Showing 14 results for Social Support
A Alahyari, M Heydari, M Melyani, N Hamid,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)
The goal of this study was to survey the relation between the social support and depression in the martyred and non-martyred father high school girl students in Ahvaz, Iran. A sample of 175 girl students, 85 martyred father students and 90 non-martyred students, were selected to complete the social support and Beck depression questionnaire. For the analysis of the data t-test and correlation coefficient were used. The findings of the study indicated that there wasn’t a significant difference between the martyred and non-martyred father students in terms of social support however, the degree of martyred father students’ depression was significantly more in comparison with the non-martyred father students’ depression. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between the social support and depression in both groups: martyred and non-martyred father students
Keivan Kakabaraee, Gholam Ali Afrooz, Haidar Ali Hooman, Alireza Moradi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)
The purpose of this study was to compare the mental wellbeing, Coping Styles and perceived social support in parents having more than one exceptional and normal child. In the present study, which is an ex post facto research, 800 parents (400 parents having exceptional children and 400 parents having normal children) were selected by simple random sampling and multi-stage sampling. They completed Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations: Short Form (CISS-SF), multidimensional scale of the Social Support (MSPSS), and the mental wellbeing scales including the satisfaction with the life scale (SWLS) and the positive and negative affect. Data analyzed with the multivariate Analysis of Variance showed that there was a significant difference between these two groups of parents in terms of mental wellbeing. As far as the life satisfaction and positive affect are concerned, the parents having normal children got higher scores in comparison with the parents having normal children. The results also showed that there was a difference between the two groups in terms of the problem-focused and emotion-focused coping styles no difference was seen in terms of the avoidance coping style The results also showed that parents having exceptional children got lower grades in three dimensions of social support(family, friends and others) in comparison with the parents having normal children. According to the findings of the study, having an exceptional child , especially having more than one, would affect the psychological health of the family and the immediate relatives.
Fereshte Haghighat, Ata Tehranchi, Parisa Dehkordian, Seyed Kazem Rasoolzade Tabatabaei,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2013)
Aim of present study was to study the role of psychological factors and pain-related variables in the prediction of the emotional distress in MS patients. Sample of the study was consisted of 249 patients with Multiple Sclerosis visiting M.S society of Isfahan and was selected through convenience sampling. Of this sample, 12 patients were not included because they didn’t meet the inclusion criteria. Participants answered to the questionnaires of pain-related self-efficacy, ego strength and multidimensional pain inventory. To analyze the data, Pearson correlation and stepwise regression analysis were used. Results indicated that ego strength and pain related self-efficacy could significantly and negatively predict the emotional distress in M.S patients. Social support also predicted the emotional distress significantly and positively. Findings of present research were consistent with the results of the previous studies that demonstrated the role of self-conceptions in predicting the emotional distress. Given the positive correlation between social support and emotional distress in this study that is consistent with some studies and that is different with some other studies, it is recommended to study the relationship between perceived and real social support and emotional distress in the future studies.
M Ahmadi Tahour Soltani, R, Kormi Neia, H, Ahadi, A. R, Moradi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)
The aim of the this research was to present a causal model for explaining hope through using Structural Equation Modeling in a sample of Iranian University students. Therefore, a sample of 379 students were selected via multiple stage sampling method from Hamadan university and they responded to Sympson's Hope Scale, Sherer self-efficacy scale, adult attachment style scale, multidimensional perceived social support, life regard index (Meaningful life) and goal orientation questionnaire. Before fitting the basic model, psychometric properties of the tools were investigated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. In the designed model, attachment styles, Meaningful life and social support were considered as the exogenous latent variables (independent variables), self-efficacy and mastery goal orientation as the mediator latent variables, and hope as the endogenous latent variable (dependent variable). Results indicated that theoretical model was fit with the data. Also the results showed that the social support and Meaningful life were directly and indirectly, and secure attachment was directly in a significant relationship with the hope. Furthermore, avoidance attachment was directly in a significant relationship with the hope through self-efficacy mediator variable. All the variables proposed to explain the hope could explain 0.46 percent of its variance.
S, Hosseini, M. N. Farahani, B, Rashidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and contribution of infertility stress, coping styles with stress, personality traits and social support in the marital adjustment of infertile women. In this study,causal comparative or "exposit facto" research method was used. Population of the study included 201 women who were selected through availability sampling method from those visiting VALI-e-ASR Reproductive Health Research Center. Research tools of the study included the Gadroon's Big Five Factor, The Fertility Problem Inventory, Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. In order to analyze the data, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Regression analysis were used. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between the variables of this study. It was also revealed that social concern, important others, extroversion, emotional coping style, need for parenthood and sexual concern were suitable predictors of the marital adjustment. In sum, the results of the study put an emphasis on the importance of the psychological-Social factors in marital adjustment.
