. Attitude, beliefs and human values can define the state of this phobia in its individual and general sense. Attitude is an evaluation which is built upon facing different matters and can be produced through cognition, emotion, and behavior. It is formed through time and a transformational process and creates beliefs and values, which are not easy to reframe once shaped. On the other hand, personal attitude and beliefs are in constant connection with cultural beliefs. Perhaps in a maximizing condition, it can be assumed that personal beliefs won't last long without cultural beliefs. Therefore, this new pandemic virus can establish different implications and beliefs, governing our deeds in the years to come. This paper is intended to overlook attitudes and beliefs during the coronal virus pandemic, using a theoretical model, and assess the new formation of personal and cultural beliefs under stress and evaluate the expectancy of new conditions during the post-Corona time.

Mrs Mahnoosh Kamranvand, Dr Fateme Dehghani-Arani, Dr Reza Rostami, Dr Khosro Sadeghniat, Dr Hojjatollah Farahani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between beliefs about stress and quantitative pattern of brain waves with post-traumatic growth dimensions in patients hospitalized due to Covid-19 disease. Post-traumatic growth is the mental experience of positive psychological changes caused by a person as a result of coping with challenging situations. In this study, 66 people with Covid-19 who were admitted to Baharloo Hospital in Tehran as an experience of stressful events were selected by convenience sampling and completed questionnaires beliefs about stress and post-traumatic growth and brain waves were recorded at rest. The results showed that brain components are a better predictor of post-traumatic growth components than beliefs about stress. According to the results, it can be said that more objective instruments such as EEG have good predictive power in complex psychological and multidimensional cases such as post-traumatic growth.

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