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Showing 5 results for Attachment Styles

H, Ghaedi Far, M. S, Abdkhodai, H. R, Aghamohammadian Sherbaf,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the moderator role of sense of coherence in the relationship between attachment style and self-regulation in students. The current study is of descriptive correlational design. The statistical population of this study was 1319 females of the second and third grade students of high school at Kazeroon in 1390-1391 academic year. 255 of them were chosen through relative stratified sampling. Adult attachment questionnair's hazan & shaver, Self-Regulation Questionnaire, Flensburg’s Sense of coherence scale, were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, one way analysis of variance, Multiple Regression analysis, and path analysis by SPSS 16 and Liseral softwares. The results showed a direct significant relationship between secure attachment style and self-regulation and sense of coherence. Final results showed a significant negative relationship between ambivalent attachment style and sense of coherence and self-regulation.
Fatemeh Taheri‎, Mahnaz Shahgholian, Jahangir Kashefi Neyshaboori‎,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and Alexithymia. In the academic year 2012-2013, 300 female high school students of Avaj city participated in this study and they completed Attachment Style, Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness questionnaire and Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Results showed that there was a negative significant relationship between Alexithymia and secure attachment style and avoidant attachment style and that there was a positive relationship between Alexithymia and anxiety attachment style and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness. Ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and anxiety attachment style were predicators of difficult changes in identifying the emotion and Ambivalence over expressiveness and secure attachment style was predicator of the variance of difficulty in describing the emotion. 11% of the externally oriented thinking variance was explained by Ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and anxiety attachment style. Also 21% of the Alexithymia variance was explained by Ambivalence, anxiety and secure attachment styles. In order to prevent Alexithymia, in addition to strengthening the safety features of the attachment, it is needed to enhance the ability to regulate the emotions to overcome the ambivalence over emotional expressiveness.
Majid Saffarinia, Soheila Dehkhodaei,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2020)

The aim of this study was to present an exploratory model to express the relationships between a set of factors including personality factors, attachment styles, control source, coping strategies and perceived stress and disease perception in patients with hemophilia, emphasizing the mediating role of social exchange styles. The present study is a correlational study based on path analysis. In order to conduct the study, 450 patients from the Hemophilia Support Centre in Isfahan were randomly selected. The instruments used in this study included the Neo Five Personality Factor Questionnaire, the Hazen and Shaver Attachment Styles Scale, the Rutter Control Scale, the Andler and Parker Stress Coping Questionnaire, the Cohen Perceived Stress Questionnaire, the Disease Perception Questionnaire and the Libman Social Learning Exchange Questionnaire. The results indicated a linear relationship between a group of factors such as neurotic personality traits, responsibility, extraversion and flexibility, two coping styles (emotion-oriented, problem-oriented and avoidance) and a secure attachment style and disease perception. The results also showed personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, pleasantness, flexibility and responsibility), coping styles (avoidance and emotion-oriented), attachment style (safe and unsafe ambivalent) and source of control are related to the perception of disease through the mediating role of social exchange style fairness. Therefore, in order to provide measures to improve the perception of patients with hemophilia, it is necessary to pay special attention to personality traits, coping styles, attachment style, source of control and perceived stress in addition to fair social exchange styles.

Dr Samaneh Khazaei, Dr Shokouh Navabinejad, Dr Valiollah Farzad, Dr Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

This study has been aimed to investigate the mediating role of feelings of shame and guilt in the relationship of the attachment styles and covert relational aggression (CRA) in marriage. The present study is a correlational study as a type of structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population consisted of 320 married couples collected by convenience sampling in Birjand Collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and SEM methods. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between research variables. Testing the conceptual model showed that feelings of shame and guilt had a significant mediating role in the relationship between anxiety attachment style and CRA (love withdrawal and social sabotage). According to the results, anxious attachment style has more effect on feelings of shame and guilt. The results indicated the effective role of secure attachment styles, anxiety and avoidance on love withdrawal. Feelings of shame had a significant positive relationship with both CRA and feelings of guilt had a significant relationship only with social sabotage. The results of the mediator role also showed a significant role of shame and guilt in the relationship between anxiety attachment style and CRA (love withdrawal and social sabotage).

Dr Azra Zebardast, Dr Sajjad Rezaei, Mrs Fatemeh Rezvandel-Ramzi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2022)

One of the main challenges in treating chronic disease is patients' adherence to treatment instructions. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between attachment styles and treatment adherence in patients with chronic disease. The research design was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all patients with diabetes and hypertension in Guilan province in 2020. A sample of 399 people were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were collected through the Collins and Reed's Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale(CD-RISC), and the Modanloo Adherence to Treatment Questionnaire. Data processing was performed using path analysis technique in AMOS-24 software setting and bootstrap analysis in Macro program of Preacher and Hayes (2008). There was a significant direct relationship between adherence to treatment with resilience and secure and avoidant attachment style(p<0.01). However, there was no relationship between adherence to treatment and ambivalent attachment(p>0.05). The fit of the mediator model was improved after deleting the two non-significant paths and it was obtained a good fit by releasing the covariance error between the ambivalent attachment and the secure and avoidant attachment (CFI=1.00, RMSEA=0.086). Bootstrap analysis revealed that resilience mediates the associations between endogenous and exogenous variables. The coefficient of determination in the final model demonstrated that all exogenous and mediating variables predict 21% of the changes in the adherence to treatment. Resilience and attachment pattern are important in patients' adherence to the treatment procedure and it is suggested that skills and strategies for coping with the disease stress and increasing the capacity to adaptive coping to life-threatening conditions be included in the treatment program of patients with chronic diseases.

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