Karineh Tahmassian, Hajar Bahrami, Hajar Bahrami,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)
Depression is a common psychological disorder among the mothers of newborn children and it correlates with the social and psychological adjustment of children and parents. The aim of the present research was to examine the factors affecting the depression in the mothers with the children under the age of two. The sample of this descriptive-correlation study included 220 mothers having the children under the age of two of women of Tehran, who were at Tehran’s Parks, these subjects were selected by purposeful and accessible sampling method. Also, the tools used to collect the data included Beck Depression Inventory, Parenting Stress Index, Sources of Social Support Scale, Maternal efficacy Questionnaire, Maternal separation anxiety scale and Child temperament questionnaire. Stepwise regression analysis showed that parenting stress and parenting self- efficacy in two steps could explain 29% of variance in maternal depression. Therefore, educational programs relevant to the mentioned factors can reduce the maternal depression and can prevent from children’s psychological problems.
Hamid, Asadi, Mohammad Bagher Kajbaf, S. Ali, Kolahdouzan, Saaid, Godarzi, Sorya, Hoseinirazi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)
This study aimed to design a predictive model to identification of protective and risk factors in college student at the risk of mental disorders. This research was designed according to the correlation analysis, and the sample society (560 students) was selected from 4564 students of ShahidBeheshti University using Stratified Random Sampling Method. The collected data was based on the General Health Factors Goldberg, Social Support Bakhshipoor, Piravi and Abediian, Coping Strategies Endler and Parker, the Suicide Risk Scale of Northwest Behavioral Health Research Center, and Mentor Research Institute Scale. The data was then analyzed using logistic regression.The results showed that religious beliefs, social support, and problem-focused coping strategies effectively decrease and emotion-focused coping strategies and record of mental disorders effectively increase the risk of mental disorder. The benefit of having a more-developed religious belief can decrease the odds the risk of mental disorder to than 0/34 sized (-0/66), social support to than 0/64 sized (-0/36) and problem-focused coping strategies to than 0/77 sized (-0/23), While having a record of mental disorder and emotion-focused coping strategies can respectively increase the odds the risk of mental disorder to 4.35 and 1.95. By designing a predictive model, we can reinforce the protective factors and control the risk factors in order to use them for primary preventive models.
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Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2016)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived social support on adherence through resilience and hope in patients with type 2 diabetes. 234 patients with type 2 diabetes among files available with diagnosis type 2 diabetes in health center Lamerd were selected by simple random sampling method. Participants were asked to complete Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Hope Scale, Resilience Scale and General Adherence Scale. Structural equation modeling through AMOS-16 software packages were used for data analysis. Analysis of structural equation modeling indicated that default model don’t fit for data and require to improvement. As a result, by eliminating non-significant routes final model fit to the data was confirmed. Other analyses revealed that the support of friends and other important people support were able to predict resiliency. As well the support of friends and other important people support indirectly predicted resilience through adherence. Hope also hadn’t a role mediating variable in the model. The findings of this study can be concluded that the resilience can be reinforced as the mediator variable effect of perceived social support (eg, support of friends and other important people support) on adherence to treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Mahsa Amid, Omid Shokri, Fariba Zarani,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (11-2016)
Objective: This study examined the mediating effect of health-promoting lifestyle behaviors on the relationship between internal/external religious orientations and perceived social support with emotional well-being and life satisfaction among university students. Method: On a sample consisting of 410 students (157 male 253 female), the Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation Scale(I/EROS), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLP-II), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)were administrated. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating effects model of health-promoting lifestyle behaviors on the relationship between internal/external religious orientations and perceived social support with emotional well-being and life satisfaction among university students. Results: Results showed that there is a positive significant correlation between internal religious orientation and social support with healthy lifestyle behaviors and a positive non-significant correlation between external religious orientations with health-promoting lifestyle behaviors. Results also indicated that there is a positive significant correlation between health-promoting lifestyle behaviors with positive affect and life satisfaction and a negative significant correlation between health-promoting lifestyle behaviors with negative affect. Results of structural equation modeling also showed that the relationship between internal religious orientation and social support with positive and negative affect and life satisfaction is mediated fully by health-promoting lifestyle behaviors. In this hypothesized model, internal/external religious orientations and perceived social support factors accounted for 29% of the variance in health-promoting lifestyle behaviors. Also, health-promoting lifestyle behaviors accounted for 64%, 16% and 38% of the variance in positive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction variables, respectively. Conclusion: In sum, these finding show that the part of available variance in emotional well-being and life satisfaction in the context of prediction these cognitive and emotional components by internal/external religious orientations and perceived social support, accounted for persons' health-promoting lifestyle behaviors.
