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Showing 1 results for Internet Abusive Use

Shekoofeh Mottaghi, Sedighe Safaie,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2017)

This study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of Persian language version of internet abusive use questionnaire (IAUQ). Translation-back translation was used to prepare the Persian version of the IAUQ. The target population of the study included all students in public universities in Yazd Province, Iran. Using convenience sampling, a total of 318 correctly completed questionnaires of IAUQ, Young's questionnaire for internet addiction and demographic properties  were collected. Collected data were analyzed by synchronous reliability, internal consistency, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Chronbach's alpha. Findings extracted two factors for the questionnaire. Also, Chronbach's alpha coefficient and convergent reliability were 0/91 and 0/82, respectively.  After content validation, confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate construct validity of IAUQ. Finding  showed The dual-factor structure corresponds to the proposed factors in original questionnaire. Results showed that the IAUQ  for Iranian society have optimal psychometric properties and could be used  in Iranian sample.

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