Dr Mohsen Amiri,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between severities of deafness, child’s age, social support, parents’ Demographic variable and family function with stress and mental health among parents of children with hearing impairment. This study was a correlational study and to carry it out 180 parents were selected using availability sampling method. They completed perceived social support questionnaire, PSI index, GHQ, FAD-I scale and demographic questionnaires for parents and children. To analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and hierarchical regression were used. Correlation coefficients showed that the severity of deafness and child's age had positive relationship with parents’ mental health problems and stress. Furthermore, there was a significant negative relationship between social support, family income and family function. Also, the correlations between problem solving, emotion expression and mental health and parental stress were significantly negative. Therefore, family function, child's characteristics, perceived social support and family income had a relationship with mental health and parental stress.
Seyed Sadegh Nabavi, Faramarz Sohrabi, Gholamali Afrooz, Ali Delavar, Simin Hosseinian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2017)
The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived social support and mental health among teachers. Sample consisted of 447 teachers which selected by cluster random sampling. In order to collect research data from the General Health Questionnaire, general self-efficacy questionnaire and Social Support Questionnaire were used. The results of path analysis showed that social support can mediate the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers. There have significiant diffrences between genders in anxiety and insomnia symptoms. There were not significiant difrences between elementary school and secondary school teachers in outcome variableres. Path analysis showed that 15% of teacher’s mental health scores was explained through the perceived social support. It could be concluded that social support had a pivotal role in teacher self efficacy and mental health.
Ayat Saadattalab, Mostafa Jafari,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2020)
This study examines the mediator role of spiritual happiness in the relationship between social capital and social support with employee’s resiliency against Covid-19 diseases pandemy during social distance. The research method was descriptive correlational. The study population consisted all of employees (No= 574) in Tehran University Agriculture College, in 1399 spring. 200 employee were selected as a samples by available sampling method. To collect research data questionnaire as Afrooz spiritual happiness, social capital (Nahapiet and Ghoshal), social support (Phillips) and Conner & Davidson resilience was used. Data analysis was done by using structural equation modeling in AMOS And Spss-22 software. The results showed that the research model was very favorable fit with experimental data, and spiritual happiness has mediating role in relation with social capital and social support with employees resiliency in against Corona virus diseases, in the Social distance period. Accordingly, the relationship between the variables of social capital and social support with resilience through spiritual happiness was confirmed in the form of path analysis. Thus, the variable of spiritual happiness showed a facilitating role in the relationship between social capital and social support with resilience. Also, the two social capital and social support variables had a direct and positive effect on employee resilience. Based on the results, it can be concluded that spiritual happiness among employees is the role of facilitator in promoting resilience. This means that the increase in social capital and social support, led to increase of spiritual happiness, and also resilience increased in front of coronavirus disease stress. In order to explain the resiliency in front of the corona disease during social distance social, we can use benefits of social capital and social support benefits to increase spiritual happiness and resilience. |
Peyman Mamsharifi, Faramarz Sohrabi, Hanieh Rezaeifar, Haniye Rouzbehani, Nazanin Asadi, Sara Shabanian Aval Khansari, Zahra Roshanghias,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2020)
The aim of this study was to predict mental health based on social support and personality traits. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was all members of Red Crescent Society of seven provinces of Iran (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan, Gilan, Kerman and Hormozgan) that 218 of them were selected the census method as the research sample. Measurement tools include, Social Support Questionnaire, Symptom Check List-25 and Neo Five Factor Inventory. Then data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and Stepwise regression. The results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between social support and mental health. There was also a significant positive relationship between neurotic personality dimension and mental health (high scores in the mental health questionnaire indicate low mental health). The results of stepwise regression analysis also showed that social support and neurotic personality dimension were able to explain and predict 20% of the variance of the mental health. Based on the research results, it can be said that social support and personality traits can play a significant role in promoting mental health in individuals and the need to pay attention to these important variables in mental health promotion programs should be considered.
Amir Yousefi, Mohsen Jalali, Mohmmad Taghi Badelleh Shamushki, Leila Sadat Azizi Ziabari,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2024)
The aim of the present study was to analyze the structural relationships of treatment adherence based on emotional self-awareness in patients with psoriasis and to examine the mediating role of perceived social support. This research employed a descriptive-correlational design using structural equation modeling. The statistical population included psoriasis patients referred to three specialized dermatology hospitals in Tehran. Convenience sampling was used, and ultimately, 250 psoriasis patients meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Various tools were utilized for data collection, including the Treatment Adherence Questionnaire (Ziaei, 2011), the Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (Zimet et al., 1988), and the Emotional Self-Awareness Questionnaire (Reef et al., 2007).The results of the structural equation modeling analysis indicated that emotional self-awareness has a direct and significant effect on treatment adherence in patients with psoriasis. Additionally, perceived social support and concerns about body image also had a direct impact on treatment adherence. Furthermore, the findings revealed that emotional self-awareness indirectly and significantly affects treatment adherence through the mediation of body image concerns and perceived social support.These results highlight the importance of considering psychological and social dimensions, such as emotional self-awareness and social support, in the treatment process of patients with psoriasis, as they can improve treatment adherence and therapeutic outcomes.